Personal Development

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Personal Development

Personal Development
If you will become a manager someday, how will you resolve conflicts between your employees
about accidentally giving a wrong order from a certain product to your customers?
If I become a manager someday, I will do my job properly as a manager to maintain a peaceful
environment in my workplace so I will solve the conflicts by asking politely, calm and be neutral
to my employee what happens first then to the side of the customer and allow them to express
their feelings after I released the tension and know who made the mistake between the two, I will
be apologized to the customer and gives a right order. Also, I will compromise and give an option
to the customers if he doesn’t want my offer, I will give him a refund just to satisfy the customer.
Do you believe that conflict is a sign of a wake-up call in order that the people involved will
improved their personality? Why or why not?
Yes, in the positive way conflicts will improved your personality such as listening and
communication skills on how you will handle the problem so to the next time you will have a
conflict you know what to do or to handle the situation because if we handled it ineffectively it can
harm relationships. Also, it gives us opportunity to build our strong relationships if the conflict is
solved properly and smoothly. Becoming better at conflicts resolutions helps to enhance our
productivity and at the same time it will leads to new insight because if the two people try to solve
the conflicts, they will share their own opinion or perspective to the problem and we all know the
people has different perspective with that you can learn some of ideas in the different point of
Among the types of social influence that you have learned such as conformity, conversion, minor
influence, reactance, obedience, and persuasion: which do you prefer? Why? Give example.
I prefer for persuasion because it gives powerful force and major influence on society. However,
people thinks that persuasion has negative effects but this improved people lives it is like
convincing someone to do what you want to do. Persuasion serves important roles in the society
it helps the people to do more on what they must expected for example that you’re the one who
persuade other people or you see an advertisement that shows what product is the best or in the
product of cigarettes there is an advertisement that you should quit smoking and there is a picture
of a person suffering on a lung cancer because of smoking. This is the best example of persuasion
and this is really saved or improve people.
If you will become a leader someday, which do you prefer transactional or transformational? Why?
Give example.
If I become leader someday, I prefer to use transformational leadership because I am the person
who want to helps and inspire my members or followers. I am the person who wants to solve the
problem by own experiences and not following the tradition. I want my followers to be more
creative organized and of course I want unity in my members so that they work together as a team.

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