Make Her Cum 7 Simple Steps To Cure Premature Ejaculation Forever Sex Dating Pickup

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Make Her Cum

7 Simple Steps To Cure Premature

Ejaculation Forever
I want to thank you and congratulate you for downloading the book.
This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to overcome
premature ejaculation, so you can finally take back control in the
bedroom, and enjoy the sex life you have always wanted, minus the
anxiety and uncontrolled ejaculation.
The statistics for men who suffer from premature ejaculation is quite
high. In fact, almost every man has experienced a premature orgasm
at some point in his sex life. Those who experience it on aregular
basis often suffer in silence. They often go through it for most of their
lives, often believing that it is just a phase and that it would someday
go away. But what do you do if it does n ’ t?
This book gives concrete answers on how to answer that question. It
contains steps that are not only doable, but are also backed by
extensive research.
Thanks again for downloading this book, I hope you enjoy it!

Chapter 1 Premature Ejaculation: Definition,

Symptoms, and Causes

Men could suffer from many different forms of sexual dysfunction at

some point in their lives. Among these dysfunctions, premature
ejaculation (PE) is probably the most common. In the US, statistics
show that at least 30-40% of the male populace are reported to be
suffering from this dysfunction. Experts believe that the statistics
may not be accurate since there could be more men who do suffer
from the dysfunction but have n ’ t reported it.
One of the reasons why the statistics could vary is because there is
no strict criteria under which premature ejaculation is classified.
Among those men who report the dysfunction, most turn out to be
mistaken self-diagnoses. Some men may also be unaware that they
are suffering from the condition because it has n ’ t been much of an
issue with their sexual partners. This lack of a specific standard
requires a deeper look at how most medical experts define
premature ejaculation. This way, men can seek better modes of
treatment that would best match their specific needs.
Premature ejaculation is often described as the accidental
elimination of semen at an early point during sexual intercourse.
Oftentimes, the ma n ’ s partner has not reached sexual orgasm yet
since the foreplay has just begun. In most reported cases, the male
starts ejaculating as soon as penetration occurs. But there are also
some cases wherein the male ejaculates during foreplay even when
there has n ’ t been any form of penetration yet.
Another reason for the inconsistency in the statistics is because
some men may be embarrassed to report it. This feeling of
embarrassment is often rooted in societ y ’ s stereotypes about male
virility. This often causes the men to refuse to seek treatment even if
their romantic lives are already suffering from the condition. Lack of
treatment then results in unnecessarily prolonging the agony when
the condition coul d ’ ve been addressed early on.
Premature ejaculation can also be difficult to determine because
there is some disagreement on how soon i s “ prematur e ” . Sexual
foreplay usually lasts between 2 to 5 minutes. During this time, the
man may employ several techniques to withhold the release of his
semen, thereby delaying orgasm. However, men who are suffering
from premature ejaculation normally do n ’ t last more than a minute
into the foreplay. In worst-case scenarios, a man may even
ejaculate within just 15 seconds from the start of sexual intercourse.
But this should n ’ t be a cause for concern if it does n ’ t happen
that often. In fact, at least 1 out of 5 males have reported an inability
to delay orgasm a few times. Premature ejaculation can be viewed
as a problem if:
In about 90% of the ma n ’ s sexual encounters, he always or
almost always ejaculates within less than a minute from the
beginning of intercourse. This happens regardless of who his
sexual partner is or if penetration has occurred or not. This
eradicates the possibility that the man may simply be too
excited to get a ‘ go at i t ’ with the sexual partner of his
Despite his best efforts, the man is still unable to delay
ejaculation in all or almost all of his sexual encounters.
Ejaculation occurs even if the level of sexual stimulation falls
below the usual levels that incite full arousal.
This inability to delay orgasm could have adverse psychological and
emotional effects. This is especially true if the condition is already
affecting the ma n ’ s relationship with his partner. After all, sex and
intimacy is a big factor for cultivating lasting relationships. A man
who suffers from this condition could also harbour feelings of
frustration, guilt, and embarrassment over his seeming lack of
This is why in most treatment strategies for premature ejaculation
the medical practitioner also often incorporates strategies for
handling a patien t ’ s mental and emotional health.

Chapter 2 Causes of Premature Ejaculation

Before a medical practitioner can determine the specific cause of

premature ejaculation in a patient, he needs to determine the type
first. There are two main types of premature ejaculation, which are:
1. Primary premature ejaculatio n – also known as lifelong PE.
Experts believe that this condition starts from early
adolescence, a time in which boys are still on the process of
mastering their sexual appetites. These boys invariably grow
up with nearly all of their sexual encounters often ending
sooner than they or their sexual partners are comfortable with.
2. Secondary premature ejaculatio n – also known as acquired or
variable PE. This type of PE occurs occasionally. It also often
occurs in grown men who may have already learned to control
their orgasms.
Many factors may cause premature ejaculation. It was initially
assumed that premature ejaculation is caused by psychological
factors only. But further research into the condition has found that
most cases of premature ejaculation are caused by a combination of
biological and psychological factors.
The biological factors include:
Hormonal imbalance. This includes the male hormone
testosterone and the hormones secreted by the thyroid gland.
Inflammation of the male reproductive tract specifically the
prostate glands and the urethra. In some cases, the man may
have undergone recent surgery in the reproductive tract. This
is most common among men who have recently had prostate
Imbalance in brain neurotransmitters. These include brain
chemicals such as dopamine, acetylcholine, oxytocin, and
serotonin. These neurotransmitters normally work with certain
brain reactors to facilitate orgasm. When there is an
imbalance, the neurotransmitters act abnormally with the brain
reactors. This causes a man to lose control of his orgasm
Illnesses such as diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and high blood
pressure. These illnesses often wreak havoc on the bod y ’ s
functioning and may cause hormonal disorders as well.
Alcohol and/or drug abuse. These can either cause premature
or delayed ejaculation, as well as a long list of other health
Penile hypersensitivity. In some cases, there may not be any
other underlying causes for PE except for the fact that the
nerves in a ma n ’ s penis are just too sensitive. This can
happen to any man regardless of his age, though
hypersensitivity is more common among teenagers.
These biological factors are the common culprits for variable PE.
Sometimes, these factors may combine with certain psychological
factors that worsen the situation. It may also be entirely possible that
psychological factors are the sole culprits for the PE. These factors
Stress and anxiety - being anxious about how their
performance in bed would be graded by their sexual partners
could cause some men to ejaculate prematurely. This is
common among men who are about to have sex with a partner
for the first time. They tend to experience a heightened sense
of stimulation, which may lead the sexual encounter to a
premature close.
In other cases, issues at work or in a ma n ’ s social or home
life may have brought on the stress and anxiety. This is
especially true among men who have been with the same
sexual partners for a long time.
Trauma associated with an early sexual experienc e – a man
who has experienced some form of sexual trauma in the past
may also experience PE at some point in his sex life. Many
experts agree that teenagers who have experienced getting
caught masturbating by their elders often end up with deep
feelings of shame. This is especially true if the man grew up in
a household that holds highly conservative views of the sexual
This leads most teenagers to masturbate in a hurried manner
so that they do n ’ t get caught before th e ‘ final ac t ’ . These
teenagers are the same ones who grow up into men that suffer
from primary/lifelong PE. Experts often categorize this under
early conditioning. Another variation of this is when teenage
boys have sex with a partner in a hurried manner to avoid
discovery. Repeatedly having sex in this manner could
condition the boys into having sex the same way even when
they reach adulthood.
Sexual trauma also includes various types of sexual abuse,
though the effects of these may not be limited to premature
ejaculation alone.
Depressio n – it is rare to see depressed men still having an
interest in sex. However, when they do show an interest in the
sexual act, they tend to ejaculate prematurely. Experts believe
that this tends to aggravate the symptoms of their depression.
Premature ejaculation may also be caused by certain genetic
influences. This is especially true among men whose first-degree
male relatives are also experiencing symptoms of PE. However,
experts agree that further research has to be conducted in order to
back this assumption up.

Chapter 3 PE Coping Technique No. 1: Muscle


Muscle exercises that deal with issues related to the sexual organ
are most commonly attributed to women than to men. These muscle
exercises are known as Kegel exercises and are mostly
recommended to women who have just given birth. It involves
consciously contracting the muscle that is known as the
pubococcygeus (PC) muscle. This is also the same muscle that
women employ to hold their pee in.
Apparently, the same muscle is also present in the male reproductive
tract and performs the same function. Experts believe that men with
lifelong PE would benefit a lot by simply performing the Kegel
exercises daily for up to 12 weeks. This has been proven effective in
a study done by a team of researchers under the direction of Dr
Antonio Pastore of the Sapienza University of Rome. Further study
still needs to be done on the matter. However, the results were
conclusive enough to be presented at a convention of Urologists in
Stockholm, Sweden.
Men who are experiencing either primary or secondary PE can follow
the steps that Dr Pastor e ’ s subjects were advised to do. The first
step is to try to identify the PC muscle. In anatomical illustrations,
this muscle lies horizontally extending from the pubic bone to the tail
bone (coccyx). When a man is standing upright, the PC muscle is
shaped slightly like a hammock. Men can identify it within
themselves by sitting in a relaxed position.
They then need to try to contract the muscles around the back of the
pelvic area in the same manner as when they try to contract it in
trying to hold a fart or fecal matter in. The muscle that moves during
this process is the same PC muscle that they need to exercise in
order to address PE. They need to contract this muscle tightly for a
few seconds and then slowly loosen it up again. They should then let
the muscle rest for about 4-5 seconds and then repeat the
contractions. They can start with one or two contractions for the first
couple of days until they build up to up to 10 daily contractions.
Once they have grown accustomed to slowly contracting the PC
muscle for several repetitions, the next goal is to hold each of the
contractions tightly for up to 10 seconds. Aside from sitting down,
men can also perform the Kegel exercises while standing. Another
option is to lie down flat on their backs with their knees placed
slightly apart. According to the study, reliable results will only start to
show after doing the daily Kegel exercise for 3 months.
According to Dr Pastor e ’ s peers, doing the Kegel exercises is
advantageous not just because it helps men gain better muscular
control. It also has a huge impact on me n ’ s psychological well-
being. Tha t ’ s because men who are suffering from PE are the
same ones who handle their own therapy. Experts believe that the
process helps enhance their self-esteem and provides them with a
welcome diversion against stressful thoughts.
Another variation of the Kegel exercise is the Reverse Kegel. This is
a relatively new concept and not a lot of experts recommend it yet. It
basically involves doing the exact opposite of the Kegel exercises.
So instead of contracting the muscles, they are stimulated into a
relaxed state. Familiarity with the standard Kegel exercises is
necessary in order for men to be able to successfully pull off the
Otherwise, they may have a hard time identifying not just the PC
muscle but also the bulbocavernosus (BC) muscle. Once they have
familiarized the normal Kegel exercises, they can then proceed with
the following steps for the Reverse Kegel:
1. Sit in a relaxed position.
2. Gently try to relax the muscles around the anal area in a
simulation of the same movements when trying to push fecal
matter or pee out. Note: be sure to do it gently if you do n ’ t
want a n ‘ acciden t ’ to come rushing out.
Do the first two steps for several repetitions. One way to confirm ifyo
u ’ re doing it correctly is if the lower abdominal muscles get tense
during the simulation. Try to do the reverse Kegel exercises again
and be sure to observe what happens in the lower abdominal area. If
it is tensed while the coccygeal muscles are relaxing, then it is time
for the next step:
3. Combine the reverse Kegel exercise with breathing exercises
that draw breath directly to and from the diaphragm instead of
the chest. This should be easy to accomplish if the first two
steps were done correctly. Just breathe in deeply until the belly
gets distended. Then slowly breathe the air out while
simulating the act of peeing or pushing poop out. Doing this
step can help men in identifying the specific muscles that they
need to control.
4. Once they master the third step, the next thing to do is to try to
simulate a relaxed state in the coccygeal muscles without
relying on the assistance of the abdominal muscles. This
means trying to do the reverse Kegel without doing the
diaphragm breathing exercises.
The fourth step may be a little more difficult to accomplish and not
everyone can be successful at it. One expert recommendation is to
visualize the muscles around the coccygeal area. Try to imagine
each muscle slowly opening up as you slowly try to relax it.
Kegel and reverse Kegel exercises each have their own functions
during sex. The normal Kegel exercises should only be performed
once they reach a point wherein they can no longer control the
ejaculation at all. Otherwise, they might end up pushing the PC
muscles too hard and end up ejaculating prematurely instead of
achieving the opposite. Some men also recommend doing normal
Kegels at the beginning of intercourse because it can help enhance
an erection.
On the other hand, reverse Kegels should be performed while in the
middle of foreplay. This is believed to help men with PE last longer
during sex. Tha t ’ s because the contraction of the PC muscle
tightens a ma n ’ s arousal becomes more pronounced. This is why
doing normal Kegels during foreplay can aggravate PE instead of
alleviating it. But when men have mastered the art of relaxing the PC
and BC muscles through the reverse Kegel, they can consciously
control it during sex so that it would n ’ t contract tightly early on.

Chapter 4 Technique No. 2: Deep Breathing

Breathing exercises focus more on helping men with PE address the

stress and anxiety that is possibly causing the problem. Experts
believe that short, shallow breaths send the wrong signals to the
brain, thus triggering the heart to race faster, which then prompts the
brain to interpret it as a sign that i t ’ s time for the brain chemicals to
trigger an orgasm.
This is the same principle that is behind the bod y ’ s fight-or-flight
response: when the heart is racing fast, the body responds either by
fighting or fleeing. In the case of men who suffer from premature
ejaculation, the bod y ’ s go-to response is ofte n ‘ fligh t ’ . This
means that it operates under the thought of getting things over with
right away so that ther e ’ s still enough time to flee. This response is
often attributed with early sexual experiences that may have caused
the development of PE, specifically the experiences of masturbating
discreetly and hurriedly for fear of being caught.
Men with PE can regain control of their bodies and its responses to
stimuli by simply mastering their breathing. They specifically have to
learn how to breathe deeply since deep breathing relaxes the
heartbeat. This then signals the brain to hold off the brain chemicals,
which in turn delays ejaculation.
The steps for mastering deep breathing to address premature
ejaculation are:
1. Sit or lie down in a relaxed position.
2. Perform the same diaphragm breathing that has already
been discussed on the previous chapter. Most people
unconsciously breathe through the chest instead of the
diaphragm. This process often results in shallow breathing
that does not help the body relax and has no effects on the
blood vessels. It also often causes rapid heart rates that
aggravate the symptoms of stress and anxiety.
In contrast, breathing through the diaphragm allows men to take
deeper breaths. This facilitates the proper flow of oxygen to the
lungs and all the other parts of the body including the brain.
3. Hold the breath in for a second and then exhale slowly.
4. Repeat the process for up to 10 repetitions.
Experts suggest that it is best to do this breathing exercise right
before sexual intercourse. This gives the body enough time to feel
the relaxation that comes as a result of the exercise. It also relieves
the brain of the toxic brain chemicals that are associated with stress
and anxiety. Doing the breathing exercise during sex is also helpful
for men who are anxious about how their partners would rate their
sexual performance.
One advantage of consciously doing it during sex is that it allows
both partners to regulate their breathing to match each other.
Experts believe that this promotes a higher level of intimacy between
the couple.
Chapter 5 Technique No. 3: Meditation

Meditation is a technique that combines deep breathing with deep

concentration. Some men may already be familiar with it and may
have even incorporated it in their daily exercise routines. Men who
are not familiar with how it is done can easily learn it through
constant practice. The first few steps for meditating to delay
ejaculation mostly involve the same steps as deep breathing.
The main difference is that regular breathing exercises only require
men to focus solely on their breathing. Meditation requires men to
focus on their breathing and on other parts of their bodies. Beginners
can do the following steps:
1. Sit in a relaxed position and loosely close their eyes. They also
have to make sure that their mouths are closed with their
tongues held snugly against the palate.
2. Breathe in and out in a normal manner. Focus their minds on a
point between their eyebrows.
3. Breathe in and out through the nose as deeply as they can.
This should be done in 2 to 5-second intervals until the
abdomen has sufficiently expanded. They should then shift
their focus to the navel, which is often considered as the center
of the body.
4. Hold a deep breath in and then try to move the abdomen
downward. This can be done by slowly contracting the muscles
around the area of the lower ribcage (sometimes referred to as
the upper abdomen). They should feel the pressure start
building around their prostate gland and the bladder. Once they
feel this pressure, they should then shift their minds from the
navel to the prostate. They have to try to visualize how the
area is being contracted from the pressure placed on it by the
upper abdomen.
They have to hold their breath for as long as they can manage.
They can then proceed to the next step once they are ready to
5. Contract their anuses by tightly clenching it in the same
manner as when they are trying to hold poop in. Slowly release
their held breath through the mouth. They also have to shift
their focus back to the area between their eyebrows on this
Repeat the process from step 1 to 5 for several minutes. Doing the
fourth step can be challenging for most men, even those who are
already experts at meditation. The trick is not to let your frustration
take over. Mastering this step is the same as learning any other skill:
it takes time and a lot of practice. This step is also the most
important step because it conditions the penis to be less sensitive to
pressure, which then delays ejaculation.
Note that the steps listed here are derived from the Taoist system of
naturally controlling ejaculation. The steps are mostly recommended
for men whose ejaculation time frame is within the normal range but
wish to delay it for longer than 5 minutes. Men who have
successfully mastered the meditation technique have been known to
last for as long as 15 minutes. Therefore, it goes without saying that
men who are suffering from premature ejaculation are definitely
going to benefit a lot once they master this technique.

Chapter 6 Technique No. 4: Physical Exercises

It is important for men who rely on the Kegel and reverse Kegel
exercises to perform other forms of physical exercises too. Tha t ’ s
because these physical exercises enhance the other muscles that
support the PC and BC muscles. Studies show that a sedentary
lifestyle can actually cause premature ejaculation to some extent.
Tha t ’ s because men who do not engage in physical activity may
lack a certain degree of muscle control.
Another reason for engaging in physical exercise is because it helps
reduce stress and anxiety. This is especially true if the physical
exercises that you engage in involve cardio routines. These
exercises have the following effects:
They strengthen the heart, thereby allowing it to remain stable
during the most exciting portions of intercourse.
They increase the lun g ’ s capacity for taking in more oxygen.
As previously stated, a steady heart rate and enough oxygen in the
lungs sends signals to the brain to relax. Specifically, exercise
increases the levels of the brain chemical serotonin. This hormone
helps keep ejaculation at bay by keeping the body calm and relaxed.
Some of the exercises that you can engage in to address premature
ejaculation include:
1. Halfway push-ups - this is a form of push-ups wherein the
individual stops midway down instead of lowering his body all
the way. This cardio training exercise strengthens the heart
and the muscles of the upper body especially the arms and
chest. This gives men more stamina in staying longer on the
missionary position, which is something that a lot of women still
Experts suggest doing at least 10 to 20 repetitions first thing in
the morning. Men can also opt to do another set at night or a
few minutes prior to intercourse.
2. Trampoline jump s – also known as rebounding workouts, this
form of exercise combines hard work with a lot of fun. This
means that the exercise not only helps keep men fit and
strong, it can also help reduce stress. The parts of the body
that rebounding workouts help to strengthen include the
muscles in the:
a. Pelvic floor
b. Abdomen
c. Hips
d. Legs
These are the same muscles that men often rely on during
intercourse, especially once penetration occurs. Experts suggest
spending at least 10 minutes at least once or twice daily on the
Physically active men who are still suffering from PE may have to try
other options for addressing the issue. Aside from cardio and
strength-enhancing exercises, men can also engage in stretching
exercises that fall under the category of Yoga poses.
These stretches include:
The Happy Baby Pos e – this pose emulates the actions
of an infant. It requires a man to lie flat on his back and then
slowly raise his feet and arms upward until the hands are
touching the toes. He should then hold this pose for a few
minutes while breathing in and out deeply.
The Throne Pose - this involves sitting down and then
bending both legs forward until the toes touch. Hold both feet
and then slowly bring it inward until the heels are almost
touching the pubic area. Keep the back and neck straight.
Inhale and exhale deeply.
The Butterfly Pos e – this is a continuation of the Throne
Pose. Slowly bend forward while keeping the back straight. Try
to go down as low as you can. Hold the position a few minutes
while maintaining deep breathing.
The Cobra Pos e – this involves lying flat on on e ’ s
stomach with both hands extended on either side. Bend the
elbows up until both hands are on either side of the pelvic
area. Slowly push down with both hands to bring the torso up.
Keep the spine and neck straight throughout this exercise.
Push up until the torso is slightly bent backward. Hold the pose
and breathe deeply.
These Yoga stretches are believed to have the following effects:
Regulates blood flow to the heart and the lungs
Helps maintain the strength of the spinal column
Stimulates the organs in the abdominal area
Relieves stiffness in of the lower limbs including the hips and
Helps regulate blood flow to the prostate gland and all the
other organs of the reproductive tract
Relieves the symptoms of stress and anxiety
All of these effects somehow address one or more causes of
premature ejaculation. There are many other Yoga stretches that
men can perform in order to strengthen their reproductive organs. It
is best if they enrol in a Yoga class or hire an experienced instructor
for proper guidance.

Chapter 7 Technique No. 5: Using Condoms and

Special Medication

Men who have problems with penile hypersensitivity may find it

difficult to employ the first four techniques successfully. Tha t ’ s
because regardless of how much control they have over their brain
chemicals or their breathing, they still would n ’ t be able to control
the onslaught of sensation on the penile nerves. In this case, the
best option is to pair up the other techniques with delay condoms.
Gone are the days when condoms only served one purpose: to avoid
conception. Nowadays, there seems to be a condom that promises
to address every conceivable sexual problem on the planet including
premature ejaculation. Delay condoms are relatively new and were
specifically designed to help men last longer than normal during
intercourse. Men who can last for more than a minute after
penetration no longer need to use delay condoms. Tha t ’ s because
regular condoms can often efficiently do the job of delaying
But men with hypersensitive penises need the help delay condoms
because their penises often remain sensitive despite the coverage of
a regular condom. There are different types of delay condoms that
these men can choose from, namely:
Delay condoms that are thicker than normal condoms.
These condoms work like any other normal condoms except
that the thickness ensures that the man feels less friction
during penetration. The numbing effect is almost immediate as
soon as the condom wraps around the penis. This means that
the couple can go on with the intercourse right away.
Delay condoms that contain either one of two numbing
agents that are often used as local anesthetics: benzocaine or
lidocaine. The chemical is contained within the condo m ’ s
inner body. It normally takes up to 2 minutes after the penis
comes into contact with the chemical before the numbing effect
fully sets in. This means that men would have to put on the
condom before starting foreplay. Another option is to find
creative ways of delaying penetration while waiting for their
penises to numb.
Men who opt for delay condoms that contain numbing agents have
to be very careful, though. Tha t ’ s because the numbing agent is
so effective that it can also cause their partner s ’ sexual organs to
grow numb as well if it ever comes into contact with the chemicals.
The chemicals may also cause allergic reactions if either the man or
his partne r ’ s sexual organ is sensitive to its components.
Some men might want to try applying benzocaine or lidocaine
directly on their penises without the use of a condom. This is a big
no-no for the reason stated above: the numbing agent can also
numb their partner s ’ nerves. This can result in a really
uncomfortable and often painful sexual session.
Aside from specially-designed condoms, certain medications may
also be prescribed to address premature ejaculation. These include:
Analgesics. Tramadol is the most commonly prescribed PE
medication especially when the other pills have failed to do
their jobs.
Antidepressants. These include Sertaline, Paroxetine, and
Pills used for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. This
includes Sildenafil, Tadalafil, and Vardenafil.
Do note that none of these medications have FDA approval for use
in the treatment of premature ejaculation. In most cases, these
medications were approved for use in the treatment of other
illnesses. Delayed ejaculation is simply an unexpected side effect of
the treatment. When used for the treatment of PE, these medications
may also have side effects, including:
Decreased libido
Vision problems
Nasal congestion
This is why it is important to consult a physician first prior to using
any of the pills listed here.

Chapter 8 Technique No. 6: Pleasuring Your

Partner without Penetration

Men who ejaculate almost as soon as penetration occurs should at

least learn how to use foreplay to pleasure their partners effectively,
even without penetration. They can make use of these moves in
pleasuring their partners while they are still waiting on the first 5
techniques to take effect. These moves ensure that their partners
are going to have as many orgasms as possible without penetration.
The foreplay moves include:
Squeeze, knead, and tease all of her G-spots. Contrary to
the prevailing belief, the clitoris is not the only G-spot in wome
n ’ s bodies. There are 4 other spots that men should focus
their attentions on during foreplay. These are the:
Use sex toys. Peopl e ’ s interest in sex toys reached a
peak when E.L. Jame s ’ book Fifty Shades of Grey first came
out. All this interest is justified by the fact that sex toys are
highly effective in spicing up your time in the bedroom. Toys
such as vibrators and dildos can help women achieve orgasm
without actual penile penetration. Wha t ’ s more, men can
expect to give their partners multiple orgasms if they learn to
use the toys correctly.
Talk dirty. Women who read a lot of romance novels may
have gotten one wrong impression: men grunt, moan, or be
vocal about their pleasures during sex. However, this is far
from the truth since about 90% of menare quiet during
intercourse. If yo u ’ re among the 90%, then i t ’ s time to up
the ante a little bit. Grunting or moaning may feel
uncomfortable especially during foreplay, but you should still
do it nonetheless.
The next best option for being vocally active is to do some dirty
talking. You can talk dirty in and out of the bedroom, especially
if the couple have already established a trusting relationship.
Touch their partner s ’ bodies. Some men may have
learned their foreplay moves from watching porn videos. This
is unfortunate since porn rarely focuses on the woma n ’ s
actual pleasure, which means the women in the videos do n ’ t
get touched much. A woma n ’ s body has more sensitive
zones than a ma n ’ s does. This is proven by the fact that
women have several pleasure spots (G-spots). Touch these
spots with gentle teasing caresses and then follow it up with
your mouth.
These pleasure-driven tips not only help men delay their ejaculation
by a few more precious minutes. Mastering these moves also
ensures that they can get rid of their performance anxiety so they
can relax and fully enjoy the experience.

Chapter 9 Coping with Premature Ejaculation on

a Mental and Emotional Level

A definitive study on the psychological and emotional impact of

premature ejaculation has yet to be submitted. Medical practitioners
and researchers simply listed down the effects according to the
reports of the men who sought treatment for the condition. Some of
the most common effects include:
Emotional withdrawal. This is especially true for men
suffering from secondary PE who are in long-term
Avoidance of intimacy. Men with PE may do this for fear
that the intimate moment may inadvertently lead to intercourse,
which will then lead to a humiliating experience for him.
Feelings of shame and embarrassment for not bein g ‘
man enoug h ’ to satisfy their partners sexually. This often
leads some men to avoid sexual encounters completely.
The longer a man suffers silently from the effects of PE, the bigger
the impact on his self-esteem. This could lead to further problems
and may even trigger the onset of depression, which is why it is
important for medical practitioners to study the barriers that prevent
men from seeking help for PE. It also necessitates a widespread
information dissemination campaign to let men know that PE is
curable. Men have to understand that they do not have to suffer
quietly nor feel any shame.
The shame that men feel about premature ejaculation is quite often
due to the following reasons:
They feel that they will be judged as sorely lacking for
being unable to hold off their orgasms when it really counts.
They often have high standards on their own sexual
performance. These standards are often based on the gender
stereotypes that society has burdened men with.
The best way to overcome the shame is for men to be realistic. They
have to understand that the standards of sex on which they base
their own standards are mostly myths. The first myth is the idea that
penetration is the only way to pleasure your partner. This has
already been debunked in previous chapters. Another misconception
is that men should be able to last for hours. Again, this has been
debunked with all the research that has already been presented.
Aside from releasing themselves from the unrealistic standards set
by society, men can also take decisive steps in overcoming the
effects of PE. The first decisive step was reading this book and
learning about all the ways in which PE can be treated. The next
step is to get their partners involved with the treatment process. Men
are generally secretive and this is something that they have to
overcome when seeking treatment for PE.
When seeking your partne r ’ s assistance in dealing with PE, open
communication is necessary. This includes being completely honest
about each othe r ’ s feelings. Men who are ashamed of their
premature orgasms have to explain to their partners exactly how
they feel about it. They also have to be prepared to listen to how
their partners feel. Some of the feelings that their partners may relay
include frustration, anger, and rejection. This means that they also
have to try to maintain a sensitive and loving atmosphere in and out
of the bedroom.
Once their partners are fully aware of the situation, addressing the
condition will be a whole lot easier. For one thing, their partners will
become more cooperative during sexual foreplay that does not
involve penetration. A supportive partner is the biggest factor for
men to be able to overcome the negative emotional and mental
effects of premature ejaculation.

Thank you again for downloading this book!

I hope this book was able to help you understand premature
ejaculation. I hope that it has also given you good insights on how to
deal with the condition not just on a physical level. May the ideas yo
u ’ ve read here help you cope emotionally and mentally as well).
The next step is to put everything yo u ’ ve learned in this book into
action. Enough is enough. It is time for you to take concrete steps
towards taking control of your sex life.

Finally, if you enjoyed this book, then I ’ d like to ask you for a favor,
would you be kind enough to leave a review for this book on
Amazon? I t ’ d be greatly appreciated!
Click here to leave a review for this book on Amazon!

Another Book You May Enjo y –

Free Preview Of: Mans Guide To
Efforltess Seductio n – How To
Seduce Women.

A Seduction:
Expecting Nothing...Giving Everything:

I left my friends place, with an overwhelming headache, and

generally feeling terrible. "I must be coming down with something" I
As I stood outside on the busy pedestrian street, I needed to catch
my balance a bit, I was feeling very lightheaded.
As I took a phone call, I glanced to the right, where I saw an
absolutely adorable girl, standing there, looking incredibly bored. I
judged this immediately by the unimpressed look on her face, how
she was standing, her arms folded. Maybe she was leaning towards
being a tad bit angry, or frustrated.
I hung up the call, took a breath to become somewhat aware of my
currently wobbly energetic core, allowed myself to imagine her
naked, on top of me, slowly riding me up and down, in a controlled a
sexy manner. This was all I needed. I had clicked into my seductive
state. My voice tone lowered, my chest engulfed with a strong
purposeful inhale, I rolled my pelvis slightly forward, pumping my
focus and awareness into my penis...I could feel her. Her warmth,
her texture...I moved.
I slowly walked over.
First, I locked eyes with her...where my desire was instantly
telegraphed through my entire presence, through my entire desire,
which I had allowed take over. My instinct was in the driver's seat.
She's mine. Every last piece of her!
"It could be worse" I said, in a slow, growling tone.
She instantly shifted states. She felt me, and responded as though
someone had just shook her awake, taking her out of her head,
away from her autopilot.
She immediately re-aligned her posture and way of being, to that of
a more upbeat social girl.
She laughed "what could be worse?"
Ignoring her question...
"I'm Chris..." extending my hand with a slight smirk.
"Maria" she responded, whilst placing her silk like hand into mine. I
didn't let go. Not once.
I held eye contact with her whilst in my head thinking "you know
what's going to happen don't you Maria"...the tension and silence
built for a few seconds. She blushed, averted my gaze, and both of
us started gently laughing.
I adore this point in an interaction. This is mutual understanding. I
know what's happening, she knows what's happening, and in this
case, through the expression of laughter, we were consciously letting
each other know of the understanding.
"Do you always have this effect on girls?" she said in a testing way,
trying to throw my state, but deep down hoping that I am strong
enough for her.
"That was cute" I responded, in a completely authentic way. I did find
it cute. Every last morsel of how she said it made me want to
squeeze I did.
I pulled her in by the hand I was already holding and began to
embrace her in the middle of the street.
"Tell me something" I ushered.
She spoke about herself for a bit, telling me her "story", as people
tend to. We continued to hug, in broad daylight, in a busy street, for
the duration of her story.
When she finished I pulled back, but keeping her draped around me.
"Your sexy aren't you?"
She giggled...
I moved in to kiss her...she turned her head, it landing on her cheek.
She started to become overwhelmed with giggles, sexual energy
bubbling, unaware of how to deal with it.
"relax..." I said
"wow, this is nuts, iv just met you, I literally know nothing about......" I
cut her off...With my lips.
We kissed for the next few minutes. Like 2 people who have already
shared a sexual experience. First intense...then slowing down, lightly
pecking, holding eye contact and smiling at one another with
foreheads touching. In that moment...I was in love!
"NOW I know you" I said playfully slapping her bum.
She laughed out loud and shook her head. "I don't even know what
to say, this is crazy, I came out to get away from my bitch roommate,
and this happens"
"You should come outside more often" I replied with a smirk.
I explained I was leaving to get food and go home to relax for the
rest of the day because I felt like shit.
I handed her my phone.
No words. Just action, in every case. She took it, without response
she entered her number as I kissed her on her left shoulder, throwing
in a gentle bite in for good measure.
She handed me back the phone and asked me what I am doing later.
"I'm staying in tonight, call up"... She tilted her head and relied with
"hmmm maybe, but probably not".
"Cool"... I responded. I kissed her once more, held eye contact for a
few seconds, turned, and left.

She messaged me on my phone about 30 minutes later, where the

usual normal text like conversation began.
I don't like to text too much before I have been intimate with her for
many reasons, but one of the most important one, is because I am
not there with her, she cannot feel my presence, meaning she is free
to tie whatever associations she wants to my words.
When it comes to me having sex with a girl, who I am, and what I
stand for as a man shines through. I never attempt to "try" and get a
woman to call for sex. I'm never ever "trying" to have sex with
anyone. Trying is doing with the intention of failing.
I assume that I am going to have sex with the woman 100 percent,
it's a certainty in every single instance. It's going to happen at some
stage regardless, so there is no need to force anything, or race. It's
the only natural outcome which can occur from me being a polarizing
masculine person.
The secret here, is that the above is simply a belief which I CHOOSE
to have. It's a belief that serves me, my purpose, and guides me in
the direction of my successful self. You can consciously choose any
beliefs you want, so why pick the negative version, which only
serves to limit your life experience.
With this belief, there is no desperateness or neediness towards sex
ever. I know I can have sex whenever I want it. Sex is no longer a
privilege that has been bestowed down to me by the every
magnificent holder of the vagina.
I am the cause of sex. I stimulate sex. I am the result of sex. I am
With this way of moving through my seductive endeavours, women,
in many cases can get quite annoyed about this. It has become a
very normal reaction for me. It confuses them and frustrates them,
BUT, it makes the want to experience sex with you on a whole other
They ask themselves "why is this guy not trying to get me, why is he
not trying to convince me to have sex with him? WHY is he not
chasing me"
I do not try. Ever. I simply be, act in the moment, and authentically
express myself through descriptive statements, or physical action.
I become what I feel, that's your only job.
I already know I am amazing with women. I choose to believe this.
But right now, that particular girl iv just begun interacting with
doesn't...but, they are aware of 'something' that is making me
different to other men out there. Something strong. Not even
mentally, but rather physically, for example: "He is talking to me
about a Chimpanzee riding on a segway, but my vagina is getting
really wet, what's happening"?
Through the power of your desire and instinct, you undercut her
logical brain, and stimulate her innate animalistic desires. We are
animals at our core. We just have a huge brain, which is why we
aren't all humping in the streets.

Ok, enough about public humping, I have side-tracked, lets return.

After some texting, and the reassurance that she doesn't have to do
anything she doesn't want to, she knocked on my door at 9:30pm.
I shouted for her to let herself in, she did.
I was already lying on my bed watching a movie, she was simply
joining in on that...for now.
She sat down on the bed beside me, in quite a rigid way. I knew she
was uncomfortable, because she had suddenly made me feel it. Be
To remedy this, I took action.
I got up and retrieved one of my t-shirts out of the wardrobe and
threw it to her. She was in uncomfortable bedtime attire, so I took
charge and fixed this for her, because I'm a good man, always
looking to add and increase her comfort.
I lay back down, took her by the shoulders, moved her, re-aligning
her pillows and laid her head on my chest.
"Chill out, relax, enjoy this"... I said.
Men, take the LEAD! Lead in every case. She wanted to be lying on
me and cuddling, but she didn't know how to go about doing it within
this new sudden dynamic. She is out of her comfort zone.
If you invite a woman into your world, you must guide her. Most
women are not used to, or familiar with this level of masculine
presence, so many will tip-toe.
Shortly after getting comfortable, we began to kiss. I stroked her, first
softly, then firmly. We began to get more physical...when she
stopped it!
She then began to tell me about her relationship issues of previous,
and what had just happened.
Her state shifted quickly and she began to get flustered, anxious,
and kept saying "I'm sorry, I'm sorry".
This, is quite common.
A moment of logical intervention from her ever helpful brain.
I immediately positioned myself back from her, but kept my arm on
"sweetheart, why are you saying sorry, you didn't do anything wrong.
Weather we do anything tonight is completely irrelevant. You don't
have to do anything you don't want to, I have told you this. There is
no pressure, chill out and lets sleep" (or something along those
She then began to get into a mental dialogue with herself attempting
to justify her decisions based on the situations.
Where most men completely fuck up here, is by "trying". As they
want the sex so bad, they begin to join in on the conversation she is
having with herself, trying to sway her in the direction of his penis.
This is foolish, and in most cases a complete waste of time, to the
point you may never sleep with this woman again. You will have
destroyed the dynamic. Trying to take is not attractive.
Do not attempt to entertain or fix her internal battles. They are hers,
not yours. Be respectful of her emotional process. They also have no
basis in reality, so it's quite pointless.
What I the same as I always do, and have done throughout
the interaction from the beginning. I allow her to talk. I give her zero
logical guidance. I don't want to have sex with logic...I want to have
sex with instinct. Her instinct is still on...let's just give the logic a
while to tier itself out...Again...we are animals.
I sat back watching the movie. Still, erect.
In my's always on. I know once I'm aroused, she has no
choice but to feel that energy from me. After more "I'm sorry", I guide
her head back down on my chest...
I am aware of her breathing shifting. I could feel her horniness and
desire begin to build very quickly. It was fucking intense. My
heartbeat sped up. Her breath was getting heavier on my chest. She
was trying so hard to control it. So what did I do...I listened to her
body, and took unapologetic action within the moment. No thinking.
Just action.
I slowly cupped her hand, and moved it, placing it on my hard dick.
She began to stimulate it...
I began to stimulate her...

We had sex. Obviously. Naturally.

It was amazing.
She shared with me during, and after, that she has never orgasmed
like that in her entire life. This statement from her makes me feel a
lot of emotions, but mainly, that of frustration and anger towards 21st
century masculinity!
Everyone woman should be able to experience these feeling from
men. Every man should be focused on growing as a sexual being.
If you offer, and give a woman greatness, you will receive greatness
in return.
She experienced new, stronger sensations. More overwhelming
climaxes. She was incredibly grateful and her mood was light and
She was gorgeously feminine.
I love how I got to give her a new wonderful experience, and her, me.
If I was needy and tried to force it, it would never have happened.
She would of left feeling frustrated, upset, and probably a little
embarrassed, not wanting to see me again.
Instead I took action. I was respectful of her boundaries, but I took
consistent action, allowing HER make her own decisions on what
she wants, or doesn't want.
Men, in most cases make up the woman's boundaries in their heads
before even testing them. These beliefs such as "she doesn't want
me to touch her there", is actually very disrespectful to women
everywhere. You are robbing them of a deserved sexual, intimate,
loving experience. Let's not be so arrogant.
Test her boundaries. Let HER set them. Then respect them.

Realize you are getting in your own way, with your negative beliefs.
You are a man. You are already amazing with women, naturally.
Be aware of how little I needed to speak in our initial meeting. I
literally said close to nothing. There was zero logic, just simple
words, in order to draw herself out, allowing her to express herself in
a secure and sexy way.
Seduction is effortless.
Go out, and give women an amazing experience, without just taking.
THIS, is one of the biggest secrets to being amazing with women!
Read the full book HERE or search: ‘Mans Guide
To Seduction’ In the Kindle store.

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