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Department of Master in Computer Application

Subject: Discrete Mathematics Subject code: MCA01001
Program: MCA Semester: 1st Sem Academic Year: 2023-24
Branch: MCA

Group-A (Short Answer (2 mark type)

Q. No. 1 Questions COs BTL

a. Show that the conditional statement (p˄q)→(p→q) 1 4

is a tautology.
b. In how many ways n-people can sit around a table? 1 3

c. What is the 7th term of the Fibonacci sequence? 2 5

d. State pigeonhole principle. 1 2

e. Verify the proposition p˄(q ˄ ~p) is a 2 1

f. Show that (p→q) ˄ (q→r) and q→ (q˄r) are 2 3

logical equivalent.
Group-B (Focus Answer Type) (6 Mark type)
Q. No. 2 Questions COs BTL

a. How many ways are there for 10 women and 6 1 2

men to stand in a line so that no two men stand
next to each other?
b. Using mathematical Induction prove that n3-n is 2 4

divisible by 3 ,where n is a positive integer.

c. Solve the recurrence relation, 2 3

an = an-1 + 2an-2 , a0 =2 , a1 =7
Group-C (Long answer Type) (10-mark type)
Q.No.3 Questions COs BTL

a. Show that 2n > n3 , n ≥10 by mathematical Induction. 1 3

Find a solution of the recurrence relation 2 2

b. an = 7an-1 – 16an-2 + 12an-3 + n4n
with a0 = -2 , a1 = 0 & a2 = 5
c. State and prove De-morgan’s law. 2 4

* BTL - Bloom's Taxonomy Level

CO - Course Outcome

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