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Other modes of transport apart from Road transport are;
Water transport,
This the most cost-effective method of moving large, perishable and heavy products across long
distances. Water transport plays a key role in international trade as it does not require route construction,
its much cheaper because its energy cost is lower than other modes of transport

Railway transport,
Its one of the logistic transportation methods, the accuracy and continuity of railway transportation is
relatively very strong as its not affected by climate, it can operate regularly regardless of day or night.
Air transport,
This is the most ideal transportation system in the shortest possible time. Very ideal higly perishable
items, accessing remote locations, security and delivery time

A ‘highway’ is an arterial road facility designed for high speed and high volume traffic in non-
urban areas. For example, the national road network of a country is called the National Highway

Express Highway’ is a superior type of highway facility designed for very high speed and low
volume traffic with full or partial control of access. It is generally consists of divided carriageway
that caters for very high speeds.

(ii). Streets,
A ‘street’ is an urban or town road facility with houses or buildings n one side or both sides
A fly over refers to bridge structures which carries one Road over the other in a bid to reduce
congestion and maintain a better level of traffic flow in urban centers or cities.
Sub way,
This is the underground passage or tunnel structure enabling pedestrians or other light traffics to cross the

A. Occupation health and safety,
Occupation health and safety are initiatives aimed at promoting and maintaining the highest degree of
physical , mental and social wellbeing of workers .These manages all risks, road accidents, violence’s,
dangerous operation situations and exposure to harmful hazardous substances.
In addition, all these aspects are reduced by identifying and mitigating hazards
B. Gender mainstreaming,
This ensures the policymaking and legislative work of higher quality and great relevance for society
because polices are effectively to the need of all the citizens during operational and maintenance cause.
C. Environmental protection
There most damaging effects of road construction and management, which are noise, dust and vibrations,
especially the noise occurs during road construction phases and this can occur to a lesser degree during
maintenance operations.
D. Climate change,
This change mainly affects physical damage from floods or bushfires. In addition, the indirect impacts are
the flow on effects of climate change such as chain disrupted by extreme weather or income being
E. HIV/AIDS or other STD and COVID19,
In the workplace, this may also lead to increased funeral ex-pence’s for workers in the number of
available works since the deaths occur pre dominantly and this usually happens on both only works but
the community to during operations on the road hence reducing the production and quality of works.
F. Child protection or child labor,
Child labor is the harming of children’s wellbeing and hinders their education and future livelihood. In
addition, this affect the works due to regular injuries and increase of infertility rate and chronic back pain
in same long run hence affecting work operations.
Community Involvement,
The community involving differs in the different steeps in road operation and maintenance development
and can be majorly force in the implementation of roads and and green program at scale which creates
ownership contributing to the sustainability or road infrastructure.
Stakeholder Engagement,
This is a strategy aimed at identifying the needs of groups, planning and implementation of actions
designed to ensure the business needs are met

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