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Virendra Swarup Institute of Computer Studies

Human Resource Development
1. Who is called as the father of HRM?
a) George Elton Mayo
b) Henry Fayol
c) Prof. Leonard Nadler
d) Robert Owen

2. Who contributed to bring HRM in India?

a) Prof Udai Pareek
b) Robert Owen
c) Leonard Nadler
d) Prof Uday Shankar
3. Which is the first company to implement HRD in India?
b) Reliance
c) L&T
d) Adani Group.

4. HRD is the sub-set of ________?

a) HRP
c) HRA
d) HRM

5. HRD specifically deals with ________?

a) Training and development needs of the candidate
b) Personal aspiration of the candidates.
c) Gossip need of the candidate.
d) Performance appraisal of the candidates.

6. What is the full form of MDP?

a) Management development Process
b) Managerial Development Practices.
c) Management Development Programme
d) Manager’s Development Profile.

7. What is the full form of IHRM?

a) International HRM
b) Intentional HRM
c) Integral HRM
d) Inter-Department HRM

8. In which organisation structure, the categorisation was made on the basis of Product, market
and geography?
a) Team-Based Organisation Structure
b) Network based organisation Structure
c) Divisional Org. Structure.
d) Functional Org. Structure.

9. Which organisation structure is most suitable for the start-ups and firms with initial set-ups?
a) Pyramid or Hierarchical Organisational Structure.
b) Functional Organisational Structure.
c) Team Based Organisational Structure.
d) Horizontal or Flat Organisational Structure.

10. ________ is defined as the Change Agent of every organisation?

a) HRM
b) HRD
c) HRP
d) HR Manager.

11. What is the objective of HRM?

a) Societal Objectives
b) Organisational Objectives
c) Functional Objectives
d) All of the Above

12. Who is responsible for bringing change in the organisation?

a) HR Managers
b) HR Executives
c) Both A & B
d) None of the above.
e) Organisational Structure.

13. It is the overall or total amount of feeling what employee had towards his/her job. It is called as
a) Job Satisfaction
b) Job Dissatisfaction
c) Job Engagement
d) Job Rotation
14. We change our HR policies so as to retain whom________?
a) Vendors
b) Suppliers
c) Employees
d) Customers

15. Strategic MDP is designed for which level of the organisation?

a) Top Level
b) Middle Level
c) Lower Level
d) All the three levels of the organisation.

16. HRM involves ___________?

a) Performance Appraisal
b) Training & Development
c) Potential Appraisal
d) All of the above

17. Putting Right Person at the Right Job at the Right Place on the Right Time is called as ___?
a) HRD
b) HRP
c) HRM
d) HRA
18. We can enhance employee’s __________ with the help of Job Rotation?
a) Capacity
b) Flexibility
c) Adaptability
d) Motivation
19. Understudy is a __________ method of Management Development?
a) On the Job Method
b) Off the job Method
c) Both
d) None
20. Case Study is a __________ method of Management Development?
a) On the Job Method
b) Off the job Method
c) Both
d) None
21. Find the odd one out?
a) Lecture
b) Conference
c) Business Games
d) Committee Assignment

22. In which organisational structure model, employee do cross-reporting?

a) Pyramid or Hierarchical Organisational Structure.
b) Functional Organisational Structure.
c) Team Based Organisational Structure.
d) Matrix Organisational Structure.

23. HRM is _________?

a) Inter-Related
b) Inter-Dependent
c) Interacting
d) All of the Above

24. HRM Policies is a _______?

a) Plan of Action
b) Decision-making
c) Is a mission
d) Is a promotion guideline.

25. Management Development is _________?

a) Short-term in nature
b) Overall Development of an Employee
c) Growth plan of a company
d) HR rules and Guiding principles.

26. HRD is a ___ concept.

a) multi-disciplinary
b) inter-disciplinary
c) multi-dimensional
d) none of the above
27. At the …………………. level HRD is concerned with the development of people for the nation’s
a. macro
b. micro
c. higher
d. lower
28. HRD department of an organisation focuses on
a) balanced organisational culture
b) learning contextual factors
c) working with unions by taking them into confidence
d) all of the above

29. The organisation can fill the manpower gap via ________?

a) Training and Development

b) Recruitment
c) Potential Appraisal
d) None of the Above

30. Which among the following is the positive process?

a) Selection
b) Recruitment
c) Both
d) None

31. The core purpose of HRM is _____?

a) Selecting right person for the job.
b) Satisfaction of each employee
c) Safety of each employee
d) Making efficient use of existing employees.

32. Challenges in doing HRD are ___?

a) Employees Resistance
b) Lethargic Managerial approach
c) Poor fund available for MDP
d) All of the above.

33. The job profile called CHRO stands for?

a) Chief Human Resource Officer
b) Chief Humanity Resource Officer
c) Chief Human Reporter Officer
d) Chief Human Resource Operator

34. What is a Human Resource?

a) Manpower
b) Employee
c) Workforce
d) All of the above

35. Mentorship is ________ in nature?

a) Formal
b) Informal
c) Both
d) None
36. The decision about organisational structure is ______?
a) Universal
b) Subjective
c) Conditional
d) None of the above

37. The decision about Management Development is taken by _____?

a) Company
b) External bodies
c) Client panel
d) Government
38. The Employee of an organisation is considered as ________?
a) Assets
b) Liabilities
c) Goodwill
d) Expenses
39. If the employee doesn’t meet the performance standards for an accountable task, what type of
HRD program would be more appropriate?
a. Coaching
b. Training
c. Mentoring
d. Counseling

40. Job descriptions are used for which type of analysis in training need assessment?
a. organizational analysis
b. organizational information
c. person analysis
d. task analysis

41. Which of the following analysis helps us to understand the reasons for good or bad
a. summary analysis
b. diagnostic analysis
c. both summary and diagnostic analysis
d. none of the above
42. Which of the following is related to the lecture method of training?
a. feedback
b. lacks participants involvement
c. appeals to few trainees senses because trainees focus primarily on hearing information
d. one-way interaction

43. Which of the following demonstrates key behaviors to replicate and provides trainees with the
opportunity to practice the key behaviors?
a. behavior modeling
b. cognitive learning
c. role-playing
d. self-learning

44. Which of the following strategy is considered as the main elements of the structure of team
a. performance measurement
b. team task analysis
c. skills
d. coordination training

45. Job instruction training, Job rotation, coaching, and mentoring are examples of which type of
a. on-the-job training
b. off-the-job training
c. self-paced training
d. none of the above

46. The cost incurred for classroom and audiovisual equipment is which type of cost?
a. direct cost
b. indirect cost
c. both direct and indirect
d. none of the above

47. The integrative framework of SHRM was given by

a. Young and Berman
b. Federick Taylor
c. John Nadler
d. None of the above

48. ___ Allows anticipating the management of people through the organization due to retirement,
promotion, and transfers.
a. HR planning
b. HRM
c. HRD
d. HR strategy

49. Selecting the right reward is only the first half of the battle. The other half is.
a. Delivering a reward correctly
b. Calculating the reward
c. Both a & b
d. None of the above

50. ___ is a mechanism for maintaining good industrial relations.

a. Negotiation
b. Collective bargaining
c. Both a & b
d. None of the above

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