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Effect of Organizational Culture

in the Production Level of Perfume business in Concepcion Tarlac

Thesis Presented to the

Faculty of Concepcion Holy Cross College

School of Business Administration and Accountancy Department

Concepcion Holy Cross College

Concepcion Tarlac

In partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Major in Financial Management








APRIL 2024

Table of Contents


BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY______________________________________4

STATEMENT OF THE OBJECTIVE___________________________________6

SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY______________________________________8

SCOPE AND DELIMITATION________________________________________9

DEFINITION OF TERMS____________________________________________10

REVIEW RELATED LITERATURE__________________________________10

REVIEW RELATED STUDIES_______________________________________19

CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK ______________________________________26

CHAPTER 2 _______________________________________________________27

RESEARCH DESIGN _______________________________________________27

LOCAL OF THE STUDY____________________________________________27

THE PARTICIPANT ________________________________________________28

SAMPLING DESIGN _______________________________________________28

RESEARCH INSTRUMENT _________________________________________28

DATA GATHERING ________________________________________________29

DATA ANALYSIS __________________________________________________30

POTENTIAL ETHICAL ISSUES _____________________________________30

REFERENCES _____________________________________________________31



QUESTIONNAIRE USED IN STUDY _________________________________37

Chapter I

The Problem and Its Background

Background of the Study

Organizational culture has a big role in maintaining and stabilizing the

business. This includes the production level of the entity. There are impacts of

organizational culture which includes negative effect if the behavior that has been

executed is also negative. But if the employees’ behavior and application of

organizational culture are right, then the impact must be positive also.

Culture is a term used to define the customs, achievements, values, norms and

general beliefs of a certain group of individuals. Organizational culture therefore

defines the environment for everything that happens within a company. It’s the

spoken and unspoken behaviors and mindsets that define how your business functions

on a day-to-day basis. It also codifies what it’s like for employees to work there.

Organizational culture includes the mission and objectives along with values,

leadership and employee expectations, structured performance management and

overall engagement levels. By building a strong culture, businesses can provide

consistency and direction, guide decisions and actions, fuel the workforce and help

reach their potential. While organizational culture is an integral part of a business, it’s

not always visible to long-term employees. It blends into the daily routine and

becomes second nature. Regardless of whether you’ve just joined the company and

you are overwhelmed with new routines or you’re a seasoned employee who no

longer notices the fast-paced environment around you, organizational culture

continues to exist. The longer you’re at a business, the more it becomes ingrained into

who you are (Peter Drucker, Trinet Team, 2021).

Organizational culture influences on performance and productivity of

organization. It gives guidelines for quality of product, punctuality, safety and other

factor affecting on environment. Organizational culture is unusual for every

organization and it is very problematic to change it. An employee performance based

upon the combination of good working skill and work environment. There is need of

some sort of motivation to get the good performance from employees. Motivation can

come from salaries and other incentives. Productive work can be created by effective

motivation. Employees feel that an organization has made a commitment to them to

perform better. Organizational commitment offers a good pay and allowances, offer

for employee's higher education costs, give a training that keeps employee updated

and gives the chance of promotion (Nazir, & Zamir,et al 2015).

The previous researcher's shown that organizational culture influence the

performance of the productivity of the organization. However the researcher will

conduct a study if it's accurate in local or near in the province of Tarlac. Since the

study of the previous researcher's was conduct in the other country.

This research was conduct to know the effect of organizational culture in the

production of perfume business in Concepcion, Tarlac. The researchers choose the to become their subject with the approval of the owner. There is a

evidence according to the owner they applied organizational culture to maximize the

full potential of the employee. The set of values, belief, attitude, system, and rules that

outline and influence employee behavior with organization. The positive benefits of

this research is to spread more knowledge about the importance effects of

organizational culture towards the corporate performance especially in production

level of the corporation. can enhance protocols and know more

information about the impacts of organizational culture towards their production level.

Statement of the Objective

Ultimately, the purpose of this study was to know the effect of organizational

culture in the production of perfume business in Concepcion, Tarlac. The dependent

variable of this research was the production level of while the independent

variable was effect of organizational culture. "The objective of this research is to

investigate the impact of organizational culture on the production efficiency and

performance of in Concepcion, Tarlac. Specifically, the study aims to

analyze how the implementation of organizational culture influences employee

behavior, productivity, and overall corporate performance, with the ultimate goal of

providing insights and recommendations for to enhance its protocols and

optimize production levels."

1. To assess the current levels of employee satisfaction within’ production


- To gather feedback from employees regarding their overall satisfaction, perceptions

of organizational culture, and work experiences within the production department.

- To identify key factors influencing employee satisfaction, including leadership style,

communication practices, and opportunities for growth and development.

2. To explore the existing organizational culture within’ production

department and its impact on employee satisfaction.

- To examine the values, norms, and behaviors that characterize’

production department culture and its alignment with employee needs and


- To analyze how’ organizational culture within the production department

influences employee morale, motivation, and job satisfaction.

3. To identify opportunities for enhancing’s organizational culture within

the production department to improve employee satisfaction.

- To solicit input from employees regarding their desired organizational culture

attributes and areas for improvement within the production department.

- To pinpoint specific aspects of’ production department culture that

require adjustment or enhancement to better support employee well-being and


4. To develop actionable recommendations for’s to optimize its

organizational culture within the production department and enhance employee


- To synthesize findings from the assessment of’s production department

culture and employee satisfaction levels to formulate targeted recommendations.

- To propose strategies and initiatives for’s to foster a positive and

supportive organizational culture within the production department that prioritizes

employee well-being, engagement, and job satisfaction.

5. To evaluate the potential impact of implementing recommended changes to’s production department culture on employee satisfaction and production


- To assess the feasibility and resource requirements associated with implementing

proposed enhancements to’s production department culture.

- To forecast the anticipated improvements in employee satisfaction levels, retention

rates, and production efficiency resulting from the implementation of recommended


6. To contribute insights and best practices for other businesses in the perfume

industry seeking to optimize their organizational culture and employee satisfaction

levels within production departments.

- To document key learnings, success stories, and challenges encountered during the

research process and the implementation of recommendations.

- To share research findings and practical recommendations through industry channels,

conferences, and publications to facilitate knowledge exchange and industry-wide

improvement efforts.

Significance of the Study

This study would benefit the following:

Corporation. This study will benefit the corporation by giving them information how

organizational culture impact its production level, and to come up with a remedy

basing on the effect.

Owner. This study will benefit the owner by giving them awareness about the impact

of organizational culture, how to act and impose the right organizational culture to

increase production level.

Employee. This will benefit the employee by giving them knowledge and guidance

about organizational culture and help the corporation.

Customer. This will benefit the customers by always having the product available,

due to the impact of organizational culture to the production level.

Community. This will benefit the community by giving them awareness the impact

of organizational culture to the production level.

Future Entrepreneurs. This will benefit the future entrepreneurs by giving them

knowledge and the background on how the organizational culture affect the

production level.

Researchers. This research would help them gain more knowledge and understanding

about the impact of organizational culture to the production level.

Future Researchers. This study would serve as a guide and source of information for

their study in the future.

Scope and Delimitation

This study entitled “Effect of Organizational Culture in the Production Level

of Perfume Business in Concepcion, Tarlac” that would be conduct by BSBA III

students at Concepcion Holy Cross College, Inc. of Concepcion, Tarlac, School Year


The result of the study can't be use in general public since the participant it

specific company situated in Concepcion, Tarlac. since the participants is limited on

sample size.

Definition of Terms

Organizational Culture. It is the independent variable and subject of this research

study. It is how the employees act, and execute of beliefs inside the organization.

Effect. A change which a result or consequence of an action or other cause

Production Level. It is the dependent variable of this study. It is the measurement of

production of the entity itself.

Literature Review and Related Studies

Review Related Literature

This section presents the current literature and previous studies regarding the

effect of organizational culture.


According to various sources such as (McCune and Peterson,et al 2021), there

are several types of organizational culture that can affect how employees work, how

decisions are made, and the overall success of an organization. These culture types

include the Clan culture, which emphasizes collaboration and teamwork; the

Adhocracy culture, which values creativity and risk-taking; the Market culture, which

prioritizes achievement and competitiveness; and the Hierarchy culture, which is

characterized by structure and control. It is important to note that many organizations

may exhibit a mix of these culture types, and that different departments or teams

within an organization may have their own unique subcultures.

From the interpretative analysis, it may be concluded that in the state of

Manipur there is a better overall organizational culture in comparison with the overall

effectiveness of service sector organization. Besides, each component/domain and its

facets of organizational culture is found to possess better effectiveness of service

organization except in the lone domain of adaptability. Moreover, there is a direct and

highly significant relation between the organizational culture and effectiveness of

service sector organizations, which is established by r-values in the state. In other

words, the state witnesses better organizational culture as compared to the

effectiveness of service sector organizations (Nungchim, Leihaothabam,et al 2022).

The organizational culture is briefly defined as the main suppositions about

the world and the values that direct life in companies (Schneider & Ehrhart 2013).

According to ( Kalyar & Rafi, 2013), the organization's culture refers to the values,

beliefs and suppositions that the organization’s members perceive of the company.

Although there is no standard definition for the organizational culture, many

scholars mention that the organizational culture is something that is "holistic,

historically determined by founders or leaders. It is related to things that

anthropologists study like rituals and symbols, socially constructed (created and

preserved by the group of people who together form the organization), which is, soft,

and difficult to change" (Abu-Jarad, Yusof,et al 2010 p.34).

Enhancing the organizational culture through the development of strong

relationship with main stakeholders is one of the tools that can be used by a

corporation to be more efficient and competitive. It also contributes towards

strengthening the company’s competitive advantage (Surroca, Tribó,et al 2010). In

this respect, a company cannot enhance its organizational culture without focusing on

it, in order to create more transparent conditions among all stakeholders and increase

competitive benefits over its rivals.

There are several conclusions that can be made out of the studies presented

above. Firstly, the findings of the previous studies did not have consistent results on

the relationship between organizational culture and CFP. Some studies had conflicting

results in their studies for the dimensions of organizational culture on CFP

( Naranjo,Valencia,et al., 2016). Others found that there is a positive relationship

between organizational culture and CFP. Conversely, (Yesil and Kaya,2013) reported

that there is no such relationship. Additionally, the relationship between some

dimensions of organizational culture is negative with CFP (Naranjo,Valencia et al.,

2016). These contradictory results suggest further investigation of the direct effect of

organizational culture on the financial performance, as well as, the boundary

conditions that strengthen or weaken the relationship.

Due to globalization, business markets are becoming more and more

competitive. International companies shift production lines, outsource services to

become more cost-effective. In these times, change is an inevitable consequence.

Nevertheless that large organization have access to the same legal, economic,

marketing or other consultant companies some organizations are more effective than

others. Author’s opinion is that one of the reasons is internal. How the organization

internally can form organizational climate. Relations between employees,

developing organizational culture, is key to success. Therefore, it is important to look

into correlation between organizational climate and organizational culture. As

psychological climate is denied as the individual employee’s perception of the

psychological impact of the work environment on his or her own well-being, but

when employees in a particular work unit agree on their perceptions of the impact

of their work environment, their shared perceptions can be aggregated to describe

their organizational climate (Skvarciany, Iljins,et al 2015).

Business managers use collaborative organizational culture to make a

succesful intergration between member company culture and corporate culture

(Gajewski, 2013). (Latif and Ullah, 2016) indicated that collaborative culture and

internal service quality have a direct and positive impact on the organizational

performance whilst internal service quality partially mediates the relationship between

collaborative culture and organizational performance.

Every organization has a group of people with different cultures and

backgrounds. Organizational culture is important to combining the organization

members’ different backgrounds and personal culture into a a commonly accepted

organizational culture effectiveness (Hartnell, 2011). The effective organizational

culture characteristics contains employee satisfaction and empowerment in the

organization, which are key to motivate and retain competent and trustworthy


In an organizational culture, business managers establish an effective

communication, which is important to coordinate employee’s activity and increase

involvement in the organizational decision-making process (Givens,2012).

Organizational culture emerges from the collection of the organizational member’s

behaviors. Effective organizational culture never exists without a group of people,

shared assumptions,and effective communication (Sok,Blommed,et al 2014).

There are few studies in the past literature on the relationships between

organizational culture, national culture, and individual work performance. In

particular, there are considerable differences between both sides of the Taiwan Strait

due to various factors at all levels, but also few studies have explored the differences

in organizational culture, national culture, and individual work performance in detail.

Summarizing the aforementioned research motivations, the main objectives of

this study were to (1) examine the impact of organizational culture on individual work

performance; (2) explore the moderating effect of national culture on the relationship

between organizational culture and individual work performance; and (3) investigate

the differences in organizational culture and national culture between different types

of ownership and regions.

The results demonstrated that organizational hierarchy culture had a

significant positive impact on task performance; clan culture and adhocracy culture

had a significant positive effect on contextual performance; and clan culture had a

significant negative effect on counterproductive work behavior; however, adhocracy

culture had a significant positive effect on counterproductive work behavior.

Review Related Literature


According to various sources such as (McCune, Peterson,et al 2021) there are

several types of organizational culture that can affect how employees work, how

decisions are made, and the overall success of an organization. These culture types

include the Clan culture, which emphasizes collaboration and teamwork; the

Adhocracy culture, which values creativity and risk-taking; the Market culture, which

prioritizes achievement and competitiveness; and the Hierarchy culture, which is

characterized by structure and control. It is important to note that many organizations

may exhibit a mix of these culture types, and that different departments or teams

within an organization may have their own unique subcultures.

Organizational culture is a system of values, beliefs, and behaviour patterns

which subconsciously drives members of the organization to make each choice and

decision (Ortega-Parra, Sastre-Castillo,et al 2013). (Schneider.,2013) indicated

organizational culture as the norms that members of an organization perceive as their

work environment, and these norms influence how members behave and adapt to

achieve organizational goals. Organizational culture is the way that organizational

members interact with each other and other stakeholders (Simoneaux & Stroud, 2014).

(Yirdaw 2016) indicated organizational culture as the glue which combines the

nonhuman resources to the human resources in an organization to build teamwork and

good performance.

Organizational culture may be derived from various sources, such as the

beliefs and assumptions of the founders, and the learning experience of members of

the organization (Ruiz-Palomino, Martínez-Cañas,et al 2014)

(Sharma and Good 2013) carried out an empirical study to determine the effect

of organizational culture on organizational performance. The study results confirmed

that organizational culture is an important component of organizational performance

and a source of competitive advantage.

Business managers empower their employees to take part in the critical

decision making process within a healthy organizational culture. (Miguel.,2015)

indicated that the involvement of the employees in the organizational decision-making

process is critical for enhancing performance. When engaged in the organizational

decision-making process, employees may build a sense of ownership and obligation

(Engelenl., 2014). As employees build a culture of ownership and obligation, their

loyalty and commitment towards the organization increases substantially even without

close supervision (Pinho,2014). When employees and business managers build

respect and integrity among themselves, they can support each other and integrate

their expertise and experience to enhance corporate performance (Miguel, 2015).

The International Journal of Higher Education Research, 2022 This paper

seeks to categorize and analyze the organizational culture and organizational culture

components -- leadership style, decision-making modes, standards of performance,

evaluation strategies, perception of students, organizational unit, goal definition, and

source of authority -- in a predominantly private higher education sector. Nauffal,

Diane; Nader, Joelle – Higher Education. The results also showed that power distance

enhanced the positive effect of clan culture on task performance, weakened the

positive effect of market culture on contextual performance, and enhanced the

negative effect of clan culture on counterproductive work behavior. Masculinity

enhanced the positive effect of clan culture on task performance. Uncertainty

avoidance enhanced the positive effect of adhocracy culture on contextual

performance. In addition, among the four types of enterprises, namely, Taiwan-funded

enterprises in Taiwan, mainland China-funded enterprises in Taiwan, Taiwan-funded

enterprises in mainland China, and mainland China-funded enterprises in mainland

China, the mean of the six dimensions of the national culture of Taiwan-funded

enterprises in mainland China was the highest. In contrast, the mean values of

organizational culture and individual work performance of mainland China-funded

enterprises in Taiwan were also the highest. It is obvious that there is an significant

need to deepen understanding regarding the new work patterns and their particular

determinants, in the context of multiple changes that have emerged in global labor

markets over the last few years. Moreover, the peculiarities of organizational and

national culture variables and their impact on work performance in companies

originating from China and Taiwan represent an area of special interest, given that,

despite their geographical proximity, the two countries have embraced different

patterns of economic development following the Taiwan Strait crises (Hung Su, &

Lou 2022).

Knowledge is one of the important sources in an organization. Therefore,

knowledge management is needed so that knowledge can be utilized effectively and

efficiently. One dimension of knowledge management is knowledge sharing

behaviour. This is influenced by many factors. One of them is organizational culture.

Unfortunately, the literature that comprehensively reviews the influence of

organizational culture on knowledge sharing behaviour has not been widely found.

This study aims to fill that gap. This research was conducted using a meta-synthesis

method with a meta-aggregation approach. The literature reviewed was limited to

Scopus indexed articles written in English and published in 2011-2020. The literature

reviewed is only articles containing quantitative research results. The articles are

searched using search engines. The results of the study show that organizational

culture affects knowledge sharing both directly and through 8 mediating variables,

namely formal knowledge governance mechanisms, job autonomy, job satisfaction,

knowledge-sharing opportunity, organizational commitment, sense of well-being,

subjective norms, and trust. The direction (positive or negative) and the level of

significance of the influence of organizational culture on knowledge sharing depend

on the type of organizational culture. The development of knowledge sharing

behaviour can be done by creating a culture conducive to sharing knowledge or by

strengthening the influence of organizational culture through mediating variables. The

results of this study enrich the theory of organizational culture and knowledge

management and assist policymakers in providing interventions to develop knowledge

sharing behavior (Sawan, Suryadi,et al 2020).

The purpose of the present study is to provide a critical review of the relation

between the organizational culture and the levels of job satisfaction experienced by

employees. Organizational culture refers to a series of attitudes and behaviors adopted

by employees perception of their working environment, relations among colleagues,

institutions aims and strategies and success criteria. In addition, the employees

preference of organizational culture is likely to be affected by demographic

characteristics, especially gender. It can be supported, therefore, that measuring and

analyzing an institution’s organizational culture in combination with its employees’

demographic and individual characteristics may lead to valuable conclusions, so that

job satisfaction is promoted (Dimitrios Belias & Athanasios Koustelios 2014).

Organizational culture is sometimes define as our shared values, the way we

do things around here, or the rituals and stories we share when bringing someone new

into the organization. In Corporate Culture and Performance,(Kotter & Heskett, 2010)

reviewed the research on the organization.

(Robert, 2020) defines organizational culture as shared values and norms. So,

an effective organizational culture is employees who are active in every activity of the

organization. So organizational culture is an inseparable part of the environment.

Organizational culture is a very important in any activity such as educational

institutions to create a sense of pride in the activities that have been planned by

organizational leaders.

Review Related Studies


Organizational culture is an essential ingredient of organizational performance

and a source of sustainable competitive advantage. Organizational culture is an

important element to unify various company cultures in the corporate group structure

(Kenny, 2012). Corporate managers may establish an effective organizational culture

to integrate the organizational culture and to improve performance. Successful

cultural integration within the corporate group is an important element to maintaining

successful communication and improving performance (Idris, Wahab, & Jaapar,et al

2015). Establishing an effective organizational culture in the corporate group is

necessary to improve performance and productivity (Lee & Gaur,et al 2013).

The results of this study could be useful for business managers and the society.

The study results represent important knowledge and relevant information for

business managers regarding the impact of organizational culture on corporate

performance. Business managers must understand the importance of effective

organizational culture because an organizational culture has the potential to affect the

corporate performance (Schneider,et al 2013).

The findings from this study showed that the core corporate values strategy is

essential to the success of the corporate group. The core corporate values mainly

included customer satisfaction, employees’ empowerment, teamwork, corporate

identity, integrity, quality, and excellence. The study participants identified core

corporate values as an important strategy to maintain the effective organizational

culture and to improve performance in the corporate group. The study participants

identified that employee-focused leadership as a key strategy to establish an effective

organizational culture and to improve performance in the corporate group. The

corporate group CEO recognized that employees are the most valuable resources for

the corporate group. As the study results revealed, the corporate group leadership

continuously trained, coached, and empowered employees to promote the most

effective, performance oriented, and transparent leadership system in the corporate

group (Tedla,et al. 2016).

An excellent organizational culture includes motivated employees and value-

driven management (Childress, 2013). Business managers use the characteristics of

excellent organizational culture to increase corporate profitability and sustain

organizational excellence (Childress,Bolbol, et al 2014)

Organizational culture is an essential component of an organization that has

evoked various studies to determine and establish its‟ relationship with organizational

performance and sustainability. It has always been considered to have deep impact

and importance on the variety of organizational process, employees and its

performance and an important element to unify various company cultures in the

corporate group structure (Kenny, 2012). The purpose of this review article is to

establish the relationship between organizational culture and organizational

performance. The objective is to determine the influence of organizational culture on

organizational performance focusing on Schein's theory of organizational culture,

Denison organizational culture model and theory of organizational excellence by

Thomas Peters and Robert Waterman. Research shows that if employee are

committed and have the same norms and value as the organizations, it could increase

performance towards achieving the overall organization goals. The review includes

syntheses of the relevant literature relating to the role of organizational culture in

enhancing performance and productivity in the organization. The review concludes

that organizations employees have clear spelt out work ethics, are like-minded and

hold similar beliefs and values, guided by values of consistency, adaptability and

effective communication system, gives employees a sense of identity which increases

their commitment to work and ultimately leads to better performance. (Victoria O

Akpa, Olalekan U Asikhia,et al 2021)

The initial business strategy and direction are mostly based on the operational

assumptions of the founders, which may be derived from their personal experience

and cultural history (Toma & Marinescu, 2013). Founders may enforce their personal

experience and culture on their employees and partners (O’Reilly e, 2014). For

example, Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple Inc., enforced his personal experiences and

assumptions on employees, which contributed to build an effective organizational

culture at Apple Inc. (Kaliannan & Ponnusamy, 2014), (Toma & Marinescu, 2013).

Apple’s organizational culture contributed to transform the vision of the founder into

realities. (Schein, 2010) indicated that Apple Inc. is a perfect example to illustrate

how the personal culture and assumptions of founder greatly influence the culture of

the organization.

Indicated that syntheses of existing renowned literature provide a framework

for a broader understanding of the current state of the organizational culture. This

literature review began with an examination of relevant literature concerning the role

of organizational culture on business performance in a perspective of the corporate

group. This literature review comprised various published sources on the role of

organizational culture such as journals, periodicals, seminal books, and other

published materials. Every possible effort was made to review the journals that are

rated journal impact factor (JIF) 2.200 and above.( Callahan, 2014)

Organizational culture contributes favourably to corporate governance and

management (O’Connor, Byrne,et al., 2015). The influence of effective organizational

culture on corporate performance is recognized by many business managers (Unger,

2014). Warren Buffet, one of the world's wealthiest entrepreneurs, asserted how

organizational culture is important for organizational performance (Childress, 2013).

Likewise, Howard Schultz, the founder of Starbucks Coffee Company, confirmed that

corporate culture is a key factor in Starbucks' success (Flamholtz, Randle,et al 2012)

Review Related Studies


In any organization, committed employees are necessary most likely because

of the concept that loyal employees hold many implications in the organization. They

can be more engaged in implementing the institution or the company’s goal, plans or

targets. Loyalty to the organization and the right attitude to one’s job are essential

values which are an integral part of an organization's culture. Organizational culture

has a profound influence on individual employee precisely because it is a generally

accepted set of values rather than merely thinking as an explicit, written set of values.

Organizational culture is in itself organizational values passed on from one employee

to employee through teachings, stories, and examples. Like the stories of George

Washington, John Paul II, Theresa of Calcutta, Mahatma Gandhi, and other renowned

personalities which are passed on from person to person and from year to year, so do

organization’s stories. They manage to convey values essential to the organization’s

culture. Based on the findings of this present study, the researcher concludes that

culture develops over some time and, in the process of developing, acquires

significantly deeper meaning. Creating an organizational culture that values and

respects each member of the organization is effective in producing higher levels of

organizational commitment. Satisfied employees increase organizational loyalty and

more likely to talk positively about their organization, help others, and go beyond the

reasonable expectations in their job. On the contrary, the faculty who are not satisfied

cannot foster a pleasant learning environment and may prove to be disruptive to

campus harmony. Furthermore, such discord would not facilitate the retention and

success of students, since a large percentage of students' formal interaction is with the

faculty. Organizational culture provides the "glue" which holds the employees

together, stimulates their commitment to common mission, and galvanizes their

creativity and energy. It plays a significant role in shaping the responsiveness, quality,

problem-solving ability and distinctive competence of every organization. It can be a

driver of employees' attitude and organizational effectiveness and performance. Thus,

creating an organizational culture that values and respects each member of the

organization is effective in producing a higher level of organizational commitment

and job satisfaction. The higher level of organizational commitment is associated with

more favorable organizational culture and greater job satisfaction. There are

limitations to this present study, and the author cannot assume that the results can be

applied to all organizations. The samples used are faculty members in selected private

schools in the Philippines. Future researchers may focus on the limitations and work

at improving the generality of the results (Batugal, 2019).

The word culture has been derived from idea of cultivation which means the

patterns of development. Sometimes known as “corporate culture” (Childress, 2013),

corporate culture is used to denote the more commercialized meaning of

organizational culture (Deal & Kennedy, 1982).

Business managers may create and sustain a positive organizational culture to

enhance corporate performance (Childress, 2013) (Fiordelisi & Ricci, 2014)

(Flamholtz & Randle, 2011) (Melo, 2012). Founders of Google and Apple recognized

their positive organizational culture as the primary source of enduring competitive

advantage (Simoneaux & Stroud, 2014). Walmart and Southwest Airline’s founders

also asserted that their positive organizational culture as a vital factor for the success

of their business (Flamholtz & Randle, 2011).( Inabinett and Ballaro, 2014) found that

positive organizational culture and corporate performance are having a positive

relationship. In a positive organizational culture, business managers deploy a

transparent leadership style to build and endure confidence towards the leadership.

Transparent leadership involves steady processes of decision-making and transparent

communication across the organization (Andish, Miguel,et al 2015).

Business managers and employees with a strong organizational culture have

an exceptional professional quality which leads to the enhancement of organizational

performance (Pinho, 2014). According to (Busse, 2014), professional quality includes

three main elements: respect and dignity between managers and employees, strong

commitment to customer services, and motivation and moral engagement for

achieving organizational goals. In a strong organizational culture, business managers

may establish a set of formal rules and trends of doing business (Flamholtz & Randle,

2011) (Simoneaux & Stroud, 2014). Customers and other stakeholders may perceive

and use the culture and work trends of members of the organization to distinguish the

organization from other organizations (Cian & Cervai,et al 2014). Management with

weak organizational culture has a significant potential to affect business profitability

of the organization (Shahzad et al., 2012). If the organizational culture is weak, the

existence of the organization is at risk since the members of the organization have

different values and beliefs, where they may work against the priorities of the

management (Eaton & Kilby, 2015). (Childress, 2013) indicated that in a week

corporate culture, there is always a challenge for employees to identify the values of

the organization and establish the appropriate business process in order to achieve the

organizational goals. (Flamholtz and Randle, 2011) indicated that employees with a

weak organizational culture may act in a way that is inconsistent with organizational

goals due to inadequate communication and lack of clear direction from the leadership

Establishing a set of organizational standards and trends mainly involves

developing a well-defined communication channel between managers and employees

(Schein, 2010). (Cao, 2015) indicated that business managers may use the

communication channel in order to create transparent communication to promote a

culture of sharing and teamwork among organizational members.

Business managers with a strong organizational culture use open and

transparent communication to inspire employees and enhance performance

(Kohtamaki, 2016; Senaji., 2014). In an organizational culture with open

communication, organizational members easily share relevant information across the

organization (Simoneaux & Stroud, 2014). Transparent communication involves a

high level of participation by all members of the organization. When organization

members engage in transparent communication, all members of the organization have

a high degree of engagement (Miguel, 2015).

Conceptual Framework

This study wanted to find the impact of organizational culture towards the

production level of to examine the performance of the said corporation.

This figure below demonstrate the effect or impact of organizational culture in which

the production level and performance of the were affected.

Employee Morale and


Performance and Productivity

Customer Satisfaction

Adaptability and Change


Organizational Reputation and


Quality Standards

Efficiency and Workflow

Innovation and Problem Solving PRODUCTION LEVEL

Employee motivation and


Safety and Compliance

Chapter II

Methods of Study and Sources of Data

In this chapter, the researchers stated the design, procedures, analysis, research

instrument, and statistical tools that will be used in gathering the data.

Research Design

This study used qualitative research in order to determine the profile of the

respondents, kind of organizational value, beliefs, and attitude does the employee of displays, and examine the effect of organizational culture in the production

level of The researchers used causal type of qualitative research. This

correlational type will help the researchers to know the effect of organizational culture

might positively correlate with the production level of the said corporation.

Locale of the Study

In this research, the location of the study is Concepcion, Tarlac where the reside. Concepcion, Tarlac is a municipality and a province in Tarlac. It is

7.5 kilometers from Capas Junction and McArthur Highway. is only at

Concepcion, Tarlac. It has no branch or other store yet in anywhere at Luzon, Visayas,

and Mindanao.

The Participants

The participants of the study are the employees or even people who have high

position in Random selected employees of this corporation will undergo

with the interview. The participants should have enough knowledge about their

organizational culture to have credible data being gather and analyze after. Those

participants has their rank and position inside the corporation but no matter what their

position is, the data that will be gather from them are all equal and not specialize.

Sampling Design

The researchers applied purposive sampling or in this qualitative study since

this design is the most applicable in analyzing and selecting participants that are

qualified for the data gathering. In the purposive sampling technique, also called

selective sampling, the researchers just simply look for the individuals who are

employees of Tintella Co. and can provide thorough and detailed information about

the experience being analyze.

Research Instrument

The research instrument will be answered by the participants through

interview with questions being stated and answered afterwards. The participants must

be in legal age, both sexes, and has a job position in the corporation. The participants

will answer different organizational value, beliefs, and attitude of them inside the

company. The participants will also state the effect of organizational culture inside

their workplace. Interviews are the tools of the researchers in finding answers towards

the problems such as effect of organizational culture and its kind. The gathered data

were used to determine the impacts of organizational culture in the production level of and this serves as the researcher’s primary tool for analysis and

interpretation. The interview questions were made by the researchers and reviewed by

the research adviser, research professor, and validated by the corporation itself.

Data Gathering

The researcher will obtain a letter of introduction from Concepcion Holy

Cross College and once the research proposal is approved, a research permit will be

obtained. Once the permission is granted, the researcher will arrange to visit the

establishment for familiarization purposes and to seek permission from them. When

their participation will be confirmed the interviews will start. The interview questions

are properly fixed so that the participants won’t have a hard time answering them.

Each interview will last approximately 10 minutes and will occur in a quiet

background with the use of a phone recorder to exactly transcribe the responses. The

researchers ask for permission from the participants that the audio-taped is for

transcription purposes only. The participants can be sure that the researchers will

secure the recordings and the collected data during and after the interview.

Data Analysis

The researchers use Thematic approach to gather data on the participants.

Thematic approach or analysis is a qualitative research method used to identify,

analyze, and interpret patterns or themes within a data set, such as interview

transcripts, surveys, or observations. It involves systematically organizing and

categorizing data based on recurring ideas, topics, or concepts that emerge from the

information gathered. Thematic analysis aims to uncover underlying meanings,

relationships, and insights within the data, providing a deeper understanding of the

subject under study. This method involves several steps, including data familiarization,

coding, theme development, and interpretation, ultimately leading to the identification

of key themes or patterns that help address research questions or objectives.

Potential Ethical Issues

The researchers informed participants that any information they provided

would be kept totally confidential and used only for this research study. The 1v1

interview were used to evaluate and recruit all participants. The data collected through

these actual questionnaires was kept secure by limiting access only to researchers and

providing each participant with a pseudonym that would not be associated with the

respondents’ real names. Only the interviewer was permitted to join the researchers'

scheduled meeting with the participant, which was recorded during the proper

interview. All the recorded interviews were put into a single folder that only the

researchers had access to. End-to-end encryption of discussions helped in

safeguarding interviews and data that prevented information leaks.









































 International Review of Management and Business Research › pa...PDF Impact of Organizational Culture on

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 blob:

2316 Concepcion, Tarlac
April 14, 2024

San Nicolas Poblacion Concepcion, Tarlac

Subject: Request for Operational Manual

Dear Tintella.Co,

We hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. We are the researchers
named Pacoma, Richard Jr. D. , Taruc, Jerwin C. , Liwanag, Carlos Miguel ,
Gumamit, Axel, Santos, Bernadette, Figueroa, Patricia Ann C., Dizon, Trisha Kyla
writing to request a copy of your company's operational manual.

We have been following your company closely and have been impressed by the
efficiency and effectiveness with which you operate. As someone who is passionate
about learning and understanding the intricacies of successful businesses, we believe
that your operational manual would be an invaluable resource for us.

We are particularly interested in gaining insights into your company's processes,

procedures, and best practices. By studying your operational manual, we hope to
enhance our knowledge and skills in areas such as project management, quality
control, and customer service. We are confident that your manual will provide us with
a comprehensive understanding of the strategies and tactics employed by a successful
organization like yours.

We assure you that we will treat the operational manual with the utmost
confidentiality and will not share it with any third parties. Our intention is solely to
learn and improve our understanding of business operations.

Therefore, we kindly request that you provide us with a copy of your operational
manual at your earliest convenience. We are open to any format that is convenient for
you, whether it be a physical copy or a digital version.

Please let us know if there are any associated costs or procedures that we need to
follow in order to obtain the manual. We are more than willing to comply with any
requirements you may have.

Thank you very much for considering our request. We look forward to hearing from
you soon. Should you require any further information or clarification, please do not
hesitate to contact us.

Pacoma, Richard Jr. D. Taruc, Jerwin C. Liwanag, Carlos Miguel
Gumamit, Axel Santos, Bernadette Figueroa, Patricia
Ann C. Dizon, Trisha Kyla

Richard B. Pacoma Jr, was born on September 1995

He is a College student at Concepcion Holy Cross

College, Inc., Taking up the Bachelor of Science in

Business Administration with a major in Financial

Management. he Graduated Junior High School

from Mabalacat National High School S.Y 2012

Jerwin C. Taruc was born in September 1998 He is a College

student at Concepcion Holy Cross College, Inc., Taking up a

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a major

in Financial Management. He graduated High School from

Natividad High School on S.Y 2013 – 2014

Carlos Miguel P. Liwanag was born on January 26, 2002, he

is a College student at Concepcion Holy Cross College, Inc.,

Taking up a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

with a major in Financial Management. He Graduated Junior

High School from Benigno Simeon Aquino National High

School S.Y 2018 and Senior high School from Benigno Simeon Aquino National

High School Inc. S.Y 2020

Axel A. Gumamit was born on March 19, 2003, he is a College

student at Concepcion Holy Cross College, Inc., Taking up a

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a major in

Financial Management. She Graduated Junior High School

from Benigno Simeon Aquino National High School S.Y 2019

and Senior high School from Benigno Simeon Aquino National High School Inc. S.Y


Bernadette F. Santos was born on September 14, 2002, she is a

College student at Concepcion Holy Cross College, Inc., Taking

up a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a

major in Financial Management. She Graduated Junior High

School from Benigno Simeon Aquino National High School

S.Y 2019 and Senior high School from Precious High Academy Inc. S.Y 2021

Patricia Ann C. Figueroa was born on December 17, 2002, she is

a College student at Concepcion Holy Cross College, Inc., Taking

up a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a major

in Financial Management. She Graduated Junior High School

from Benigno Simeon Aquino National High School S.Y 2019 and Senior high

School from the same school S.Y 2021

Trisha Kyla Q. Dizon was born on December 05, 2002, she is

a College student at Concepcion Holy Cross College, Inc.,

Taking up a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

with a major in Financial Management. She Graduated Junior

High School from Benigno Simeon Aquino National High

School S.Y 2019 and Senior high School from Centro Fidei International School Inc.

S.Y 2021

Questionnaire used in the study:
Hi, We would like to know your thoughts on some aspects of Organizational Culture.
Please take a few minutes to respond to the following questions. We are conducting a
study on examining the impact of organizational culture in the production level of
Tintella Co.

1. In your opinion, does the organizational culture at Tintella Co. prioritize customer

satistion in the production process?

2. How would you describe the overall attitude of employees towards problem-

solving in Tintella Co.?

3. Do you believe that the organizational culture at Tintella Co. encourages effective

decision-making among it's staff? If yes, how?

4. Can you provide examples of how Tintella Co.'s culture influences employees'

approaches to work?

5. In your opinion, does the company's culture prioritize individual performance or


6. Do you think there are any areas where the organizational culture at Tintella Co.

could be improved?

7. From your perspective, how aligned are employees' attitudes and values with the

goals of Tintella Co.?


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