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PALATTAO, Christine S.

BSA 1.2
Weekly Journal


During the initial week of the National Service Training Program 2 under the guidance of Mr. Alvin Glenn, I
gained valuable insights into data collection. As we start the class through online, Mr. Glenn emphasized
the significance of gathering data effectively to obtain reliable information for addressing community
issues. Additionally, we were introduced to the "Bright Plan Project," which educates us on utilizing
collected data to assist communities in need.

This session not only enhanced my understanding of data collection but also highlighted the importance
of community involvement. I feel optimistic about implementing our project because I believe it can
positively impact communities. Learning about data collection goes beyond acquiring facts; it entails
comprehending how we can contribute to solving societal problems and enhancing people's lives. This
experience underscored the notion that collective effort and community engagement can foster
improvement and pave the way for a brighter future for all.

WEEK 2 Inclusive dates: March 16, Hours: 4


Weekly goal/s What do you intend AT THE END OF THE WEEK WE WOULD BE ABLE TO:
to accomplish?
1. Brainstorming Sessions: The class conducted
The intent is to develop a brainstorming sessions for the "Project Bright Plan" to
comprehensive and effective address literacy issues in the community. Students
"Project Bright Plan" that addresses collaborated creatively to generate innovative
the literacy issues within the approaches.
community. By conducting
brainstorming sessions, researching 2. Research and Planning: Students will have time to
successful literacy programs, and research successful literacy programs and strategies in
setting clear goals, the class aims similar communities.
to devise innovative approaches
tailored to their community's needs. 3. Goal Setting: The class will collaborate to establish
Ultimately, the goal is to make a clear and achievable goals for the "Project Bright Plan,"
positive impact on literacy levels focusing on addressing the community's literacy needs.
and foster a culture of reading and They will define what they aim to achieve through the
writing within the community. project.

Resources needed Materials:

1. Paper
2. Pen
3. Computer


1. Students (BSA 1.2)

2. Acquaintances (outside the school)

Description of the weekly Yes, we successfully achieved our weekly goals. We conducted
accomplishment: Were you able to productive brainstorming sessions, conducted research on
meet your weekly goals? effective literacy programs, and established clear objectives for
our "Project Bright Plan."

Challenges encountered: ● One specific challenge encountered during the planning

Describe a specific challenge you phase of our "Project Bright Plan" was reconciling
encountered during the planning differing opinions on the most effective approach to
phase of your Project Bright Plan? address the community's literacy issues. Some students
favored traditional methods, while others proposed more
innovative strategies. Finding common ground and
ensuring everyone's ideas were heard required open
communication and compromise.

● Another challenge we faced during the planning phase

of our "Project Bright Plan" was coordinating schedules
and ensuring consistent participation from all group
members. With everyone having different commitments
and availability, it was challenging to find times that
worked for everyone to meet and collaborate effectively.
This required proactive communication and flexibility to
accommodate everyone's schedules while still making
progress on our project.

Managing difficulties: How are To manage difficulties in creating our "Project Bright Plan," we
you able to manage difficulties in prioritize open communication, flexibility, and collaboration within
creating your Project Bright Plan? our group. We divide tasks based on strengths, seek support
from mentors, and adapt our plans as needed.

Weekly reflection: Reflecting on My role within the project team focused on effective
your role within the project team, communication and collaboration, which contributed to our
and how did teamwork and success. By actively listening, sharing insights, and telling my
communication contribute to the strength that we can use, we generated innovative solutions.
project's success?
Teamwork and clear communication facilitated efficient
collaboration, empowering each member to contribute
meaningfully to achieving our goals.
Attach a photo of the session (or
other project documentation)

WEEK 3 Inclusive dates: March Hours: 4

23, 2024

Weekly goal/s What do you intend to AT THE END OF THE WEEK WE WOULD BE ABLE TO:

Our intention is to achieve the following: 1. Successfully conducted interviews and gathered
data in Barangay 393 to gain insights into the
1. To gather valuable insights into the community's literacy situation.
literacy situation in Barangay 393 through
interviews and data collection, helping us 2. Complete the initial batch of immersion activities
understand the community's unique needs in Barangay 393 to deepen our understanding of
and challenges, particularly focusing on the community's context and literacy-related
students aged 7 to 11 years old. challenges.

2. To enhance our understanding of the

community's context and literacy-related
issues by completing the initial round of
immersion activities in Barangay 393,
which will inform the development of
effective strategies as part of our Project
Bright Plan, tailored specifically to students
within the 7 to 11 age group.

Resources needed (material/human) Materials:

1. Paper
2. Pen
3. Phone (for documentation)
4. Umbrella or Cap (for protection from sunlight)

1. Interviewers (Batch 1-NTCians)
2. Interviewees (Students aged 7 to 11 year old)
3. Interviewees (Parents or guardians of the
student’s interviewees)

Description of the weekly Yes, we successfully met our weekly goals. We

accomplishment: Were you able to meet conducted interviews and gathered data in Barangay 393
your weekly goals? to gain insights into the community's literacy situation,
with a specific focus on students aged 7 to 11 years old.

Additionally, we completed the initial batch of immersion

activities in Barangay 393, deepening our understanding
of the community's context and literacy-related

Overall, we made significant progress towards informing

the development of effective strategies as part of our
Project Bright Plan.

What are the current School-Based Literacy Programs: These programs are
programs/initiatives that they have in conducted within local schools and focus on improving
their Barangay: How responsive it is to reading and writing skills among students.
the needs of the community? Parental Involvement Programs: Engaging parents and
caregivers in their children's literacy development through
workshops, training, and home-based activities.

Literacy Events and Competitions: Organizing

contests, festivals, or reading challenges to foster a
culture of literacy and encourage community participation.

Community Library: The barangay may have a

community library that provides access to books and
educational resources for residents of all ages.

Outreach Activities: These could include

literacy-themed events, workshops, or seminars
organized by local authorities or community groups to
raise awareness and promote literacy.

📌📌 These are just examples of programs that could be

implemented in Barangay 393. However, our team
doesn't have any information if such programs already
exist in the said barangay.

Based on your data gathering in Brgy In terms of education, Brgy 393 needs;
393, What are the needs of the
community in terms of education? ● Accessible and affordable quality education for
Which of the following should be all, including marginalized groups.
prioritized? ● Adequate infrastructure and facilities in schools,
such as classrooms, libraries, and computer labs.
● Qualified and well-trained teachers who are
equipped to meet the diverse learning needs of
● Remedial programs or support services for
students who are struggling academically.
● Career guidance and skills development
opportunities for students to prepare them for
future employment.
● Increased support for early childhood education
and development.
● Strengthened parent and community involvement
in education.
● Addressing barriers to education, such as family
issues, limited access to resources, and child
labor and household responsibilities.
● Special education services and support for
students with disabilities or special needs.
● Mental health and well-being initiatives to support
the emotional and psychological needs of
● Environmental education initiatives to promote
sustainability and ecological awareness among
To determine the priority among these needs, further
assessment and consultation with community members,
educators, and local authorities would be necessary.
However, addressing issues related to educational
access, quality, and support services could be key areas
for prioritization in Barangay 393.

Challenges encountered: What are the During our immersion or data gathering in Barangay 393,
difficulties encountered in your immersion we encountered several challenges:
or data gathering in barangay 393?
1. Limited Access to Information: Some
community members were hesitant to share
information or were unaware of the specific
literacy issues within the barangay, making it
challenging to gather comprehensive data.

2. Trust and Cultural Sensitivity: Building trust

and rapport with community members took time,
as they were cautious about sharing personal
information with outsiders. Cultural sensitivity
was crucial in navigating these interactions.

3. Limited Awareness: Some community members

lacked awareness of the importance of literacy
and education, which hindered their engagement
and participation in our data gathering efforts.

Despite these obstacles, our team remained committed to

fostering understanding and collaboration to gather
valuable insights for our Project Bright Plan.
Managing difficulties: How are you able We managed difficulties encountered during our
to manage difficulties? immersion or data gathering in Barangay 393 through
several strategies:

1. Flexibility: We remained flexible and adaptable

in our approach, adjusting our methods and
strategies as needed to accommodate the unique
challenges we encountered.

2. Patience and Persistence: We approached

challenges with patience and persistence,
recognizing that building trust and overcoming
barriers takes time and effort.

3. Collaboration: We collaborated closely as a

team, leveraging each other's strengths and
expertise to find creative solutions and overcome
obstacles together.

4. Community Engagement: We actively engaged

with community members, seeking their input and
feedback, and involving them in the data
gathering process to ensure their perspectives
were represented.

5. Cultural Sensitivity: We prioritized cultural

sensitivity and respect, taking the time to
understand and honor local customs and
traditions in our interactions with community

By employing these strategies, we were able to

effectively manage difficulties and continue making
progress towards our goals in Barangay 393.

Weekly reflection: What did you gain or From our experience in Barangay 393, we gained insights
learn from the experience and what and learned important life lessons:
important life lessons did you realize?
1. Empathy and Understanding: We developed a
deeper sense of empathy and understanding towards the
challenges faced by communities, fostering a greater
appreciation for diversity and cultural differences.

2. Resilience: We learned to persevere and remain

resilient in the face of obstacles and setbacks,
recognizing that overcoming challenges is an integral part
of the learning and growth process.

3. Value of Local Knowledge: We realized the

importance of local knowledge and expertise in
addressing community needs, emphasizing the
significance of collaboration with community members
and stakeholders.
4. Continuous Learning: We embraced a mindset of
continuous learning and improvement, recognizing that
every experience offers opportunities for growth and

5. Impact of Collective Action: We understood the

impact of collective action and collaboration in driving
positive change within communities, underscoring the
importance of teamwork and collaboration in achieving
shared goals.

Overall, our experience in Barangay 393 provided us with

valuable insights and life lessons that will inform our
future actions and endeavors.

Attach a photo of the session (or other

project documentation)


During this week, while Batch 2 was engaged in their community immersion in Barangay 393 on April 6,
2024, the rest of us from the first batch were assigned various tasks to work on as we waited for the batch
2 to come back to school. These tasks included completing remaining assignments, preparing for prelim
exam, and preparing for our report in other courses. This allowed us to use our time efficiently and ensure
that we were fully prepared and organized to all our duties as a student.

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