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To my soulmate,
18th may, 2006. A day the universe shifted. A day where the unexpected happened. A
day where everyone4s life completely changed and a day, no one can forget. It was the
day the heavens were shocked, angels were gossiping, devils were intimidated and
gods were speechless.
The real heavens was born.
She was beautiful. Skin as fair as a ghost with a slight Mediterranean tan. Hair glossy,
long and black. Bambi eyes with huge orbs and a blinding shine, the fish can drown in
them. In addition to her excellent beauty. She was a prodigy. No other human being
challenged her appearance or her brain. She was perfect in every aspect. A great
outgoing personality, a kind heart, a beautiful face and a spectacular elegance.
Growing up, she will have many experiences in life, one of them being me.
I remember it was a lazy winter evening in 2018. It was that moment in your childhood
were u start obsessing with a specific game. For me, or rather, I say for us, it was
roblox. A famous and fun role-play game to play with your friends. A that time it was not
as popular as now and it was more known in the USA and some European countries.
Therefore, for Moroccans it was almost unknown.
I met someone in that game from France. We started talking and I eventually revealed
my identity as a Moroccan.
That was the revolutionary event in my life. A player noticed the text in chat and came to
find me.
It was the heavens itself.
That was the first hi I said to her. The first time I heard her unique name and the first
time she spoke to me.
Since that day, we kept texting and speaking everyday in social media. The distance
between us didn’t stop our relationship to evolve and develop. It was as if she lived just
next door while she was 600 kilometers away.
I must be honest with myself. Most distanced friendships almost never last but did we
forget who we are speaking about? It was the heavens itself. Gods worshipped her and
favors were on her side. Like a miracle, we stayed on contact for many, many years.
We growed together and faced new experiences together. She got her first period, I was
there, not physically but I was there. Her first pimple showed up on her nose, I was also
there. She got her first boyfriend, I was there as well.
I watched how happy she was with him, but I guessed the gods were not. I was also
there when her lover sadly passed away weeks after they just met.
She was going through so much stress. This unfortunate event, puberty, other problems
with other people. This stimulated an unhealthy energy between us and that lead us to
part ways for 8 months.
I was mad at first and upset. We were both still childish, we didn’t realize that we both
were wrong and that it wasn’t something worth breaking a special bond over. I started
growing up too. I got my first period, she wasn’t there. My first pimple popped, she
wasn’t there. I got my first boyfriend, she wasn’t there as well. That’s when I realized
that I missed her. That in fact, I needed her. I wanted her to be there for me and to
experience it with me. I regretted it.
I believed in that quote that states, arguments make the thread stronger and so, I took
matters into my own hand and let go of my pride for 10 minutes, then I texted her.
It was the day she passed her regional exam for 9th grade. I was waiting for this day to
find an excuse to talk to her, something to speak about so it won’t feel awkward.
And it wasn’t.
I remember that day we talked for hours, catching up on everything and filling each
other on our lives. I moved to another city. She was packing to move houses. I started
wearing glasses and I got taller. She started dating more often and become popular.
This was bound to happen someday. She was qualified to be poplar since the
And here we are today.
18th may 2023. This is your big day. The day you turn 17, the perfect balanced age. I am
happy to be with you to celebrate such a special day. It may not mean a lot to others but
to me, I wait 364 days and for earth to make a full turn around the sun. I remember
every moment we spent together, all the jokes, all the laughs, all the people we
gossiped about together, all the people we judged together, the games we played, the
late nights conversation we had and the plans we have. I love you and I love everything
about you.
Your face, your hair, your body, your laugh, your eyes, your silly jokes, your nails, the
way you eat, the way you talk, every detail down to the tiniest hair on your body.
I remember everything about you, it almost sounds astonishing how my memory refuses
to let go of such things.
Like the fact that you are fond of animals especially cats, your love for noodles and
pasta, how much you love your current lover, oussama, your obsession with seashell
necklaces and bracelets, your love for the sea and the beach, that fact that you prefer
summer over winter and u cheer for raja football club.
I want you to know that there is someone who will love you and support you no matter
what the circumstances are. I will always love you and be there for you, I vow it.
I will never let anything hurt you or get on your way, I promise.
I will shift the worlds mechanism if it meant to protect you form any harm and I mean it.
Today is your day, make sure to eat good food and have a good day. Special days like
this one are made so we can forget all our problems and feel free for at least 10
Do good on your studies. Study hard and focus on yourself, anything can recome but
nothing will ever replace your results , of course you, as a human being , is much more
important than a certificate but what defines you as a human is your own hard work.
I know you can do it, just hang in there for a little bit more. I believe in you.
Lastly, I want to thank you for sticking up to me in this journey. For being my friend, my
best friend, my sister, my soulmate. I know it is quite hard for me to speak my feelings
and my opinions, this is why I decided to write this little piece. And yes, for me its still
little because I didn’t put my all into it. If I did it would break records lol.
That’s how much I loved you in the past, how much I love you now and how much I will
love you.
90 %of my heart belongs to you, it will always be yours.
I love you for the 100th time, happy birthday.
The end.

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