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1. Corrupt nature o unchecked

2. The leadership between cruelty
and masculinity
3. The di erence between kingship
and tyranny
4. Tragedy
5. Good versus evil
6. Struggle for power /conflicts
7. Evil, darkness versus sleep
8. Ambition
9. Greed
10. Patriotism
11. Loyalty
12. Deception /appearance versus
reality /false smile
13. Betrayal
14. Regret
15. The supernatural and
supernatural phenomena
16. Superstition
17. Suspicion
18. Bravely /courage
19. Patriarchy/ male chauvinism
20. Vengeance
21. Death /murders
22. Sacrifice
23. Dutifulness
24. Appreciation / gratefulness
25. Civil disorder /social disorder
26. Foresightedness
27. Risky decision
28. Insecurity
29. Hasty decision
30. Impact of innocent blood
Main Themes in
book of Macbeth

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