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Patient (Initials only): J.R.A Age: 88 Gender: Male Ward/Room/Bed: Bed # 2

Impression: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) in Acute Exacerbation Allergy to: N/A

Generic Name: Potassium Chloride Brand Name: K – Tab Dosage & Route: 600mg through PEG tube


Pharmacologic Class: Mineral, electrolyte Maintains acid-base balance, isotonicity, and electrophysiologic balance throughout body tissues; crucial to Onset: Unknown
nerve impulse transmission and contraction of cardiac, skeletal, and smooth muscle. Also essential for normal
Therapeutic Class: Electrolyte replacement, nutritional supplement Peak: 1-2 hr
renal function and carbohydrate metabolism.
Pregnancy Category: Category C Duration: Unknown


potassium depletion Monitoring Potassium Levels Potassium chloride is often prescribed to treat Educate the patient about the importance of taking
potassium depletion, a condition where the body potassium chloride as prescribed by their healthcare
lacks an adequate amount of potassium. provider.


Hypersensitivity to tartrazine or alcohol (with some products) Before administering potassium chloride, assess the patient's Identifying and avoiding these components helps Educate the patient about the potential presence of
medical history and allergies, specifically checking for prevent adverse reactions. tartrazine or alcohol in certain potassium chloride
hypersensitivity to tartrazine or alcohol. formulations.

Acute dehydration Evaluate the patient's fluid status, electrolyte levels, and renal Potassium chloride supplementation is commonly Teach the patient about the importance of maintaining
function before administering potassium chloride, especially in used to replenish potassium levels in individuals proper hydration, especially during periods of illness,
cases of acute dehydration. experiencing electrolyte imbalances due to physical activity, or environmental heat exposure.
conditions like dehydration.

Heat cramps Monitor patients with heat cramps closely for signs of electrolyte Heat cramps, often occurring due to excessive Educate the patient about the role of electrolytes,
imbalances and consider potassium chloride supplementation if sweating and fluid/electrolyte losses during including potassium, in muscle function and heat
indicated. prolonged physical exertion in high temperatures, regulation.
can lead to potassium depletion.
DRUG INTERACTIONS (Drug-Drug / Drug-Food / Drug-Diagnostics / Drug-Herb)

Drug-food. Salt substitutes containing potassium Monitor and educate the patient on their dietary intake of Potassium chloride is commonly prescribed to Instruct the patient to avoid or limit the use of salt
potassium-rich foods, including salt substitutes. patients with low potassium levels. substitutes unless otherwise instructed by their
healthcare provider.

Drug-herbs. Dandelion, Licorice Assess and monitor the patient for signs and symptoms of Dandelion and licorice are herbs known to have Encourage the patient to maintain regular follow-up
hypokalemia or hyperkalemia when potassium chloride is taken diuretic effects and may alter potassium levels in appointments with their healthcare provider to monitor
concurrently with dandelion or licorice. the body. electrolyte levels and adjust treatment as necessary.


CNS: confusion, unusual fatigue, restlessness, asthenia, flaccid paralysis, paresthesia, absent Regularly monitor the patient for signs of CNS disturbances Potassium chloride plays a vital role in nerve Educate the patient on the importance of reporting any
reflexes impulse transmission and muscle function. changes in mental status or unusual sensations promptly.

CV: ECG changes, hypotension, arrhythmias, heart block, cardiac arrest Continuously monitor the patient's cardiovascular status Abnormal potassium levels can disrupt the Instruct the patient to report any palpitations, dizziness, or
electrical impulses in the heart, leading to chest pain immediately.
potentially life-threatening arrhythmias or cardiac

GI: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal discomfort, flatulence Assess and manage gastrointestinal symptoms Potassium chloride supplements can irritate the Suggest dividing the daily dose into smaller, more
gastrointestinal tract, leading to these symptoms. frequent doses if tolerated to reduce the risk of GI upset.

Metabolic: hyperkalemia Monitor serum potassium levels regularly to prevent hyperkalemia. Potassium chloride supplementation aims to Instruct the patient to adhere strictly to the prescribed
correct hypokalemia dosage and avoid taking additional potassium
supplements without consulting a healthcare provider.

Musculoskeletal: weakness and heaviness of legs Assess the patient for weakness and heaviness of legs Potassium is essential for muscle contraction, and Emphasize the importance of maintaining adequate
imbalance can lead to weakness and fatigue. hydration and balanced nutrition to support muscle

Respiratory: respiratory paralysis Monitor respiratory status for signs of respiratory paralysis Severe hyperkalemia can affect respiratory Instruct the patient to seek immediate medical attention if
muscles, leading to respiratory paralysis. they experience difficulty breathing or shortness of

Other: irritation at I.V. site Monitor the infusion site for signs of irritation or infiltration. Potassium chloride can cause irritation or tissue Encourage the patient to report any discomfort or
damage if administered incorrectly or at a high changes at the infusion site promptly.

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