Personal Dev

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Development does not always about physical attributes, how people externally

change, perhaps it also deals with internal progression where we learn and adapt the
changing environment for sustenance. After days of comprehension and integration of
the context of development, I have realized that in order to completely grasp the
essence of personal development one should be willing to accept every circumstance
that might come along way of attaining growth. Based on my experiences, it was indeed
difficult to leave behind memories and practices you had been with for many years just
for personal change. It feels like breaking ties with your loved one; you still wanted to
hold but the urge of development is telling you to let go, perhaps it is just one of the
many circumstances a development may bring. Regardless how many times we wish
and try to bring back those times we can do nothing but to just reminisce the memories
and experiences which eventually honed the self we are today. To contextualize,
development should always have a place in ourselves because the less space we have
the less likely we will improve ourselves in different aspects.
Developmental Psychology taught me that when in comes to developing yourself
you can never entrust it with somebody else, no one will do it for you. From the word
itself, Personal, it is always your responsibility to develop, make the right things and
decide for yourself. Apart from this, as a sentient and rational being who never stops
learning, I can use this knowledge to help push myself to substantially develop. Through
navigating within the different phases of my personal development I can be able to
distinguish which time and place should I improve or lay down myself, awareness of the
process is what makes it easier to achieve progress. Furthermore, I surmise this may be
sufficient to fuel my future understanding and actions of what development really is.
I will just simply ingrain within myself that development is phase by phase, it will
surely take time to fully understand and cherish the sense of personal development.
Through this mentality, I will be able to understand others. Knowing that development
takes time, it gives me enough reason to not judge others too quickly. Some may seem
harsh or lousy however, as a person equipped with learning, we can consider it as
maybe part of the process and they are still undergoing the phase of personal
development. It is quite difficult to achieve personal development that is why open-
mindedness is one of the key players on making a safe space for those who are going
through the process of growth. For sure, there is no one who ever attain personal
development with just one night, right? So, embracing and understanding everyone on
their phases will absolutely strengthen them to significantly continue their progress
regardless how hard and easy it is. Progress is still a progress.

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