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Venn Diagram Comparing and Contrasting Journalism and

Overlapping Circle (Similarities):

 Storytelling: Both use narrative techniques to engage readers and convey information.
 Language: Both utilize language creatively to evoke emotions, paint vivid pictures, and
shape meaning.
 Truth and Reality: Both aim to reflect, explore, and sometimes challenge realities of the
 Impact and Influence: Both can inform public opinion, spark action, and shape societal

Left Circle (Journalism):

 Objectivity: Strives for factual accuracy and impartiality, presenting verifiable

 Timeliness: Focuses on current events and immediate concerns, reporting news as it
 Structured Forms: Employs specific formats like articles, reports, and interviews.
 Accountability: Holds power structures accountable, exposing injustices and promoting

Right Circle (Literature):

 Subjectivity: Allows for personal interpretation, exploring fictional worlds and imaginative
 Universality: Aims to address timeless themes and human experiences, transcending
specific contexts.
 Creative Freedom: Employs a wider range of literary devices and styles, including
metaphor, symbolism, and abstraction.
 Emotional Connection: Focuses on evoking emotions and fostering empathy in readers.

Outside Circles (Distinctive Attributes):

 Purpose: Journalism seeks to inform and educate, while literature aims to

entertain, provoke thought, and offer aesthetic pleasure.
 Target Audience: Journalism caters to a broader audience seeking information, while
literature may target specific readerships by genre or theme.
 Evidence and Sources: Journalism relies on verifiable facts and evidence, while
literature draws on imagination, personal experiences, and artistic license.
 Evaluation Criteria: Journalism is judged by accuracy, fairness, and timeliness, while
literature is evaluated by artistic merit, originality, and emotional impact.

Note: This Venn diagram represents a general comparison and can vary depending on
specific genres and styles within both journalism and literature.

I hope this helps!

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