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Calling Planet Earth © Topies Space exploration; geographical features; animals, wildlife and Conservation; plants and trees; nature and the environment © Use of English Present pertect with forand since: countable and {uncountable nouns; quantifiers with uncountable nouns; prepositions with verbs describing geography: expressions of opinions; giving ‘examples; indefinite pronouns; /tas an object with make for referencing: adjective + noun collocations Lessons 1-2 What's out there? ‘© Have you heard of Apollo, the space exploration mission? What do you know about it? © Doyou know anything about the UAE's involvement in space exploration? © Doyou know about any Arab countries involved in space exploration? Listening ay 1 Read all the questions and choices, then listen to an interview about the UAE’s space programme to find the answers. 4 The UAE space programme started ‘=a with the launch of the first government satellite. b_ when the UAE was founded. © with the discovery of oil 2 The plans and goals for the space sector @ are confidential and not being shared with the public. —=b are public and a lot of people are discussing them. € are not mentioned in the text. 3. When was the first UAE government satellite launched? @ two years ago b afew years ago ec in 2009 4 Why was the LAE joining the International Space Exploration Coordination Group an important event? a Itwill help the UAE develop. sb The UAE is the first Arab county to join it © Allother countries in the world are already members 5 Who will the space lab be valuable for? astronauts and researchers b_ environmentalists and researchers =e astronauts, students and researchers DB nsecnss eeeeeeeoesees Galing Planet Earth Use of English 2) Look at these sentences from the intervie Since then, the UAE space sector has quickly advanced, has helped many scientists for several years, Are these actions still happening today? Yes Is since used to talk about a specific time or a duration of time Is for used to talk about a specific time or a duration of time? Can you remember what this tense is called? Can you write the different parts that make this tense? 7 subject + avethas _,. pastpariciple 2 Specific time; 3 duration of time; wpon- Speaking 4 present perfect ip 3) When interviewing or having a conversation with We use for to talk about a someone, both speakers need to take turns. Look at duration or period of time. these sentences used in a conversation to take, maintain for example: and offer turns and put them in the right column. ‘Thessivoracas have 1. What's your opinion? worked on this project for 2 Do you want to add anything here? two weeks, three hours, a 3 Just a moment ... I still need to tell you decade, a long time. 4 Can I jump in here ‘We ine aces halk abione a 5 Do you want to begin? specific time/event. 6 Id like to add something about 7 Just one last point on eee 8 What I mean is MO PE OL) space shuttle since 8 o'clock, offering a asking for | maintaining ‘noon, the start of the tum atu atu Program, the flight took off. 4 4 a 2 6 i 5 8 4 In groups of three, think of a new goal for the UAE space agency. Then think of convincing reasons why your new goal should be adopted by the agency. nae Lessons 3-4 Our beautiful planet © How would you describe the scenery of the UAE? © How have the physical features of the UAE changed over the past 50 years? Reading 4) Read the three texts. What kind of text is each one? 2 A encyclopaedia entry 3B online blog 4€ tourist brochure "There’sa great deal to see ia Conta Rica Stunning, ‘Arenal volcano and lake and the Tdarén mountain range. vekanoe many white sand Beas an epitope anc lathe may thal gs Peay a lp Gna Rawr. Anat bel ange wi nd Cue sg the ogee rer cr hike though the maka a Dra rh the rare mana Pepcrectk dpi taeaadpet tee comprticerslogreattyel waded pirate {nam ataton watching the Green Sea tures iyther_ancand bow the wriae ofthe wae eee nemerr ane creck, Whatever you choose, a fic beaches whee cance rertarten Sah frp Tasch indo cl monkeys. econnese Ifaveaein the shadow fan active vic sounds mame ‘fun, then the Arenal National Park is for you. Our guides: tak weal of expetanos to you shen iy cody through the ot ose eviews othe B(3) pays New tn the second county of my Scandinavian tous ~ Norway This country ares fo ts nd lakes mountain ranges pine forest ad of coure the turing glaciers Ive jst spent the da walling othe ostedalsbreen Glace jorway What an experience! I went with a small group of her faker and we spent the day trekking scrom the Tearing about the arumals and plants in the area. One picceof advice Tid give fo anyoe wanting 1 do the se [R13 juke Theyre Belkant and really know what they are talking about Toencerow Fm taking a bot to vist some fonds and few lakes and wil hopefully grt a chance tovtake Inds of photon of the scenery Ist hope tbe weathers OX. We Rad sbi of ain ‘yet ard ry forme sy the sumce mont are eer the wee! sve Bee hacky 9 at Ima couple of dvs fm gong futher nowth tothe Artic Cave to eypenence the might san ‘Semethieg Ive wanted todo fr ages Wil post the best pics online Unit 8 Lessons 34 REREgEEEgEEE ESSE 2 Read the text again and answer the following questions. 1 There are mountain ranges in .. a the UAE and Costa Rica bb Costa Rica and Norway ¢_All three countries with the driest climate is ——_ IA b Norway © Costa Rica 3 sis is an area with . 2 of water b sand © ashortage of water 4 Xatural warm bath is possible in a the UAE b Costa Rica © Norway 5 In summer, the sun never sets in 2 @ the UAE b Costa Rica © Norway 6 Trees grow in water in —_—_— @ the UAE b Costa Rica © Norway Vocabulary 3 Find a synonym in the texts for these words and phrases. 41 rainforest jungle S dryarea desert 2 aseries of mountains range6 ridges of sand dunes 3 hot thermal 7 watering hole oasis. © wetland swamp © sheet of ice glacier Use of English Put these nouns into the correct columns in the table. rain beach sand lake advice oasis, island water monkey —_ experience [ ‘Uncountable rain [sand oasis advice island water monkey experience experience '5 Find the two countable and two uncountable nouns from Activity 4 in the texts. ‘Then answer the questions. 1 Which words are used to quantify countable nouns? 1 !9ts of. many, several, numerous, few 2 Which words are used to quantify uncountable nouns: 2 plenty of, a bit of, amount of, 3. Which words can we use with both? quently of piece of J 3 lots of, a bit of, quantity of, piece of, plenty Uniestesons3-+ Lessons 5-6 Geography of the world © Choose a country from the map of the world. What do you know about the geography of this cen _ Listening @2 “Listen to a documentary about two different countries and decide which ‘statement describes them best. @ Acomparison of the geography and climate of both countries. -© b A general description of the geography and climate of both countries. © A visitor's guide to both countries. (2 Listen to the documentary again and complete the table. If the information isn’t provided, write NG (not given). fo, a a ‘topical, heavy rain season e@oeeceseeseeee ® Calling Planet Earth Use of English ') Look at the phrases and the underlined words. bordering with Yemen separated by deserts from the north-west to the south-east runs along the Arabian Sea located on Borneo divided between its east and west Look at the underlined words. What part of speech are they? prepositions What is the purpose of these words? te show where something is Look at the bubbles below. Use the audioscript to find the words in the bubbles. Which words come before each? Can you think of any others? Granted) orn eeeeeee be ee ate co Speaking @ With your group, write four sentences describing the geography of the country on your card. Don’t write the name of the country so others can guess it! Try to use some prepositions from Activity 3. 5) With your group, prepare a short documentary script about the geography of the country on your card. Use audioscript 20 as a guide and remember to include interesting information to keep your audience listening! Unit 8 Lessons 5-6 ® Calling Planet Earth eeeeeeeece Lessons 7-8 Practise and prepare pidyeulknow? © What do you know about space exploration? ‘The UAE isthe est country in © Isit expensive? Why? the Arab world to announce . the launch of a space probe, Reading ‘Al Amal, which will explore 1 Read the question below. What do you have to Ma’ climate in 2021. write about? Underline the words that help you decide. should be spent on more lon is much too expensive and the mc What is your opinion? ® You can answer the question in different ways. Look at the two methods below. Paragraph METHOD 1: METHOD 2: 1 | Your personal opinion on the subject | Explain the question in your words Money well | 2 ‘One reason with examples to support | Disadvantages of space exploration your opinion | Technology: satellites, protection. | Too expensive,no results, _ | against heat, food preservation _|_more urgent needs on Earth. 3 | Another reason with examples to | Advantages of space exploration | support your opinion | | Uncertain future: we need |_Many useful products, satellites, | | another place to live. scientific discoveries 4 ‘Conclude your argument Your opinion | Space exploration must continue | Continue space exploration, | | more benefits in the future. oe Camg nsec caress © Read two sample answers. Which method does each one follow? Complete the notes in the table above. Paragraph 1 has been done for you as an example. ANSWER 1 ‘Some people say that exploring space is a waste of money and that there are more urgent needs on earth, such as reducing poverty and saving the environment. However, completely disagree with this opinion for two reasons. First ofall, many of the technologies today ‘exist thanks to space research satelite technology, for example, which we depend on. for communication and weather forecasting. Without satellites, we would not be able to follow events as they happen in the world, nor sive populations any warning of a storms. Space research has also led to the development of new materials that protect us against heat and allow us to preserve food. Therefore. I believe that sending human beings into space has often helped us develop new technologies that make our everyday lives better. The second point is we cannot know what will happen in the future, so we must find {8 way to escape from the Earth. Gradually, we are learning how humans can survive for Jong periods in space and even travel to other planets in the future. It seems to me that if space exploration is stopped, we will never have this valuable information. Ms cinch hla ody sk serious problems on our own planet and there are many issues with space exploration, itis also important that we continue to explore ‘outer space. This will bring more technological advances as well as a new place to live if we cannot stay on Earth in future. Ideally, all nations should cooperate in space research. @® Now answer the question yourself. Before you start, use METHOD 1 or METHOD 2 to organise your ideas. ANSWER 2 ‘Some people believe that all or most space research should be stopped because its ‘very expensive. These people think that it costs bilions of dollars to send astronauts to the moon, but all they brought back were a few rocks. Furthermore, these people say that the money and effort now ® Calling Planet Earth eeeeeeeceeeee Vocabulary 1) Complete the sentences below by adding the missing letters of the adjectives in bold. The words in brackets will help you understand the meaning. ‘There are many &4P9P examples of whales off the Emirati coast. (excellent) ‘Tourists love it when whales hold up their im__se tails. (very big) Immense The oryx has adapted to survive in the h__sh climate. (severe) harsh The oryx makes a sh____w hole in the ground to cool down. (not deep) shallow Dr Halder believes that falcons are f__rl__s birds. (brave) fearless Tourists should try the au_ Emirati experience of feeling a falcon on their gloved hand. (genuine) authentic Lessons 9-10 The animal kingdom © These stamps from Burundi show typical wild animals jj from that country. What wildlife could we put on a new set of stamps for our country? onan 2 For each adjective in brackets in Activity 1, find a synonym from the box below. There is one word which you do not need to use. courageous superficial real wonderful sad huge difficult fearless shallow superb-1 immense harsh 5 “4 autHentic 2 3 Listening (3° 6 3) Listen to three people with a passion for wildlife talking about the animals they work with. Complete the table below with the words from the box. monitoring numbers vet repopulation whales onyx falcons Name [Shamma AlBlooshi | Aisha Al Mazrai_| Dr Haseeb Haider Works with | whales oye falcons Iype of work [monitoring numbers) repopulation vet sani eeeeeeeoeeeeees @ Listen again and write (S) for ‘Shamma, (A) for Aisha and (H) for Haseeb. Some statements are said by more than one person. ‘a Which person: 1 works with tourists? Sand H 2 says that the animals are sometimes hunted? A 3 always planned to work with animals? H 4 thinks that these animals represent our country? Aand H 5 hasa job that surprises people? 6 carries out operations on the animals? 7 believes the animals they work with are intelligent? A 8 thinks that Emiratis have a special relationship with these animals? H What things have Shamma, Aisha and Haseeb got in common? © Allofthem © Both X and X ... (© =X likes ... and so does X. Speaking A new book on wildlife in our country is being published. Which animal would be best to feature on the cover? Discuss your reasons why. ‘® Calling Planet Earth {© Look at the advert for the Green Leaf conservation awards. In groups, nominate one ofthe speakers for a Green Leaf Award. ‘Green Leaf Awards for Conservation 20,000 AED prize for best contribu- tion to protecting wildlife in the UAE. ‘Nominate a conservation project you know. why your speaker should win the award ‘¢ what the benefits are to wildlife ‘© what the benefits are to our county: Writing ® imagine you visited one of the animal conservation projects mentioned in the listening. Write a blog post saying: what you saw ‘© what you did © how it made you feel. Write about 100 words. aA insiamen @ ® Calling Planet Earth © © % rey RvMadBteesMedto Mar? 2 te ueod for food, building housos anid Lessons 11-12 Plant life Sou San eo tho ower of tho dosort pone oer eae © Describe what you can see in pictures 1 to 6. « has rained. 4 They can both be usod as hedges In public site sae ci tye th Reading 5 They ean both be used as houseplants to 1 Read the text about plants in the UAE. Then answer the questions. © Have you ever seen plants like these? Where? What have plants in the UAE done to survive the tough climate? What is the date palm used for? When is it possible to see the flowers of the desert hyacinth? What do the desert rose and oleander have in common? What can the purple heart and hibiscus be used for? Plants of Arabia There are around 678 plant species which grow in the United Arab Emirates. Many have adapted well to the extreme desert conditions in which they thrive: ‘The date palm is one of the most familar trees in the country: It grows to about 30 metres and has a narrow trunk, The leaves are long (up to six metres) and sharp atthe tips. Most famous for its frat, almost every part of the tre can be used including the trunks to make houses and the leaves to make roofs and fences The desert hyacinth grows in the salty sands of the coast. It has ne branches, bbut long overlapping brown leaves which point upwards. ( The flowers are yellow, orange of white and appear between December and March after the rains ‘The desert rose is native to the Arabian peninsula and grows easily in the UAE. The leaves ate like leather and the flowers are white, pink or red and shoped like a funnel. The oleander which grows naturally in the Hajar mountains can also be found all over the Emirates, but all parts of this flowering shrub are dangerous, The desert rose and the oleander are used in ( public places as hedges but are highly poisonous and should be kept away from children and animals, Both can cause heart problems, stomach upset and dizziness, The purple heat or purple queen has beautiful deep purple leaves ifit grows in the sun, but these leaves turn green ifthe plant is in shade. At the end of ‘each branch are pale pink flowers. The hibiscus has large, trumpet-shaped flowers in a variety of bright colours. The flowers only’ last for one day, but the plant will produce hundreds of flowers throughout the year. Either is perfect for brightening up a balcony or garden as they grow well in pots and ‘an cope with extremely high temperatures. ID ra stcnorss eccececsscees 1 Calling Planet Earth Listening 6) 2 Listen to a lecturer talking about plants. As you listen, complete the table. Plant Kingdom Varieties: trees, shrubs, "gfasses__, mosses, herbs Key similaritie: »_Roots _ absorb water and nutrients Photosynthesis converts sunlight into 72020. Leaf colour mostly Green___herbe are all part ofthe Plant Key differences: | Trees Teak leach fier ond nuts Trunk land have musty green leaves. They also both wee photdeynthesis to branches ‘convert sunlight intp energy. Trees dies from plants because they have ‘trunk and branches. They also have Jong life ‘2. maximum height of over 100 metres and have fog it. On the oe other hand, plants have a stem or stem rultipte sts. They are much smaller in size and have a much stoner Ifo. Thore ao unususl pant, approx. 6 metres ko tho orchid and aloe vors that shorten fe ‘dont nood cll 0 gow. Max. height: over*100___ metres multiple stems Unusual plants: _| The orchid and aloe vera - don't grow in *_soll Writing Use the notes in Activity 2 to write a short summary about plants and tre: Use of English Look at these sentences from the listening and reading. Then answer the question. ‘Bali creates its own food. plant Nett nonds soil, @l0e vera and orchid ‘Sel ae thousands of years old. res ‘Mii have adapted welt the extreme desert conditions in which they dyrime. Plant species in the UAE Both can cause heart problems desert rose and oleander is perfect for brightening up a balcony. purple heartipurple queen and hibiscus ‘What does each highlighted word refer to? plants mes rE © Calling Planet Earth eeeeeeeveeene Lessons 13-14 Our precious resources Reading 3 a How some countries use the alternative 4b The advantages of this alternative 1¢ The problem with our energy sources 2.d_ A solution to the problem FUTURE ENERGY 1. Traditional energy sources like oil, coal and ‘natural gas have been the principal sources: cof energy around the world since the 1900s, and are mainly used for electricity and transport. ‘Are they going to run out in the future? When will that be? How wil we survive without them? 2. Many countries believe renewable energy is the way forward: itis energy made from natural sources that will never run out, such as wind, waves and sun. Iceland and Norway already produce nearty 100% of their energy from renewable resources and Denmark aims to reach that goal by 2050. © What is the main energy source used in the UAE? Doyou know about any other energy sources used around the world? © Do you think it is better to use one of the energy sources more than the others? 4) Read the different subheadings and match them to the parts of the text. ‘Turbines look like giant-size fans placed ‘either on land or in the water. Iceland mainly ‘uses geothermal power — basicaly the heat ‘coming from the land. Iceland has a high ‘concentration of volcanoes which makes it easy to generate heat. 4 Why should we use renewable energy? For $0 ‘many reasons, fist ofall pollution! Oil ‘se produces vast amounts of toxic ‘gases, which makes it extremely polluting. Renewable energy protects our health because it doesnt produce harmtul pollution, Secondly, because it is freely availabe in many forms any country which Sunshine or wind can benefit ‘resources. Renewable energy MES information is not given (NG). @D vncsteson 13-4 2 Read the statements, then read the text to decide if they are true (T), false (F) or the 1 Renewable energy sources will also run out in the future. Iceland and Norway already produce 100% of their energy from renewable sources. Turbines can be placed on the ground or in the sea. Iceland uses the heat in the land to create energy. The text describes one negative side of traditional energy sources. @eeeeeeoeeeee Use of English 3 Look at the following sentences and find them in the text on page 90. Answer the questions that follow. @ Iceland hasa high concentration of volcanoes which makes it easy to generate heat. the general situation b Oil use produces vast amounts of toxic gases which makes it ext polluting. oil c because it is freely available in many forms, any country which has waves, sunshine or wind can benefit from these resources. renewable energy mely 1. What does the word it refer to in each of these sentences? 2 Is the word it in all of these sentences the subject or object? object 3 Why was the word it used in all of these sentences? to avoid repetition in the text © Calling Planet Earth Writing 4 With your group, pick a country card and write a 3-4 line proposal on how you can use more renewable energy. Use the Internet to find information about that country’s geography, nature and natural resources. Speaking 5 Present your ideas to the ‘Mini of Energy’ of the country on your card. Be prepared to answer a lot of questions! Switch roles and become the Ministry of Energy for the other country. Be prepared to ask a lot of questions to find the best suggestions for your country. Unies tessons 13-14 Qe son 15 Review Reading 1 Match a topic sentence to the correct paragraph. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. ‘They are interested in the existence of life on other planets, but this process requires large funds and time. This is why some people argue that space exploration is a waste of time and money and that this amount should be spent on other problems. 4 _ Developing countries have serious problems in the health, education and ‘employment sectors. This could be solved with the help of developed nations. In fact, many countries are giving financial aid and ‘others are investing directly in poor countries inorder to ave the problems ® _ Many countries are funding research centres to understand the secrets of the ‘world in order to find natural resources. Their success could change our lives and gpen new possibilities for the Future. © _ttis my view that helping and improving life in poor nations is the best way to use the money. Meanwhile, research on space ‘exploration should continue. It is a time ‘consuming and expensive process, but it will benefit people's lives in case of success, Rich nations play an important role in bringing change to poor nations. ‘To sum up, I believe that itis the responsibility ‘of wealthy nations to solve the problems of their poor neighbouring countries. First, space exploration has given us useful inventions like the microwave and mobile phones. Many countries are spending large amounts of money on space exploration. However, trying to solve mysteries is a real challenge for scientists, Unie 8 Lesson 15, Vocabulary 2 Put the words in the correct category. ‘mauntain range, plans, glaciers, Jundle, islands. ‘wleanoes, Use of English °D) Choose for or since. 4 Ithasn’t rainedory since months. 2. My family has lived in the same house @ since many years. 3 Have you studied English @ry since a long time? 4 Mahmoud has lived in Ajman for! 5. bids, fish, ‘capiity, nature 5 For/ t month, the weather has been quite good. @ Complete the sentences with the * appropriate preposition. 41 The UAE borders “M"_Oman. ‘Countries are separated _by_ borders. The E11, which is the longest highway in the UAE, runs °°°9_ the Arabian Sea coastline Ras Al Khaimah is located on northeast tip of the UAE. Ajman isbeween Sharjah and Umm Al Quwain the g 1g a nest and laying eggs: big fish ond birds: ® Calling Planet Earth ine debris and general pollution, coastal building developments and city essons 16-17 Broject: marine turtles © What do you know about marine turtles? Do the quiz below with your partner. furtle Quiz 2 Read the text again and write 4 Do marine turtles swim in Emirati waters? the correct heading from the box 2 How much time do they spend on land? below for each paragraph. 3. How far can they swim? 4 How many eggs does a female typically lay? @ Dangers from Humans, S Which animals are their main predators? ‘by Navigation and Beach Selection 6 What man-made dangers do turtles face? © Nesting. Incubation and Emergence Reading © The Study of Marine Turtles in the UAE ics traisccrne sac tcn pein 1 © _ Noles than four out of the seven known ‘Species of marin ute have ben observed in the cematalwaes of the UA, the most populous species ‘bein the Hames Ture. Gecause ules spend time ‘on land only to ull a nest and lay eggs alo wich happens ina single nigh sic cbsereon tutes is iticul. Ris only the ative recent development of satelite tracking - known as telemetry turtle appears to be in a trance-tike state and to shed ‘that has helped us build up @ picture of migration ‘tears, Scientists have concluded that this phenomenon ‘patterns, feeding habits and nesting rituals. is, in fact, the secretion of salt absorbed trom time 2 © Tuts typically migrate tor 5-20 years in the spent at ea. ‘pen ocean. Once they reach matty (30-S0years 4 __Baby tutes ach rom he eggs old) a cycle of mating and nesting starts, Males never ‘approximately 60-70 days aftr the laying of the eggs. ‘return to land once they are born, but move between Hatching always occurs at night and the babies use a ‘the feeding areas and the mating areas. During the ‘sharp claw calles a caruncle — which eventually drops. ‘esting Season, a female ute wilt othe bach of —ncrack the shal om he ini. Tres then in two-week cycles. The fernale will usuelly lay her eggs leave the nest and use the moonlight to guide them ‘within 100 metres of the spot where she herself was towards the sea. However, the life o! a newborn tuttie bom. Sciniss belie is incredible ats possible is lf danger andthe atertons of sharks, bids and ‘as ltl are abe to read the Earths magnetic fields to bigger fish mean that survival rates of infant turtles are raxigal back to he nesting rounds air migzting a ow aso na thousand, ‘thousands of miles at ea 5 2 Added to this are man-rade challenges 3D Theternate tute will use her tippers to. ‘which are increasingty threatening the marine turtle ‘move lose sand away before digging & deeper ole in _Fishng nels, marine dei such as ating plastic whic ay arying tom 80 to 120 epgs at time and general polation reduce survival aes. Building The eggs are then covered over wih sand a away ‘developmen along the coast have also disturbed ‘of disguising the nest rom predators and the turtle nesting grounds, withthe added problem of ght ‘makes her way back othe open sea, never returning __—polluton which confuses newborn turtles who move to tnd the nest. During the laying of engs the female towards the cit lights instead ofthe sa, ‘Une Lessons © Calling Planet Earth eeeeeeeseeeeeee Vocabulary Reading 'D) Using the clues, complete the crossword 4) Read the text again and decide with the key words from the text in the whether the questions below are box below. true (1) or false (F). T 4 Scientists have taken advantage of technology to build up a better understanding of turtles’ habits. F 2. Males return to the beach to protect the nest once the female has laid the P eggs. mete a a] F 3 Turtles navigate by following the sea I currents to return to the same beach tir laine fe ene ader ime. _ fe F 4 During nesting, female turtles will e[t tip pole |: ts : drink sea water to absorb salt. a - T 5 Newbom turtles will crack the shell mfi fol fa eee] using a special claw which is then of Py pd discarded naturally. mlaltlilmig) e Light from human activity is one if i a cause of poor survival rates of ‘Across newborn turtles. 2 When a baby animal comes out of an egg by breaking the shell. Writing 3 A state of mind where someone appears to be saeep ox haves corel of tog ens > Complete ta sen by wing 5 Flat limbs a marine animal usually uses for swimming. oe. 6 When animals move at a particular time from ‘one part of the world to another. ‘9 When males and females of a species come together to produce young. 10 Pieces of waste material. Down 4A process by which liquid is produced and comes out of the body. 4 When animals build a place in which to lay 8B. 7 Along line of rocks or sand just below the surface of the sea. 8 To look after something very carefully. oe

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