6-Tectonic Plate Movements

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Tectonic Plate Movements

1) Complete the table below. Use pages 92-93 and the links provided.

Tectonic Plate Movement Diagram Description What happens when the List some
plates move? examples of this
plate margin.
Diverging/Constructive Plate Margin

Converging/Destructive Plate Margin

Conservative Plate Margin

2) Read the information in the box below; it describes the formation of fold mountains. Then, use the information in the box to annotate the
diagram below to describe how fold mountains form.
Fold mountains form when two tectonic
plates collide, this can be where two
continental plates move towards each other
(collision margin). The movement of the two
plates forces layers of sedimentary rock
upwards into a series of folds. Fold
mountains are usually formed from
sedimentary rocks and typically found along
the edges continents. This is because the
thickest deposits of sedimentary rock are
usually found along the edges of continents.
When plates, and the continents riding on
them, collide the deposited layers of
sedimentary rock crumple and fold like a
tablecloth pushed across a table.

3) List 2 examples of fold mountains.

4) Complete the quiz here: https://www.internetgeography.net/topics/plate-boundaries/

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