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Geotextiles and Geomembranes 24 (2006) 64–71

Technical note

Evaluation of a geosynthetic capillary barrier

Kevin D. Park1, Ian R. Fleming,2
Department of Civil and Geological Engineering, University of Saskatchewan, Canada S7N 5A9
Received 12 April 2005; received in revised form 9 June 2005; accepted 12 June 2005
Available online 2 November 2005


This paper introduces a new type of geosynthetic product, namely a geosynthetic capillary break (GCB) which provides a similar
functionality to that of a traditional soil capillary break. This new product, manufactured similar to a geosynthetic clay liner and
composed of non-woven geotextiles needle-punched on both sides of a fine-grained material can be used as part of an engineered cover
system to reduce oxygen transport and net percolation in potentially acid generating mining wastes.
The unsaturated hydraulic properties of the geotextile, fine-grained rock flour, as well as cover soil and mine tailings were determined
in order to develop a set of inputs for a numerical model of an engineered cover system. The results of the modelling showed that the
inclusion of the geosynthetic capillary barrier (GCB) acts to decrease suction developed in the overlying cover materials during drainage.
This increased pressure head allows the overlying materials to remain at a higher degree of saturation, potentially reducing both oxygen
and moisture ingress into the waste.
r 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Geotextile; Rock flour; Capillary break; Waste cover; Water retention function; Hydraulic conductivity function

1. Introduction of an engineered cover system for mining wastes. Several

thousand square metres of prototype product have been
Tailings or waste rock containing sulphide minerals manufactured for testing and evaluation in the laboratory
which come into contact with oxygen and water will and under field conditions.
generate sulphuric acid resulting in acid mine drainage This paper will present the unsaturated hydraulic
(Nicholson et al., 1989). Traditional engineered cover properties of the components of the geosynthetic capillary
systems are designed by selecting a series of soils with barrier (GCB) as well as those for the tailings and soil
sufficient textural contrast to create layers of elevated cover materials utilized to evaluate the GCB. These
saturation with the goal of reducing oxygen diffusion and properties are then used as inputs in a simulation of
water infiltration into the waste material (O’Kane et al., seepage in order to evaluate the influence of the geocom-
1998). posite on suction and water content profiles within an
The purpose of this paper is to introduce a novel concept engineered cover system incorporating the proposed GCB.
in which this same functionality is created through the use
of non-woven geotextiles in a new type of manufactured
geocomposite material. The authors propose that by 2. Background
combining a non-woven geotextile with an overlying fine-
grained rock flour, a capillary barrier effect will develop. A The capillary barrier effect has been extensively studied
geocomposite incorporating a thick non-woven with a by Nicholson et al. (1989), Akindunni et al. (1991),
layer of fine-grained rock flour might thus be used as part Stormont and Morris (1998), O’Kane et al. (1998) Bussière
et al. (2003), along with numerous others. Their works have
Corresponding author. shown that capillary barriers are placed within an
E-mail address: (I.R. Fleming). engineered cover system in order to limit inward oxygen
Graduate student. transport and also to reduce the migration of pore water
Associate professor. into the underlying waste.

0266-1144/$ - see front matter r 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
K.D. Park, I.R. Fleming / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 24 (2006) 64–71 65

A capillary barrier is designed as an unsaturated system saturated fine-grained rock flour layer in the GCB
and involves the selective layering of materials with (approximately 1 cm) will result in a relatively larger
significantly different textures. A coarser-grained material, oxygen concentration gradient and resulting diffusive flux
such as a sand or gravel, is commonly placed below a finer- than would be the case for a thicker soil cover. This effect
grained material, such as a silt, to achieve such an objective will be partially offset by the very low oxygen diffusion
(Nicholson et al., 1989; Rowlett, 2000). Under hydrostatic coefficient of the saturated rock flour; however, it will be a
or infiltration conditions, the suction increases with key aspect of laboratory and field testing to evaluate the
elevation above the water table. However, the suction in extent to which oxygen ingress is mitigated by the GCB
the coarser layer is limited to a low value corresponding to product.
its residual condition (Nicholson et al., 1989). At this low Stormont and Morris (1998) concluded that a capillary
value of suction, the finer-grained material will remain barrier is also a suitable means to prevent downward
saturated, as shown in Fig. 1, from Barbour (1990). moisture movement. Since the water content of the finer-
Nicholson et al. (1989) showed that the effective grained material is increased above that associated with
diffusion coefficient for oxygen decreases up to four orders free drainage, the storage capacity of the material is
of magnitude as the degree of saturation increases from 0% increased. An increase in the storage capacity in the
to 100% for a given soil. Therefore, the inclusion of a overlying material allows more precipitation to remain
capillary barrier as part of an engineered cover system will stored in the cover system and, therefore, available for
reduce inward oxygen transport due to the presence of a subsequent release by evaporation (Bruch, 1993) or
near-saturated fine-grained layer of material above the evapotranspiration and, therefore, allows less moisture to
waste. It must be recognized that the small thickness of the move downward into the waste material.
Works by Henry (1990, 1995), Stormont and Morris
(2000) and Henry and Holtz (2001) have evaluated the use
of geotextiles used as moisture-limiting barriers in un-
saturated soils. Their work focused on the change in
hydraulic behaviour of an unsaturated, layered soil system
due to the inclusion of a non-woven geotextile and
concluded that the placement of the geotextile is effective
in mitigating moisture migration in unsaturated soils.
The most important property in the design of a capillary
barrier is the soil water characteristic curve or water
retention curve (Fredlund et al., 2002). There has been
some work done to characterize the unsaturated behaviour
of non-woven geotextiles. In particular, Stormont et al.
(1997) evaluated the water retention functions of four non-
woven, polypropylene geotextiles using the hanging col-
umn test (Klute, 1986). Their results showed that the
geotextile water characteristic curves (GWCC) were similar
to those for pea gravel. Stormont and Morris (2000),
Lafleur et al. (2000), Ho (2000), and Knight and Kotha
(2001) produced similar findings.
Lafleur et al. (2000) and Iryo and Rowe (2003)
examined, in detail, the measured water retention functions
and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity functions for
geotextiles. Their research focused on the applicability to
non-woven geotextiles of the various relationships, origin-
ally developed for soils, to predict the hydraulic conduc-
tivity function geotextile from the, more easily measured
water retention function (Childs and Collis-George, 1950;
Gardner, 1958; van Genuchten, 1980; Fredlund et al.,
1994). Their works suggested that such equations originally
developed for soils adequately predicted the unsaturated
hydraulic behaviour of non-woven geotextiles.

3. Design concept
Fig. 1. Profiles of pressure head and volumetric moisture content vs.
elevation for silt over sand under conditions of constant infiltration rate Considering the issues as discussed above, relating to the
(from Barbour, 1990. Used with permission of the author). unsaturated properties of geotextiles and fine-grained soils,
66 K.D. Park, I.R. Fleming / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 24 (2006) 64–71

4. Theory
Cover Soil / Growth
4.1. Water retention curves
The water retention (or water characteristic) curve can
Rock Flour be defined as the relationship between the volumetric water
2-3 cm content of the soil and the soil suction (Fredlund and
Rahardjo, 1993). In this paper, this concept will be
extended to other porous materials, specifically non-woven
geotextiles. For soil, the water characteristic curve can be
shown to have three distinct stages (Fredlund and
Rahardjo, 1993):

Mining Waste 1. Pre air-entry stage: soil suctions are too small to
overcome the capillary forces holding the water within
the largest pores in the soil, the soil does not drain and
the volumetric water content remains constant;
Fig. 2. Schematic of geosynthetic capillary barrier. 2. Transition stage: the largest pores begin to drain,
allowing air to enter the structure, pores of decreasing
size are drained as the suction is increased; and
3. Residual stage: characterized by a very slow decrease in
the proposed GCB product is presented in Fig. 2. It is volumetric water content as suctions are considerably
intended that this geocomposite will combine the moisture increased. The water content within the soil is no longer
limiting ability of the non-woven geotextile with the controlled by capillary forces, rather by other phenom-
potential oxygen limiting ability of the fine-grained rock ena such as absorption or adhesion (Aubertin et al.,
flour. 2003).
This paper presents the potential application of the new
geocomposite product in the context of a capillary barrier
application for a mine tailings cover system; although there Fredlund and Xing (1994) presented a closed form
are other potential applications for the product such as equation to represent the water retention function for a
controlling moisture migration in highway embankments given material.
or mitigating moisture movement into landfills. Because of  
the challenges associated with very thin layers in a capillary lnð1 þ ðc=hr ÞÞ 1
yi ¼ y s 1    mf  , (1)
barrier and the potential for poor performance in sloping lnð1 þ ð106 =hr ÞÞ ln e þ ðc=af Þnf
cover systems (Bussière et al., 2003; Richardson, 1997), the
scenario considered in this paper will be for the cover of where ys is the saturated volumetric water content, c (kPa)
essentially flat-lying materials (such as tailings) in order to the suction, af (kPa) the fitting parameter corresponding to
ensure flow conditions that are essentially one-dimensional. the inflection point and somewhat related to the air-entry
In order to evaluate the GCB, the following require- value of the soil, nf the fitting parameter related to the rate
ments have been addressed at a preliminary level; i.e. in of desaturation of the soil in the transition phase, mf the
terms of ‘‘proof of concept’’: fitting parameter related to the curvature of the function in
the high suction range and hr the constant used to represent
1. Determine the pertinent unsaturated hydraulic proper- the soil suction at the residual water content (usually
ties of materials used to evaluate the geosynthetic break. estimated to be 106 kPa).
2. Model the geosynthetic capillary break as part of an
engineered cover system.
4.2. Hydraulic conductivity functions
The capillary break must satisfy two criteria in order to
be successful: As the suction applied to a porous media increases, the
water content tends to decrease. This decrease in water
1. The geotextile must remain close to its residual water content leads to discontinuities in the water phase within
content in order to provide a potential barrier against the soil structure, reducing the effective porosity. This
moisture migration (Stormont and Morris, 1998); and effect reduces the area available for water flow and
2. the fine-grained material must remain near saturation to therefore the hydraulic conductivity of the soil decreases.
mitigate downward oxygen diffusion (Nicholson et al., An equation to approximate the hydraulic conductivity
1989; Akindunni et al., 1991; Kisch, 1959; Bussière function for a given soil from its water retention function
et al., 2003) was developed by Fredlund et al. (1994). The resulting
K.D. Park, I.R. Fleming / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 24 (2006) 64–71 67

equation is (tailings) and a candidate cover soil to overlay the GCB

PN and provide protection were also characterized. The
i¼j ððyðe
Þ  yðcÞÞ=eyi Þ y0 ðeyi Þ measured grain size distributions for the materials are
k w ¼ k s PN , (2)
i¼1 ððyðe
yÞ  ys Þ=eyi Þ y0 ðeyi Þ shown in Fig. 3.
The proposed geotextile for use in the capillary barrier is
where kw (m/s) is the calculated conductivity, ks (m/s) the
a non-woven, polypropylene, needle punched, continuous
saturated conductivity, y the volumetric water content, y is
fibre geotextile distributed by Terrafix Geosynthetics Inc.
a dummy variable of integration representing the log of
as Terrafix 1200R. Table 1 shows additional physical
negative pore-water pressure, i is the interval between the
properties of the geotextile reproduced from the manufac-
range of j to N, j is the least negative pore water pressure to
turer’s specifications.
be described, N is the maximum negative pore water
The fine-grained material used in this study was a finely
pressure to be described, c (kPa) the value for suction and
ground nepheline syenite rock flour. The product used for
y0 i is the first derivative of Eq. (1).
testing is distributed as ‘‘Industrial Grade #75’’ by L.V.
Similar equations have also been proposed by Childs and
Lomas Chemicals in Ont., Canada. Pertinent product
Collis-George, (1950), Gardner (1958), and van Genuchten
information obtained from the manufacturer is presented
(1980) to estimate hydraulic conductivity functions from
in Table 2.
the water characteristic curves. However, for the purpose
Hudson Bay Mining and Smelting (HBM&S) of Flin
of our research, Eq. (2) will be used.
Flon, MB, provided mine tailings to be used in this study.
The tailings were dark grey in colour and were obtained
5. Methods and materials from HBM&S’s tailings management area. The tailings
were approximately 2 months old at the time of sampling.
5.1. Characterization of material properties Ten 45-gallon drum samples were collected and trans-
ported to the University of Saskatchewan. The samples
Four materials were examined for the evaluation of the were sealed until the start of the testing. Samples from each
geosynthetic break. The non-woven geotextile and rock drum were tested in order to confirm uniformity of grain
flour make up the GCB itself. A typical waste material size within the samples (see Fig. 3).



Rock Flour

% Finer Than

Cover Soil




10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001
Grain Size (mm)

Fig. 3. Grain size distributions for tested materials.

Table 1
Properties of nonwoven geotextile (Terrafix, 2004)

Mass per unit area (g/m2) AOS (mm) Thickness (mm) Porosity Ks (m/s)

550 0.05–0.15 4.0 0.82 1.5  103

68 K.D. Park, I.R. Fleming / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 24 (2006) 64–71

The cover soil used in the testing was spoil-obtained The axis-translation technique is used if suctions greater
from a commercially owned gravel pit. The pit, ASL than 10 kPa are required. This type of cell was initially
Saskatoon’s East Pit, was located approximately 15 km developed as a testing apparatus for soils; and the same
East of Saskatoon, SK. The soil occurred in a uniform procedures can be applied for geotextiles. However, due to
layer in a kame and esker complex and the material was the small thickness of the sample (approximately 4 mm),
collected from a spoil pile on site. The soil was light brown the cell must be weighed accurately (nearest 0.01 of a gram)
in colour, fine to medium grained and can be classified as in order to determine the precise volume of water that is
SM to ML. lost for each suction increment. Also, care must be taken in
handling the cell to ensure that no water is forced in or out
5.2. Experimental programme of the sample during the weighing process. Fig. 4 shows the
measured water retention functions of the four materials
The single specimen pressure plate cell (Fredlund, 2000) fitted with Fredlund and Xing (1994) parameters (shown in
was utilized to measure the water retention functions for Table 3). The water retention curve for the geotextile is
the four materials. For this study a 0.5 bar high-flow measured under a nominal load of 6.3 kPa.
porous stone (Soilmoisture Equipment Corp.) was used for
the measurement of the water retention function of the
geotextile, while a 3 bar stone was utilized for the soil, 5.3. Hydraulic conductivity functions
tailings and rock flour. Sample diameters of 80 and 64 mm
were used for the geotextile and soils, respectively. The The Fredlund et al. (1994) method was utilized to predict
procedure used to measure the drying curve is as follows. A the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity functions for the
saturated sample is placed on top of the saturated porous materials. Lafleur et al. (2000) suggested that this method
disc. The elevation of the outlet tube is lowered in was valid to predict the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity
approximately 1 cm increments and the specimen is allowed functions for non-woven geotextiles under low suctions.
to drain to equilibrium at each suction increment.
Table 3
Table 2 Fredlund and Xing (1994) parameters for tested materials
Properties of rock flour
Material af (kPa) nf mf hr (kPa) ys
Property Value
Cover 10.9 2.0 1.20 1E+06 0.42
Specific gravity 2.61 Geotextile 1.45 4.3 1.77 1E+06 0.82
Melting point (1C) 1020 Rock flour 59.5 4.7 0.58 1E+06 0.44
Bulk density (Mg/m3) 1.33–1.52 Tails 8.1 2.8 1.20 1E+06 0.47



Volumetric Water Content

Tailings Cover Soil

Rock Flour



0.1 1 10 100 1000
Suction (kPa)

Fig. 4. Water retention functions of tested materials.

K.D. Park, I.R. Fleming / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 24 (2006) 64–71 69


Hydraulic Conductivity (m/s) Tailings

Rock Flour

Cover Soil



0.1 1 10 100 1000
Suction (kPa)

Fig. 5. Hydraulic conductivity functions of tested materials.

Values of saturated hydraulic conductivity for the cover 1989). Nicholson stated that a material will not transmit
soil, rock flour and tailings were determined in the suctions to overlying materials which are greater than the
laboratory as 2.4  107, 6.0  107 and 8.3  105 m/s, suction at its residual water content. The residual water
respectively. The saturated hydraulic conductivity for the content for the geotextile is reached at a suction of less than
geotextile was taken as the specified value of 1.5  103 m/s 10 kPa. Therefore, theoretically, the suction immediately
(Table 1). Fig. 5 shows the estimated hydraulic conducti- above the geotextile will not be greater than 10 kPa under
vity functions. conditions of steady-state infiltration. The rock flour has
an air entry value of approximately 40–50 kPa and,
5.4. Numerical simulation consequently, will remain saturated over the entire range
of infiltrative fluxes.
A numerical simulation was carried out for typical
conditions of flat-lying tailings overlain by cover soil with 6. Discussion and conclusions
and without a GCB. The simulation was carried out using
a finite element model of steady-state saturated/unsatu- The objectives of this paper were to show that the
rated flow (SEEP/W, GeoStudio, 2004). The geometry for inclusion of the geosynthetic capillary barrier (GCB) may
the engineered cover system was selected based on the be effective as part of an engineered cover system to control
works of Nicholson et al. (1989), Barbour (1990), and net percolation into potentially acid generating mine waste.
Akindunni et al. (1991). A 2.5 m thick layer of tailings is Upon determination of the unsaturated hydraulic func-
overlain by a 1.0 m thick layer of cover soil. The GCB is tions for the two materials it appears that, in theory, a
modeled as a 2 cm thick layer in between the tailings and capillary barrier would developed when a layer of the finely
the cover soil. Steady-state infiltration fluxes of 1  106, grained rock flour is placed over the top of the non-woven
1  107 and 1  108 m/s were applied as a surface geotextile depending on the location of the water table.
boundary condition and the pressure head at the base of From the results of numerical simulation, it can be
the tailings was held constant at 0 m. The functions shown concluded that the GCB potentially decreases suction in
in Figs. 4 and 5 were utilized as the hydraulic input the materials immediately above the geotextile under
functions for the model. Fig. 6 shows the pressure profiles conditions of steady-state infiltration. This, however, is
computed from the numerical analysis. highly dependant on the position of the water table as well
Fig. 6 illustrates that even under conditions of steady- as the individual material functions (Akindunni et al.,
state infiltration, significant negative pressure heads (suc- 1990).
tions) may develop in the cover soil. This becomes more This decrease in suction allows the overlying soil to
pronounced as the infiltration rate is reduced from 1  106 remain at an elevated degree of saturation. An increase in
to 1  108 m/s. The inclusion of the GCB decreases the degree of saturation is advantageous for an engineered
suction in the materials above the top of the waste just as cover system for two reasons. First, the increase in
occurs when using a coarse soil layer (Nicholson et al., degree of saturation lowers the effective oxygen diffusion
70 K.D. Park, I.R. Fleming / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 24 (2006) 64–71




q = 1x10-6 m/s
Elevation (m)


q = 1x10-8 m/s

q = 1x10-7 m/s

0.5 GCB

-2.4 -2.1 -1.8 -1.5 -1.2 -0.9 -0.6 -0.3 0.0 0.3
Pressure Head (m)

Fig. 6. Computed pressure profiles.

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