Personal Relationship

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Personal relationship started even before the invention of language in the pre historic humans
were already interacting to each other through the form of body or other behaviors. These bonds
often build and are strengthened by a mutual experience. The personal relationships are the type
of relationships which is closely associated with a person and which can only have meaning to
this person. The attachment develops in the first relationship in every human being before when
the mother is carrying his baby in her womb and after birth through the mother the intimacy is
nurtured and can enhanced the unique bond that every child and a parent can enjoy. A child who
has a secure relationship with parent learns to regulate emotions under stress and in difficult
situation. However, careless mother in her pregnancy can affect the child and builds psychological
and emotional scars even if the child is inside the womb of the mother. During the moment of birth
when the baby is laid in the mother’s hand and to be fed and cuddled the infant is already
developed an attachment to his mother. As the attachment theory concept, it is a development of
psychology that is concerns of the importance of attachment to personal development. Moreover,
the ability of an individual to form an emotional and physical attachment to another person can
enhanced the personality. According to psychologist John Bowlby that childhood development is
depended in child’s ability to form strong relationship at least one in the primary caregivers or our
parents. There are three different attachment styles secure, avoidant, and anxious-ambivalent
attachment. The secure attachment is the primary caregiver is present and available most of the
time. When the times of emotional needs of an infant it will provide a sense of security and when
all of this attachment style is exposed to the child it is possible to the child to grow up with stable
relationships and more secure. The avoidant attachment is when the primary caregiver is not
giving an attention or being unresponsive to the child and this style of attachment can bring the
child of having an unstable relationship in the future. The anxious-ambivalent attachment is the
primary caregiver is inconsistent in terms of presence and emotional needs. This style of
attachment may develop the separation anxieties with loved one or may have mixed feelings

between hesitancy and commitment when entering meaningful relationships. Drive attractions is
being attracted to another person based on physical appearance but to extent there are three
stages of attractions there are lust, attraction and attachment. The lust is driven by sex hormones,
testosterone and estrogen that contributes the desire to involved in a sexual activity. Attraction is
involving of neuro transmitter in brain such as dopamine, adrenaline, and serotonin it is about
focusing our attention to a particular person or desire. While the attachment is the deep
connection to another person enduring emotional bond. According to Rozenberg Quarterly there
are several theories on attraction there is transference, propinquity effect, similarity, reciprocity,
physical attractiveness, and personal characteristics and traits. Love and intimacy have three
components according to Stenberg’s triangular theory of love the intimacy it is interpersonal
relationships that being open to another person that who we deeply trust and involves emotional
and physical intimacy. The commitment it is a promise to another person or it expressed the
loyalty and love while the passion is a very strong feelings to the person or thing. The commitment
of yes and meaning it one of that is accumulation of all rewards of the relationship it includes the
support for the partner, emotional, sexual satisfaction and many more.

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