Understanding The Self

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Understanding the Self

Renz David Navarro BEED – 1B

Lesson 2: Sociology
1. A 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. A

Lesson 3: Anthropology
Analysis on Issue: Identify some cultural issues in your community and complete the table below.
Cultural Categories Existing Issues Possible Causes of Issues Proposed Solution
The wearing of traditional The events or occasions in Most people in the Facilitating community
dress or regalia. which traditional clothes community are not familiar events such as festivities
are to be worn are small in with their respective and competitions that
numbers. traditional clothing. showcase the traditional
clothes worn by each
representative of every

People take little to no Modernization paved the Organizing social

interest in wearing them as way for cultural trends to gatherings or celebrations
they do not cope with the influence the society. that require traditional
current trend. clothes as the dress code
for the said events.
The use of indigenous The number of times by English and Filipino Organize a public forum
language or vernacular. which local dialects are languages are being within the community to
used is diminishing. employed in everyday discuss the number of
discourse. disconcerting issues and
conclude it with a
consensus which can be
used as precursors to the
prospective solution.
The destruction of cultural The condition of local The community’s The head of a Local
or historical heritage. tourist spots or neglection and the lack of Government Unit (LGU)
monumental sites are support provided by the must implement a
deteriorating. head of the community’s mandate that will preserve
municipality to maintain the historical or cultural
the best possible state of heritage of the community.
any of the cultural or
historical sites.
The national cultural pride Netizens, specifically of this Communities that suffer
and identity. generation, have this kind of quandary
established their virtual Foreign cultures have been should call upon the people
identity based on the preying on the naiveté of a in charge to instigate the
culture that dominates the virgin generation resulting mind of the young ones
one that is of their origin. to the decline of the i.e., students to engage
cultural progress of the themselves in numerous
The John/Jane Q. Public of victim community. By cultural activities which will
this contemporary forcing the receding culture entail them to express their
generation refuse to invest into submission, its abundant ideas and
their time on any of their progress of growth opinions of their respective
cultural traditions that continues to remain culture and its historical
have long been around stagnant. background; which may
since the time of their then be used as an
conception and instead, opportunity to employ
engage in cultural trends of their creativity and
foreign cultures which withheld talents in their
dominantly colonizes the arsenal. Programs and
former. contests are cases in point
through which the
proposition discoursed can
be systematically put forth
into a course of sequent
Rebellion and struggle for The shrinking of one’s Lack of social interaction Emphasizing camaraderie
self-determination. perception into their own and self-reflection. and broad-mindedness to
perspective and sole develop a holistic point of
understanding of life. view.
The assimilation of Lack of enculturation People have little to no Develop progress in one’s
traditional self into a willingness to learn about education of what culture
dominant culture. their own and other is and the importance it
cultures. serves in their identity and
sense of responsibility.

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