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Outline Preliminary (Optimal Control) Example [1]

Intelligent Control and Fault Diagnosis

Lecture 5: Intelligent Control (RL)

Farzaneh Abdollahi

Department of Electrical Engineering

Amirkabir University of Technology

Winter 2024

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Outline Preliminary (Optimal Control) Example [1]

Preliminary (Optimal Control)

Example [1]

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Outline Preliminary (Optimal Control) Example [1]

Prelim (Dynamic Programming in Continues Time)

▶ Objective:
Z tf
J(x, u, t0 , tf ) = h(xf , tf ) + g (x(t), u(t), t)dt

subject to
ẋ = f (x(t), u(t), t)
▶ Value fcn (cost-to-go): V (x(t0 ), t0 , tf ) = minu J(x, u, t0 , tf )
▶ Solution:
▶ Bellman generalized Hamiton Jaccobi Equ by considering u(t)
▶ Hamilton Jaccobi Bellman (HJB) equ

∂V ∂V T
− = min{g (x(t), u(t), t) + f (x(t), u(t), t)}
∂t u
| ∂x
{z }
H(x(t),u(t), ∂V
∂x ,t)=Hamiltonian

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Outline Preliminary (Optimal Control) Example [1]

▶ It is expensive to solve n dimensional HJB PDE

▶ For more details ref to Steve Brunton crash courses
▶ RL can be considered as a model-free framework for solving optimal
control problems stated as Markov decision processes (MDPs)
▶ RL rests on two pillars of equal importance:
1. Optimal control: the two most famous RL algorithms, TD- and
Q-learning, are all about approximating the value function that is at
the heart of optimal control. Similarly, actor-critic methods are based
on state-feedback, which is motivated by optimal control theory.
2. Statistics and information theory, especially the topic of exploration,
▶ In Control problems RL can provide optimal solution when there ie
no a priori info on system dynamics

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Outline Preliminary (Optimal Control) Example [1]

Example [1]

▶ Consider a nonlinear system

ẋ = f (x) + g (x)u (1)

where f : R n → R n :the drift unknown dynamics; g : R n → R n×m :

the control effectiveness matrix with n ≥ m and the pseudoinverse of
g (x) exists;
▶ Let xd ∈ R n : a time-varying continuously differentiable desired state
▶ Objective: Designing an optimal tracking controller when f (x) is not
known a priori

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Outline Preliminary (Optimal Control) Example [1]

Design a DNN Identifier

▶ To improve performance and using indirect approach the unknown

dynamics is identified by a DNN.
▶ A multitimescale DNN-based indetifier is applied
▶ The output layer weights of the DNN are adjusted in real time using
adaptive update laws motivated by a Lyapunov-based stability analysis.
▶ Concurrent to real-time execution, data are collected and DNN
training algorithms (e.g., stochastic gradient descent, iteratively
update the inner layer DNN features.
▶ i.e. the inner layer weights are not updated in real time; the weights
are discretely updated intermittently during task-execution once
training is complete
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Outline Preliminary (Optimal Control) Example [1]

DNN Identifier
▶ Using Universal approximation theorem, f can be represented as
f (x) = θT ϕ(Φ∗ (x)) + ϵ∗θ (x)
▶ θ ∈ R n×n :ideal output layer weight matrix
▶ ϕ : R p → R h : vector of activation fcn,
▶ Φ∗ = Vk ϱk (Vk−1 , ϱk−1 (Vk−2 , ϱk−2 (...x)))R n ⇒ R p : unknown inner
layer features of the DNN; k number of inner layer; Vk , ϱk : the inner
layer weights and activation fcns
▶ ϵ∗θ (x):bounded function approximation error
▶ The ideal weights are unknown and should be approximated by
▶ The identifer dynamics:

x̂˙ = θ̂T ϕ(Φ̂i (x)) + g (x)u + k0 x̃

where x̃ = x − x̂, k0 > 0: estimator gain

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Outline Preliminary (Optimal Control) Example [1]

DNN Identifier

▶ The proposed update law for the output layer weights:

θ̂˙ = Γθ ϕ(Φ̂i (x))x̃ T + kθ Γθ
ϕ(Φ̂i (xj ))

. (x̄˙ j − gj (xj )uj − θ̂T ϕ(Φ̂i (xj )))T (2)

where Γθ ∈ R h×h and kθ > 0 are constant adaptation gains.

▶ Assumtion: A history stack of input–output data pairs {xj , uj }Mj=1
and history stack of numerically computed state derivatives {x̄˙ j }M
are available a priori for each index j

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Outline Preliminary (Optimal Control) Example [1]

▶ The dynamics are unknown ⇝ud (xd ) is not known.

▶ An approximation of the trajectory tracking component of the
controller: ûd (xd , θ̂) = g + (xd )(hd (xd ) − fˆi (x, θ̂)).
▶ hd (xd ) = ẋd is a locally Lipshitz fcn
▶ g + (x) = (g T (x)g (x))−1 g T (x)

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Outline Preliminary (Optimal Control) Example [1]

▶ For tracking, let us define the error dynamics:

ξ˙ = F (ξ) + G (ξ)µ

▶ ξ = [e, xd ]
▶ mu = u − ud (xd )
▶ F = f (e + x d ) − hd (x d ) + g (e + x d )ud (x d )
hd (xd )
▶ G = [g (e + xd )T 0m×n ]T
▶ The control objective is to find a control policy u that minimizes the
cost function: Z ∞
J(ξ, µ) = Q̄(ξ) + µT Rµ dτ
0 | {z }
r (ξ,µ)

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Outline Preliminary (Optimal Control) Example [1]

▶ The value fcn for the optimal solution is
Z ∞
V ∗ (ξ) = min r (ξ, µ) dτ
µ∈U 0 | {z }
Q(ξ)+µ∗ (ξ)T Rµ∗ (ξ)

▶ The optimal control policy V ∗ is a solution to the corresponding

HJB equation

0 = ∇ξ V ∗ (ξ)(F (ξ) + G (ξ)µ∗ (ξ)) + Q(ξ) + µ∗ (ξ)T Rµ∗ (ξ) (3)

▶ The boundary condition V ∗ (0) = 0,

▶ The optimal policy

µ∗ (ξ) = R −1 G (ξ)T (∇ξ V ∗ (ξ))T
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Outline Preliminary (Optimal Control) Example [1]

▶ To solve the HJB equ, the optimal value fcn can be found.
Considering the universal approximation property of MLP, NN is
applied to approximate V ∗ (critic)

V ∗ = W T σ(ξ) + ϵ(ξ) ≃ ŴcT σ(ξ)

▶ and also the optimal control policy µ∗ (actor)

1 1
µ∗ = R −1 G (ξ)T (∇ξ σ(ξ)T W +∇ξ ϵ(ξ)T ) ≃ R −1 G (ξ)T (∇ξ σ(ξ)T Ŵa )
2 2
▶ The control signal applied to (1) is

u = µ̂(ξ, Ŵa ) + ûd (xd , θ̂)

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Outline Preliminary (Optimal Control) Example [1]

Update Laws
▶ The HJB equation in (3) is equal to zero under optimal conditions;
▶ Applying aprroximated fcns V ∗ (ξ) and µ∗ (ξ), and fˆ results in a
residual δ̂
▶ δ̂ is considered as cost fcn to min to define the continuous-time
least-squares-based update laws which are designed based on the
subsequent stability analysis
˙ ω
Ŵc = −ηc1 Γ δ̂ − ηc2 ΓΣc
Γωω T Γ
Γ̇ = (λΓ − ηc1 − ηc2 ΓΣΓ Γ)1
˙ G T Ŵa ω T
Ŵ a = −ηa1 (Ŵa − Ŵc ) − ηa2 Ŵa + ηc1 Ŵc + ηc2 Σa Ŵc

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Outline Preliminary (Optimal Control) Example [1]

Stability Analysis

▶ UUB of e, W̃c , W̃a , x̃, θ̃ is show by the following Lyapunov candidate

1 1 1 1
VL = V ∗ (ξ) + W̃cT Γ(−1) W̃c + W̃aT W̃a + x̃ T x̃ + tr (θ̃T Γ−1
θ θ̃)
2 2 2 2

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Outline Preliminary (Optimal Control) Example [1]

References I

S. N. M. L. Greene, Z.I. Bell and W. Dixon, “Deep neural network-based

approximate optimal tracking for unknown nonlinear systems,” IEEE
Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 68, no. 5, pp. 3171–3177, 2023.

D. Silver, Reinforcement Learning Lecture. (available date:Jan. 2023).

Janis Klaise, Reinforcement learning with MATLAB. tskim/NE%2010-3%20Reinforcement-learning-
ebook.pdf (available date:Jan. 2023).

S. Meyn, Control Systems and Reinforcement Learning.

Campbridge University Press, 2022.

K. G. Vamvoudakis, Y. Wan, F. L. Lewis, and D. Cansever, Handbook of

Reinforcement learning and Control.
Springer, 2021.

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Outline Preliminary (Optimal Control) Example [1]

References II

R.S. Sutton and A. G. Barto, Reinforcement learning: an introduction.

MIT Press, 2nd ed., 2018.

Z. I. B. S. M. Nahid Mahmud, S. A. Nivison and R. Kamalapurkar, “Safe

model-based reinforcement learning for systems with parametric
uncertainties,” Frontiers in Robotics and AI, vol. 8, no. Article 733104,

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