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Sentence Completion

Directions: Five options A, B, C, D and E are given under each sentence, you are required to
select the most suitable alternative to fill in the blanks and make it meaningful.

1. Every member of the team showered ______ on muni for his ______ performance.

A) praise; exceptionable

B) approval; unique

C) encomium; exceptional

D) appreciation; remarkable

E) None of these

Answer (C)

2. Amar was so convinced that people were driven by ______ motives that he believed
there was no such thing as a purely ______ act.

A) personal; anti-social

B) personal; eternal

Pg. 1
C) altruistic; praiseworthy

D) ulterior; selfless

E) None of these

Answer (D)

3. Vikram looked very happy and ______ when he heard that his proposed scheme was
______ by the committee.

A) elated; accepted

B) energetic; rejected

C) satisfied; stalled

D) disconsolate; approved

E) None of these

Answer (A)

4. Reetika is ______ and simple in looks though her husband is ______.

Pg. 2
A) plain; flamboyant

B) taciturn; silent

C) garrulous; talkative

D) credulous; gullible

E) None of these

Answer (A)

5. Suresh's ______ in athletics yielded rich ______ as she got a scholarship.

A) performance; money

B) defeat; results

C) excellence; dividends

D) behaviour; appreciation

E) None of these

Answer (C)

Pg. 3
6. Satya is ______ to ______ any kind of work with due sincerity.

A) fond; perform

B) determined; undertake

C) reluctant; entrust

D) eager; avoid

E) None of these

Answer (B)

7. Vijay is a ______ and he always does what is ______ and fruitful.

A) optimist; hopeful

B) erudite; educative

C) pragmatist; practical

D) idealist; theoretical

Pg. 4
E) None of the above

Answer (C)

8. Sravani was ______ because all her plan had gone______.

A) elated; wild

B) dejected; splendidly

C) distraught; awry

D) frustrated; magnificently

E) None of these

Answer (C)

9. ______ an accident the train will arrive in time.

A) besides

B) accepting

Pg. 5
C) despite

D) barring

E) None of these

Answer (C)

10. Karthik is very ______ on meeting foreigners and befriending them.

A) anxious

B) find

C) insistent

D) keen

E) None of the above

Answer (D)

11. ______ my knowledge, Mr. Nithin has a prejudice ______foreigners.

A) to; against

Pg. 6
B) as; towards

C) in; for

D) for; at

E) None of the above

Answer (A)

12. Raju had to drop his plan of going to picnic as he had certain ______ to meet during
that period.

A) preparations

B) urgencies

C) observations

D) commitments

E) None of these

Answer (D)

13. Sasi was ______ with a natural talent for music.

Pg. 7
A) given

B) found

C) endowed

D) entrusted

E) None of these

Answer (C)

14. Harish is too ______ to be deceived easily.

A) kind

B) modern

C) strong

D) intelligent

E) None of the above

Pg. 8
Answer (D)

15. Health is too important to be ______.

A) neglected

B) detested

C) despised

D) discarded

E) None of the above

Answer (A)

16. The government is confident that the standard of living will begin to ______again

A) revive

B) lift

C) rise

Pg. 9
D) flourish

E) None of the above

Answer (C)

17. Srikanth is too ______ as far as his food habits are concerned.

A) enjoyable

B) fastidious

C) curious

D) interesting

E) None of these

Answer (B)

18. Hemanth stood ______ as a rock and faced the challenge.

A) quiet

B) strong

Pg. 10
C) firm

D) solid

E) None of the above

Answer (C)

19. The driver was ______injured, he died within half an hour.

A) fatally

B) seriously

C) fatefully

D) vitally

E) None of the above

Answer (A)

20. Shiva is usually ______ but today he appears rather ______.

Pg. 11
A) calm; disturbed

B) strict; unwell

C) tense; restless

D) happy; humorous

E) None of these

Answer (A)

Sentence Completion

Directions: Five options A, B, C, D and E are given under each sentence, you are required to
select the most suitable alternative to fill in the blanks and make it meaningful.

1. Governments do not want to take a decision and resort to soft-pedalling, delay tactics
and collusion, hoping that the judiciary will _____in to relieve them of the _____ of

A) come, enlightenment

B) vouch, trouble

Pg. 12
C) barge, pleasure

D) step, burden

E) None of these

Answer (D)

2. The most important factor is the ______of a wealthy Indian middle class which can
now _____ to send their children abroad for education.

A) emergence, afford

B) advent, focus

C) decline, manage

D) rise, wish

E) None of these

Answer (A)

3. Crores of public money is ______ on parks in the city and yet most of them are out of
______ for the public.

Pg. 13
A) invested, limits

B) spent, bounds

C) bet, reach

D) put, areas

E) None of these

Answer (B)

4. Rules are for those who cannot ______ them and not for the rich and influential who
can ______ to ignore them.

A) follow, demand

B) set, opt

C) break, suggest

D) challenge, choose

Pg. 14
E) None of the above

Answer (D)

5. Experts cannot ______enough on the benefits of _______ more fruits and vegetables in
your daily diet.

A) pressure, involving

B) strain, adding

C) stress, including

D) state, mixing

E) None of these

Answer (C)

6. Centre should ______ ministries whose functions ______ with the state ministries to
save money, deliver efficiently and avoid duplication of work.

A) finish, differ

B) establish, contradict

Pg. 15
C) abolish, overlap

D) block, vary

E) None of these

Answer (C)

7. Many people ______ genetically modified food but the reality is that all the food that
we eat has been genetically modified naturally by thousands of years of _______

A) criticise, farming

B) praise, manipulation

C) grow, mismanagement

D) avoid, experience

E) None of the above

Answer (A)

8. Given that only seven percent of the country’s labour force is in the organised sector,
training options ______ for the unorganised sectors should also be ______

Pg. 16
A) absent, improved

B) available, enhanced

C) lacking, sustained

D) existing, restricted

E) None of these

Answer (B)

9. Government initiatives and participation of many industrial houses in ______ loans to

the villagers have led to the _______of the farmers.

A) providing, plight

B) disbursing, betterment

C) taking, advancement

D) subsidising, suffering

Pg. 17
E) None of these

Answer (B)

10. The water transport project on the west coast is ______ to get a shot in the arm with a
new plan in which the road development corporation will build the infrastructure
and ______ a private party to operate the service.

A) scheduled, let

B) verge, permit

C) set, sanctions

D) slated, allow

E) None of the above

Answer (D)

11. As the weekend finally rolled around, the city folk were only ______ happy to settle
down and laugh their cares_______

A) just, afar

B) too, away

Pg. 18
C) very, up

D) so, an

E) None of the above

Answer (B)

12. The flood of brilliant ideas has not only ______ us, but has also encouraged us to
______ the last date for submission of entries.

A) overwhelmed, extend

B) enjoyed, stretch

C) dismayed, decide

D) scared, scrap

E) None of these

Answer (A)

13. ______about prolonged power cuts in urban areas, the authorities have decided to
______ over to more reliable and eco-friendly systems to run its pumps.

Pg. 19
A) worried, shift

B) frantic, move

C) troubled, jump

D) concerned, switch

E) None of these

Answer (D)

14. The high cut-off marks this year have ______college admission-seekers to either
______ for lesser known colleges or change their subject preferences.

A) cajoled, ask

B) pressured, sit

C) forced, settle

D) entrusted, wait

Pg. 20
E) None of these

Answer (C)

15. Forest department officials said that when the elephants were made to _____from
their trucks, they went straight to the spot where they had been ______during the

A) jump, killed

B) alight, tied

C) enter, hurt

D) step, played

E) None of these

Answer (B)

16. Exercise officials seized pouches of whisky ______a bus travelling _____hyderabad.

A) from, to

B) in, for

C) for, towards

Pg. 21
D) inside, on

E) None of these

Answer (A)

17. Organisations _____for the victim’s ______the inhuman and unjust attitude of the

A) fighting, applauded

B) lobbying, supported

C) working, condemned

D) stand, opposed

E) None of these

Answer (C)

18. A collision between two buses ______ six people dead, ______the driver of one of the

A) made, also

Pg. 22
B) left, including

C) caused, combined

D) resulted, except

E) None of these

Answer (B)

19. The court _____revenue authorities and PCB officials to _____ teams and visit pharma

A) directed, from

B) announced, arrange

C) commanded, display

D) ruled, make

E) None of these

Pg. 23
Answer (A)

20. Centre should _____ministries whose functions _____with the state ministries to save
money, deliver efficiently and avoid duplication of work.

A) finish, differ

B) block, vary

C) abolish, overlap

D) establish, contradict

E) None of these

Answer (C)

Pg. 24

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