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Cell Organelles: Structures and Functions Organizer

√ if in Prokaryotic
√ if in Animal cell

√ if in Eukaryotic
Image of Relate how the

Plant cell
Eukaryotic Function Structure

√ if in
structure contributes


Organelle (drawing or
to the function.

X X X To provide rigidity and It adds an extra layer to the

structural support. structure of a cell.
Cell wall

X X X X They serve as barriers and The structure allows it to

Cell gatekeepers. regulate what enters and
membrane goes in the cell.

Gel like fluid inside cell. to The fluid holds the

X X X X support and suspend components of the cell and
Cytoplasm organelles and cellular protects them from
molecules. damage.

X X X Nucleus controls and The structure helps it me

regulates the activities of
the cell and carries the
genes, structures that
contain the genetic
X X X Makes small parts or It’s the largest nuclear
Nucleolus subunits, which make up the organelle so it can produce
ribosomes. The nucleolus and assemble ribosomes.
makes the subunits from
Cell Organelles: Structures and Functions Organizer
ribosomal RNA and proteins.
The ribosomes factory.
X X X A structure that surrounds It has nuclear pore
and defines the nucleus and structures that permit
Nuclear separates it from the communication and
envelope cytoplasm. transport between the
nucleus and cytoplasm.

X X X X Chromosomes are thread- Chromosomes have arms

like structures in which DNA and it allows DNA to wrap
is tightly packaged within around it or be stored inside
Chromosomes the nucleus. Help ensure it.
that DNA is replicated and
distributed appropriately
during cell division.
X X X X A micro-machine for making Ribosomes appear flattened
proteins. The sites at which and spherical in shape, small
information carried in the enough to be in a cell.
Ribosomes genetic code is converted
into protein molecules.

X X X A collection of tubes that The maze-like structural

Endoplasmic make, package, and helps package and deliver
reticulum transport proteins and fats. the materials easily.
Ribosomes come from here.

X X X Giving shape to cells and It is a key component to the

cellular membranes. · Cell cytoskeleton which
movement, which includes a determinates the shape of
Microtubules contraction in muscle cells, the cell.
transportation of specific
organelles and cell division.
Cell Organelles: Structures and Functions Organizer
X X lacks X Assists with cell movement Are polymers of the protein
and are made of a protein actin that are part of a cell's
called actin. cytoskeleton. They are long

X X X X To store substances, Their structure helps them

typically either waste or store substances in the cell.
harmful substances, or
useful substances the cell
will need later on. Very
important in plant cells.
X Mitochondria are often Mitochondria are shaped
X X referred to as the perfectly to maximize their
powerhouses of the cell. productivity. They have a
They help turn the energy outer and inner membrane.
we take from food into Folding of interior
energy that the cell can use. mitochondria provided
(ATP) Cellular energy more surface area for
production. producing ATP/energy.
X Transports and modifies It helps transport and
X X proteins and lipids. Packages package materials in the
products into vesicles for cell.
Cell Organelles: Structures and Functions Organizer
X X X Converts light energy into Inside it has chlorophyl
relatively stable chemical which contains green
Chloroplast energy via the pigment.
photosynthetic process.

X X X They break down excess or Spheres made up of a lipid

worn-out cell parts. They bilayer that encloses fluid
may be used to destroy that contains a variety of
invading viruses and hydrolytic enzymes.
bacteria. Contains digestive
enzymes. Act as 'garbage
disposal' or the 'digester' of
the cell.
lacks X X To move water relative to Cilia are hair-like structures
the cell in a regular present on the surface of all
movement of the cilia. To eukaryotic cells, which play
move a cell or group of cells a major role in locomotion.
or to help transport fluid or
materials past them.
X X X Primarily used for cell Their structure lets a cell
movement. helps to propel move.
Flagella a cell through the liquid.

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