An Approach To Analyse Energy Consumption of An Iot System

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Int. j. inf. tecnol.

(August 2022) 14(5):2549–2558


An approach to analyse energy consumption of an IoT system

Hanumant Kumar Yugank1 • Richa Sharma1 • Sindhu Hak Gupta1

Received: 23 November 2021 / Accepted: 16 April 2022 / Published online: 8 May 2022
Ó The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Bharati Vidyapeeth’s Institute of Computer Applications and Management 2022

Abstract Internet of Thing (IoT) has emerged as the one by the mean square error (MSE) function, using the scaled
of best solution to provide service for different applications conjugate gradient (SCG) algorithm. The data set of 180
such as smart cities and precision agriculture. In the samples, for the training of neural network has been cre-
infrastructure based on an IoT network, multiple sensors or ated. Also, the other parameters like the SNR, operable
smart devices are linked to the IoT gateway. These devices region, and energy efficient region for SoCs using the
consume considerably more power during the transmission concept of duty-cycle have also been obtained for
or reception of data from the transceiver to the gateway, in optimization.
comparison to sensing the data through sensors or pro-
cessing data. The electronic devices used in smart build- Keywords Artificial neural-network  Duty Cycle  Energy
ings, smart cities, and smart agricultural system consumes Consumption  Optimization  Threshold value
more energy than traditional electronic equipment. To
sustain the growing demand of smart appliances, opti-
mization of smart electronic devices in terms of power 1 Introduction
consumption is essential. Many researchers and scientists
are now working on optimizing energy usage as a central Internet of Thing (IoT) provides a platform to link up
focus, along with providing comfort atmosphere to smart multiple items/devices to the Internet where these devices
application projects. In this paper, energy consumption for can interact with each other, for example, smart electric
sensors and system on chips (SoCs) has been calculated vehicles, waste management system, drainage systems,
with respect to the duty cycle. The threshold region for hospitals, traffic management systems, and emergency
operating the device has been obtained by finding the services (i.e., fire alarm system, flood alarm system, and
minimum eigenvalue. Further, the signal to noise (SNR) security alarm system) in a smart city [1]. The purpose of
has been estimated using the pathloss equation for the IoT is not limited to the smart cities only. It also provides a
received signal. The central target of this work is to opti- platform for surveillance of forest areas and endangered
mize power consumption by using an artificial neural net- species by connecting various sensors and smart surveil-
work (ANN). The performance of ANN has been acquired lance cameras [2]. Nowadays, IoT is being used in smart
agriculture systems where the management of the crop is
done by help of connecting sensors and actuators to the
& Sindhu Hak Gupta smartphone using the internet and cloud services [3].
Internet of Thing (IoT) is emerging rapidly with the
Hanumant Kumar Yugank necessity of an increasing number of associated devices,
which are interlinked to perform a specific task via using
Richa Sharma the internet. Utilizing ever more devices to achieve goals
such as smart city, which has advance management sys-
Amity School of Engineering and Technology, Amity tems that uses artificial intelligence to make service easier
University, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India and faster with smart monitoring systems [4]. However,

2550 Int. j. inf. tecnol. (August 2022) 14(5):2549–2558

scaling the number of connecting devices is not that easy, circuitry on a single chip. These Soc have built-in micro-
as it increases the data generated and consumes more controller units along with a transceiver module. The
energy. While using normal appliances, they consume less power is mainly drained in either transmitting mode or
energy than smart IoT devices, as the smart IoT device has receiving mode. Power consumption by the microcontroller
an additional communication and controlling unit which is very less in comparison to transmitting mode and
requires an additional amount of power. This increase in receiving mode. Sometimes the power used by the micro-
the energy demand of the IoT devices puts an additional controllers ranges in microwatts [13]. But, when talking
load on the energy grid, where a major amount of power is about SoC, power consumption is about a few milliwatts,
being supplied through traditional thermal power plants. and if talking in terms of battery constraint devices, this
This thermal power plant emits greenhouse gases, and it amount of power consumption is also huge.
pollutes the whole environment, which contributes to the The application of IoT in a smart grid system is to
rise of global temperature and increases the sea level [5, 6]. reduce the energy wastage in grids. But when considering
This increase in power demand has attracted many the low-power IoT application, the optimization of the IoT
researchers and scientists’ interest towards discovering system itself is very crucial [14]. There are many ways to
energy efficient devices and optimizing the system to save save energy consumption in IoT systems, such as using
unnecessary energy usage [7]. Energy optimization is one different modulation techniques and different computa-
of the major factors while designing any IoT architecture, tional techniques (i.e., cloud computing and edge com-
specially while deploying the IoT systems in the battery puting) [15]. The ANN is put into practice in the electronic
constrained environment. Many IoT devices run mainly on domain and used for optimization purposes in many fields
power delivered by battery-based sources and replacing or for different applications. Generally, for optimizing the
recharging these batteries is not easy and economical [8]. non-linear function, an ANN is preferred for modelling the
The components of IoT system are generally very small in function as it can resemble the complex comportment with
size and have constrained design and battery capacity. So, the preferred level of precision [16].
it is very important to optimize the lifespan of each device In the management of power utilization in smart build-
and select each module of IoT very precisely as different ings, advanced BMS (building management system) is
modules are based on different current consuming capa- been preferred for a long term reliable and better load
bilities and efficiency [9]. handling for smart buildings [17]. The optimization of
The removal of energy wastage which is consumed energy consumption in a smart city is being carried out
while performing any given task is called optimization. using machine learning, as it is highly reliable and has the
Even when the task has been performed, the system is on, least error rate [18]. A hybrid method for optimization of
and is still consuming energy. For example, if the tem- power flow can be implemented to enhance the end result.
perature data has been collected by the heat sensor, the A hybrid method based on fuzzy algorithm provides the
system is still running and gives another data which is benefit of both the ANN as well as fuzzy based method
unnecessary if the temperature change is not very frequent. [19].
This wastage of energy put an unnecessary burden and Many researchers have worked on the optimization of
increases the energy requirement [10]. The energy con- IoT systems by applying several different methods as
sumption of IoT devices depends upon the different tasks shown in Table.1. All the optimizations were based either
performed by individual elements for different applica- on the number of the end device or on managing the power
tions. Many studies and research have been done to opti- distribution. But a void has been detected as none have
mize energy consumption in IoT systems. Each of these implemented ANN to optimize the duty cycle of IoT
research aims towards the optimization of specific sections devices. Also, the optimal working region of these devices
or techniques of an IoT system [11]. Optimization of has not been emphasized much. In this paper, the optimal
energy consumption for household applications has been performance region of an IoT device as well as energy and
accomplished considerably more in comparison to other power consumption by various sensors and SoCs for a
applications, due to the high demand of smart homes given application has been discussed. Further, the opti-
applications [12]. The optimization of IoT devices is also mization of energy consumption using ANN has been
necessary for applications such as smart agriculture sys- performed.
tems, where the devices are not required to be put at task This paper has been split up into four sections; Sect. 2
for a continuous period. presents the proposed system model and discusses the
Nowadays, instead of using separate microcontrollers, signal to noise ratio, threshold region, and optimization
transmitters and receiver modules, a single integrated cir- using ANN; then Sect. 3 talk about the results and simu-
cuit Soc is being used. SoC is an integrated circuit that lation. And the last portion concludes this paper in Sect. 4.
comprises each essential piece of an electronic element and

Int. j. inf. tecnol. (August 2022) 14(5):2549–2558 2551

Table 1 Related work

Reference Objective Method Outcome

[4] Optimization of energy consumption Bat algorithm, fuzzy logic, extreme learning machine Improved comfort index after
and Parameter’s selection according optimization and reduced
to user preference energy consumption
[6] Resource management and improved Lyapunov stochastic optimization approach Improve throughput, reduced
performance of ECIoT end-to-end delay, and delay
[8] Calculation of energy consumption of Estimation of consumed power by sensor node in Optimized LoRaWAN
sensor node element different LoRaWAN modes and effect of different parameters and energy
LoRaWAN parameters consumption by the sensor
[10] Prediction of energy consumption and System lifetime prediction based on probabilistic More precise prediction of
life span of wireless sensor network approach and Markov’s chains lifetime of sensor network
[11] Energy optimization and scheduling of Device scheduling optimization equation and fuzzy High accuracy for proposed
equipment/device algorithm for the device scheduling model and energy economy
[19] Optimizing energy consumption for Applying genetic algorithm (GA) on Cloud of Things Better performances than
cloud computing (CoT) ETCORA algorithm for
Proposed To Analyse and optimise the energy Optimising the threshold region and operable region Improved throughput and
work consumption of IoT devices for SoCs. Obtaining the optimal duty cycle using optimised duty cycle
Artificial Neural Network

2 System architecture

The IoT general architecture is shown in Fig. 1. The sen-

sors are the basic component of the IoT system, which is
connected to the microcontroller unit (MCU). The signal
from the MCU is transmitted to the gateways by using the
transceiver. The gateway acts as a bridge between the
sensor node and the cloud service.
The sensors are devices that transduces the change in the
Fig. 2 IoT architecture modelling using distinct alternatives in
physical parameter into the corresponding amount of sensors, SoCs, and gateways
electrical signal. The sensors are generally used to sense
the difference in temperature, humidity, moisture, pressure, Fig. 2, modules (Sensors, SoCs and Gateway) that could be
motion, etc. These sensors are controlled using electronic used in different applications are listed. The overall energy
chips, called a microcontroller. The microcontroller and utilization of any module is hinged on the active mode in
transceiver unit could be implemented on a single-chip conjunction with the sleeping mode [8].
known as SoC, where the computation and transmission is The overall energy consumption ETotal for communi-
done by a single SoC, as shown in Fig. 1. cating to the sensor through transmitter during one machine
Further, power consumption in different operating states cycle is provided through (1) [8]:
of sensor, MCU, and transceiver has been discussed. In

Fig. 1 General Architecture of

traditional IoT network

2552 Int. j. inf. tecnol. (August 2022) 14(5):2549–2558

ETotal ¼ EActive þ ESleep ð1Þ 4p
Pl ¼ 20log10 þ 20log10 ð f Þ þ 20log10 ðdÞ  GR  GT
where EActive is energy utilization for the period of the
active mode and ESleep energy consumption during the ð6Þ
sleeping mode by different modules such as MCUs, where ‘d’ is distance, ‘f’ is frequency, ‘c’ is the velocity of
transceivers, and sensors. Energy consumption varies in light, and GR & GT are the gain of receiving and trans-
devices for different operating modes such as sleeping mitting antennas. The embedded devices are designed to
mode, transmission mode, reception mode, and data pro- perform certain work, which requires some minimum
cessing mode. But most of the power is consumed during duration of time. Different peripheral devices connected at
the transmitting mode, receiving mode, and when MCU is the node take a different amount of time. For this duration,
processing the data, the power consumed by SoCs and the device is said to be in an active state. After completion
sensors can be calculated by (2), (3), and (4), respectively of a designated task, the device goes into the sleep state.
as illustrated in [8]. The combination of sleep state and active state is referred
ESleep ¼ PSleep  TSleep ð2Þ to as the duty cycle, which is briefed in the next paragraph.
The embedded System works efficiently when the heat
EActiveSensors ¼ Pon  Ton ð3Þ generated during the active state is well dissipated. Dissi-
EActiveSoC ¼ ½ðPMCU þ PR Þ  TR  þ ½ðPMCU þ PTr Þ  TTr  pation of heat is directly proportional to the time duration
ð4Þ in which the heat is transferred to the environment from the
electronic component. To increase this duration, the con-
where PSleep is the power utilization for the period of cept of the duty cycle is introduced. This provides more
sleeping mode and T Sleep is the time duration in the duration for heat dissipation than the heat generation time
sleeping mode. Pon & T on is the power consumption and slot. In Fig. 3, the calculation of duty cycle for one period
time duration, respectively, by the sensor. PMCU is the (i.e., one machine cycle) has been demonstrated, where one
power consumption by the microcontroller, PR is the power period is equal to T Total .
consumption during receiving mode, T R is time duration The ratio of time in which the device is working or is in
during the receiving mode, PMCU is the power consumed active state in comparison to the total time period (i.e.,
by the microcontroller, PTr is the power consumption active state and sleep state) is referred to as its duty cycle
during transmitting mode, T Tr is time duration during the and is specified in [25] as:
transmitting mode, and ES is the energy consumed by Tactive
sensor during the active mode. Dutycycle ¼  100% ð7Þ
The power transmitted by the transmitter is associated
with the sensitivity of the receiver. The sensitivity of a The threshold is the limit, range, or level on a scale to
receiver is defined as the minimum signal strength required which the device works properly, without any permanent
to convert the electromagnetic waves into a digital signal. damage or any degradation of its output efficiency. To find
To find the sensitivity, the SNR plays a crucial role. The the threshold value of power consumption, the covariance
ratio of power received signal and noise is defined as SNR, matrix of power consumption with respect to duty cycle
it is a free space parameter that is important to find out the (D) needed to be obtained using (9). The covariance matrix
total efficiency of a wireless communication system. With is a square matrix obtained by arranging the table of energy
an increase in distance, SNR starts decreasing exponen- consumed by the device into a square matrix.
tially. Although when transmitted power increases, SNR Then compute the Eigen-value using the covariance
improves linearly. The SNR has been computed in [20] by matrix. A special set of scalars correlated to a linear system
the author and is given by: of equations are described as eigenvalues. The ratio of
Pt maximum power consumption and minimum eigen-value
SNR ¼ ð5Þ
Pl  No
where Pt is power transmitted, Pl is path loss and N o is the
noise power. In the proposed system model, free space has
been considered as the channel for propagating signals. The
path loss (Pl ) equation has been specified by the author in
[21] and is expressed as:

Fig. 3 Graph of duty cycle for an electronic device

Int. j. inf. tecnol. (August 2022) 14(5):2549–2558 2553

is referred to as threshold power limit (PthÞ and the area current consumption information during various states by
nearby this point is called threshold region and is illustrated the device, which is easily available with datasheet of
in [22] and expressed as: corresponding element. Then this current consumption
Maximum power consumption ðPmax Þ value is being used in calculating the power consumption
Pth ¼ ð8Þ value of that device, which is being used in Eq. 1–4, for
Minimum Eigen Value
calculation of values in dataset. This dataset has been
here, the minimum Eigen-value is the lowest number of created for different value of duty cycle, which is discussed
eigenvalues obtained from the covariance matrix. further in this paper.
After finding out the threshold region, ANN is applied to For the hidden layer, the number of neurons has taken in
obtain the optimised value of power consumption with order to avoid underfitting, overfitting, and incresed com-
respect to the respective duty cycle, which is discussed in putational time [23]. The five inputs that have been con-
the next section. sidered are duty-cycle, energy consumption in an active
state, power consumption in an active state, power con-
sumption in the sleep state, and total energy consumed.
3 Optimization using ANN algorithm And the total power consumed has been taken as out-
put/targeted value [24].
Formulation: The optimization of power consumption to The performance of this model has been carried out
realize the optimised value of duty-cycle for a given SoCs using MSE function. The square of the difference between
by applying the ANN using a neural network fitting tool. the input data and targeted value gives the MSE as illus-
A non-linear function can be modelled using ANN, and trated in [17] by the author and is given by:
it could optimize the power consumption for the proposed
1X n
IoT application. By using (1), (2), and (4) power con- MSE ¼ ½Input data  Targete value2 ð10Þ
sumption for an SoC be calculated as, n i¼1

PDA  TActive þ PDS  TSleep where n is the number of sample data. By using the SCG
PTotal ¼ ð9Þ
TTotal algorithm, the MSE function can be generated and further
use for find the optimized value of power consumption.
where PdA is power consumption by the device during the
SCG belongs to the class of conjugate gradient method and
active state and PDS is the power consumption during the
is a learning algorithm for the neural network. In this type
sleeping state by the respective device.
of algorithm, the weight is updated at each iteration [20].
From Eq. (9), it can be observed that power consump-
In Table 2, a sample data set is calculated using the
tion depends on power consumption during the active and
value of current consumption at a particular voltage
sleeping state and the total duration of the considered duty
obtained from the datasheet of an SoC (ATZB-X0-256-3-0-
cycle. The power consumption is directly proportional to
C). The Duty-cycle (%) is obtained using Eq. (7) and
the given duty cycle. Power consumption by the SoC is
EActive is derived using Eq. (4). Then the PActive & PSleep is
detected to be a non-linear function and has been acquired
as a targeted output to perform the optimization using the obtained for the same value of duty cycle, for which the
ANN tool. The proposed setup has five input vectors in the EActive has been calculated. PTotal is the overall power
input space and requires a regression model. Using the consumed, and it acts as targeted output for ANN, which
SCG algorithm gives the desired result when it renews has been obtained using Eq. (9).
weight and bias values agreeing to this method [20]. The output of the ANN has been deliberated in the next
In Fig. 4, the ANN model is shown consists of 3 layers; section, along with the effect of duty-Cycle on energy and
an input layer, a hidden layer, and an output layer. A power consumption. The output and graph of SNR, effec-
dataset consisting of 180 samples of power consumption, tive operable region for an SoC (FMLR-STM-SX1280) has
duty cycle, and energy consumed has been used to train the been also illustrated.
neural network. This dataset has been created using the

Fig. 4 Neural Network training


2554 Int. j. inf. tecnol. (August 2022) 14(5):2549–2558

Table 2 Sample dataset of

Inputs Output
inputs for training of ANN
Duty-cycle (%) EActive (mJ) PActive (mW) PSleep (mW) ETotal (mJ) PTotal (mW)

0.55 222 0.61 0.000895 222.00 0.61

1.66 666 1.85 0.000885 666.00 1.85
3.33 1332 3.7 0.00087 1332.00 3.7
7.22 2886 8.01 0.000835 2886.00 8.01
8.33 3330 9.25 0.000825 3330.00 9.25
9.44 3774 10.48 0.000815 3774.00 10.48
10.55 4218 11.71 0.000805 4218.05 11.71
11.66 4662 12.95 0.000795 4662.00 12.95
12.77 5106 14.18 0.000785 5106.00 14.18

4 Result and discussion amount of power and energy, and STM32WB55xx con-
sumes the least amount of power as well as energy amongst
The effect of the duty cycle on energy and power con- different SoCs.
sumption of sensors and SoCs have been illustrated in this In Fig. 6a and b, energy utilization for the period of the
section. To find the value of power consumed, current active mode and sleeping mode has been mapped for var-
consumption during active state and sleep state has been ious SoCs. In Fig. 6a and b, it can be observed that ATZB-
multiplied with the value voltage supplied to find the power X0-256-3-0-C consumes most of the energy in an active
consumption in an active state and sleep state, respectively. state, but STM32WB55xx consumes the most amount of
The product of voltage and current consumption gives the energy in a sleep state. Whereas STM32WB55xx con-
value of PActive and PSleep . sumes the least amount of energy in the active state, and
In Fig. 5a the power utilization vs. duty cycle has been STM32WB55xx consumes the least amount of energy in a
mapped for different SoCs. In this figure, it could be sleep state.
noticed that spiralling the duty cycle boosts the power While optimizing the IoT system, it is also necessary to
utilization of the SoCs. Similarly, in Fig. 5b, the total select the optimum value of transmitted power as per
energy consumed versus duty cycle has been plotted for application requirements. In Fig. 7, a graph of SNR vs.
numerous SoCs. Now while increasing the duty cycle, rises distance at different transmitted power has been plotted. It
the energy spending of SoCs. From Fig. 5a and b, it can be could be observed from the graph that by either increasing
observed that ATZB-X0-256-3-0-C consumes the most the frequency or the distance, the signal to noise ratio gets

(a) (b)
Fig. 5 a Power Consumption vs Duty Cycle for different SoCs. b Total Energy Consumed vs Duty Cycle for different SoCs

Int. j. inf. tecnol. (August 2022) 14(5):2549–2558 2555

(a) (b)
Fig. 6 a Energy Utilization in Active mode contrasted with time duration for different SoCs. b Energy Utilization in sleep mode contrast with
time duration for different SoC

working below 40% duty cycle, the system is considered as

energy efficient. Although when it is working for more than
60% of its duty cycle, the system is considered as energy
In Fig. 9 Graph of the different operable regions for SoC
(FLRM-STM-SX1280) has been plotted. The threshold
power has been obtained using Eq. (9). The region above
this value is referred tto as the non-operable region as it is
not recommended to exceed this limit. The region below
this point is divided into two sections, threshold region, and
operable region. A similar graph could be obtained for
other SoCs using the same technique, but to reduce the
length of paper, only the result of FLRM-STM-SX1280 has
Fig. 7 SNR vs. Distance at different transmitted power
been plotted in this paper.
Optimization of Output:
reduced. The values of SNR in Fig. 7 have been plotted In this section, the performance of the ANN model has
using values given in Table 3 in (5). The value of SNR
been plotted. In Fig. 10, the regression curve fit for the
ranges between 110 and 128 dB over a distance of 1–50 m. output and input data set has been plotted. For training,
In Fig. 8, the graph of Energy and power consumption validation, and testing sets, the regression plot is it obtained
vs. duty cycle has been plotted. Ideally, 50% of the duty
with respect to the Output (Y) = targeted value (T), where
cycle for any embedded system is recommended, and the R shows the relation between the output and target. The
region nearby this is called threshold region. This region value of R is around 0.98 for training, testing, and vali-
generally lies between 40 and 60%. If the device is
dation, this means that system has an accuracy is around
Table 3 Values and units of parameters used in (6) to obtain SNR Figure 11 shows the gradient and validation checks for
Parameter Value Unit
the ANN model. The gradient is the measure of change in
weights with respect to change in error, whereas validation
h 1 mW is the process in which the accuracy of the trained network
Pt 0.1, 0.3, 0.6, 1 dBm is calculated for the testing dataset. At epoch 13, gradient
No -137 dBm and validation checks are 345 and 6, respectively, for the
f 2.4 GHz considered model.
In Fig. 12a, the ANN model performance has been
evaluated in the provision of MSE versus the number of

2556 Int. j. inf. tecnol. (August 2022) 14(5):2549–2558

Fig. 8 Energy efficient region,

threshold region, energy
inefficient region for SoC

Fig. 9 Operable region,

threshold region, non-operable
region for SoC (FLRM-STM-

epochs. For the best output of the trained ANN algorithm, which can be further used to optimize duty-cycle and
the difference between the ANN’s and the target value for energy consumed.
the training dataset should be minimum. Here, the best will The optimization of power consumption of SoC will be
validation comes at 7 epochs. In Fig. 12b, the error his- very helpful in improving the link budget of similar system
togram for the ANN model has been plotted. After training models. Optimization of embedded systems used for
the neural network, a histogram of the errors among the implementing the IoT system also plays a decisive role in
predicted values and the target values is called an error increasing the system performance. Whether it’s a sensor,
histogram. The errors in Fig. 12b are mostly distributed micro-controller, or the transmitter, reducing the duty cycle
between - 11.58 and 14.48, but the maximum error occurs helps maintain the heat dissipation as well as avoid throt-
between - 0.608 and 2.135, respectively. The minimum tling of electronic components. Using the ANN technique
error value of Power consumption (58.5 mW) is obtained for optimization at different level of IoT provides better

Int. j. inf. tecnol. (August 2022) 14(5):2549–2558 2557

Fig. 10 Regression output for testing, training, and validation

Fig. 11 Variation in performance of validation checks and gradient error

(a) (b)
Fig. 12 Execution of ANN model a best validation. b Error histogram

insight into a way to reduce the unnecessary reduction of 5 Conclusion

lifespan of IoT devices. This can increase the service time
of implemented system and would also increase the In an IoT configuration, power consumption occurs most
applicability of low powered IoT devices in innovative during the wireless data transmission, rather than in sensing
applications. and processing the data. The transceiver or SoCs should be
chosen in a manner that meets the requirement of the
applied applications. Different SoCs work on different
modulation techniques and have different abilities with
respect to data transmission power and range. The same
concept is applicable to the sensors also, as they work on
different techniques and technology, choosing the

2558 Int. j. inf. tecnol. (August 2022) 14(5):2549–2558

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