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Computational Fluid Dynamics Lab (PFC–IV) AY 2022-23

Lab No. : 8
Name of the Lab: Solving a 2-d conjugate heat transfer problem using suitable software
Name of Student: Shubham Vijay Jadhav Roll No. 222
Section/ Batch: C4 Date of Submission: 31/3/24

1. Introduction:

Conjugate heat transfer phenomena are ubiquitous in engineering and scientific applications, playing
a critical role in various thermal systems such as electronics cooling, energy conversion devices, and
aerospace components. This complex thermal phenomenon involves the simultaneous interaction of
heat transfer mechanisms across different domains, including conduction, convection, and radiation,
often necessitating sophisticated numerical simulations for accurate analysis and design.

In this study, we address a two-dimensional conjugate heat transfer problem using the finite element
method (FEM) implemented in ANSYS software. ANSYS is a widely-used engineering simulation
software suite known for its robust capabilities in solving complex multiphysics problems, including
heat transfer, fluid dynamics, and structural analysis. Leveraging ANSYS, we aim to model the
intricate heat transfer processes occurring within a given system, considering interactions between
solid structures and surrounding fluid domains.

By employing ANSYS, we can efficiently model the thermal behavior of the system under various
operating conditions, investigate the effects of different material properties, geometric
configurations, and boundary conditions, and ultimately optimize the design for enhanced thermal
performance. Through this comprehensive analysis, we seek to gain insights into the thermal
behavior of the system, identify potential areas for improvement, and inform the design process
towards achieving desired performance objectives.

This study underscores the significance of utilizing advanced simulation tools like ANSYS in
tackling complex conjugate heat transfer problems, enabling engineers and researchers to explore
and optimize thermal systems with greater accuracy and efficiency. Through the following sections,
we will detail the numerical methodology, problem formulation, and simulation results obtained
using ANSYS, providing a comprehensive analysis of the conjugate heat transfer phenomenon under
consideration. Aim:

The aim of this study is to analyze a two-dimensional conjugate heat transfer problem using
ANSYS software, with a focus on understanding the thermal behavior within the system and
optimizing its design for enhanced performance.

1. Develop a finite element model in ANSYS.

2. Define boundary conditions for realistic simulation.

3. Generate a high-quality mesh.

4. Configure solver settings for efficient simulation runs.

5. Analyze steady-state temperature distributions.

6. Investigate transient thermal behavior over time.

7. Evaluate system performance metrics.

8. Conduct sensitivity analysis on key parameters.

9. Optimize system design using ANSYS tools.

10. Validate simulation results against experimental data.

2. Methodology:

Problem Definition: Clearly define the internal flow problem, specifying boundary conditions
and desired outcomes.

Geometry Preparation: Create or import the geometry of the internal flow domain, ensuring it's
clean and appropriate for simulation.

Mesh Generation: Generate a high-quality mesh, refining near walls and critical regions to
capture flow features accurately.

Model Selection: Choose suitable turbulence models and other physics models based on flow
conditions and objectives.

Solver Setup: Configure the solver with appropriate settings, including boundary conditions,
numerical schemes, and convergence criteria.

Simulation Execution: Run the simulation using the defined setup, monitoring convergence and
accuracy throughout.
Post-Processing: Analyze simulation results using visualization tools, extracting relevant data
for insights and validation.

Validation and Optimization: Validate the results against experimental data or analytical
solutions, and optimize the model or system parameters for improved performance if necessary.

Documentation and Reporting: Document all aspects of the methodology and results in a clear
and comprehensive manner for future reference and dissemination.

3. Geometry: Provide images detailing the steps involved in creating the geometry.

4. Meshing: Present images illustrating the meshing process including methods, sizing.
5. Governing Equations:
• Continuity Equation: Also known as the conservation of mass equation, it
states that the rate of change of mass within a control volume is equal to the net
rate of mass flow into or out of the control volume.
• Momentum Equations: These equations describe the conservation of
momentum in the fluid flow.
• Energy Equation: This equation describes the conservation of energy in the
fluid flow and includes terms for convection, diffusion, and energy generation.
• These equations form the basis for solving fluid flow problems in CFD.
Depending on the specific problem and assumptions made (e.g., steady-state vs.
transient, compressible vs. incompressible), additional equations or
simplifications may be applied. Overall, solving these governing equations
numerically allows engineers and scientists to simulate and analyze complex
fluid flow phenomena in various applications.

6. Solution Technique/Set-up: Include images depicting the steps followed for solution,
from general setup to running calculations using ANSYS.
7. Result and Discussion:

Showcase images of contours, plots, residuals, etc., pertinent to the objectives.

8. Conclusion:

In summary, through the utilization of ANSYS software, this study effectively analyzed a two-
dimensional conjugate heat transfer problem. By employing a systematic methodology,
including geometry preparation, boundary condition definition, mesh generation, and solver
setup, insightful findings regarding temperature distributions, heat fluxes, and dynamic thermal
responses were obtained.

Additionally, sensitivity analysis and validation procedures ensured the reliability and accuracy
of the simulation results. Overall, this study demonstrates the efficacy of ANSYS in tackling
complex thermal problems, providing engineers with valuable insights for optimizing thermal
systems and advancing engineering design practices.

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