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Sentence Correction

Directions: Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error
or idiomatic error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The
number of the part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is 5. (Ignore errors
of punctuation, if any.)

1. On account of the week (1) / long strike the factory (2) / was forced to close
and (3) / next month’s shipment will delay (4) /. No error (5)

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4

E) 5

Answer (D)

2. Since the US economy experiences (1) / a recession many Asian countries (2) /
are likely to have (3) / reduced growth rates this year (4) /. No error (5)

Pg. 1
A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4

E) 5

Answer (A)

3. Oil is now so expensive that (1) / India will have to cut subsidies (2) / instead
face running out (3) / of funds to import oil (4) /. No error (5).

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4

E) 5

Pg. 2
Answer (C)

4. It is unlikely that you will (1) / find a more qualified and experience (2) /
candidate than Mr. Prasad (3) / for the post of president (4) /. No error (5).

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4

E) 5

Answer (B)

5. On account of rising (1) / costs many people are (2) / finding it difficult (3) / to
feed their families (4) /. No error (5).

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

Pg. 3
D) 4

E) 5

Answer (D)

6. By marketing Agriculture (1) / products well, we (2) / can ensure that (3) /
farmers make a good profit (4) /. No error (5).

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4

E) 5

Answer (A)

7. The promotion means (1) / that you may be (2) / post in chennai (3) / from
next month (4) /. No error (5).

A) 1

Pg. 4
B) 2

C) 3

D) 4

E) 5

Answer (C)

8. This project is (1) / too big to (2) / undertake successfully at (3) / such short of
notice (4) /. No error (5)

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4

E) 5

Answer (D)

Pg. 5
9. When our company was (1) / faced financial difficulties (2) / the training
budget was (3) / the first to be cut (4) /. No error (5).

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4

E) 5

Answer (B)

10. Conservationists believe that (1) / better management of national parks (2) / is
the only way to save (3) / India’s tiger population from extinction (4) /. No
error (5).

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

Pg. 6
D) 4

E) 5

Answer (E)

11. He has taken care to (1) / compliance with the norms (2) / so he expects the
proposal (3) / to be approved without delay (4) /. No error (5).

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4

E) 5

Answer (B)

12. Under the terms of the new deal (1) / the channel can broadcast (2) / the next
cricket tournament to be (3) / played among India and Australia (4) /. No error

A) 1

Pg. 7
B) 2

C) 3

D) 4

E) 5

Answer (D)

13. Our equipment gets damage (1) / very often in summer (2) / because there are
(3) / frequent power cuts (4) /. No error (5).

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4

E) 5

Answer (A)

Pg. 8
14. We have received many (1) / of the letters from customers (2) / asking us to
extend (3) / the deadline to repay their loans (4) /. No error (5).

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4

E) 5

Answer (B)

15. Since I had lived there (1) / for many years the villagers (2) / were very
comfortable talked (3) / to me about their problems (4) /. No error (5).

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4

Pg. 9
E) 5

Answer (C)

16. We have been under (1) / a lot of pressure to (2) / open fifty new stores (3) /
by the ending of the year (4) /. No error (5).

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4

E) 5

Answer (D)

17. The government has (1) / launched many creative schemes (2) / to make
banking services (3) / available to everyone (4) /. No error (5).

A) 1

B) 2

Pg. 10
C) 3

D) 4

E) 5

Answer (E)

18. The company is in debt (1) / and has been unable (2) / to pay their employee’s
salaries (3) / for the past six months (4) /. No error (5).

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4

E) 5

Answer (C)

19. This is turned out to be (1) / one of our most successful projects (2) / and we
have made quite (3) / a large profit from it (4) /. No error (5).

Pg. 11
A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4

E) 5

Answer (A)

20. A non-banking financial company is a (1) / financial institution similarly to a

bank (2) / but it cannot issue (3) / cheque books to customers (4) /. No error

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4

Pg. 12
E) 5

Answer (B)

Sentence Correction

Directions: Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical
error or idiomatic error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the
sentence. The number of the part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer
is 5. (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any.)

1. Selling peanuts (1) / on the road is (2) / the only means of earning (3) / in
respect of most of the people (4) /. No error (5).

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4

Pg. 13
E) 5

Answer (E)

2. Her talk was (1) / judged by many (2) / as one of the most important talks
(3) / given in the seminar (4) /. No error (5).

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4

E) 5

Answer (C)

3. The boy who was guilty with (1) / having stolen the cell phone (2) / came
out (3) / with the truth (4) /. No error (5).

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

Pg. 14
D) 4

E) 5

Answer (A)

4. She is the teacher (1) / whom I know (2) / has helped my son (3) / in the
examination (4) /. No error (5)

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4

E) 5

Answer (B)

5. You cannot demand (1) / all your articles (2) / unless you don’t (3) / give
advance notice (4) /. No error (5).

A) 1

Pg. 15
B) 2

C) 3

D) 4

E) 5

Answer (C)

6. We insisted, but neither (1) / Jona nor her assistant (2) / are ready to (3) /
work on Sunday (4) /. No error (5).

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4

E) 5

Answer (C)

Pg. 16
7. There is just not enough (1) / time in my unit to sit round (2) / talking
about how we feel (3) / about each other (4) /. No error (5).

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4

E) 5

Answer (D)

8. The act will be passed (1) / with a comfortable majority if all (2) / the
partisans of (3) / her group favours it (4) /. No error (5).

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

Pg. 17
D) 4

E) 5

Answer (D)

9. Hardly had I (1) / entered the airport (2) / than I met (3) / my cousin Tilak
(4) /. No error (5).

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4

E) 5

Answer (C)

10. Martin would attempt (1) / to open the umbrella (2) / when her spectacles
slipped off (3) / and fell down (4) /. No error (5).

A) 1

B) 2

Pg. 18
C) 3

D) 4

E) 5

Answer (A)

11. If you had not (1) / reached so quickly, (2) / we might well (3) / have had a
disaster (4) /. No error (5).

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4

E) 5

Answer (E)

Pg. 19
12. In emerging economies, (1) / the private credit market (2) / remains highly
segmented and thus (3) / weaken power of monetary policy (4) /.No error

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4

E) 5

Answer (D)

13. The recent election campaign (1) / has been one of (2) / the most noisiest
campaigns (3) / in the last decade (4) /.No error (5).

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

Pg. 20
D) 4

E) 5

Answer (C)

14. Wholesome strategic planning (1) / was the focus as (2) / the firm manage
through a difficult period (3) / a couple of years ago (4) /.No error (5).

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4

E) 5

Answer (C)

15. In spite of the best governmental efforts (1) / emission of greenhouse

gases (2) / and noxious chemicals (3) / remain a cause of worry (4) /.No
error (5).

Pg. 21
A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4

E) 5

Answer (D)

16. The rate of metabolism of (1) / a body is comparatively lowest when (2) /
it is at rest and is (3) / thus optimum for examination (4) /.No error (5).

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4

Pg. 22
E) 5

Answer (B)

17. The opposition leader tried (1) / to bolster his position (2) / with the
voters by pressing (3) / corruption charges against rivals (4) /.No error (5).

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4

E) 5

Answer (C)

18. The recently imposed dress code (1) / in the university has enraged (2) /
the students who will be going (3) / on strike since tomorrow (4) /.No
error (5).

A) 1

Pg. 23
B) 2

C) 3

D) 4

E) 5

Answer (D)

19. Ever since he took over (1) / as the chief minister of the state, (2) / rate for
unemployment (3) / has drastically increased (4) /.No error (5).

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4

E) 5

Answer (C)

Pg. 24
20. Although the brilliant writer, (1) / an underlying (2) / pessimism prevails
in (3) / all her novels (4) /.No error (5).

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4

E) 5

Answer (A)

Pg. 25

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