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Background of the study

Academic stress can have a significant impact on a student's mental and physical

health. The constant pressure to succeed academically can lead to anxiety, depression,

and other mental health disorders. Students may experience frequent headaches, sleep

disturbances, and decreased appetite due to stress. Academic stress can also

negatively impact a student's academic performance. The fear of failure and the

pressure to perform can result in poor grades, reduced motivation, and decreased

engagement in the learning process. This may lead to a vicious cycle, where poor

performance leads to more stress, leading to more poor performance. Moreover,

academic stress can negatively affect a student's social life. Students may isolate

themselves from social situations due to the stress of academic pressure, leading to

loneliness and feelings of social isolation. Overall, academic stress can have far-

reaching consequences for a student's mental and physical well-being, academic

performance, and social life. It is important for students to find ways to manage their

stress, such as through exercise, mindfulness techniques, seeking support from friends

and family, or professional counseling. Academic pressure, the pressure to succeed

academically and excel in exams is one of the primary causes of stress among

students. From grade school to college, students feel an enormous amount of pressure

to perform well academically. Competition, the competitive environment among

students, especially in high schools and universities, can be a significant source of

stress. Students are often competing against one another for grades, scholarships, and

other academic achievements. Social and relationship issues, social pressures, like

fitting in with peers, and relationship issues such as breakups or conflicts with friends

and family members can cause stress among students. Time management, many
students juggle multiple responsibilities such as school, work, and extra-curricular

activities. Feeling overwhelmed by the number of tasks to accomplish, deadlines, and

managing time can be a significant source of stress. Financial stress, the high cost of

education and associated expenses like fees, books, and housing can lead to financial

stress among students, especially those from lower-income families. Excessive stress

and pressure can take away the joy of learning and make education feel like a burden.

Students may lose their intrinsic motivation, creativity, and curiosity, which are

essential elements of a holistic educational experience. Career uncertainty, the

uncertainty of future career prospects and job opportunities can cause stress among

students, particularly to those who are graduating college or in their final years of

high school. Health issues, Including physical ailments, mental health academic stress

and pressure is crucial to ensure the well-being and success of students. Implementing

strategies such as promoting a balanced approach to academics, providing mental

health support services, fostering a supportive learning environment, and teaching

stress management techniques can help mitigate the negative impacts and promote

healthier student experiences. challenges, and chronic medical conditions, can be a

source of stress among students.

Statement of the problem

The study aims to determine the affect of deppression of HUMSS students in Saint

Tonis College Inc regarding to their academic performance.

1.What are the primary sources of academic stress and pressure experienced by

HUMSS student at Saint Tonis College Inc.

2.How do these stressors vary acrosss different academic years of semesters?

3.What are the short term and long term consequences of academic stresss and

pressure on the mental and physical health, as well as the academic performance, of

HUMSS students at Saint Tonis Colloge Inc.?

4.What strategies and support systems at Saint Tonis College Inc., utilizing to cope

with manage academic stress and pressure

5. How effective are these strategies in mitigating the negative effects of stress on

their overall well-being and academic sources.


This study focuses on the effects of depression to the academic performance of

Humss Students in Saint Tonis College Inc . The data collection will be conducted to

100 randomly selected students in Saint Tonis College a who will represent the

population. This study will not cover other problems that are not consider as one of

the stressors and depressants. Each of the respondents is given the same

questionnaires to answer. The results of this study will be applicable only to the

respondents of this study and will not be used as a measure to the effects of

depression to the academic performance of the students who do not belong to the

population of this study. The main source of data will be the questionnaire and survey

which is prepared by the researchers.


This research would be beneficial to the students because they will know the negative

effects of depression in their academic performance. In this study the students can be

aware on things that depression can do to them. This research would also be

beneficial to teachers and administrators because they will be able to understand the

changes of the behavior, perception in life and academic performances of the students

that were engaged to stress and depression. They can easily cope up to the students

attitude. This research would be help to the parents they can know the effects of stress

and depression to their child.


Ha: there is a significant effect of academic stress and academic pressure on the

performance and well-being of students.

H1: there is no significant effect of academic stress and academic pressure on the

performance and well-being of students.

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