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Unit Test – Tiếng anh 3 _ iLearn Smart Start


1. Look and choose the correct sentence. (3 points)

1. Do you like ______?

a. art
b. music
c. P.E


a. I have music on Mondays and Wednesdays.

b. I have Math on Thursdays.
c. I have English on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

3. Is this your ______?

a. notebook
b. pencil case
c. school bag

4. This is a /an ______.

a. pencil
b. ruler
c. eraser
Unit Test – Tiếng anh 3 _ iLearn Smart Start

2. Look and choose the correct sentence. (3 points)

1. ______ your eraser?
a. Are this b. Are these c. Is this
2. ______ do you have art?
a. What b. When c. How
3. Do you like music?
a. Yes, I do. b. Yes, I don't. c. Yes, it is.
4. Are these your ______? – Yes, they are.
a. Pencil b. bag c. rulers
3. Choose the words to make a sentence. There's one extra word. (2 points)
1. ? Are your these notebook notebooks
Are these your notebooks?

2. have Tuesdays P.E. and Fridays. I has on

3. art have When ? What you do

4. Look and Read. Write YES or NO. (2 points)

Unit Test – Tiếng anh 3 _ iLearn Smart Start

Pat says: “It's a ruler”. YES

Pat says: “It's a board”. NO

1. Amy says: "It's a ruler." ______

2. Toby says: "It's a pencil case." ______

5. Look and Write. (4 points)

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