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Student Assessment Cover


Course Code AUR30620 Course Name Certificate III in Light Vehicle

Mechanical Technology
Unit Code AURTTF101 Unit Name Inspect and service petrol fuel

Due Date Assessment Name Automotive Portfolio

Part A: Short answer questions

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Imagine Education
Assessment Questions
Part A

Course Code and Name: AUR30620 Certificate III in Light Vehicle Mechanical Technology
Unit Code: AURTTF101
Unit Title: Inspect and service petrol fuel systems

For this assessment you are required to answer all of the questions. You are permitted to research
the answers by reading the learner guide, text books, theory notes and accessing the internet. If
more room is needed label each task with the question number and use headings or dot points to
make your work clear for your trainer and assessor.

Please follow the Referencing Guide contained on your Course handbook.

Please attach a student assessment cover sheet to each unit submission. You must complete the
cover sheet in full detail.

1. List five (5) safety steps everyone needs to follow when servicing a petrol engine.
 Continuously utilize appropriate individual security adapt, such as gloves, security glasses
 To anticipate the amassing of perilous vapour or debilitate gasses, make beyond any doubt
the work space has satisfactory ventilation
 To dodge fires, take the fitting safeguards. Work absent from flashes, hot surfaces, and
open flames
 To maintain a strategic distance from inadvertent electric stuns or brief circuits, turn off the
control source or batteries some time recently working on any electrical components
 Lock in the stopping brake as you take off the car in a level zone

2. Explain how you correctly:

a) trap, store and dispose of flammable liquids.
b) dispose of oil and other types of filters.

Use the table below for your answers.

Flammable liquids Trapping:

 Contain combustible fluid spills with spill plate or

permeable materials.

 Place these control measures deliberately in spill-prone


 Check the control measures regularly.


 Use suitable holders or tanks for combustible liquids.

 To avoid fluid spills and vanishing, near holders tightly.

 Store combustible substances in well-ventilated, ignition-

proof places.


 Dispose of combustible fluids per nearby laws.

 Avoid dumping combustible materials down channels,

sinks, or toilets since they sully water.

 Contact unsafe squander transfer or squander

administration specialist.

Oil Filters

 Drip utilized oil into a container.

 Wrap the exhausted oil channel in retentive cloth or a

plastic pack to hold oil.

 Check nearby controls to memorize on the off chance that

utilized oil channels are recyclable or unsafe waste.

 Used oil channels can be reused at nearby squander

administration or reusing sites.
Oil filters
Various Filters:

 Consult the manufacturer's bearings or benefit manuals

for discuss or fuel channel disposal.

 Recycle channel fluids.

 Dispose of unsafe channels agreeing to neighborhood


 Contact civil squander administration or reusing for

channel transfer.

3. List ten (10) basic safety precautions for storage of flammable liquids
 Fluids that are combustible ought to as it were be kept in holders that have been tried and
approved for combustible compounds
 Check capacity ranges regularly for any signs of spills, harm, or destitute capacity methods.
 All holders ought to be clearly stamped with the contents' names, danger cautions, and the
important security symbols.
 In the capacity zone or in areas near to where combustible fluids are put away, it is illegal to
smoke or utilize an open fire.
 Introduce reasonable fire-prevention instruments within the capacity space, such as fire
quenchers, fire covers, or sprinkler systems.

 To dodge unsafe chemical responses or responses, keep combustible fluids partitioned from
inconsistent components like oxidizers or responsive chemicals.
 To halt the amassing of inactive power, ground and bond capacity containers and gear.
 To capture and contain any spills or spills of combustible substances, utilize spill control
strategies like spill plate or retentive materials.
 Keep combustible liquids in areas with the right temperature regulation.
 Keep combustible substances in cool places. Extraordinary temperatures may alter
combustible liquids' solidness expanding mischance chance.

4. List five (5) types of fuels powering cars.

 Gasoline (Petrol)
 Diesel:
 Ethanol:
 Natural Gas:

 Electricity (Electric Vehicles)

5. Name the following fuel system components and explain the usage.
Component Component Name Working /Usage
LS3 42lb Injectors Automotive motors use LS3 42lb
Injectors. For ideal combustion and
control conveyance, injectors shower
correct volumes of gasoline into motor
barrels at the right minute. They offer
gasoline for motor execution in tweaked
or high-performance vehicles

Electric Fuel Pump The Electric Fuel Pump (DB-604)

(DB-604) exchanges fuel from the tank to the
motor. It gives weight to bolster gasoline
dependably utilizing an electric pump.It
keeps gasoline streaming to the motor
for combustion and operation.

GF578 Fuel Filters by The ACDelco GF578 Fuel Channels expel

ACDelco toxins from fuel some time recently it
enters the motor. The fuel channel keeps
flotsam and jetsam out of the engine's
fuel injectors and anticipates motor harm

16-Gallon Chevrolet 1957 Chevrolet 16 Gallon Fuel Tank. The

Fuel Tank, 1957 motor draws gasoline from the tank.The
(TF700003) 16-gallon gasoline tank powers the
vehicle and amplifies driving ranges.

Throttle Controls motor wind current. Controlling
body/Carburetor the air-fuel blend precisely decides the
engine's control yield and fuel economy

6. The components below play a vital role in the fuel system. Explain their role the table below.
The fuel tank cap is basic for the gasoline tank. Fixing the fuel tank
anticipates gasoline vapors from getting away and jam the fuel
framework. For viable fuel dissemination, the fuel tank cover
Fuel Tank Cap
keeps up fuel tank weight. It too avoids fuel spilling and fires. A
venting gadget within the gasoline tank cap discharges weight and
avoids vacuum development.
gasoline lines carry gasoline from the tank to the motor. They give
gasoline to the engine's fuel injectors or carburetor through a
organize of channels or hoses. Fuel lines interface the tank, pump,
channel, injectors, and carburetor. They keep gasoline streaming
Fuel Lines from the tank to the motor for burning. gasoline lines are
comprised of metal or high-pressure elastic hoses to anticipate
gasoline erosion. Appropriate fuel line establishment and upkeep
limit spills, move forward fuel economy, and keep up fuel
framework execution and security.

7. What is the difference between the mechanical fuel pump and the electrical fuel pump.

mechanical fuel pump electrical fuel pump

The mechanical activity of the motor powers a The electrical framework of the car powers an
mechanical fuel pump, frequently by means of a electrical fuel pump. It creates weight and
camshaft or crankshaft. Fuel is pumped from the pumps gasoline from the fuel tank to the motor
fuel tank to the carburetor or fuel injectors utilizing an electric engine. In most cases, electric
utilizing the engine's responding action fuel pumps are arranged inside or near to the
gasoline tank.

8. Explain the function of the carburettor in the fuel system and list three (3) different types of

Inner combustion motors utilize a carburettor to combine discusses and fuel some time recently it
comes to the motor barrels. The carburettor gives the motor the correct air-fuel combination for
combustion. Here's a carburettor’s work and three types:
Carburettor Function:
Combustion discuss comes from the carburettor. The carburettor’s ways and chambers get discuss
from the intake.
Fuel Conveyance: The carburettor measures and blends fuel with discuss. A drift chamber or fuel
bowl keeps up fuel level. Atomized fuel is blended with air.

Air-Fuel Blending: The carburettor controls air-fuel blend depending on motor conditions. Throttle
valves, planes, and needles direct fuel stream and blend quality. This advances motor execution at
different loads and speeds.
The carburettor atomizes gasoline into little beads for ideal combustion. Ventures improve discuss
speed and weight, drawing fuel into the wind stream and vaporizing it.
Idle and Start-Up: The carburettor controls sit out of gear speed and gives a wealthier fuel blend for
cold starters.
Three Types
Float-Feed Carburettor: Most predominant and found in more seasoned automobiles. A coast and
needle valve framework controls gasoline within the drift chamber. The valve opens when the drift
diminishes as fuel is used.
CV Carburettor: A vacuum-controlled slide keeps wind current steady in CV carburettors. They're
more fuel-efficient and responsive than float-feed carburettors. Cruisers and little motors utilize CV
Downdraft and Side draft Carburettors: Airflow recognizes downdraft and sided raft carburettors.
Side draft carburettors admissions discuss along the side, whereas downdraft carburettors
admissions discuss downwards. Execution applications utilize these carburettors for superior wind
stream and fuel conveyance

9. What is an Electronic Control Unit (ECU)? List ten (10) sensors controlled by the ECU.
An basic portion of modern automobiles, the Electronic Control Unit (ECU), regularly known as the
Motor Control Unit, oversees and controls numerous motor and other framework operations. The
ECU capacities as a kind of computerised control framework that assembles information from
various sensors, investigations it, and after that transmits yield signals to control actuators and other
frameworks. The ECU is portrayed underneath, in conjunction with a list of 10 sensors that are
regularly beneath its control.
1. Sensor for mass discuss stream (MAF).
2. Manifold Supreme Weight (Outline) Sensor,
3. Oxygen (O2) Sensor,
4. Throttle Position Sensor (TPS),
5. Motor Coolant Temperature (ECT),
6. Camshaft Position Sensor (CMP),
7. Crankshaft Position Sensor (CKP),
8. Thump Sensor,
9. Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS),
10. Fuel Level Sensor

10. What are five (5) essential components of a fuel injection system?
 Motor Injectors:
 Petrol Pump:
 Fuel weight controller:
 Engine Control Unit (ECU):
 Fuel Rail
11. What is the function of the accelerator pedal? How does the accelerator pedal work in modern

The quickening agent pedal, some of the time called the quickening agent or throttle pedal, controls
vehicle speed and control. It controls the engine's fuel and discuss admissions, impacting its RPM
and acceleration.
A sensor interfaces the quickening agent pedal to the engine's throttle valve in modern automobiles.
Cutting edge quickening agent pedals work like this:
Sensor Framework: When the driver pushes the quickening agent pedal, pedal gathering sensors
identify its position and development. The ECU gets an electrical flag from these sensors.
ECU Elucidation: The ECU translates the driver's planning speeding up or control yield from the
quickening agent pedal sensors. The ECU gauges the driver's fuel infusion and discuss admissions
needs from this information.
Throttle Control: Signals from the ECU control the throttle valve. ETC or "drive-by-wire" frameworks
direct the throttle valve in modern automobiles. The throttle valve controls motor discuss intake.
Fuel Conveyance: The ECU controls the fuel conveyance framework, counting fuel injectors, when
the throttle valve opens or close. The ECU matches fuel infusion to discuss admissions to preserve
the ideal air-fuel proportion for combustion.
Engine Reaction: The motor reacts instantly to ECU alterations depending on quickening agent pedal
input. Fuel supply matches control generation, whereas throttle opening controls motor RPM. The
motor alters control and increasing speed to the driver's input.
12. Explain the function of the air filter and air intake housing.
An admissions system's discuss channel and lodging are pivotal. They channel and filter motor
discuss. Discuss channel and admissions lodging function:
Air filter: Channels motor admissions discuss. Some time recently discuss enters the motor, it
channels clean, grime, dust, and flotsam and jetsam. The discuss channel stops these toxins from
entering the combustion chamber and harming motor components.
Air Channel Uses:
 Discuss channels evacuate particulates from entering discuss. It more often than not
encompasses a creased paper or engineered fiber channel component. The channel traps
particulates whereas letting clean discuss through.
 Air channels protect motors by dispensing with toxins from the discuss. Tidy, grime, and
flotsam and jetsam may harm motor parts, diminishing execution, fuel proficiency, and
indeed motor disappointment. The discuss channel anticipates motor hurt by sifting air.
 Performance and Productivity: An effective discuss channel licenses motor wind current.
Execution and fuel economy depend on the motor accepting the correct amount of discuss
for burning. Clean discuss channels progress wind current and motor power.
Air intake housing: The discuss box or discuss cleaner lodging contains the discuss channel. The
discuss admissions conduit and motor are isolated by a plastic or metal holder. Discuss admissions
lodging capacities incorporate discuss sifting and intake:
 The discuss admissions lodging ensures the discuss channel from the outside. It ensures
discuss channels against waste, water, and tall temperatures.
 The discuss admissions lodging upgrades wind stream to the discuss channel. Confuses,
discuss channels, and reverberation chambers may progress discuss admissions productivity
and diminish turbulence. The lodging coordinates discuss to the channel for effective
 The discuss admissions lodging decreases motor and wind current clamor. Separator, sound-
absorbing materials, and resonators may diminish noise.

 A few discuss admissions lodgings direct discuss temperature. Warm shields or cover may
diminish motor narrows discuss admissions to supply cooler, denser discuss for way better
13. What are the symptoms and outcome of a bad fuel pump? Explain the outcome in the template
Symptoms Outcome
A defective fuel pump may be incapable to supply the motor with a
Motor Fizzles or Slowing relentless and satisfactory stream of gasoline, which may cause
down motor fizzles or slowing down. The motor may have inconvenience
beginning or it might unexpectedly halt working whereas it's
Since the motor may not get sufficient fuel for combustion, a
defective fuel pump might result in diminished motor execution. As
a result, there may be a misfortune in control, moderate increasing
speed, and common performance
The motor may be challenging to begin in the event that the
Difficulty Beginning the gasoline pump is frail or failing, especially after the car has been
Motor sitting for a long. Sometime recently beginning, the motor may
wrench for a long time or it may not begin at all.
On the off chance that a flawed fuel pump is cleared out
unattended for a long time, add up to motor disappointment may
result. Without adequate gasoline, the motor will not work,
rendering the car inoperable and requiring costly repairs or
In certain circumstances, a harmed fuel pump may not give
Engine overheating sufficient gasoline to preserve the engine's cooling framework. As a
result, motor temperatures may rise, which might cause
overheating and ensuing motor harm. Dismissing a flawed fuel
pump might result in more genuine issues with the motor and fuel
framework. This may require expensive repairs, such as supplanting
the gasoline pump as well as other hurt parts like fuel injectors,
channels, or indeed the total fuel framework
A fast misfortune of control may happen whereas driving as a result
Sudden loss of power of the fuel pump's scattered disappointment to supply the
fundamental fuel weight when it gets to be worn down. The car can
splutter, waver, or have inconvenience quickening or keeping up
speed.The motor will halt on the off chance that the gasoline pump
completely breaks whereas the car is in movement, taking off the
driver stranded. This may happen at any minute, indeed within the
center of a active road or in a farther area, requiring quick towing
and repairs

14. How do you inspect the mechanical fuel pump for a pressure leak or fuel leakage? List six (6)
 Stop the car in a well-ventilated put with the motor off. Maintain a strategic distance from
fuel and other dangers with gloves and eyewear.

 Engine Compartment Fuel Pump Put the mechanical petrol pump. The motor piece or side
holds it.
 Visual Review Look at the petrol pump. Check the pump, fittings and associations for fuel
drops, stains or moistness. Check the pump's fuel lines.
 Examine Weight Fuel pump yield or petrol line fuel weight gage. Interface and degree
accurately by taking after producer enlightening. Begin motor gently.
 Check the fuel weight gage at sit out of gear for spills. Unforeseen weight vacillations may
flag a leak.
 Checking outwardly Check the fuel pump, fittings, and associations for spills and variations
from the norm whereas the motor is running
15. What are the primary symptoms that indicate it is time to check the air filter? List five (5)
 Diminished control and acceleration.
 A destitute fuel economy.
 Misfires or unforgiving lingering of the engine.
 Smoke from the debilitate is dark.
 Unusual tremors or motor clamors.

16. List the five (5) steps used to inspect air intake housing for leakage of vacuum.
 Permit the motor to sit still after beginning it.
 Spray a small carburetor cleaner on the region around the discuss admissions housing.
 Watch for any alterations to the engine's RPM or sit out of gear speed.
 A vacuum spill is flagged by a alter in RPM or sit still speed.
 Look for any signs of harm or free fittings within the discuss admissions lodging and its

17. Explain how you complete the following jobs when servicing a vehicle. Each job has many steps,
a few of them are missing. Fill in the blanks
Replacing the fuel filter
1 Decide the area of the fuel channel within the fuel line.

2 Disconnect the battery

3 By turning off the fuel pump intertwine or hand-off and running the motor until it stops or by
using a fuel weight gage and opening the weight valve, you will release the weight within the
fuel system.

4 Lift the vehicle if required

5 Underneath the gasoline filter, arrange a holder to gather any petrol which will spill amid

6 Remove the clips used to hold the fuel filter (remove the nuts if your vehicle is fitted with
other types of fuel filter)
7 Take note of the areas of the gasoline lines once you disengage them from the fuel channel
to guarantee fitting reinstallation.

8 Get a new fuel filter and install it in the brackets

9 Make beyond any doubt the gasoline lines are safely affixed and associated to the unused
fuel channel some time recently reconnecting them
Testing the fuel pressure
1 Attach Fuel rail or fuel weight test harbor ought to be prepared with a fuel weight gauge
2 Turn the start key to the "ON" position and record the primary fuel weight measurement.

3 Start the vehicle and let at that point let it sit for a while.

4 After five minutes Take note of the ultimate fuel weight esteem
5 Compare both readings according to owner’s manual if there is a large gap between the
initial and final readings, it may indicate a potential issue with the fuel pressure

Changing the Air Filter

1 Locate the air filter housing
2 To reach the discuss channel, either expel the holding clips from the discuss channel lodging
cover or open the cover.

3 Check and clean the filter housing with a clean rag

4 Old discuss channel ought to be evacuated from housing.

5 Replace the air filter housing cover

6 To hold the modern discuss channel in put, near the lodging cover over the discuss channel or
reconnect the holding clips.

Checking the idle speed

1 Connect the GST (Generic Scan Tool) to the data link connector at lower crash pad.
2 Without beginning the motor, turn the start key to the "ON" position.

3 Utilise the filter tool's sit still speed alteration option.

4 To examined the sit still RPM, agreeing to the filter tool's proposals
5 Read the idling rpm.
Adjusting the idling speed
1 Start your car and let it complete its warm-up process.

2 Locate the throttle body's sit still speed alteration screw or sit still discuss control valve

3 Remove the the gasket or defensive cover from the IACV or sit out of gear speed alteration

4 Disconnect the the electrical association or hoover hose from the IACV
5 Turn the sit still speed alteration screw or modify the IACV.
6 Reconnect the If the electrical association or hoover hose to the IACV has been disengaged,
reconnect them.
7 Put back the To halt altering, supplant the defensive cover or seal on the sit still speed
alteration screw or IACV.
Clean the air filter
1 Locate the filter and remove the cover

2 The discuss channel ought to be evacuated from its chamber.

3 Check the discuss channel for harm, soil, or flotsam and jetsam. Cleaning ought to be done in
case it is soiled.

4 To get freed of free fabric, tap the channel delicately or utilize compressed discuss

5 Replace and secure

Check the air intake housing and duct for damage

1 Start the engine and let it idle. Set the transmission to Park (automatic) or Neutral (manual)
and apply the emergency brake.
2 Discover the discuss admissions lodging and discuss channel by opening the hood.

3 Look for any obvious prove of harm, such as breaks, free associations, or gaps, within the
discuss admissions lodging and duct.

4 Verify that the discuss conduit is safely joined to the throttle body and the discuss admissions
5 Check if the hose is near or touching a hot surface.

6 Examine the hoover hoses, gear and components that are connected to the discuss
admissions lodging for any signs of harm, such as splits or lost pieces.
7 Pinch the hoover line driving to each contraption and sprinkle sudsy water on it as portion of
your visual check. A vacuum spill may be recognized by changes in sit still speed, so keep an
ear out for these.
8 As part of your visual inspection, include the devices the vacuum hoses connect to. Check the
devices for damage like cracks, dents, and loose parts. Pinch the vacuum line leading to the
device, and spray soapy water on it and hear for a change in idle speed.

18. How do you conduct a post-service examination of a vehicle serviced by you, before handing
back to the customer? List ten (10) checks.
 Check to see whether all benefit assignments have been carried out agreeing to the benefit
 Engine oil, coolant, brake liquid, control directing liquid and windscreen washer liquid levels
ought to all be checked.
 Inspect the motor compartment and underneath the car for any signs of spills or liquid spills.
 Make beyond any doubt that all substitution parts and components are safely attached.
 Check the operation of the horn, wipers, lights and other imperative car systems.
 Adjust as fundamental after checking the tread profundity and tire pressure.
 Check beyond any doubt the radio, discuss conditioning and control windows—among other
features—all work properly.
 To assess the vehicle's execution, counting braking, controlling, and common drivability, do a
street test.
 Check to see whether any demonstrative inconvenience codes (DTCs) are truant or have
been cleared.
 Before giving it back to the client, completely clean the vehicle's interior and outside.
19. Under Commonwealth, State and Territory legislation, whose obligation is it to prepare a
Material Safety Data Sheet for hazardous substances?

Australia's government, state, and region laws require producers and merchants of unsafe materials
to supply Fabric Security Information Sheets (MSDS) for such materials. Vital security data and
proposals for dealing with, putting away, and utilizing perilous chemicals are given by the MSDS.

20. Inspecting and servicing petrol fuel systems poses several types of hazards, explain what risks
and the risk mitigations are in the table below, using 50 – 100 words for each.

Danger Risks and risk mitigation

Electricity  When managing with electrical fuel framework
components, there's a chance of electric shock.

 possibility of electrical fires or brief circuits as a result of

destitute associations or broken wiring.

Risk Reduction:

 To guarantee electrical security hones are caught on and

practised properly.

 Wear the correct individual assurance gear (PPE), such as

security glasses and protects gloves.

Exposure Risks:

 Exposure to unsafe chemicals and gasses found in petrol

and fuel framework components.

 Health issues caused by hurtful chemical inward breath or

skin contact.

Risk Reduction:

 Use PPE, such as gloves, goggles, and respiratory assurance,

and follow to set up security practises.

 To decrease presentation to exhaust, work in well-

ventilated spaces or utilizing debilitate extraction hardware

Leaks Risks:

1. fuel spills which will cause fires, especially when there are
sources of ignite.

2. increased peril of defilement and contamination of the


Risk Reduction:

1. Check gasoline associations, lines, and other parts frequently

for spills or other damage.

2. Replace or repair harmed or worn-out components right


Storage Risks:

 improperly putting away unstable substances, which

increments the probability of mishaps and makes fire

 Fuel framework parts not being put away appropriately,

which comes about in harm or degradation.

Risk Reduction:

 Flammable fluids ought to as it were be kept in devoted,

well-ventilated spaces distant from sources of start and
unacceptable objects.

 Utilise capacity strategies and holders that are secure and


21. Explain the following post-service testing procedures for petrol fuel systems:
a) Starting up and running the system to full operation. There are eight (8) steps. Insert the
missing information in the table below.
1. Park the vehicle and apply the hand brake.
2. Guarantee that the start is turned to the "OFF" position.

3. Find the gasoline rail or fuel line with the fuel weight test harbour
4. Place a rag under the test port as fuel will be released when installing the pressure tester.
5. Safely affix the fuel weight analyzer to the test port.

6. Without beginning the motor, turn the start key to the "ON" position.

7. Verify that the fuel weight gage shows the starting fuel weight perusing and pay consideration
for the sound of the fuel pump preparing.
8. Check for the appropriate pressure.

b) Testing the system for leaks and correct operation. There are nine (9) steps but they are NOT
in the right order. Sort them in the right order in the table below.
 Temporarily connect the negative battery cable by hand. Cycle the ignition key to the "on"
position several times and turn it off -- this will re-pressurise the system. Look at the reading
on the gauge. Refer to your owner's manual for the correct psi, or "pounds per square inch,"
for a residual pressure test. Depending on the vehicle, the reading will be anywhere from 30
to 80 psi. The pressure should hold for several minutes without dropping. Any pressure drop
below specifications indicates one leaking, or several leaking injectors.
 Refer to your owner's manual for the location of the fuel pressure test fitting on the rail. Fit a
fuel pressure gauge to the pressure test fitting, by screwing it on or using the push-on

 Disconnect the negative battery cable at the terminal. If you have found any leaking fuel
injectors, now will be the time to replace them all, since bad seals usually fail around the
same time. Reassemble all the components you removed in the reverse order you took them
off. Remember to put the injectors back into their original fuel rail locations. Keep the
negative battery cable disconnected until the end of the assembly process.
 Locate the service valve port on the fuel rail. Use the tip of a screwdriver to push the pin in
to depressurize the system. If your fuel rail has a removable cap, use a socket to slowly
unscrew the cap while holding a rag over it.
 Remove the negative battery cable from the battery. Depressurise the fuel rail, if you have
pressurised it for the residual pressure test. Disconnect the fuel injector wires from the fuel
injector heads, by unsnapping the clips.
 Use a fuel injector puller tool to remove each injector, by placing the clasping device of the
tool around the lip of the injector. Pull the injector straight up and out. Remember which
injector fits into its receiving port on the fuel rail.
 Make sure your vehicle sits in park or neutral, depending upon your transmission type. Apply
the hand brake.
 Look very closely at each fuel injector head where it connects to the fuel rail. Look for any
obvious dribbling leaks or fuel spray pattern on the rail, injector body or cylinder head. Smell
for gas.
 Temporarily reconnect the negative battery cable to its terminal. Cycle the ignition key to
the "on" position several times to re-pressurise the fuel rail. Look very carefully at the fuel
injector tips. None of them should squirt or dribble any fuel. Any leaks at the injector tips
indicates bad internal valve seals in the injector bodies. Replace all leaking fuel injectors.
1. Remove the negative battery cable from the battery. Depressurise the fuel rail, if you have
pressurised it for the residual pressure test. Disconnect the fuel injector wires from the fuel
injector heads, by unsnapping the clips.

2. Locate the service valve port on the fuel rail. Use the tip of a screwdriver to push the pin in to
depressurize the system. If your fuel rail has a removable cap, use a socket to slowly unscrew
the cap while holding a rag over it

3. Disconnect the negative battery cable at the terminal. If you have found any leaking fuel
injectors, now will be the time to replace them all, since bad seals usually fail around the same
time. Reassemble all the components you removed in the reverse order you took them off.
Remember to put the injectors back into their original fuel rail locations. Keep the negative
battery cable disconnected until the end of the assembly process
4. Use a fuel injector puller tool to remove each injector, by placing the clasping device of the tool
around the lip of the injector. Pull the injector straight up and out. Remember which injector
fits into its receiving port on the fuel rail.

5. Look very closely at each fuel injector head where it connects to the fuel rail. Look for any
obvious dribbling leaks or fuel spray pattern on the rail, injector body or cylinder head. Smell for

6. Temporarily connect the negative battery cable by hand. Cycle the ignition key to the "on"
position several times and turn it off -- this will re-pressurise the system. Look at the reading on
the gauge. Refer to your owner's manual for the correct psi, or "pounds per square inch," for a
residual pressure test. Depending on the vehicle, the reading will be anywhere from 30 to 80
psi. The pressure should hold for several minutes without dropping. Any pressure drop below
specifications indicates one leaking, or several leaking injectors.

7. Temporarily reconnect the negative battery cable to its terminal. Cycle the ignition key to the
"on" position several times to re-pressurise the fuel rail. Look very carefully at the fuel injector
tips. None of them should squirt or dribble any fuel. Any leaks at the injector tips indicates bad
internal valve seals in the injector bodies. Replace all leaking fuel injectors.

8. Make sure your vehicle sits in park or neutral, depending upon your transmission type. Apply
the hand brake.

9. Refer to your owner's manual for the location of the fuel pressure test fitting on the rail. Fit a
fuel pressure gauge to the pressure test fitting, by screwing it on or using the push-on adapter

22. You are asked to service a petrol fuel system in a vehicle that you have not worked on before.
Where will you find the information you need for the inspection and service?
The taking after sources may assist you evaluate and keep up a petrol fuel framework in a unused
Vehicle Benefit handbook: The benefit handbook portrays the fuel system's components,
necessities, support, and investigating. It covers the vehicle's fabricate and demonstrate in detail.
Manufacturer's Specialized Data: Producers ordinarily give specialized data, bulletins, and adjusting
methods on their websites or particular entrances. These destinations may offer vehicle model-
specific fuel framework proposals, overhauls, and precautions.
Online repair manuals: Online repair manuals incorporate a wide assortment of car sorts and
models. These records give fuel framework benefit informational, outlines, and specs.
Diagnostic Devices and Scanners: Demonstrative instruments and scanners consistent with the
vehicle's onboard demonstrative framework may offer fuel framework blame codes, sensor
information, and framework status. This information may help in investigating and maintenance.
Technical Gatherings and Communities: Car repair and support gatherings and communities may
give valuable data. Specialists and devotees contribute their ability, investigating exhortation, and
proposals for specific car sorts and fuel systems.
courses and Instruction Assets: Automotive mechanics courses can assist you benefit the fuel
framework. Preparing materials, course readings, and address notes may clarify fuel framework
components, operations, and upkeep.

23. What can you do to help you with the interpretation of the service information?
To get it petrol fuel framework benefit data, perform the following:
 Learn fuel framework wording. This will help you get it benefit data specialized language and

 Before reviewing or adjusting, examined the total strategy. This will appear you the steps
and their order.
 While checking on the benefit data, take notes and underline key components, specs, and
cautions. Amid review and adjusting, this will rearrange reference.
 Benefit data charts, pictures, and photographs may help clarify fuel framework components,
areas, and associations. These visual helps ought to be carefully interpreted.
 On the off chance that conceivable, cross-reference the vehicle's benefit manual with extra
solid sources such manufacturer's specialized bulletins, web repair informational or famous
car gatherings. This broadens the see and clarifies any contradictions.
 Ask for clarifications on the off chance that informational are vague. Experienced specialists,
coaches, and online bunches can help you get it benefit information.
 Working on various fuel frameworks will assist you comprehend and examine benefit data?
To pick up ability, apply hypothetical data to real-world circumstances and learn from
24. Before you inspect and service a petrol fuel system you will need to select the tools and
equipment required for the job. How do you establish that these are ready for service? What is
the documentation procedure must you complete?
These strategies will get ready petrol fuel framework review and benefit tools:
 Review Benefit Data: For job-specific apparatuses and hardware, see the vehicle's benefit
manual or manufacturer's bearings. Note particular devices or prerequisites.
 To make beyond any doubt you have got everything, check your device stock. Check the
apparatuses for harm or deficiencies that might impede execution or safety.
 Gather Extra Hardware: Decide whether security glasses, gloves, a fire quencher, or a well-
ventilated work put are required. Make these objects open and useable.
 Calibration and Certification: Check the calibration and certification of any particular gear or
devices. Keep them precise and up to date.
 Pre-Service Checks: Some time recently commencing, review devices and hardware. Check
for absconds. Electrical cables, hoses, and connectors ought to work properly.
 Prepare: Clean and get ready apparatuses and gear. Evacuate soil, flotsam and jetsam, and
build-up that might prevent execution. Grease up moving components.
 Documentation: Documentation may include:
o Instrument Enlist: Keep a apparatus enlist or stock diary to record apparatus
character, serial numbers, and calibration or certification status.
o Security checks: Some time recently utilizing devices and gear, total security checks.
o Support Records: Record dates, points of interest, and dependable parties for
instrument and hardware upkeep and repairs

25. When a job has been completed there are some housekeeping duties in the workshop that you
must complete. Explain how this is done in the table below.
Task Housekeeping procedure
Make beyond any doubt you altogether assess the apparatuses
and hardware used when a work is wrapped up. Hunt for any
Examination of tools and imperfections, wear, or harm. In case cleaning is required, put the
equipment rebellious absent in their legitimate areas.

Storage of equipment Make beyond any doubt that all instruments and hardware are

kept within the legitimate tool compartments or capacity places.
By putting the gear in a methodical and requested course of
action, you'll keep your workstation clean and sorted out. This
energizes fast get to to instruments and brings down the
plausibility of disasters or harm.

Amid the review, any things or pieces of gear that are found to be
flawed ought to be suitably perceived and stamped as such. To do
this, attach a sticker or name recognizing the blemish or blame.
Identification, tagging and Stamp the flawed gear as out of benefit and expel it from the
isolation of faulty equipment workstation to confine it. Inform the correct staff or boss in the
event that encourage activity, such as repairs or substitutions, is

Utilize the proper transfer procedures to induce freed of any

additional materials or trash delivered whereas working.
Recognize recyclable squander from non-recyclable waste. Take
Disposal of excess materials after any specific transfer informational or laws by putting waste
in indicated containers or holders. Keep the range where you work
slick and clear of clutter.

By isolating recyclable things like paper, plastic, glass, and metal,

reusing hones are carried out. Set up reusing canisters or other
holders within the workshop's indicated areas. Make beyond any
Recycling procedures doubt recyclables are sorted correctly and arranged absent within
the assigned reusing holders. To diminish the negative impacts on
the environment and to empower feasible hones, stand by
neighborhood reusing laws and directions.


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