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PPPPRepublic of the Philippines

Commision on Higher Education

Salvation, Daraga, Albay


A Portfolio

Presented to:

In Partial Fulfillment of the Course Requirements in

Prof. ED 13 (Teaching Internship)

Presented by:
BEED IV-Block 6

APRIL 2024

I. Introduction
II. Acknowledgement
III. Practice Teacher’s Prayer
IV. Credo
V. Resume/Curriculum Vitae
VI. Certificate of Completion/Recognition/Commendation

VII. Titles and Brief Synopsis of Professional Readings and References

VIII. Experiences and Reflections on the Philippine Professional
Standards for Teachers (PPST) Domains:
Domain 1: Content and Knowledge Pedagogy
Domain 2: Learning Environment
Domain 3: Diversity of Learners
Domain 4: Curriculum and Planning
Domain 5: Assessment and Reporting
Domain 6: Community Linkages Professional Engagement
Domain 7: Personal Growth and Professional Development
IX. Weekly Journals
 Individual Log of Activities and Accomplishments

X. My Cooperating Teacher
XI. Teaching Philosophy as a Beginning Teacher
XII. Professional Development Plan or Career Plan
XIII. Appendices
A. Best Lesson Plan using creative strategies (activities are
reflected in the plan)
B. Demonstration Teaching Observation Sheets (3 samples)
C. Student Teacher’s Evaluation Summary Sheet (Final)
D. Samples of Learners’ Work and Feedback
E. Evidence of Community Outreach (if any)
F. Action Research Abstract

Practice teaching is not merely a requirement for certification; it is a transformative

experience that allows educators-in-training, like myself, to step into the classroom, engage with

students, and apply theoretical knowledge to real-world teaching scenarios. It is a journey of self-

discovery, where every interaction, every lesson, and every challenge becomes an opportunity

for learning and growth.

As you navigate through this portfolio, you will gain insight into my teaching style,

instructional approaches, and the values that underpin my practice. Each section provides a

glimpse into different aspects of my practice teaching experience, from lesson planning and

classroom management to assessment strategies and student engagement techniques.

I have endeavored to include a variety of artifacts, including lesson plans, reflections,

student work samples, and feedback received from mentors and peers, to provide a

comprehensive overview of my journey. Additionally, I have included personal reflections and

insights that capture the essence of my experiences and the lessons learned along the way.

I hope that this portfolio serves not only as a testament to my dedication and passion for

teaching but also as a resource for fellow educators seeking inspiration, guidance, and innovative

ideas. Thank you for accompanying me on this journey, and I invite you to join me as I continue

to strive for excellence in the field of education.

With deep reverence to God, whose grace and guidance have illuminated
my path, I extend my heartfelt gratitude for His unwavering support
throughout my journey as an educator and the creation of this portfolio.
I also want to express my sincere appreciation to our Adviser Hon
Macasinag Montallano for her guidance and support to make this all
I am immensely thankful to my mentor teacher, Mrs. Gladiola De Villa,
for her exceptional guidance, mentorship, and unwavering support. Her
expertise has been invaluable in shaping my teaching philosophy and
refining my instructional practices.
To the administration, and staff of Upper Malabog Elementary School, I
extend my gratitude for providing a conducive learning environment and
valuable opportunities for professional growth. The collective support
from my colleagues has been instrumental in my development as an
I am deeply grateful to my students, whose curiosity, enthusiasm, and
unique perspectives continuously inspire and motivate me. It is a
privilege to be part of their educational journey, and I am thankful for
the opportunity to learn and grow alongside them.
To my friends and family, I extend my heartfelt thanks for their
unwavering support, understanding, and encouragement throughout this
journey. Their belief in me has been a constant source of strength and
Lastly, I extend my appreciation to the educators, researchers, and
authors whose work has informed and influenced my teaching practice.
Their insights have broadened my perspective and inspired me to
continually strive for excellence.
With profound gratitude to God, my mentor teacher, my class adviser,
my students, and all who have contributed to my growth as an educator,
I offer my heartfelt thanks for their invaluable support and guidance.
Loving and gracious God, creator of heaven and Earth, you are

indeed the giver of all good gifts and I wholeheartedly offer you

thanks for the huge blessings, for the opportunity to teach and

give each one of my students the best possible education that I

can offer. Now is the time, to strive not only to share my

knowledge with them but also to instill the passion for learning.

Lord, I humbly ask for your divine guidance as I impart my

knowledge and guide my students to the right path in life. Help

me lead my students to develop their potentials and bring

something unique and special to the world. Help me assist the

learners in discovering who they are, so they can express their

own opinions and nurture their own ideas. Help me give my

students the right tools in cultivating their own garden of

knowledge. Enlighten my mind and heart, Oh Lord, so that I will

be a fine teacher who keeps peace and ease in the classroom.

Help me to be kind and gentle to each one of my students. Help

me to be merciful to my students, to balance mercy and

discipline at the right measure, to always give genuine praise

and feedback. Help me become open-minded towards my

students, Lord, so that I will recognize their varied needs and

abilities. Amen
My Teaching Credo

I believe that teaching is an art. It is a way of disseminating meaningful

concepts and experiences in an artistic way. It is a means of showing ow skillful
you are as a teacher.
I believe that teaching is a reflective process. Teaching is always a
process of discovery. It is also an endless process of learning. You teach and learn
at the same time.
I believe in the wisdom of elders, the influence of peer pressure, the
importance of success, the effectiveness of hard work, dedication, courage, and
I accept the responsibility to create a learning environment conducive
to optimum achievement academically, socially, and emotionally.

“If you love teaching, you will never get tired of it.”

“Teaching may seem so stressful and tiring. It may require you to invest
your personal time and effort, but teaching will give you happiness and
contentment which money could never buy.”

“The heart of a teacher speaks not only for his job but also for his learner’s
future. We should mold their minds and help them realize their dreams and

“No amount of power nor wealth can be equated with integrity and valor you
have if finished your studies. Education is the only thing they can pass to their
children which they can use for the rest of their lives."


 To share my professional skills and knowledge to equip my learners with the 21st century
 To apply the theories principles concept, and my teaching philosophy in actual classroom

AGE: 22
PLACE OF BIRTH: Brgy. Baras, Donsol Sorsogon
RELIGION: Roman Catholic
FATHER’S NAME: Ricky Letran
MOTHER’S NAME: Sharon Letran
TERTIARY: Daraga Community College
Salvacion, Daraga Albay
Bachelor of Elementary Education
SECONDARY: Daraga National National High School
Sipi, Daraga, Albay

Primary: Baras, Elementary School

Baras Donsol, sorsogon
• Computer Literate – can create documents using Microsoft Word,
can do presentations using Microsoft PowerPoint, and sheets in a
Microsoft Excel.
• Flexible

• Time management

Character References:
College Dean
Daraga Community College


Cooperating Teacher
Upper Malabog Elementary School

I hereby certify that the above-mentioned information is true and

correct for the best of my knowledge and belief.


Thank you for taking me on as an intern. It was an incredible experience that has prepared
me to begin my career with confidence. Thanks to all of you that I now have the skills,
ideas, and professionalism that I do. I cannot accurately express how indebted I feel for all
that you have patiently taught me during my internship.

“Teaching may seem so stressful and tiring. It may require you to invest your personal time
and effort, but teaching will give you happiness and contentment which money could never
“The heart of a teacher speaks not only for his job but also for his learner’s future. We
should mold their minds and help them realize their dreams and admirations

Nine Characteristics of a Great Teacher

January 14, 2013

Maria Orlando Ed.D

Years ago, as a young, eager student, I would have told you that a great teacher was

someone who provided classroom entertainment and gave very little homework. Needless to say,

after many years of K-12 administrative experience and giving hundreds of teacher evaluations,
my perspective has changed. My current position as a professor in higher education gives me the

opportunity to share what I have learned with current and future school leaders, and allows for

some lively discussions among my graduate students in terms of what it means to be a great


Teaching is hard work and some teachers never grow to be anything better than

mediocre. They do the bare minimum required and very little more. The great teachers, however,

work tirelessly to create a challenging, nurturing environment for their students. Great teaching

seems to have less to do with our knowledge and skills than with our attitude toward our

students, our subject, and our work. Although this list is certainly not all-inclusive, I have

narrowed down the many characteristics of a great teacher to those I have found to be the most

essential, regardless of the age of the learner:

1. Passion for Teaching: Passion is often considered the driving force behind

effective teaching. Teachers who are passionate about their subject matter and the

success of their students are more likely to engage students and inspire them to

learn. Passionate teachers often go above and beyond to create engaging lessons,

seek out innovative teaching methods, and build strong relationships with


2. Expertise in Subject Matter: Teachers need a deep understanding of the subjects

they teach to effectively convey information and facilitate meaningful learning

experiences. Continuing education and professional development are essential for

teachers to stay current in their field and maintain expertise.

3. Effective Communication Skills: Communication is at the heart of teaching and

learning. Great teachers are adept at conveying information clearly, listening

actively to students, and providing constructive feedback. Strong communication

skills enable teachers to build rapport with students, create a positive classroom

environment, and support student learning.

4. Adaptability: Every student is unique, with different learning styles,

backgrounds, and abilities. Great teachers are adaptable and flexible, able to

modify their teaching strategies to meet the diverse needs of their students. They

recognize that what works for one student may not work for another and are

willing to adjust their approach accordingly.

5. Empathy and Compassion: Empathy and compassion are essential qualities for

creating a supportive and nurturing learning environment. Great teachers

understand the challenges students face and demonstrate empathy towards their

struggles. They provide emotional support, encouragement, and understanding to

help students overcome obstacles and succeed academically and personally.

6. High Expectations: Setting high expectations for students is crucial for fostering

academic growth and achievement. Great teachers believe in their students'

potential and challenge them to reach their full capabilities. By setting ambitious

yet attainable goals, teachers motivate students to strive for excellence and take

pride in their accomplishments.

7. Creativity and Innovation: Creativity and innovation are key to keeping

students engaged and excited about learning. Great teachers are resourceful and

inventive, constantly seeking new ways to present information, stimulate

curiosity, and inspire critical thinking. They incorporate hands-on activities,

multimedia resources, and real-world applications to make learning meaningful

and memorable.
8. Reflective Practice: Reflective practice involves critically examining one's

teaching methods and their impact on student learning. Great teachers regularly

reflect on their teaching practices, seeking feedback from peers and students,

analyzing student outcomes, and identifying areas for improvement. By reflecting

on their experiences, teachers can refine their practice, address challenges, and

enhance student learning.

9. Lifelong Learning: Education is a lifelong journey, and great teachers are

committed to ongoing professional growth and development. They stay informed

about current educational trends, research, and best practices, seeking out

opportunities for learning and advancement. By continuously expanding their

knowledge and skills, teachers can adapt to changing needs and provide the best

possible learning experiences for their students


DOMAIN 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy

Domain 1 recognizes the importance of teachers’ mastery of content knowledge and its

interconnectedness within and across curriculum areas, coupled with a sound and critical

understanding of the application of theories and principles of teaching and learning. This Domain

encompasses teachers’ ability to apply developmentally appropriate and meaningful pedagogy

grounded on content knowledge and current research. It considers teachers’ proficiency in

Mother Tongue, Filipino and English in the teaching and learning process, as well as needed

skills in the use of communication strategies, teaching strategies, and technologies to promote

high-quality learning outcomes.


“You can't teach that which you don't know.”

To be an effective educator, a teacher needs to understand and be aware of relationship

within subject areas and understand related pedagogies. Teachers need to understand content and

the structure of the discipline; content includes all aspects of a subject: concepts, principles, and

relationships, methods of inquiry, outstanding issues, and questions. Our students look to us as

their main source of information, so it is imperative that the information we convey be accurate.

We need to know which concepts and topics are central and which are peripheral; as effective

teachers, we also need to recognize which relationships are prerequisite to our content area.

Every content area has different pedagogical skills. Effective educators are aware of common

student misconceptions and potential sources of error and can adjust instruction accordingly.

Demonstrating knowledge of content and pedagogy means being flexible and having fluid

connections between content understanding and pedagogical representation; students will learn

well when the teacher knows his/her stuff and can teach in a way which is efficient, effective,

and engaging. “Pedagogical content knowledge plays an important role in the teaching and

learning process because it involves teacher’s competences in delivering the conceptual

approach, relational understanding, and adaptive reasoning of the subject matter.” In this domain,

I have prepared my lesson plans before I commend my demonstration. I secured all the contents

starting from the objectives, subject matter, activities, assessment, down to the assignment. It is

important to put into consideration the contents and the pedagogy on how you are going to

execute and deliver your topic. It is also essential to know the relation of the content in the

curriculum. In experiencing this first domain, I have come to congruency with my topics,

contents and pedagogy to the curriculum and it all jive to each other. I see to it that it all have

interconnectedness. One great reminder from my teacher mentor is that always come to the class

with a mastery of the topic. It will guide you to the success of your teaching.
DOMAIN 2: Learning Environment

Domain 2 highlights the role of teachers to provide learning environments that are safe, secure,

fair, and supportive to promote learner responsibility and achievement. This Domain centers on

creating an environment that is learning-focused and in which teachers efficiently manage

learner behavior in a physical and virtual space. It highlights the need for teachers to utilize a

range of resources and provide intellectually challenging and stimulating activities to encourage

constructive classroom interactions geared towards the attainment of high standards of learning.


I think that one of the most powerful examples for a student is the one provided by his or her

teacher. When creating the learning environment for my classroom, I will lead my class by

example to create a positive, engaging classroom by showing respect, encouragement, and

empathy to my students, in keeping with Domain 2a: Creating an Environment of Respect and

Rapport. In turn, I will hold them to the same standard of positive, encouraging conduct and I

will create opportunities for them to build relationships with me and with one another through
whole-class, partner, and group work throughout each instructional day. Students will also have

opportunities to make connections with each other through a regular sharing time at Morning

Meeting and by highlighting one student each week to be our class’s Student of Week, an event

that would provide a chance for the selected student to share more information about him or

herself each day of their week.

As we build our community, we will also build our love of learning, in alignment with Domain

2b: Establishing a Culture for Learning. I chose to a career in education out of choice. I love

teaching because I love learning, and I have come to find through experience that enthusiasm for

learning is contagious. Students who claim not to enjoy learning, particularly those in early

elementary grades, have frequently had previous bad experiences with learning or low self-

esteem when it comes to learning. As I learn more about each of my students while building our

learning community, I will identify students whose negative attitudes about learning prevent

them from working to their full potential. By learning more about these students and their likes

and dislikes, I will identify points of entry to the curriculum for them to enhance their

engagement and, therefore, chance for academic success. We will build on these successes

together, building our classroom culture of a love of learning and community. I will also create a

physical classroom environment that is stimulating and engaging featuring comfortable reading

areas, easy access to a wide variety of books and a variety of resources to stimulate student

questioning and allow them to find the answers to their own questions..
DOMAIN 3: Diversity of Learners

Domain 3 emphasizes the central role of teachers in establishing learning environments that

are responsive to learner diversity. This Domain underscores the importance of teachers’

knowledge and understanding of, as well as respect for, learners’ diverse characteristics and

experiences as inputs to the planning and design of learning opportunities. It encourages the

celebration of diversity in the classrooms and the need for teaching practices that are

differentiated to encourage all learners to be successful citizens in a changing local and global



Students who learn about different cultures during their education feel more comfortable and

safer with these differences later in life. This allows them to interact in a wider range of social

groups and feel more confident in themselves as well as in their interactions with others. It is

impossible to prepare for a career in education and ignore student diversity. Students differ
from one another in a plethora of ways, including, but not limited to, ethnicity, culture, social

class, intelligence, learning style, and home language. Throughout our discussions of student

diversity, it becomes apparent that to have a successful classroom, a teacher must view

diversity as an opportunity and not a hindrance. First and foremost, teachers should be aware

of their actions and make sure that they are in no way promoting prejudice or discrimination in

the classroom. By promoting an environment of equal respect for all children and putting an

immediate stop to prejudice and discrimination, a classroom can transform into a community of

equality. In class, we also highlighted how socio-economic status is perhaps the biggest

determinant of student achievement in the classroom. As an educator, it is necessary to

recognize the backgrounds from which your students come, and how these factors will affect

students’ learning. These effects are especially prevalent in students from working-class and

lower-class backgrounds. Frequently, students from these backgrounds enter school without

the fundamental skills already obtained by their middle-class peers. These tasks include naming

letters, counting, and cutting with scissors. Parents from these homes are also less likely to be

involved in their child’s schooling. In teaching students from these backgrounds, it becomes

necessary to recognize that they are probably not as advanced as their middle-class peers and

that you may need to teach them fundamentals that are usually learned in the home. Also,

children from these families are likely to have less support at home, so a teacher must provide

added support in the school environment, as well as try to recruit the parents to be more

involved in their child’s education.

DOMAIN 4: Curriculum and Planning

Domain 4 addresses teachers’ knowledge of and interaction with the national and local curriculum

requirements. This Domain encompasses their ability to translate curriculum content into learning

activities that are relevant to learners and based on the principles of effective teaching and learning. It

expects teachers to apply their professional knowledge to plan and design, individually or in collaboration

with colleagues, well-structured and sequenced lessons. These lesson sequences and associated learning

programs should be contextually relevant, responsive to learners’ needs and incorporate a range of

teaching and learning resources. The Domain expects teachers to communicate learning goals to support

learner participation, understanding and achievement.

My personal and professional reflections of curriculum planning is that the process is both creative and

practical. For me, it was always important to be involved in designing a course that was capable of

transferring into practice. By this I mean, the course planning should not be a ‘pie in the sky’ idea that

will never work. The vital factors to keep in mind is what will be the benefits to those who go on to

successfully complete the course, and what the impact will be for the wider community and society.

Curriculum planning is hard work for every individual involved. If it is a collaborative venture, there are

lots of necessary debates and discussions about what should be in the course/curriculum and why. This

takes time, and the ability to negotiate and compromise on the final draft of the course. Curriculum

planning on your own, is less fraught, because all the ideas and choices about the curriculum are yours!

Although, any planned curricula will, normally, need to go through an approval or validation panel before

the course can be accepted to implement. Presenting the course to a validating panel can be both

exhilarating and soul destroying, depending on how personal you take or react to comments and questions

raised by members of the panel. As a member of the presenting panel, it is necessary to be able to make a

strong case for the curriculum to be approved, and to be armed with ready answers to defend and promote

the ideas embedded in it. The best fun and challenges come when you implement the curriculum and see

how well it pans out. A curriculum is important in an educational system. It helps one plan the education

process or procedure for a given period (a term, session, lesson period etc.). As the saying goes, if you fail

to plan then you plan to fail. Curriculum consists of continuous chain of activities needed to translate

educational goals into concrete activities, materials, and observable change in behavior. A lesson plan for

example is a curriculum used by the teacher in the classroom.

DOMAIN 5: Assessment and Report

Domain 5 relates to processes associated with a variety of assessment tools and strategies used

by teachers in monitoring, evaluating, documenting, and reporting learners’ needs, progress and

achievement. This Domain concerns the use of assessment data in a variety of ways to inform

and enhance the teaching and learning process and programs. It concerns teachers providing

learners with the necessary feedback about learning outcomes. This feedback informs the

reporting cycle and enables teachers to select, organize and use sound assessment processes.

Planning, Assessing and Reporting is important to ensure that student needs are being met.

Graphic organizers - There are many instructional strategies that are used to teach literacy. One

strategy of interest is the use of graphic organizers. Mnemonics - The Who, What, When, Where,

Why, and how of Mnemonics. The purpose of a reporting system is to communicate the students'

achievement to families, post-secondary institutions, and employers. These systems must, above

all, communicate clear information about the skills a student has mastered or the areas where

they need more support or practice. Parents receive detailed reports of student results. Reporting

is the process used to communicate knowledge gained from assessing student learning. The

purpose of reporting is to provide relevant information about a student's progress to students,

parents, support staff and other teachers. An effective program of assessment, evaluation and

reporting is critical if we are to know whether students are learning/have learned; whether

curriculum outcomes have been achieved; whether teaching is/has been effective; whether

curriculum and programs are appropriate/relevant; and how best to address student learning

needs. The quality of assessment, evaluation and reporting practices has a direct relationship to

student performance. Research continually demonstrates that regular and effective assessment,

evaluation, and feedback (reporting) are essential to enhancing student learning. What is

assessed, evaluated, and reported on; how it is assessed and evaluated; and how results are

communicated send clear messages to students, parents/guardians, teachers, and the community

about what is truly valued, what is worth learning/teaching; how it should be learned/taught; and

how well students are expected to perform. The primary purpose of assessment, evaluation and

reporting is to improve student learning. Simply stated, assessment, evaluation and reporting

practices have a dual purpose: on the one hand, they serve as mechanisms to chronicle student

learning; on the other hand, they serve to measure the effectiveness of teaching/learning

activities. To be effective, assessment, evaluation and reporting must be ongoing and an integral

(not separate) part of the teaching/learning process. The program is one continuous cycle

consisting of collecting information; interpreting information; reporting information; and making

application to teaching (teacher), learning (student) and decision-making (school, system,

DOMAIN 6: Community Linkages and Professional Engagement

Domain 6 affirms the role of teachers in establishing school-community partnerships aimed at

enriching the learning environment, as well as the community’s engagement in the educative

process. This Domain expects teachers to identify and respond to opportunities that link teaching

and learning in the classroom to the experiences, interests and aspirations of the wider school

community and other key stakeholders. It concerns the importance of teachers’ understanding

and fulfilling their obligations in upholding professional ethics, accountability, and transparency

to promote professional and harmonious relationships with learners, parents, schools and the

wider community.

Partnerships can serve to strengthen, support, and even transform individual partners, resulting in

improved program quality, more efficient use of resources, and better alignment of goals and

curricula. As a result, Domain 6 emphasizes the need of teachers in developing school-

community partnerships to improve the learning environment, as well as the community's

involvement with education. Teachers are expected to recognize and respond to opportunities

that relate classroom teaching and learning to the experiences, interests, and goals of the school

community, as well as other critical stakeholders. To promote professional and harmonious

relationships with learners, parents, schools, and the wider society, it is critical that teachers are

aware of and perform their responsibilities to respect professional ethics and accountability.

Forming school-community connections with the goal of enhancing the learning environment

and including the community in the educational process is what it implies.

DOMAIN 7: Personal Growth and Professional Development

Domain 7 focuses on teachers’ personal growth and professional development. It accentuates

teachers’ proper and high personal regard for the profession by maintaining qualities that uphold

the dignity of teaching such as caring attitude, respect, and integrity. This Domain values

personal and professional reflection and learning to improve practice. It recognizes the

importance of teachers’ assuming responsibility for personal growth and professional

development for lifelong learning.


Being a teacher is not an easy task as many people could think. To be a teacher does not only

imply to know the subject to be taught, but it also includes being willing to constantly improve

oneself integrally, as much as updating the resources and materials one uses in teaching.
Reflecting and analyzing repeatedly the best way to teach to learn and how to make students to

extend what has been learned. The many hours spend in the classroom will never be enough to

plan lessons, prepare materials, review student’s tasks and exams, as well, all the administrative

requirements one has to cover for whatever institution we work. It has not been easy but

challenging and interesting. Unfortunately, in this present job I have no colleagues, institution

authorities or supervisors, which means anything I do in the classroom hardly ever provides me

any feedback of what I am doing. Except of course for the eventual commentaries, I receive from

my students and the annual performance evaluation. Therefore, I had this urgent necessity of

obtaining some refreshment and reviewing of what I am doing in my classroom. I need to make a

stop to reflect about how effective my teaching is. If the things I am doing are adequate and

suitable to take my pupils to achieve their goal to communicate in the target language. Teaching

in this context was at the beginning of the journey a frightening and stressing episode, first the

atmosphere in a corporate has nothing to do with the informal ambience in an elementary school

and secondly, the students’ expectations and perceptions are not the same. Thus, I had to remake


The School-Based Seminar-Workshop for Pre-Service Teachers is a powerful example of this

domain whereas we, the students teachers, has given the opportunity to develop more our

professional aspect in terms of empowering ourselves in the concepts taught by the speaker. As a

future teacher, the professional skills must be developed, and must need more knowledge on how

to also improve the teaching strategies and delivery. More so, teachers are enjoined to participate

into different professional activities to deepen more their knowledge and skills.

During my first week as a student teacher at Upper Malabog Elementary School, I had a good

idea of what to expect. I'd also like to express how helpful the UMES staff has been to me.

Simultaneously, I kept an open mind about what to expect during this first week, which served

me well. On the first day, we had our orientation with the school principal. As a student teacher,

I believe it is important to know something about the school, its goals, projects, courses

available, and so on. I don't believe it is a "sink or swim" situation, but it is a good idea to contact

the school so that I can interact with other personnel and staffs as soon as possible. This

approach has undoubtedly contributed to my increased confidence in my teaching abilities. This

makes me happy.

On Thursday, My Cooperating teacher also briefed us on all of the possibilities and

responsibilities that come with being a teacher. We had brief discussions about the various jobs

and roles of a teacher once employed in the field. Aside from that, I was with my co- ST sir

Carlo Lindio. This was an excellent opportunity for us to learn about the requirements that the

teacher expected and, more importantly, how to meet them.

There are some areas I need to work on that I have identified at this early stage. I shouldn't be

concerned about the opportunities that are coming my way. Opportunities are significant chances

to improve and do better. As the day progressed on Thursday, I became more at ease in this role.

I'm relieved that even at this early stage, I can reflect on and identify areas for improvement.

This week marked another engaging chapter in my teaching internship journey at Upper

Malabog Elementary School. Our focus for the week was centered around preparing a lesson

plan each day and discuss it, providing opportunity for both me and the students to explore and

understand it thoroughly.The subject of choice became a focal point for our discussions
throughout the week. It was fascinating to witness the students' curiosity ignite as we delved into

various aspects of the topic. Their eagerness to learn and participate made the teaching

experience truly rewarding.

One of the highlights of the week was our involvement in a hands-on activity centered on

Paglilimbag, or print making, in our MAPEH class. Witnessing the students' creativity flourish

as they experimented with different printing techniques was incredibly fulfilling. It was a

reminder of the importance of incorporating interactive learning experiences to foster both

creativity and critical thinking skills among students.

As Valentine's Day approached, Upper Malabog Elementary School was abuzz with excitement.

The school had organized a special program to celebrate the occasion, and as part of our

internship duties, we were tasked with documenting the event. Capturing the joy and

camaraderie among the students as they participated in various activities was a delightful


However, what truly warmed my heart during this week was the unexpected gesture from some

of my students. As Valentine's Day arrived, I found myself overwhelmed with gratitude as

several students presented me with flowers and chocolates. Their gesture not only touched my

heart but also reinforced the bond of trust and respect that had developed between us.

Week 3 of my teaching internship at Upper Malabog Elementary School brought both

excitement and a bit of pressure. As I was assigned to teach Araling Panlipunan, a subject I love
dearly, I initially felt a bit overwhelmed. It was only our third week, and I wasn't entirely sure

how to execute the lesson properly.

However, once I started teaching, my worries began to fade away. The students' attentiveness

and enthusiasm helped boost my confidence, and soon I found myself enjoying the experience

more than worrying about it. It was reassuring to see that my passion for history resonated

with them, and their active participation made the lessons more engaging and enjoyable for


Despite the initial pressure, I eventually settled into a rhythm, aided by the support of my

fellow interns and the guidance of the supervising teachers. Together, we worked on preparing

detailed lesson plans every day, which gradually became easier as I gained more experience.

As the week drew to a close, we were assigned a different task: cleaning the school for the

preparation in the MR. MRS. UMES 2024. It was a bit unexpected, but it was a good

opportunity to contribute to the school community outside of the classroom. Working together

with my fellow interns to tidy up the school felt rewarding, knowing that we were helping to

maintain a clean and pleasant environment for everyone.

This week, something super cool happened at our school - it was the Mr. and Ms. UMES
2024 coronation night! Sir Carlo, my teaching buddy, and I were asked to capture all the
important moments during the event. It was like being reporters for the day!

Seeing the excitement in the air as the students prepared for the contest was amazing. And when

the winners were announced, it was truly a moment to remember. I couldn't help but beam with
pride when my two grade 5 students, Aristotle and Galileo, were crowned as Mr. and Ms.

UMES. Knowing that I played a part in their journey made me feel incredibly happy and proud.

But it wasn't just my students who shone that night - every grade level had their representatives,

and it was awesome to see them all showcasing their talents. Some even walked away with

special awards, which added to the excitement of the evening.

Sure, it was a long and tiring night, but it was also one of the best experiences I've had during my

internship. Being a part of such a big event at the school and witnessing the students'

achievements was truly heartwarming.

Later in the week, we got to do some gardening in the school's backyard after our lessons. It was

awesome to get outside and do something different with the students. Being a part of all these

activities made me even more excited about teaching and being involved in school stuff.

This week brought on a new challenge as we were assigned to teach two subjects every day. It

was pretty exhausting because after each class, we had to prepare instructional materials for the
next one. On top of that, we had to make sure our lesson plans were ready before the day began

for checking.

Despite the workload, one highlight of the week was the second quarter reward and recognition

event for Grade 5 students, especially Aristotle, who had been doing exceptionally well. It was

heartwarming to see how proud everyone was of their achievements. Our cooperating teacher,

Ma’am Gladiola De Villa, put a lot of effort into preparing for this event, and Sir Carlo did a

great job hosting it.

After the recognition ceremony, it was my turn to step up as I hosted a meeting for parents to

address any concerns they had and to distribute report cards. It was a bit nerve-wracking, but also

a great opportunity to connect with the parents and discuss their child's progress.

Overall, this week was challenging but rewarding. It taught me the importance of time

management and preparation in teaching, and it was fulfilling to see the students being

recognized for their hard work. I'm grateful for the opportunity to be involved in these events and

to continue growing as a teacher.

This week was filled with moments that really pushed me out of my comfort zone
and taught me a lot about myself as a teacher. The most nerve-wracking
experience was when I was assigned to lead the flag ceremony in front of the
entire school.
Standing in front of so many people made me feel incredibly anxious, and I could feel my knees

shaking. It was like all eyes were on me, and I was the center of attention. But as I went through

the ceremony and finished, a wave of relief swept over me. When my cooperating teacher

congratulated me afterward, it felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I was so

proud of myself for facing my fears and successfully completing the task.

Another significant moment of the week was when I had to teach Science for the first time. It

was challenging because I wanted to make sure I explained everything clearly and engagingly.

At first, it felt overwhelming, but as I kept trying and learning from my mistakes, I started to

enjoy it more. Seeing the students' faces light up as they understood the concepts was incredibly

rewarding. It reminded me why I wanted to become a teacher in the first place.

In summary, Week 6 was a rollercoaster of nerves and excitement, but it was also a valuable

learning experience. It taught me the importance of stepping out of my comfort zone and facing

challenges head-on. I'm grateful for the opportunities to grow and learn as a teacher, and I'm

excited to see how much more I'll learn in the weeks to come.
Week 7 was an interesting one for me as I took on the responsibility of discussing EPP,

particularly focusing on "Pangangalaga sa Isda" (Caring for Fish). To make the lesson more

engaging, I decided to bring a real aquarium to school so the students could see the concepts in

action. However, this decision brought along some nervousness, especially when it came to

transporting my beta fish. Despite my worries, seeing the students' excitement and enjoyment as

they interacted with the fish made it all worthwhile. Their eagerness to feed and observe the fish

firsthand added a whole new dimension to the lesson, and I was glad I could provide them with

such a hands-on experience.

The second subject I had to tackle during the week was Math, a subject I've always struggled

with myself. I'll admit, I wasn't particularly looking forward to it because of my own insecurities

about my math skills. However, I knew that as a teacher, it was my responsibility to overcome

my personal feelings and deliver the lesson effectively. I tried my best to simplify the concepts

and create activities that would help the students understand better. Despite my initial

apprehensions, seeing the students engage with the material and ask questions showed me that

even though I may not be a math whiz, I could still make a difference in their learning journey.
This week was full of new experiences and challenges that helped me grow as a teacher. One of

the highlights was when we were tasked with making a tarpapel for Araw ng Kagitingan (Day of

Valor). It was my first time doing something like this, and I have to admit, I felt nervous at the

beginning because I wasn't sure how to go about it. However, with the guidance of our

cooperating teacher and some trial and error, we eventually got the hang of it. It was a great

feeling to overcome the initial nerves and learn a new skill. The process of creating the tarpapel

was not only educational but also enjoyable, and it showed me the importance of being open to

trying new things.

Another memorable experience of the week was when we distributed feeding to the pupils who

were members of the feeding program in the school. It was heartwarming to be a part of this

initiative and to see the impact it had on the students. Facilitating the feeding program allowed

me to interact with the students outside of the classroom setting and to contribute to their well-

being in a meaningful way. It was a reminder of the importance of holistic education and the role

teachers can play in supporting students' overall development.

This week of stepping out of my comfort zone, learning new skills, and making a positive

impact on the school community. These experiences reaffirmed my passion for teaching and

reminded me of the importance of being adaptable and open to new opportunities for growth. I'm

grateful for the chance to be involved in such meaningful experiences and look forward to

continuing to learn and grow as a teacher.

During Week 10 of my teaching internship, classes were canceled due to high temperatures. This

unexpected break gave me time to get ready for teaching. I used it to work on important tasks
like making lesson plans, gathering extra teaching materials, and preparing tests. I also organized

the classroom and learned more about teaching through reading. Even though the heat stopped

our classes, it was a helpful pause to get everything ready for when we started teaching again
Week 11 of my teaching internship continued to be impacted by class suspensions, limiting our

regular teaching activities. However, amidst the disruptions, the highlight of the week was our

"Catch Up Friday," which provided a unique opportunity to engage students in an interactive and

enjoyable learning experience.

Given the limited time available due to class suspensions, we decided to dedicate this day to

enhancing reading and comprehension skills through games and interactive activities. This

approach not only served as a creative way to make up for lost instructional time but also proved

to be incredibly beneficial in reinforcing key concepts and fostering a love for learning among


Throughout the day, students enthusiastically participated in various games tailored to their

reading levels and interests. From word puzzles and story sequencing activities to

comprehension quizzes and group discussions, each game was carefully designed to stimulate

critical thinking, improve vocabulary, and enhance comprehension skills.

The atmosphere in the classroom was filled with excitement and energy as students eagerly

collaborated with their peers, demonstrating a genuine enthusiasm for learning. Witnessing their

engagement and progress throughout the day was truly rewarding and served as a testament to

the effectiveness of incorporating gamified learning experiences into the curriculum.

To my cooperating teacher Ma’am Gladiola De Villa

From the moment I stepped into your classroom, you welcomed me with open
arms and made me feel like a valued member of the team. Your willingness to
share your knowledge, expertise, and insights has been instrumental in shaping
me .

I am especially grateful for your patience and understanding as I navigated the

challenges and uncertainties that come with being future educator. Your calm
reassuring presence have been a source of comfort during moments of doubt and

Moreover, your dedication to creating a nurturing and inclusive learning

environment for your students has been truly inspiring. I have witnessed firsthand
the impact of your teaching methods and classroom management skills on the
students' academic growth and personal development.

Beyond the classroom, your willingness to involve me in various school activities

and initiatives has broadened my perspective on the role of educators in the school
community. Whether it was facilitating events, organizing programs, or
collaborating on projects, your encouragement and trust in my abilities have
empowered me to step out of my comfort zone and embrace new challenges.
As I continue on my journey in education, I carry with me the lessons and
experiences I have gained under your mentorship. Your dedication, passion, and
unwavering commitment to the teaching profession serve as a constant source of
inspiration for me.

In closing, I want to express my deepest appreciation for everything you have done
for me. Your guidance has not only shaped my teaching practice but has also left a
lasting impact on my personal and professional growth. Thank you for being an
exceptional mentor, role model, and friend.

With heartfelt gratitude,


Detailed Lesson Plan in English V

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. Infer the speaker’s tone, mood and purpose.
b. Provide evidence to support understanding (EN5LC- IIIb- 2.15)
c. Remind others to stay on topic (EN5LC- IIIb- 2.15)

II- Subject Matter

a. Topic: Discover Now
b. Reference: Joy in Learning English 5, Page 226- 239
c. Learning materials: Visual Aids and Pictures

III- Procedures
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preparation

1. Greetings Good morning teacher.

Good morning class! We’re fine.

How are you today? Yes, ma’am

Before you sit down, kindly pick up the

pieces of paper on the floor and
arrange your chairs.

2. Review
Distinguish text-types according to
Okay class, what was our topic last week? features (structural and language) -
problem and solution.

Okay thank you.

How is the information organized in a Through the text structure.

problem-solution text?

Yes, correct.

Because, text structure refers to how the

information in a text is organized.

What are the signal words use in this text- The problem, the issue, the dilemma
type? is, the solution, to solve this, to
address this….

Very good.

3. Checking Assignment

Since it is a new topic, we don’t have

assignment yet. Yes, Ma’am


4. 1.Motivation

Today we will listen to a song entitled “ A

whole New world” written by Alan Irwin
Menken and Timothy Miles Rice for Disney’s
1992 animated feature film Alladin . Close
your eyes and see, smell, feel or hear the Yes Ma’am
things in the song while you listen, then
prepare to mark sketches of these.

Do you understand children?

Get ready to share your sketches in front of

the class.

2.Motive question: Ma’am I think the composer wrote this

song because he want us to discover
Why do you think the composer wrote this what the world has to offer.

3. Unlocking Difficulties

Goldsmith- a person who makes gold articles

Archimedes- Greek mathematician,

engineer, and inventor.
Lump- a compact mass of a substance,
especially one without a definite or regular
Eureka- In greek words means “I’ve
found it”

B. Discussion

We will a story entitled “ Eureka” an

adaptation by Evelyn Angeles. Get your
English books and turn the page in 228 , Yes teacher.
Read it with your eyes while I am reading it in
the class.

Yes teacher.
Do you understand children?

Do you understand the story all about?

King Hiero called upon Archimedes to

We will answer the following questions, find a way to see if the crown was made
of pure gold or a combination of metals.
Think It Over

1. Why did King Hieron of Syracuse approach Based on the amount of water
Archimedes? displaced, he was able to determine
the density of each object and confirm
that the crown was not made of pure
2. How did Archimedes' previous knowledge gold.
about metals help him think of solutions to the
king's problem?
The story goes that Archimedes
stepped into the bath and caused it to
overflow. This made him think. The
3. What incident helped Archimedes solve the water that had splashed out of the tub
problem? when he stepped in was equal to the
volume taken up by his body. It was
this discovery that provided
Archimedes with the solution to King
Hiero's gold crown problem
4. What did Archimedes do to see if his theory
was correct? What character trait of
Archimedes can you infer?

Archimedes conducted experiments to

5. What did Archimedes conclude about the test his theories. He was known for his
king's crown? inquisitive and analytical nature, so it
can be inferred that he was a logical
and methodical thinker.

Thus he came to the conclusion that

the crown was not pure gold, and that
6. When you come up with a theory, do you the goldsmith had indeed mixed some
also verify its correctness? Why is verification silver (or other, lighter metal) into the
important? gold in an attempt to cheat the king.

Yes. To verify the correctness of your

theory, you need to hold more
experiments and research about it
more. The theory is needed to be
Very good, you listen carefully to the story. verified by an experiment to be
considered true Statement and
Question forms. We use modal.

Tone is the expression of the author's attitude.

Like the tone of voice in a character, the tone of a
story may communicate amusement, anger,
affection, sorrow, or contempt.

Mood is the general feeling or atmosphere Yes, Ma’am

that a piece of writing creates within the

Purpose- an interjection used to celebrate a

discovery or invention in the story of Eureka!.

A. Application

Ok children try to answer the following:

Direction: Infer the speaker tone, mood
and purpose, Choose from the box below.

Confused Instruct sad

worry fear

1. Seeing you crying is very painful to me.

2. You always remember to strive to achieve
3. Dark place on my way
4. I don't know if I will go to school or not.
5. It's noon but I haven't cooked yet.

B. Generalization 1. Sad
2. Instruct
What are some examples of discovery in 3. Fear
everyday life, and how do they help us learn 4. Confused
more about the world around us? 5. Worry


These discoveries help us expand our

knowledge, understand the diversity of the Ma’am when I tried to draw something
world, and sometimes even uncover new and realizing that I am really good at
passions or interests. it.

Copy this in your notebook. (Children will give their answer)

Humans are naturally curious and love to
learn new things. Whether it's finding out
about outer space or learning something new
about ourselves, discovery helps us
understand the world better. It could be as big
as finding a cure for a disease or as small as
learning a new word. All these discoveries
help us grow and understand more about
ourselves and the world around us.
IV- Evaluation

Direction:. Read the paragraph and answer

the question that follows.
1. It was the first football game for the Gators.
The coach asked if everyone was ready. The
players jumped and replied, "Yes!" In what
sone did the Gators's reply?

a. calm b.serious c. happy d. enthusiastic

2. The blue jay is jumping on the tree singing

and dancing happily. What is the blue jay's
tone while singing?
a. joy full b. dreamy c. confused d. hurt

3. The alarm buzzed. Jordan smashed her

first down on it-hand. It flew off the nightstand
and bounced off her cat, Armstrong. The cat
yowled indignantly and rocketed out the room.
a. sad b. sarcastic c. passionate d
humorous Answer:

4. Wow! With a top speed of one hundred fifty 1. D

miles per hour, that car can almost fly! Which 2. A
tone is represented in the following passage? 3. D
a, calm b. annoyed c.scary d. excited 4. D
5. D
5. If the author has no emotion regarding the
story he is telling, his tone can be described

a. playful b. objective c. ironic d. mysterious

V- Assignment

Read a paragraph from your english


Prepared by:
Antonette M. Letran
Student Teache

MR. & MS. UMES 2024

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