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t" Environmental Pollution, Vol. 97, No. 1-2, pp.

39-44, 1997
© 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd
All rights reserved. Printed in Great Britain
PII: S0269-7491 (97)00082-1 0269-7491/97 $17.00+0.00



Y. S. G. Chan, a L. M. C h u b and M. H. W o n g a
aDepartment of Biology, Hong Kong Baptist University, Kowloon Tong. Hong Kong
hDepartment of Biology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong

(Received 7 April 1997; accepted 4 June 1997)

Abstract of landfill gas and seepage of leachate. However, recent

An ecological study was conducted on two landfill sites in findings indicate that ordinary tree growth will not
Hong Kong. Both sites were contaminated by landfill gas damage the landfill cap, especially for sites where an
and leachate, as indicated by the high concentrations of additional layer of soil is placed on top for plant growth
CH4 and C02 and the presence of high concentration of (Dobson and Moffat, 1993). Another concern is that
NH4-N in the cover soil layer. Their plant diversity and even if a layer of landfill cap is placed on top of the
performance, as well as the soil and litter animals, were landfill, landfill gas migration and leachate seepage may
compared with three derelict sites as references. The still happen. It has been reported that landfill gas may
landfill sites had higher plant coverage and plant diversity, affect tree growth on landfill sites (Leone et al., 1982;
and higher densities of soil and litter animals than the Wong 1988; Wong and Yu, 1989b) while leachate con-
reference sites. Similarly, the microbial activities at the tamination may result in high mortality rates of trees
landfill sites were higher than those at reference sites. The (Menser et al., 1983, Wong and Leung, 1989).
results showed that the landfill sites possessed an effective Regardless of the difficulty of planting trees in com-
food web, starting from microbes to macroinvertebrates. pleted landfills, landfill operation will result in the
Woodland establishment seems feasible at these landfill destruction of the existing vegetation and the natural
sites, and natural succession appears to take place at a balance that has been established between plants and
higher rate at these landfill sites when compared with the animals within the habitat. Such disturbance to the
reference sites. © 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd natural balance is more pronounced for landfills devel-
oped on undisturbed ground or agricultural land. There
Keywords: Landfill gas, landfill leachate, soil arthro- is a need, in the ecological perspective, to reconstruct
pods, litter animals, soil microbial activity. the ecosystems on these disturbed sites. The purpose is
to enhance the vegetation succession, and to build up a
balance between soil and litter fauna for nutrient cycling
INTRODUCTION in these man-made habitats.
An ecological study was conducted on two Hong
Landfilling is a method of disposing of municipal wastes Kong landfill sites (one with a relatively severe gas and
on land with minimal nuisance to public health or leachate problem while the other was less affected by gas
safety. Before a completed site is closed, the final layer and leachate) which aimed at investigating the interac-
of cover soil is usually revegetated for erosion control tion between edaphic factors under landfill conditions,
and amenity purposes. When a completed site is to be with special emphases on plant performance and diver-
developed into recreational facilities or publicly accessi- sity, and soil and litter fauna at the sites. The feasibility of
ble green space, additional vegetation is also planted. woodland establishment at the sites was also examined.
In Hong Kong, 16 landfill sites have been operating
since 1973 and 12 of them are closed (EPD, 1996). As
urban areas expand in size, most of these completed MATERIALS AND M E T H O D S
landfill sites are now situated within urban areas. Since
land is scarce in Hong Kong, these completed landfill Field sites
sites, having a total size of 295ha and equivalent to Two landfill sites in Hong Kong were chosen as the field
about 2% of the total urban area ( ~ 17 000 ha), become sites: Shuen Wan and Junk Bay Stage I. Their areas
very attractive for redevelopment. The Hong Kong were 95 and 48 ha, respectively. Field surveys were con-
Government is going to restore these old landfill sites ducted only on areas of the landfills with the cover soil
into parks, golf courses or similar facilities for the pub- that had laid for about 3 years. The cover soil was about
lic (EPD, 1995). 0.5 m in depth; no additional substrate layer was laid for
It has been suspected that root growth of trees may vegetation development. Natural colonization of plants
penetrate and damage the landfill cap, causing leakage was established within these 3 years. Shuen Wan Landfill
40 Y. S. G. Chanet al.

was a coastal site while Junk Bay Landfill was devel- internal core. In the study sites, gas probes were inserted
oped on an undisturbed hill slope. Three reference sites 50 cm deep into the soil by a hammer for gas sampling;
in Hong Kong were chosen: Yuen Chau Kok, Tai Po therefore, all results corresponded to the gas content at
and Lok Wo Sha. Their cover soils were similar to those a depth of 35-50cm soil depth. Gas samples were col-
on the landfill sites, which were mostly decomposed lected by sealed 10ml glass gas samplers and quantified
granite and which were compacted by machinery to a in the laboratory within 8 h after sampling. A Hewlett-
similar degree. Both Yuen Chau Kok and Tai Po Packard 5890 Series II gas chromatograph with a CTR I
Industrial City were reclaimed from the sea and Lok gas column from Alltech Associates, Inc., USA was
Wo Sha was abandoned farmland. All reference sites used for the separation of CH4, CO2, 02 and N2. Gas
had been left unattended for at least 3 years and were peaks were quantified by a software, ChemStation,
awaiting civil development. developed by Hewlett-Packard.

Vegetation survey
Fifty random quadrats (0.5×0.5m) were studied on RESULTS
each of the landfill sites. All vascular plant species found
within the quadrats were identified and grouped under Gas contents
woody plants, herbs and grasses with their percentage Only trace amounts of CH4 (mean = 0.416% v v -1) and
covers recorded. Similar vegetation surveys were con- low levels of CO2 (1.81%) were detected on the refer-
ducted on the reference sites. ence sites (Table 1). The concentrations of CH4 and
CO2 at the cover soil of the two landfill sites were high
Collection and analysis of soil and litter samples (CH4: Junk Bay, 11.7%; Shuen Wan, 4.18%; CO2: Junk
From each of the landfill and reference site, the first five Bay 11.3%; Shuen Wan, 3.76%). The 02 concentration
quadrats laid down were chosen for intensive soil and lit- in the reference soils (18.4%) was close to the ambient
ter analysis. Three blocks of cover soil sample air (20.9%) while the 02 concentrations in landfill cover
( 1 0 x l 0 x l 0 c m (wxlxd)) were collected for soil animal soil (Junk Bay, 10.9%; Shuen Wan, 16.8%) were mark-
extraction and for chemical analysis. All litter within the edly lower than the ambient air.
quadrats was collected for animal extraction and litter
biomass determination. Samples of soil and litter were Soil properties
sealed within polythene bags, placed in a portable ice- The chemical properties of landfill cover soil was het-
chest and transferred to the laboratory for analyses. The erogeneous, as indicated by the high standard devia-
bulk density of the cover soil was determined on the site by tions in the results of most of the soil physical and
excavating method according to Blake and Hartge (1986). chemical analyses (Table 1). However, the concentra-
Under the laboratory conditions, soil and litter ani- tions of total-N and NH4-N of Junk Bay cover soil were
mals were extracted from 150 g of soil or 20 g of litter by significantly higher (p < 0.05) than those of the reference
Tullgren funnels (Cox, 1976). Extracted animals were sites. The concentrations of total-N, NH4-N and NOa-N
preserved in alcohol for further identification and of Shuen Wan cover soil were lower than that at the
counting. After being air-dried for 2 weeks, soil samples Junk Bay but higher than that at the reference sites.
were tested for the following items: organic carbon Similarly, the dehydrogenase activity at Junk Bay was
(Walkley-Black method; Nelson and Sommers, 1982); the highest and the activity at the reference sites was the
total nitrogen and total phosphorus (semi-micro Kjel- lowest. No significant difference (p > 0.05) was found in
dahl and Mo Blue methods; Bremner and Mulvaney, organic carbon, total-P and exchangeable-K between all
1982; Olsen and Sommers, 1982); extractable ammo- sites. The cover soil of both the reference and landfill
nium (extracted by 2M KC1, indophenol blue method; sites had been compacted by machinery to similar bulk
Allen, 1989b; Keeney and Nelson, 1982; Selmer-Olsen, density of about 1.4-1.5 gcm -3.
1971); extractable nitrate (colorimetrical analysis by a
flow-injection autoanalyser, Lachat Model AE after Vegetation survey and analysis
KCI extraction; Allen, 1989a,b; Keeney and Nelson, The results of the vegetation survey are shown in Table 2
1982); exchangeable-P, K and Mg (ammonium acetate where the plants are grouped under woody plants, herbs
extraction, Mo Blue method and flame absorption and grasses. Seventeen species of vascular plants were
spectroscopy; Allen, 1989a), and dehydrogenase activity found at the reference sites; whereas 25 and 20 species,
(Tabatabai, 1994). respectively, were found at the two landfill sites. The
gross average coverage of plants at the reference sites
Gas monitoring (57.8%) was lower than that at the two landfill sites
Portable sub-surface gas monitoring probes were modi- (70.3%, 61.4%). Tree cover on the landfill sites was
fied according to the Department of the Environment dominated by two species: Acacia confusa and Leucaena
(UK) (1994) for the collection of soil gas under field leucocephala. They represented the majority of trees
conditions. Each probe was fabricated from a steel pipe, taller than breast height (1.3 m) on the two landfills. On
65cm long, with 2.5cm outer diameter and 1.5cm the reference sites, only L. leucocephala was found with
internal diameter. The lower 15 cm of each probe was mature individual trees taller than breast height. Other
perforated for gas movement between soil and the small leguminous woody plants (< 1.3 m tall) found at
Ecology of landfill sites 41

Table 1. Gas composition, physico-chemical properties and microbial activities of soil samples in the study sites
Determinand Junk Bay Shuen Wan Reference sites
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
Gaseous composition
CH4 (% vv -1) 11.7 :/: 14.7 4.18 • 3.81 0.416 ± 0.721
CO2 (% vv -I) 11.3 :t: 11.4 3.76 ± 4.32 1.81 :t: 2.86
02 (% vv -~) 10.9 ± 9.02 16.8 + 4.4 18.4 i 2.57
N2 (% vv -~) 65.4 + 19.6 73.7 :i: 9.3 76.6 ± 2.23
Physical properties
Temperature (°C) 33.9 + 4.06a 32.4 :t: 1.Sa 31.4 ± 1.4a
Bulk density (gem -3) 1.51 :t: 0.16a 1.38 ± 0.15a 1.42 ± 0.1 la
Chemical compositions
pH 6.54 + 1.05a 7.00 ± 0.34a 6.85 ~: 0.23a
TotaI-N (%) 0.246 i 0.217a 0.167 + 0.165a 0.026 + 0.009b
NH4-N (mgg i) 1.99 + 1.20a 1.15 ± 0.77a,b 0.285 + 0.030b
NO3-N (mgg -l) 0.296 + 0.241a 0.745 • 0.461a ND
Total-P (%) 0.034 + 0.026a 0.028 ± 0.012a 0.024 ± 0.017a
Organic carbon (%) 1.81 ± 1.27a 1.37 ± 1.1 la 0.261 ± 0.116a
Exchangeable-P (#g g-J) 28.5 :t: 15.1a 3.00 ± 0.51b 4.86 :L 3.65b
Exchangeable-K (/zg g-l) 172 i 74a 129 ± 107a 41.9 i 19.2a
Exchangeable-Mg (/zg g-l) 37.8 ~: l 1.4a 38.0 ± l 1. I a 16.4 ± 4.7b
Microbial activity
Dehydrogenase (/zg TPFg -I) 93.1 + 61.1a 76.6 J: 50.8a,b 14.6 ± 3.65b
Same letters on the same horizontal row indicate no significant difference (p < 0.05).
ND = non detectable.

the reference and landfill sites were Mimosa pudica, CH4). The amounts of landfill gas, as reflected by the
Alysicarpus vaginalis, Atylosia scarabaeoides and Sesba- concentrations of CH4 and CO2 at Junk Bay were
nia cochinchinensis. Legumes represented 77, 56 and higher than those at Shuen Wan. In the presence of
95% of plant cover at the Junk Bay, Shuen W a n and landfill gas, plant growth would be suppressed (Gilman
reference sites, respectively. As with the gross vegetation et al., 1981; Wong and Yu, 1989b). Carbon dioxide is
cover, litter on ground at the landfill sites was higher the major active component of landfill gas in affecting
than at the reference sites (p ==0.051). the growth pattern of roots ( C h a n e t al., 1991). How-
Both the results of Jaccard's and Czekanowski's ever, tolerant plants may develop various mechanisms
coefficients of plant community and index o f percentage to adapt to the adverse gaseous conditions in landfill
similarity (Westman, 1985) indicated that the two land- cover soil, such as high tolerance to CO2 (Carr, 1961),
fill sites were similar to one another in terms of plant or they could supply 02 to the soil rhizosphere (Schnoor
diversity and performance but were different from the et al., 1995).
reference sites (Table 3). The relatively high concentrations of NH4-N in the
cover soil of the two landfill sites, especially in Junk
Distribution and diversity of soil and animal fauna Bay, is an indication of leachate contamination, as high
N o significant difference (p >0.05) was found in soil NH4-N is a c o m m o n characteristic of landfill leachate
animal density a m o n g any order/group of animals (Robinson, 1991). However, the presence of an optimal
between any sites (Table 4). This would be partly due to level of leachate in cover soil m a y be beneficial for plant
the heterogeneity in the physical properties and chemi- growth, especially for those growing on arid soil (Cure-
cal composition of the soil at the landfill sites, which ton et al., 1991; Ettala, 1987; G o r d o n et al., 1989).
caused a high variation in animal inhabitation at differ-
ent areas. However, the gross soil animal density in The growth of legumes and other plants
landfill sites were three to five times higher than in the In the presence of landfill gas and leachate contamina-
reference sites. The Shannon-Wiener diversity index tion, the vegetation performance at the two landfill sites
(Cox, 1976) of soil fauna at the landfill sites was also was better than at the reference sites, as indicated by the
higher than that of the three reference sites. The gross gross coverage of plants at all sites. The results of coef-
density o f litter fauna at the landfill sites was also higher ficients of plant community showed that the two landfill
than at the reference sites (Table 5). sites were similar to each other but different from the
reference sites, suggesting the presence of landfill gas
and leachate has created a different habitat that might
DISCUSSION limit certain plant species in growing on landfills.
Legumes, which can fix dinitrogen from their ambient
The influence of landfill gas and landfill leachate environment and are especially suited for growth on
It was obvious that the two landfill sites have a landfill arid soil, were dominant in all the studied reference and
gas problem at the cover soil level (11.7 and 4.18% landfill sites. However, the presence of landfill factors
42 Y . S . G . Chan et al.

Table 2. Plant coverage and litter on ground at the field sites Table 3. Coefficients of plant community and index of
percentage similarity among the studied habitats
Junk Shuen Reference
Bay Wan sites Coefficients of Index of
plant community percentage
Woody plants similarity (%)
Family Caesalpiniaceae Jaccard's Czekanowski's
Cassia rnirnosoides 0.07 Index (%) Index (%)
Family Mimosaceae (legumes)
Acacia confusa 24.8 6.6 Junk Bay 36 53 46
Leucaena leucocephala 1.9 0.4 0.07 --Shuen Wan
Minrnosa pudica 8.5 Junk Bay 20 33 9.4
Family Papilionaceae (legumes) --reference sites
Alysicarpus vaginalis 0.5 13.1 Shuen Wan 19 32 9.8
A tylosia scarabaeoides 3.7 --reference sites
Sesbania cochinchinensis 0.7
Family Passiforaceae
Passiflora foetida 2.4 2.8
Family Malvaceae might also limit sensitive legumes in growing on the
Urena lobata 2.6 landfill sites. Acacia confusa and Leucaena leucocephala
Family Rubiaceae
Paederia scandens 0.2 seemed especially suited for growth and were abundant
Family Verbenaceae on landfill sites while Alysicarpus vaginalis, Atylosia
Vitex negundo 2.0 scarabaeoides and Sesbania cochinchinensis were found
Lantana carnara 2.9 0.8 mostly on the derelict reference sites. Mimosa pudica, a
Shrub A 1.3
small leguminous weed which is commonly found in
Herbs and grasses most rural places in Hong Kong (Thrower, 1976), was
Family Amaranthaceae found only in the reference sites. Presumably M. pudica
Achyranthes aspera 2.52 0.40
Alternanthera sessilis 0.30 is sensitive to landfill factors; therefore, it was not found
Family Compositae in the Junk Bay and Shuen Wan landfill sites and was
Ageratum conyzoides 1.1 0.40 also rarely found on any of the landfill sites in Hong
Bidens bipinnata O.12 Kong (authors' observation).
Bidens pilosa 0.20 1.1 0.30
Blurnea sp. 0.54
Conyza canadensis 0.42 Soil and fitter fauna
Mikania guaco 7.0 Insects of Orders Hemiptera, Lepidoptera, Diptera,
Wedelia trilobata 2.8 Hymenoptera and Coleoptera found in the soils of both
Family Solanaceae
Solanum nigrum 1.0 1.6 the reference and landfill sites were mainly in their larval
Family Convolvulaceae or nymphal stages. The results indicate that landfill
Ipornoea batatas 3.0 cover soil can support a diverse soil fauna, which can
lpornoea cairica 7.9
Ipornea obscura 0.12 2.3 0.90 play an active role in the food web, compared with the
Family Oxalidaceae reference sites. Similarly, the relatively higher density
Oxalis corniculata 0.24 and diversity of centipedes, millipedes, ticks and mites
Family Commelinaceae in landfill cover soil also made up a more diversified
Cornmelina sp. 1.0
Family Cyperaceae food web on the landfill sites. These non-insect arthro-
Firnbristylis sp. 1.0 pods are saprophagous and phytophagous in general,
Family Grammineae which are important in the decay of organic remains of
Cynodon dactylon 24.1 16 2.0 vegetation (Newman, 1988). Insects found in the litter
Digitaria adscendens 5.0 1.2
Digitaria violascens O.1 on the ground were mainly adults, such as those which
Digitaria sp. 1.3 1.4 18 belong to the Orders Hemiptera, Thysanoptera, Dip-
Eleusine indica 5.8 1.8 tera, Hymenoptera and Coleoptera. They are generally
Irnperata cylindrica 1.8 more active and mobile than their larval or nymphal
lschaemum aristatum 0.3
Panicurn rnaxirnurn 2.3 stages and are more effective in dispersing fungal
Paspalurn distichurn 1.8 spores. This plays an important role in enhancing the
Paspalum orbiculare 0.6 biodegradation of the litter in landfills (Wong et al.,
Paspalurn sp. 3.0 1992).
Rhynchelytrurn repens 1.2
Saccharurn arundinaceurn 10.4 0.9 The uniqueness of the landfill environment also leads
Mean coverage (%) 35.3 12.6 27.4 to a difference in soil and litter fauna when compared
of woody plants with the reference sites. Termites and barklice were only
Mean coverage (%) 35.0 48.8 30.4
of herbs and grasses found on the Shuen Wan Landfill which received
Gross average coverage (%) 70.3 61.4 57.8 domestic waste, a great proportion of which was paper
Total number of species 25 20 17 and timber waste. The landfill cover may accidentally be
Litter on ground 240 246 99.2 mixed with the embedded wastes during the landfill
(fresh weight, g m-2) *
operation, a process which supported the growth of
*The p value among the treatment groups is 0.051, by chi- termites and barklice. Junk Bay Landfill accepted waste
square approximation. mainly from the industrial sectors, which had less wood
Ecology of landfill sites 43

Table 4. Density (No. m -3) of soil fauna at the field sites Natural succession of vegetation only takes place in
Taxonomic group Junk Shuen Reference such niches where a balanced food web and efficient
Bay Wan sites nutrient cycling had developed. The overall results of
this study provided evidence that such balance was
found on the two landfill sites. Moreover, the landfill
Collembola 63 400 27 000 40 500
Isoptera 0 1730 0 sites have stable communities of different organisms.
Psocoptera 0 3680 1340 Plant cover and diversity on the landfill sites were better
Hemiptera 0 437 0 than those at the reference sites. The above ground litter
Thysanoptera 923 0 0 on the two landfill sites supported a relatively diversified
Lepidoptera 1680 0 0 and balanced litter fauna, as indicated by the relatively
Diptera 6140 1000 1460
Hymenoptera 1650 9280 2100 higher diversity index.
Coleoptera 1960 4270 3420

Nematoda 0 7650 6770
Oligochaeta 0 591 0
Chilopoda 224 0 0 The present work indicates that landfill sites are a
Diplopoda 3940 0 0 unique environment in which the cover soil may possess
Isopoda 32 900 16 100 797 a high landfill gas content and can be contaminated by
Acarina 20 400 ! 0 300 1190 landfill leachate. However, these may not necessary be
limiting factors suppressing the bioactivity and growth
Gross density 317000 176000 68300
(No. m -3) of plants, microbes and animals. The results provide
Shannon-Wiener 2.092 2.749 1.597 evidence that landfill cover soil possessed an effective
diversity index food web, starting from saprobic microbes to macroin-
vertebrates such as insects and arthropods. Therefore,
completed landfill sites can be good habitats which
fibre in its composition; therefore, no termite or bark- support a variety of plants and animals, provided that
louse was found. the plants or animals can tolerate landfill gas, leachate
contamination and other adverse landfill factors.
Nutrient cycles Legumes seem to be good pioneers for revegetating
High dehydrogenase activity is an indication of active completed landfill sites.
populations of microbes (Tabatabai, 1994). The dehy-
drogenase activities of soil samples from the two landfill
sites were 13-18 times higher than those from the refer- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
ence sites (p < 0.05). This indicated that the gross micro-
bial activity, or the bioconversion of different forms of The authors would like to thank Ms K P Yeung for
organic matter, was high in the landfill cover soil. technical support. This project was supported by the
Research G r a n t Council of the University Grants
Table 5. Density (No. m -2) of litter fauna at the field sites Committee of H o n g Kong.
Junk Shuen Reference
Bay Wan sites
Collembola 33.0 1370 40.8
Psocoptera 0 119 0.450 Allen, S. E. (1989a) Analysis of vegetation and other organic
Hemiptera 0 21.9 0.450 materials. In Chemical Analysis of Ecological Materials,
2nd edn, ed. S. E. Allen, pp. 41-61. Biackwell Science,
Thysanoptera 118 14.8 3.52
Lepidoptera 0 21.7 0.903 Oxford.
Diptera 104 10.1 0.907 Allen, S. E. (1989b) Nutrient elements. In Chemical Analysis of
Hymenoptera 36.5 8.36 8.81 Ecological Materials, 2nd edn, ed. S. E. Allen, pp. 119-142.
Coleoptera 513 37.4 1.32 Blackwell Science, Oxford.
Blake, G. R. and Hartge, K. H. (1986) Bulk density. In
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Isopoda 22.8 101 0 Bremner, J. M. and Mulvaney, C. S. (1982) Nitrogen-total. In
Pauropoda 34.4 72.6 0 Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 1, Chemical and Microbiolo-
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Araneae 5.60 0 4.40 American Society of Agronomy, Madison.
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