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General General ee pees Mie Otte CONTENTS FREE fe in omy a TANGINT INDIA: 1. Harappan/Indus Cvilzaton 2. Vaio Qa 2S ‘AM. Mahsirapoda Pes 3, Religious Movements Maury, Qt ee ee tecssh nesagee tose ae SS SS Sain esr Ne al tps rete sah a a ee ee ee Pe eae saat re a ce a aera Sh ee es ee eee nets wie hs Pane Daa ere er eee es tocando ame heer alt, Corman) Coie Cong: Sanson a a conte | 2 Wea tong ws TANGENEWORLD:Mecptin Cito Esyptin ise Fede Go Gene aay ie selene me TIMEDIETAL WORLD “Mater Baap Cena, Cosa th Gein Maer Cine Neer fem Ses Nose ee (eA ME NGDET NERD eaccane Keema ees een antl true Tela For een Unica ny Unstone Fant Weld War Rusian Revolution Chinese Revolution, Turkish Revelation, | ‘World Depression of 123-34 Fascsmin tly, Nazism in Germany, Mian fn Japan, Sevond Word Wer. IN. MISCELLANEOUS = Important Dats Association of paces, Abbreviated or Alternative Names, Important Bates 3. Geography 15128 The Solar System, Continents and O’eans, Biosphere, Lithosphere, Hydrosphere Atmosphere Latitudes and Longitudes, Difterentheat znesol the earth Longtudes and time zones, International Date Lin, Motion of the ‘earth, Effect ofthetlted axis on day and night the Atmosphere (composition and layer ofthe Atmosphere), Weather and Climate, Atmospheric Pressure Tntemal Structure ofthe earth, Rocks, Earthquakes and Volcanoes, Various Landforms (Mountains, Plateaus, Plains, Grassland, Landforms created by the river system, Landforms created by glacier, Landforms created by the actonof wind, Landforms crested by theacions of Groundwater), The indian ‘Sub continent: Postion, exent and’ physical features, Climatic diversity in the Indian Sub-continent, Sol resoures of the Indian sub-continent Agriculture in India, Land use pattem of Inia, Water resoures and their lization in India, Multipurpose river valley projects, Transport in india Induce and guns St na he capitals Poplin na ad Sites Wie antares an arp in tpt ian ‘nd power pacts dan satis 2 nl Cont nda 0 ‘As Coogphy athe nan stones Counties wth treat ‘weg Keer ae i Neder he me oe nd a ah paces and dust Tos cia wth Same pian ns, “uss ea Fanon (Wd) Changed tm Cetin ath area, Continents Nght an owe ity Tie eps cats Highest ‘mountain peaks (world), Geographical epithets Important boundary lines, ‘ites thi hanelnds Ghcery Indie Poy ond Consttation eae 1 rout of Indian Corton, 2 Contant Aserbly nd Malig ot the Consiution Dif Sores fhe indian Carton 4 Important Artic ofthe Consttaton & Inporart Amedinnt fhe Coton ‘© Some Special features of the Indian Constitution. 7, Federal and Unitary: feature ot the Lian Unon § The preamble 9 Lape of Parancuncy 10, eegrton and Merge finan Sates. The Union and Terns 12. Reorganization of Stes 18. Citizenship 14. Fundamental Rights '5 Dinstve Prngpiy of Ske lig, 16. Fundamental Deis 17 Prcedue of Amending the Coston 18, Ext ofthe Union 1 TheParamantot Tada. sctv ofthe Sats 21 Special Poston X22 Panchayats 24 Municaiies24, The Supreme Cour 2 Ths High our 2% ner Sate Council 27. Fnane Commision 28 Paneing Commission Nail Dvlopneat Coun Nail eration Coun 3 ne State Relstons 32 Emergency Provisions $3, Pblc Service Cosmisons 3. Hecton 3 Delinitaton Comision of India 36 The Offi Languages 2 National Spb 38. Glasary of Constatonal Terms Indian Economy ae | Righlght of indian Bomomy2Eamomy ard Eamomis3,Chaaceristics of Trcian Economy 4 Agsculte & Land Development , Natal Iname & Panag? Unemployment. Tae & Commerce 9 New Enos Paley 10 Indian Franca Sytem IL Tian cal System 12. Banking in Unio 15 Tax System It Indy 15 Foreign Trade 16. Miselangous Facts 17 Glosary of Feonomic and Financial Terms 18. Some Noteworthy Fass ‘ Apreni-ighighs of Economic Survey 20118, #Appendia-2Soc0 Economicane Case Census 201 Physics == 401-450 1. Unit 2. Motion 3. Work, Energy and. Power 4. Gravitation 8. Pressure 6. Floatation 7. Surface Tension 8. Viseesity 9. Elasticity 10, Simple Harmonic orion 11. Wave 12 Sound Wave 13, Heat 14 Light 15. Satis Electricity 16. Cursent Hectrcity 17. Magnetism 18. Atomic & Nuclear Physics 19. Electronics 20. Scentfc Instruments 1. Inventions 2. Important Discoveries Relating to Physics 23. Varios Unis of Measurement Weight 24. Conversion ‘of Units from one System to another Sytem, a 7% Chemistry a some. Anncserctse Preeti 160 ogg, ee keaton ACs Baste? Beye 7 ing feiis Compounds 10. Fu Indian Histooy 1 Non-Melal 4. Common Bye ! : Ancient Indi Biolog 7 1. Harappar eva BB au, cimaasoof Orns Ctl 4 Cents. Orage sean REaPPalnds Cization 0 C3759 BO) ree pny 1 Csi 0 Pet Kingdom 2 Man Norpeloy sme~Indus Clivaton, Fin re totes 6 at Harmones 6, Von Pa ‘According to archeological radon the most mpprpsan nae J felis Pon, Zadogy <1. Chsation of Animal Kingdom ‘Civilization (Harappe the Retdieromel ean appa Ee ren Human Bod 4 Sytem of Human Body 5, Nutteny ‘According, to geographical point of view tl um Dene, Micros. YS crac Clio Ui lags Gun of eal a a Indu Stow cver valley fe sellement ang Sawa) ‘dia (Mak) 2 iss in nda (Female) Firsts in World (Mate The mont accepted period-2500 BC-1750 BC (by Carbon-¥4 dating) pela Mlld 6 Important Mose John Meraball was the fiat sciokae to se the tor Ta ‘ ais Hr a ie rn Indus Civilization aap nus Civilzaton belongs to Pot Here Period Heber 9. Aim Panda ic Prod (Chaleolihic Agel Ss 6 Otfial Books 17. News The Indus Civilization was. spr apes wes speed secretary Cones 21 jean jen ears UP and Noho Sabri Fe) | susargeneralyeevetalaappe Ch pale ipinerelsoe Tod's Ward Hestage Sits 27, ied he ha ae ae ae ‘of India 29. Internal Security of The Northem-most site of Indus Civil (Earlier) maton Day of Sone States ir eianai/ koe tale odeonee: een eae = Research Cente in Indi ts Stead ans auan anes hern-most site of Indus Ciliation Ungaro (Kin Gj ati Dinahed raat Now sea at The Fara te of nhs Catnip indo ta Da Nenemnorsteal nes Ciao Stagtr No Gopi Cies—Harappa, Mobeni, Port liey—Lathal Sutkagendor Alain, alot, Kunis Site “er Dit Sel Cory et : res) blew Ravan esi il apps Ravi_——Sahwal_ Fb Pakistan ci Mobesjdaro Indus Laan ‘Quinte one ua gaal sl secant Keene a eprinee eee [on eheooeieioe| aE LC hai eset cnt esa eto orca eeyapescher ne Indian History a ele (Kamatal Afghan Pei ean) sie ‘ghanistar Pen an Sut nd conver et Rajni, Aa te Alghanitan, Bhar Tops tal and Spphine Badak shan Afghan) pie ‘Cet Ass set ‘Staher-Sokta an Kiar le Patan Amat Mahara : ‘ate, Chakedonis and Camere Secrhraand Wet India copper ete > Ayer interting etre ofthis vita wash rm ma own the people. The Sumerian texts refer to trade relations with’ Me given tothe Indus region. Agricultural products, cotton goods eracota igurines, pottery, (trom Chenhudarc candhstll (rom Latha ivory procs, which was he name >> Sotughsiand Mundigagwerethe Indus sts found in Afghani. The Sumerian texts lo refer to two intermediate tations — Diu Baba) tnd Makan (Makran coast), Som and Urape Mesopotamian places where Harappan seals were found. The Harappans were the east people to produce cation ( was elle by the Grek). [As ther is no evidence of coins, barter assumed fo have ben the normal tethod of exchange of goods. Lethal was an ancient port of Indus Gvilization. “The indus Civilization was primarily wan. “Thereisno clear-cut evidence ofthe nature of poly butitscemsthatibe sing, authority of lnius Chiization was a das of merchants. ‘The Harappan people didnt worship thee godsin temple No temple in fact thas been upearthed. An idea of thei eigon i formed from the sues and figurines found. otal > The most commonly found fgirine is that of Mother Gadess (Matrident “Shall There i evidence of prevalence of Yoniiemalesexorgan) word > The chief male deity was the Pasupati Mahadeva! a - (ProtoShiva) represented in seals as sitting in posture; ‘surrounded by four animals (elephant, ger sino and buifalo) ad wo xz Fe (ingem)worsip. ¥ yyy ov v > Ths ie cd of pouapic i unt my on sg Sept hae no eon cpr ae ba Orctap of eeeilats toereeciaw derwrtngnasbockennn: morte Stand em at togtin aol hese one ‘Dravidian. bins Nee th lit nin sti Henn St Geet ielscieicomn on cose steon ‘ip one om Bid > Seas inal se int manta as > Humps bls epee inmestof he nd sae > Iptunatnor comple ual wsthe ms crn mth ef pay the dead > Theonign ofthe Syanta gmbol canbe raced he ns Cen > “nas cased caning be decline das Cote ay ae > Hefigrednpekoofettents place mane Myung win ee iid wih cpa > The apr of lars tw hatte make ofthis ctaton weg Dravida > Conenporanysilzatons Inds Citzaton—Mesopotimis Chia bering Fayptand 2, Vedie Culture 1500 BC-s00 Bc) Origin Home othe Aryan > ‘The lnction af the orignal home of the Aryans til semaine a enter point Some scholars al te Asner nae Solon and some ter chars Believe ta the Aeyars ee gee omc Cena sa (fx ler Europe tcc ein 8.6 Td > According o popular bel the Aryans ar suppose o lave migatsd frm Cena Aa no endian subctnet in evr slags or weves dng 2D BC-I5 RC > Bosharta incption (sa Minor. Terky) which mensions 4 ved gos fri Neon Mie nd Nass proves Conta! Asan Thor ae > The group that cameto India fst sted in the present Fronkir Province and | the Punjab then called Sapa inhi. rogion of seven rivers Tey Heed « centuries and gradually pushed into teintrior to stdin he als th Caged th aan hath Rig Via was composed while the Arjan werestiin aba Eouraces >= Therearefour Vedas Rig Leva Same Va, aur Mand Athara Ve The Sit tee Vidas are jointly ell! Vetray it to eda > Of he four Vedas the Rig Veo (Collection yc) she eldest tet in the woe, and therefore, i ao known asthe int stament of mankind? The Rig Neda contains 28 ym cived nto 10 marl Sx mandala Em 2 0 7th mandala) arcalled Ca Vamsla Manda (Rule Crt The Ist and 10th mandalas ae said to have been added late The 10th mandala contains the famous Purushasukta which explains the 4 Varn Beaman, Kshatrys Vishya and Shudra. Thehymasof Rig Vslawere rece By Plate > The Sam Ved (book of chats) had 1549 hymns, All yrs (exlang 75) ‘wow taken from the Rig Veda. The hymns ofthe Sama Veda erence by igor This Veda is important fr Indian mute > The Yajur Vet book of scifi prayer) ritual veda, Ils hymns were rected by Acivagyus Its divided into two patis-Krisn Yajur Veie and Ska Yajur Veda tn contrast othe st two which arin werse ently. his ‘nis in both veae and prese > The Athorv Nia (book of magical formulae), the South and the ast one ‘nia charms on spells to wardffevisand diseases. Fora very lng ime twas not include in the eatsgory ofthe Vedas > The Brahmansexpain the hymns Ube Vedas. They are wrten in prose and nfualisticinnature,Brmemeans sacri. The various aeifices and ritls hhave been elaborately discussed in the Hrahumaras Every Veda has several Frahomanas attached tit Yes Aiteyaand Kasii Stk ~ Sam Veda Panels (Tndya Mah Bese Sadnsh ‘reps evan Your Vids Sheps he odet and the gest eakarana) and altar father Vedi Gopatha SHO > The wort Aranyameans the forest”. The forsttexs were called Aranyaka ‘because they were writen mainly for the hermits and the students living in jungles. The Aranyaka are the concluding portions ofthe rahamanas, > The Upanishadasare philosophical texts, They are generally called. Vaden .% they came towards the end of the Veda, There are 108 Upanishadas. ‘Viadaranyakais the oldest Upanishada.. Literature of Vedic Tradition (600 BC-600 AD) 7 > Literature of Vedie Tradition Smite. rememberance erature). of biterary works: 1, Vedangas/Sutras?. SmrtsDharmashastras3.) (Epics) 4. Puranas 5. Upvedas 6, Shad-Dharshanas. = The a 9 eg: 1 Shh) Patiala 2 KalpaSutras(Ritual) oldest sun met) Se (hte ig an History / of dict vedi Wom ignary of the world) tn oe is Veda Yl eed 0 BCDB Eterm ioeeer rie “SSE ~ so enuicocae einige ae © eat nit 9 Mars Set (Pro Gupta Pasig Hind anl ocanin Rig Vda wehaven et idea ogre an cer ie nda | cea ae, ee ere acim Peed) Commentators gag Screen ant Oa a Poors Castner Maker) Aparara tmentions 21 rivers which mctude. Misa Theda Pan Sa Bn Sort (Gaps Peed (8) Kapa Sq Kha (Kabul) inthewest Mis Baan = fered) PM) ~ wigvodic people, who called Panahnl Rav Pama yi Mataanyn “d Reetvehgtrssercnde! Sam Sal Ral a ri [Bs ken a8 Ad? Kava" he odo i the rca which came to be Saiawvath Santi | Kesha niche ic am | Gane re tt Bal ~ 26000) in 7 Kandas ic sections. 1st ang nyo othe revive Ste Kabul ‘Ahan pce the ates adtons the Remayana Keni Soeiaaes inti sod thes ve aera ‘Aihardtan 2 The Mahibanis (le Ya): The Lot “pic of the wea, y Yess Parte & saad a Jae reno f M0 shlokasi. verses (Originally Banjo Eiccain@ctaturini Sikes Soho / Phra, Ply gma| = According to the Rig Ved, the most mentioned iver—Sindhus the most plus Sts Sania Mate Brain) in 1 Pavan i. chore pa river—Saraswat, mention ofthe Ganges-l time, mendon of Yarna-3 times Horvamsa supplement. Bhagavad Cita isextracte rom BikshunaParyggg > The Dastajon War (The Batle of Tan Kings) Maha Shan Pavan theargst parvan hapten of teagan A cording ig th mus Daaran war wantin wacothe Aryans. The Dasrjan war gives names often Kings who participated ina Wer > ThePrnamears the okt, Tere are 18 famous’ Puranas’ The Matsyary FREE Theothes nportant Parrasces oe against Sudas who was Bharata king of Tetsu family The ten kings Were of re tre Tora ae Taga thestatesof Paras Yad Turvasay Anusand Druyus alongwith Ave tNers iain y Sencalogies of vaio, ‘iz. Alinss, Paks, Bhalanas Sis and Vishanins. Th bale was fought on es the bank of Parushni (Rav) in whieh Sidisemenged victorious, > Tete he soit vedas werraditonallyasocated witha yy aaa ADGA | Phe Kula (the family Above the Kela were the Grama, the Vis the Jana and was the basis of both soca and political organisations. o Rashi A group of Baettieses. a = Kaa omed Grama he gs) an Dhirurveda - > Regarding the form of goverment It was of patriarchal nature, Monarchy was. | ee Your ‘ocala Or a fa thc ct/weat (shame) AdiaraNGl | > The Reshira was ruled by a King or Rajan and the royal descent was by school of Indian philosophy known as Shad-Darshanas waa as ‘Dasthans Founder ea Very litte fs known about ministers of Unit Mead 1 Sanya Darshana a theking. ThePurohiteordomesticpriest Kula (the family) Kulapa ee seas) Vauiinntlgoen ent Gea tig) Goma Baits Patanjai Yoga Sutra 4 Kings peceptog frend, philosopher ithe dan) _Vispati EMetetiDian fan Cavins NowoSie nrs y t_ma eps) Gopal BRE a ‘Gramani ead of lage) ashta(the county) Rajan mat Parva Mims Sit > The amy consisted of fon-sldiers and chariteers, Wood stone, bone and « MNase Gadajana rahmasita eevee Keo Beattie ay csi Nea ae ees we ee er ing sent uphold of d ea ee ene Pol fhe et a Hel poste ihe amt Vida, nas 5 assemboe> ant individuals. Ty A ise wenn portant od 00 po > Be of fw posed 2° Certs on the arbitrary rule tee Soren St court of justice rn satin ote of Be ingot ening eS Fhe hen > Tet ce “a ee my is Sa nets a taro ee > Tacs nd ie and barker were called Vichyag at Serene aa > These wodby per as they became later on. a Se rs ree he von nim =3 aoe ae > The father’s property was inherited by son. rere eal ee SS cerieweeimatemenel andthe > Mik ed its peductcun, buter and gheeformed an important put edt Tei aso the mention of grain cooked with milk (Kit > Themes offs ins and animals was eaten. ® Tistow was aleady deemed Aphanyaic. not to be killed ton me Palytdethorexpuson from the kingdom tothest $ Mehotdinis SursandSomayere sso consumed senate people who rekon > Toot the gambles lament says: “My wife rejects me Ie ip veda 83 dancing chariot racing and dicing. One stm tert Indian History >" Danngthe Rigedictie he Gods worshipped were peal the porrerofNatie It wasbeived hatin poueen ton cpeecheenienn Eh is nd punishments nan Fie wavs nitereopeae oe the ntemetary bets mam and Ga cm were es 23 Gs Later day tcton sified hem tocar cf tata (pthvthanl acto nemedat tanariohestea ook Sistnl Gatun 1, Teel Prithvisthoniva: Poth. Ag, Soom Bahupaon er 2 AesallntrmedateAntrisosthanyah des ade te Ts Paya 3 Geestal Dyusdriya) + Du Suey Qn forms | Sut Sve Al ‘Pushan, Vishnu), Varuna, Aditi, Usha and Asvin. sal > Indra Agnian Varuna were the mest popular ees of igedic ryan Indra oe Purandar destroyer on) The mostionptant ged 0 igri yrs aredevoed to him} who played hell ward and wessaetre Kr oso zr: The second mos important god (20 Rigweic hymns ar devoted to tem re gid was conser tobe the inermeiary Eeorwn the oan eet ‘runs: Pesto water wassup ould‘ he tral nr (Ritasyagop Suna San) was woripe i 5 oem Sua Sivitd Mic Phan ah Vista arya) God who dive iy wm toy ini oe ven yee Sor the god fight) Te famons Gayot Manta adres thee Mim: A sole ae Pustan + The god of mariage main funciom-guarting. of wads fenton sn cying ete Visa god which covered earthin hse tes paca > Soma : Originally a plant proding potint dink during courses of Agnisuomassurifce, Gould be hemp) ba led King of plans denied inter with te moun. The th mandala of Rig Vea which contains hymns isarebuted tothe Sona That’ why tied the Soma Mandal > Other Gods/ Goddesses Raia Che goof animal), Dyaus (he ade gx _and the father of the world), Yama (the god of death). Ashwin/ Nastya (the god othe youthandinmoraliy) Addithe ret mater of gods) Sinha (iver goddess). > Sometimes gods were visualised as animals but there was no animal worship. > The nature of Rigvediceigion was Henotheismite.a belief in many godsbut each god standing out in tums asthe highest > Their religion primarily consisted of the worship of gods with a simple ceremonial known as Vjnaor sacrifice Sacrifices consisted ofoferingsof milk, thee, grain, flesh and soma. “The Aryans crosed the nomadic stage. Yet. great importance was oes Tevet eine a aa aacrreny mares were known but they were not extensively win ot hnown > Gomplenity in producing goods resins lke carpenters, sits, rode its appearance. Men of v ‘inners, weavers, pater and grinders Smet aed ee ‘scales nme SS carol ager shomepetneinte The ato eat egw and rugs urs and spels wer Then eis clea See een des eis SEs Pot) Cult 15008C100 BC = —- , beep Later Vedic Period: 100 BC- 600 BC ‘So py oer i ani aoe eel trie of Nore nd > The cei of altar now sited from Saraswati to Ganges (Madhya desk > There was penton of moce rivers such as Narmada, Sodanica Gandst), Ciomturte > The expansion of prope towards the east is indicated in a legend Supa Beshamansow Vides Madhava migrated from the repo cmd Scarica and came to the land of Videha (modern “Te Ags hen went burning slong the earth towards the east and ahuzaa (he pre and Viegh Mathaa followed afer im” —Sa > Emergence of Jenapadas—Kurs (Combination of Paris and anchais(Combination of Turvashasand Kv Kashiet in Doab region. > Le Vicieratures mention Vindhya mountain (Southern mountain). > Rekencetotheteritoil dvsion the later Vedas gives threebroad divs cf lia, i. Arjaaris (Northern India), Madhya des (Central Ind Dakin Sout India) Feliy > Lang Kingdoms and tty cities made their appearance inthe later BR Lucent's General Knowled ge esta Indian History Gandara Vivahs Love mariage an B ABA VRS whassiage Ww preiasaH (@) Agrishioma Yina:Saesce oasmae decd wo Ag whieh se S cio ea akshaso Vira Mardage with the daughter ofa defeated Ln ie fora year before Yana Kidnapped girl ted king Or with’ ee a ‘On the occasion ofthe this Yana sma ase Paishaca Viva. Marsage toa gir afer seducing or rap isthe nd of the or raping her > Twa Vee Period, there was the. > Anuloma Vivaha: martoge between a bridegroom ine reaction against colt, ntualsand prety donee Sec oe (etn sic cate Bans eek aman teeenandg| i eget nee da eet > 16Samskaras:1.Garbhadhana2.Pumsavana3,Simantonnayans Jaterny | F080" Namakarané Nishkramana7.Annaprashana8.ChudakarmaS Karnachhedarg | > batt hed now become more Valuable than cows. Agenlire 10, Vidyarmbha 11, Upanayana 12. Vedarambha 13, Sumaverseannetaa rearing of cattle. The plough was at times drawn tap 15, Vanprastha 16, Antyesti eda known. by 24 xen, Mac as > Rice, barley, beans sesame and wheat wee cutive Production of goodsadvancasinditad bye svtherman, dem dooskecpes and eae a Peomstnetiia, > Indicating speciation distinction was draymbetweenhecharobmaterand The Hier di Inds se es an ae and Agni were relegated puhia thePeat into the background while Ppp soe 2 MHS Quon Peper Ceeeee laer nom 8 at Geant > Coamteston ern Bes vsinutonged& Soa/Seah ei alter |” Sera wn nas nade pea eae ea ‘of Aryans) and Rudra (God 5 Senani the General the Rig Veda. Go Belay ine aie! bs aes ne man yar ‘ a oe = tides ng pitino ean fn pst tits), is ia ntl Erde ye ging prin cf ean prominence. Now Prajspati > PGW (Painted Grey Ware)Cultare 110086600 BC. , ‘became supreme God. Songratite! ‘Teesurer Pushanawhoprotectedcatle 9. Bhagadudhs Colictr ates 8.1. Mahajanapada Period (600 BC-325 BC) inthe early VedicPeriod now 10. Akshavapa Courier 4] SIG ‘became the god of Shudras: i, Pilagnin Talend of King | Baihadaranyaka Upanishade eat Hai of ease a was first the work to give the a sys ocrine oftansmigation (naan /Semsare-chakenand deeds (Karma) > The ently dimple cremonial of Rigvedic Period gave'place to labora acsices equting the service of many a 17 pret In the ltt dis and Brahamana tries (nas )came into prominence ‘There were two varieties of sacrifices— Laghoynas imple Private Sais): Pefomed by houstholder 2 Pancha Mahayajna, Darsha Yajna (on Amavasya ic. on dy ofthe dr igh, ParnaracaYraton Puiu oe day ‘moon et. A 2. Mahayajnas( Grand /Royal Sacrifices): Sacrificesthatcouldonly be a rye ie, _(@) Rajasiyya Yajna : Royal consecration, which in its full form, ‘series of sacrifices lasting over a year. In later days it was PRES eRe eee we ae ‘anointment. ert Knowle Indian ah » Hania item Panta > Heconquered Aga tests royal pica aka wo Uji when Avan King dt a ‘aloe by juntos {Se se Nema) aa ein ~ Knomna’onya heathen ing wiht an : sorruasiae) RofpurHetakn = He uit the city of New Rajagrha. oo soya Mav) and en Rt Kai CRG athe mesos 2 gos epee "tr eye Aan at se ay aaa ri, Kosala, Valea, Ched, Shas ~ Soe nt ~ Te oda Anne lam Te ee eee ICT pera eat eee ae ae eren > ‘The three things that played important role to defeat the Vajji—l, Sunidha and PROMEEC veg tanta a adel se tet niece a te thn wey Kaan sl Opal Vg) wee edi Mi a ha nerd eal re ee a He built the fort of Rajagrihe and a watch-fort (laladunga) ata village called ieee Dai 4 Pe 7 [iiegr tmp nut tae i aa theconfluence oftheSon and the Gangesand shifted the capital from Rajagia > Uap mci Apa He oe eve eee shisana Donny: OCHA > Aug Diasah was unworthy to rule, So the people got disgusted! and elected Sanaa king aul ee : >» Themes inporan herent f Sag was Se Stce Pradyota dynasty of Avanti, This brought to an end the hundred year old “aly btu apt ane He Ge te iidesarad . > Shisunaga was succeeded by Kalashoka (Kakavarna) His reign is important ‘because he convened the Second Buddhists Council in Vaishali (383BC). ‘Nanda Dynasty :344 BC-323 BC ¢ >The Shisunaga dynasty was overthrown by Mahapadma who established a ‘new line of kings known as the Nanda. * > Mahapadma is known as Sarvakshatrantak te, Uprooter ofall the Kshatriyas (Puranas) and Ugrasena ie. Owner of huge army (Pali texts). ‘ Pancha, Kamboja Shakya (Kapila smsates Vo Mall, KU ra Rammgrama} Soria PiPPHV=D sn ih century BC onyeards Is the his India om Taga, Kosala, Vatsa and Avant of tral be roof Magacha emerged tobe themost powerful one tec thei Sl ed or making Weapon thats cpl of Mowat oll in ces he hick Foe implement on chahares ploughed the lad better and helped to in ripped plac irosippes plaoug walle y dh organisation. Although! 4 Map expe sia adantgenmiltary ogaiston Aloo Mee eel aqunned wth th use of ores aed chaos Nga wich st sed elephants on a large scale nis Wa 9 Haryanaka Dynasty : 544 BC-412 BC Bimbisara(Shronika): 544 BC-492 BC > Hewasthe founder of Haryanka dynasty > Magadha came into prominence under the leadership of Bimbisara- > Hewasa contemporary of Gautama Buddha. > He marie the princesses of Kosala (Kosaldevi] Mahakosala-sister Of King Prasenjt),Lichchhavi (Chellan-sister of Lichchhavi Head Chet MadralKhema-daughier ofMadcaking), whichhelped him in ise policy. > Hejpned a par of Keshs the dowry in his marrage withthe sister Prasenjit of Recala : Lucent Genera Ree Je. the sole monarch H par > Thera ol MEMES anda me nang Hel ret a epee ofan Se snd kine Dianna i > Nara moyen with he Agra re pmnandatatbe vans Alesana seen inn 328 1 ter Custis Dhararanda commanded 2 huge 10 Gr ry 200 cari and 309 lepants ya vs WY) Meuander an sped is mah > Aen spun eval Fright of Danan that eee can eo aa 32221 8 an 8 > the Naa ray un th Chu Moa ont tain eS le > The Acoompe Magadan pinos took advantage ofthe poli Faae eee tu ete ls Ne Te hme ad Te Sctenmenn 2 ced a tl 00 BC-400 BC et of Iranian Invasion {._Iegawoan impetus to Indo-ranian trade and commerce 2 Through the ranian the Greeks came to know about the great wealth of tn this eventually ke fo Alexander's invasion of Ini The anan seribes brought into India a form of writing which came [Anownas the Khurosthisrpt, H was writen from ight to lef tke the 4 rananinience on he MauryanSeulptureis carly perceptible, the ul shapes capitals. Iranian influence may also be traced in the (of Ashokas ects as well sin certain words used in thems TL Macedonian tnvasion—Alexander’stnvasion 626 BC) > Inthe ah century BC the Greeks and the Iranian fought for the the word, Unde the leadership of Alexander of Macedonia the Greek Buddhism sds the anon en ‘ > Alevancer suede his father Philip tothe throneof Macedonia, He eee only 20 yeast Age > > From his very chilhood he ua to dram of work-conguest He : ge sumac may as. Lacon Genera Kens eses aero ae vines of Kelli republic Ps stomp hart : early age (0 en metre = jhe hada #0" dray fon -rson, a dead body and an ascetic Foursighte-anold mar sd eased per dead body cee (ete philosopher) fm pabhinishkramans (Rensneiaion) Seo gt ena! marae Nr ae ee fe ans fn el SE ornate atin et ee ee ne souharo (Princess of Mahabhinsbkremana Cat Kust ) Thisis known as Mahaparinirvana Shakya Munk Doctrine of Buddhism CChatwvac Arya Satyani Four Noble Truths) 1Wsthe essence of Buddhism, 1. Lifeis fll of sorrow (Duk ‘There are causes of sorrow (Dultha Samudaya): Dwadash Nidand Pe Samuipada 3. Thissormw canbe stopped (Dultha Niroda): Nirvar 4. Ther isa path leading to the cessation of sorrow (Duikha Nirodha Ga Pratipada): Astangika Mar Dr te 1 ali Samp ho toy etd (en a Kath rye tgemune) 2 Desire is root cause of sorrow. a 3 hina es oa nn toa ta rn lated means liberation from the cycle of birth and death. a «Age ge ge =o ‘ten ie rape Teele Beaton Tae cena) Dn ‘odahist ©) RETR Buddhist Literature L Pali Texts vamsho and Mahavamsha— UL Sanskeit Texts » Lucent's Genetal Knowledge in the South of India, eg Se Lanka, Borma (Myanmar Syam (Than) Tava ee 6 Thre were te subsets of Hinayane-Phawka a Seutanenig ‘Mahayana {ithe Greater Vehicle 1s llower believed in the heaventines, i Buda 2 They sought he wlation ofall through the grace and help of Buda and Bodkin 9 They baleved in idl-worship They favoured Sant language 8 is know as ‘Norton Buddhist Religion’ becouse frcmalad Weta North of dla eg, China, Korea, Japan etc. 6. There ere RiaubuecuotMahayana-cMadhyanska)Shunvavadalounder-Nagarona) ‘and Yogachar] Vinanavada(founder-Mitreyanath and his disciple Asanga), Sepa aioanitnentoncais adie itl poncs whch they elled V2 The chet dviites of hs see eee arse tbecarte popula in Easter India, particularly Bengal ‘ant Bila i Vatapani the dra hola thunderbolt oe of sn an ev. 2._Asloliesvara the lord wholooks down) ls called Padmapani(the ots bearer) : kind-hearted. 3. Manse Gimusor o wdertanding) He holds abook describing 10 _ pam pital pret). M |The future Buddha, _guardin of paratories /amtayusha: Buddha of heaven Sea Kags herb ou pri events life, namely Birth, Enlightenment, First Sermon and Death “To these are added four places Sravast, Raigriha, Vaishali and i places have all along been considereel as the eight holy xn in Ancient India-Amaravat and Nagajunikonda Nalanda in Bihar; Junagadh and Vllabh in Gujrat MP Ajanta-EllorainMaharashtzs;Dhaulagiiin rss {Mathura in and Jagadsla and Somapur in West was developed in thee forms: Buddha or some prominent Buddhist monks are a iu aMc/ Man needa suulech Harshavardhana (Vardhana ruler) Gopala, Dharmenie fea re oe ale Sot Bath os an ep sis daghersrghann ana sent mission to Chin Ke and Jpn 2, Palas of Bengal ne hac ert P i and grea patrons Ph, Thitthankaras (literally Ford maker, across, = the stream of existence), the fist being Name —— Rishabhadeva/Adinatha and last being Rststha ut = sacnerae > The Vishnu Purana and the Bhagayay 3 Somibhirnalh — Hose Smee er Le Te : ; ea Parshivanath (3ed) and Mahavira 24h), > Parshivanath was a prince of Benaras who abandoned the throne and le the fe of a hermit and. ied at StimmetShiar) Parshicanath (Parasanath) Fil, Girth Jharkhand. is tour main Wwachings (Chaturthi) wore 1. Ahi (oon-njs)2 Satya (nov-lying) 3. Asteye (non sealing) 4. Apariraha (non-possession). Mahavira audopted ll these fur teachings and added. ‘one more, that is frahmacharya (Chastity) twit Mahaviea's Life > Mahavira was born in 540 BC i a village Kerndgronia meat Vaal in Bars > His father Sitahartho was the head of 24, Mahara Tom the Joathrika Kshviya lan under Vai of ‘aisha and hismother Trsala was the sister of Chetak, thekingof Vaisal ‘Mahavira wasalsorelatectoBimbisara,theralerof Magadha.iwhohadi ‘Chellana, the daughter of Chetaka. " wc > Mahavira was married to Yashodo (daughter of Samarvira king) and a az sorts General Koowlede cd potest Se a a iememmstctsr nnn 7 pacticsed| mecarh oftruth, le was ccompained by Making Selene cet = Ge tine ks ot Fitri on bak of ig Me dati sane Kevllopree rowed) re tow nels fe wos cl Keon (elec lume, na @ Poundiyaone wo conqucre Hisense), Netra fee fom all bond J hanttlesed one) and Mahavira(the brave) and bis followers were namag edsvendlis internat Porahisl dpes(knownas 1/Garthra i ‘Gandharvad. Later, he founded a Join Sangha(Jain commune) at Pava. Fit hge o£ 7246806 he ps ay at Pevapuriner iar Se cca oe Ganathrs wh tied ser Sh he aim of existence is to attain through the triratna of TT sey cahoots ble in Thiraankarag yak Jan (Right knowledge) ‘Wis the knowledge of the Jain creed. Le Five Vows of Jainism ism are: |. Alimsa(nom-injury) 2. Satynon-ying) 3. Asien, a{non-possession) 5. Brahmacharya\ chastity) The down by Parshwanath. The fith one was added by iad 2 atatsjareKoovates esis piper da ; Kepner coc of +All our ju Seer co. Indian History 2 scons Yor_ Wome han a & 500 BC Patina Sthulbhades Chandeagapta i SHAD VAIGRAL Deva sina complain 9 2 ‘Angad 12 Upangas Note4Purves/Tarvertsthepartef12 Angamand db ldettetet Mahavie’sprachings Besides this, the important jan texts are 1 Kalpasut(in Sanskrt)—Bhadrabahu 2. Bhadrabah Charta 3 Parshishia Parvan (an appendix of Trishashthishlaka Purust}-emehandtrs of Jainism oie twos of many Join monks othe Deccan and South nda (Shravanbelgola) Slang with Bhaceabohu and. Chandeogupta Maurya Theyre Bac. Sher 12 years. The leader ofthe group, which layed back st Magacha was, ‘Shulabhacra When the Jains (Bhadraba and othes) tured fem South, india, they held that complete ruciy be an nena part ofthe teachings of Mahavira, whe the monks in Magadha began to paton white clothes >» Thusaroethetwosecs Shvetambara white cad) and Digamibarastay clad) 1. Shuetambaras (ce. those who pon white robes} —Sthuahadea 2 Digambsras ue those who were starknaked)—Bhadrabuhi, samples of Jain Architecture 1. Gumphas ie. Caves eg. Hathigumpha, Baghagumpha etc, Udaigisi and Khandagii(Orse}~Kharvela 2 ilwara temples eg, Vimalavasahi temple, THepala emple-Mount ‘Abu (Rajasthan) 3, Temples —Girana and Paitana Gujarat) 4. Temples eg, Pavapari temple, Rajgrha temple-ihar 5. Statue of Gometeshwar/Bahubali—Shravanbelgola (Karnataka). Royal Patrons ENorth India: 1. Nandas; Binbisar, Ajtshatr and Udayin (Haryanky Chandragupts | Maurya, Bindusara and Samprati (Mauryan)-Magadha 2 Pradyota (Avanti) _ 3 Udayan (Sindhu-Sauvira) A aid. Dyna earn 3 SEA SS Kon Css aa Ganga patrons of ‘Kharavela (Kalinga). urya Period (322 BC-185 BC et ee sien DPhoonnty Aria, Pltarchand Latin writers suchas Pinyand Justin le foMaunyan administration, ase system, absence of slavary ond wun Indiaete > Vaoklha Data's ‘Madea Rakshasr’ «Though it was written during Guy Period, describes how Chandragapta Maurya get Chanakya's assist fo overthrow the Nandas, Besides this it gives an excellent account ofthe revalling socio-economic cnditons. > Puranas: Though they are a collection of legends interspread with religoyy teachings, they give us the chronology’ and lists of Maurya Kings adds Lertoe 1 lndian Badhis ext Jraka=(a part of Khuddsaihaya ‘of Suttapitaka which describes 519 stories of Bucldha’s previous bigs reveal a general picture of socio-economic conditions of Mauryan period 2.CeylonsseBuddhistchronilesDipovamssand Mahavamssdescibe hepa played by Ashoka in spreading Buddhism to Sri Lanka. 3. Tibetan Buddhig {ext Divyavadana gives information about Ashoka and his efor to spread Buddhism. 2 Archaeological Sources ; > Ashoon Ets and isp Thee ane Rok Fics, Pilar aia) ave nsptons oad at sever plices inthe Indian su-cotinent. Th uae pepe aed {ov 14 Major Rook ros Pipes aaah Patan ee Dharm ‘rakitan Kaba Dead ‘woah iat, Fradshl Ohaal (Canam coe art Ra i is ict admission wee z thenalnga wae (ia) Minor Rock Personal Nort tate sr ent ea ome a ‘aur Arora an Kam oat oi se arabar Cave Ashihara Giana aaa ae Sa Co phe ot ce 2 goonies 5 pop 3 4 Courtesy to rulatives, elders om i arene [downloaded From: s ashisthakur23. lo toate Roowrciee Indian History a the available evidence (Buddhist iterature mainly that dhere pears trom the aval ®uxkdhist iterate mainly) th » ofthe Maur q 5 ‘te ena deb te 2 > apr eric one amon he pices on te deh Bn a rae retains ems ih Kuna (flown epg Bits adiion, Asoka usurped the throne afer Hi his ecm rte su on iaguptaclyasamagyy, > Acai Sra Tine dae youngest one. Radha mins of vital tree ae Rok Init laman (150 AD) Bstsara helps! him in ja of Radradaman (150 AD) has some nding wa of session aceon or ineregnam of fut years 7a OO The junngarh Rock ihivse Se es the Mayen drasy Ti ger securng hs potionon the hone Aska Nas formally eho er hand try to ink the Mauryan dynasty wig, Mayne #269 BC > fount set gt rg Ars Cen ee | hae a ela apo ame tobe ov 25 Beare em poston oF Aka Chel Pot) ang HNN paises tt Mb ino can sy thatthe Maurya lenge the Mor tea ee nricscsce ce) eee cee papal Natur mine ket chandrngapa Maurya 322 BC298 BC vs Fe onda rie Charan wd coca) Se HPN BC wih teh of Kata (Chany) rrydast Rap Maga tat mina rock ee > areccaniarpa inns dete: Mla whowurnden as aabarcave inept a ce eRiuding Ava (era), Arachosa (Kandhsr), Gedroma Kandhar mar rock eit and Deepa Alesa sn Paroparade (Kabul neuro cleans Aco eri (ea ragapa ancl he iahush ese ound oO Sain neaeE clei ‘a Varn Puranas Dap arta et the of Capa > lta ul ie Ks vo 81 ea is coronation. The Mauyaty Selec Nlator ‘Sig was moved by the maser in this war and therefore abandoned the Ghandragupta became a jain and went to Chandragiri Hill, Sravanbelgali pplicy of physical occupation in favour of policy of cultural conquest. In other eee ec tect wt be id by ow Stn Ce ana er edie pan ics Sehr. > Ashoka was notanextreme pacifist, eid not parse te policy of peace for Ro ia teetimaentontNatemegy | rennin rene ee ee H and incorporate tnt his empire. ‘> Tale Bourshed, agriculture was regulated, weights and measures weg Pilla ttle Ee the Pandyas, and ee cae re states ruled by Greek Kings (Antiochus I ya: Piladlphos Ptolemy > Tmation sation and famine relief became the concerns ofthe state. Higgs Antone, Mecconin Peet eo ‘Bindasara: 298 BC-273 BC pa piguenwrraanarelre sli and Serpe ace > Chandragupta Maurya was succeded by his son Binds Ashoka's Dhamma & indus Lnown to the Geeks as Amitrochates(erived from the Sandi! > Ashola's Dhamma cannot be a Aron saagha layers ffes) i said to have card is arms toe See an oe ee el alae theirparents pay mapecttBrahmanas and Buddhist monks and show > Bia a Asin J 97 and an ee Sa Sderot na and show mercy a ophast Antachos sent wine and figs but politely replied tat GRA Heed that if people behaved well Philopber 2 would attain Swarga (heaven eo Soetoro aaa eee wena cawunens tiramsmavcamec ceptaieeriea ene e eS ‘Ando the dd was named. Patera stem by the division of the Mauryan Empire into two > The Wester purtcame tobe ale by Kiam of Ashoka a the Eastern pparteame tobe ruled by Nsarst > The last Mauryan ruler firhacrthe was aswssinated in 185 BC by hig feammenderin-chiet, Pushyautro Surge, who established fis own Sunga dynasty > “Causes forthe Dectine |. Highly centralised aministrati Spatacpatejeala fap Beaman ’ Beare eaten eins Sn Wek tsauyan Reg Fe oD. Resin) 7 Nee of erly Frontier (Resaings Ome oL ticking, Ambarsdor Grech hing) = Sendrocottus-Strabo, Justin Megasthenese (2-28 HC) (Selecue Jn, Plutarch NikatorFesia ar Babylonia) tan -— Vshabhadata Cintra) texts Dimachos ext (Antiochus 1» Syela) Dionysiuy txt (Philadelphos/Poteny I-Egy Prana Arent tse The Mauryan goverment was a centralise bureaucracy of which Fa SE swantheking According tKautlya/Chanakyo, there are elements henry) Raj tho king) Amatyathe secretaries), fangpoda “Ren he tease), Seng (Arny)and es Friend) vas garded asthe soul among al the seven elements of the state, ei Pashad + The king was asisted by Mantsi Parishad, whose othe Svan the con pinc) 2 The puta he ‘TheSenapatltive commander-in-chief) iv)afew other ministers, nee ‘Theo in charge fhe ity admin je Acountint Genera ‘Sandhya Supers pcre Faas Superintendent of coment (Sevshondhyaishe —— Superntndentot hae Powtovadhyobsia ——Supoitendnt ef wlghts and asus eval Superintendent of ship sakanthyatsha Calico ols ‘Suaradhyabsho Saperinenden is Talhah Superintendent fon I Provincial Adiinistation tovince cit ‘Wtwapsthate Northern Provine ‘Toth ‘vanashis. Wester Province in Prachi: astern and Central Province Patiputrs Kling. Easter Povige ‘Tahal Dalshinapstha je Souther Povins Suvamagi Note: gcconing th hunagadh Rc tof Rudradaman, Sasrshia wat govereby Mshnaze the vals, lhe time of Chane Maya ody eat ting Tashspoat the eof Ashoka, ‘Maitre Dit Heed oY eC Chase, provins) uhapsal Kumars : Abse/VishevaGe Ditie)__‘Prdetihaladminsratiaand Rj landrevenue) Singha (ago of 10 vilge) Gaps mallee emi sags) Graiha Sit ML Municipal Administration > Kautlyadevotesafulchaptertotheraesotthe Negara tysuperintndent. is ct Gay was maiteranceoflwandordet > Megasthenese account ofthe system :6committesf five members each, and ‘their function; Ist — Industrial Art, 2nd ~ Entertainment af 3a ~Reqistration of Biths and Deaths, th Trade and Commerc, Sth ~ Public sale of manufactured goods, and 6th Collection of taxes onthe articles sold (1/10 of purchase price). 1 Army » Lanes anera Knowledge tina controled sonal eamomnc activites Tilted dom pasanis varied fom 1/41 160 the prstuce esate ko proved wrigton tas (ut) a charged ay i a Bs oo > Important Syren) ra ‘in Dery (Haste co, a > During Maueyan perc the punch matted cons (oct of vel wee he ommon ui tanvactin an they wey ale f1q¥0% Mae Beta iia /ratingoren Mo as rigid cn the Vara system as the -oarlion Simriti writers. sys ttc’ upon th Shas an Aryan comma ee etieattatinwenc ers Rodocogapotventh Visas ofeom ween seeing “om trade though others continued eultivation) and the Shuclras(quite a fow gt om ere ariultrists and others beng astans). tenesesates tha dan woelety was divided into? classes acmers Solty Herdsmen 8 Artisans 6, Magia ‘Th ‘laws’ mentioned above appear to have been econo wetted tha there were noslavery in India; ye acconting -was.a recognised institution during Maryan eign as thinking of sliver in fl egal sense asi «high poiton and freedom in the Mauryan soxety nen were petite to havea vor o eae onal bodyguards ofthe king, spiesand inothet > The Maurya nteduced stone masonry on large scale during Ashoka. 2 Fragientsofstonepillarsand wooden floor and eu plan hall have been discovered at Kurhar em outiets of Pat 1 follows : These palaces are so bewull ard >be the creation of Gd eather than of ert the “masterpiees of Mauryan sculpture. Each ofsandstoneonytheireaptay whicharebcatifal form of on er bul ae joined with pillar on the top apial at Sarath and Sond, Lionel capita of Sammath was adopted nal Emblem of Inno 36 Jan, 1980, Single lion capital at Ramspurva and Lauriya Nandangash. Single bull capital at Rampurva, ‘Acarved elephant at Dhauli and engraved elephant at Kals, ‘The Mauryan artisans who slared the practice of hewing out caves from focks for momks to live in, The eaeiet example are Berar coves (Sudan, ‘Wool Ht, Chowpada of Karna, Rishi Lomesh) in Gaya (Ashokan). The other ‘examples are Nagar cavesin Gaya (Desharathh «built throught the empire to enshrine the relies of Buddha, OF the most famouis ae at Sonehi and Bharhta a . arcs erga cnet eee, “All men are my children —Kalings Rock Edict F(Ohauli) 5.1, Post-Maurya/Pre-Gupta Period (185 BC-319 AD). a ‘Sunga Dynasty : 185 BC-73 BC ‘{Capital-Vidisha (M_P)) > Sunga Dynasty wasestablished by Pushymitra Sunga, aBrahein Commander oe ee Bivens ci oc ea Pri ae ee ee > _Pushyamitrawassuccesded by hisson Agnimitrs, the heroofKalidasa’sdrama as SS hac serau «is fal les ‘hagabhadea, Devabhuty followed, lading to the decline ofthe dynasty. > During their rate there was a revival of Brahminical influence. The Bhagavata ies ‘Pata author of the Mahabhasyat, was Bom at Gardai Cena tad. atajl asthe pret of 2 Amma Yjnay performed by Puckymitea sun ene ree caren ‘ailing which surrounds the Sanchi stupa, built by. ‘consinctes during the Sunga period. 7 hsp tert Ne Chaya and Spe Rj on > The plas cence of sculpt vow > Stupas 9 the ¥ vey = mete Rn KanvaDyty:78BC- 2486 — Stars era eeeer a he Sagat woman Rana Vacant cued an ouded kan yee > The pero Kanal came wan end in 28 BC Surana Dyan 0 BC-25 AD Copal Pahoa thors) te imae rnporone f e mative sss of the MANY in iy Dasa dCi ere aan > ‘Mestshna record ob ena wih the Anas Wo ‘eters inc Porras > Thoenty ura ng appeared retin And but Makaha hey ist bec acpashave ee tn >» ‘Sinda0 039 9) wns tne fonder th Sathana yy Satan tell ands power and prestige y ngs FFs inves waste stro Cathar ot Stasi Pak Fe at Kn Pas we coterie Mat vas Gntapry Sth (106 130 AD) who revive the Sala ahang sn deented he Saka Koatrap Nahapan, He wasthe retest Satavahan ‘ior ied Setavahana rl) ‘> sth Sei Sattar ts 24h ruler wasmaried tothe daughter olka Keep Randa, but defeated by him twice Mana Si Setabar its 27 alr was the dynasty’ ast great ules, Planar ts 300s rler, was the last Satavabana re. > Setavahanas wer filly soc by the Ihshvakus in 3 Century AD, > Satovahanasstartethe practice of donating land ith scalandadmisistrative innmunities to Brabmanss and Buddhist monks, which eventually ween their authority. The ealstinsriptionalevidencsof land grantin ndiabslongs tos century BC > UndertheSatavahanas many Chaityas(orshiphall)andVihara(monasteri) ‘ere cutout fom rocks mainly in North-West Deccan or Maharashtra. The famous examples were Nasik Karberiand Kerk, > Stupas arg round structure erected overasacred relic) were seen satened al “round lls. The most famous of hve atribued to the Satay hana period ‘ne Amma a sculptural treasure house, and Nagarjunokonda > Theil language ofthe Satavahanas was Prokri¢ > TheSétavahanas issued their coins in lead (mainly) copper, bronze and poi GhetilChedi Dynasty of Kalinga > The history of Kalings after the death of Ashoka is shrouded in obscurity. 8 ‘new dynasty kaownas the Chet or Chesi dynasty, rose inthe region probably inthe Ist century BC. > Ourinformation bout this dynasty is derived solely from the Hathigumpht Tasca Bbaneshwa, Oisa Ktraves the nd leo a > Alollower of jainism, Kharavela was liberal patron of Jain monks for whole ees mani crc he Ug, ea Be ~ chs) wer the a eckuler was Men foreign ser of North-Western {V5 BC-14SC) alone agar a Mabe of coins which they issued a che were thet rulers iat ase coins which can dnt > the ww the kings. ‘suite They were te est to ae gl cof Henicte. Greek estursinan giving rise Ganharachon! Thee sata a Arnda the mos th century AD. ‘The mest farnous Saka ruler in India was Rudeadgman (130 ADASO AD): > famous aot only for his military conquests (particlary againat the aah) but also for his public works (he reputed the famous Sudarsin his patronage of Sanskrit (he snes the iss [ake of the Mauryan period) a the Lang insription i chaste Sasi) Saka rulerin India were Nahapana, Ushavadeva, Ghamatik, > Obherimporta ‘Chashuana ec > Inabout 58 BC a king of jin - Vikramaditya fs supposed to have fought ‘fectvelyagoinst the Sakas. An era ealledVikramia Somat is reeknoed from ssc The Fasthians 1st Century BCAst Century AD Pega the Parthians (ahlovay ved in ran they rpc sh Ska in Nord Western Indi but conlled an aet mich wale than the aka > Themast famous Pathan ng was Gondpheresin whose gn. Thomas issid shave come to nda forte propagation of Christin. The Kashan: Ist Century ADid Century AD >the Kushans were nw of he ive Yeu clans of Central Asa > ‘They placed the Parthians in North Wester indian thn expands othe lower Indus asin and the upper and idle Gangetic basin > Theft Kushan dynasty was founded by Kadphisyt/ Kuju Kadhphises The secon king was Kadphises Il] Vom Kadphise who se gl is, ‘The second Kushan dynasty was founded by Kanishka ts Kings extendes the Kahn poweroverupeind, Theircapitalswereat Peshawar(Pueushaputa) The most famous Kushan ruler was Kanishka (78 AD ~101 AD), also known as “Second Ashoka’. He started an era in 78 AD which is now known as the Saka eraand |s used by the Government of India, > ™ Las Caner Krone te (a iyihemuglempepe See 1% Molast grat Kushan alee was Vasnteva > TheKushanscontit famous hk ntstarting fom China passing thay het empire om 9 Ma aad Western Asia TS 1 a ince tthe Kushans > The Kins wee the ist ul int sae pol co 88 tothe yal court of Kanishka a host of scholars found patronage. Pury Vonumia Arvaghsha,Nayaohna Carok and Ntathary were some of them J) C= 0 AD) = Savahanas [9 RC Sh Cetary AD) ~ Saka Kush {NDAD=30 AD) ~SakmKustars, sve ede the Garr choo whe Maury or > Inaba AD, Hias a greek all, discovered the monsoon Sea Ute ty Toda tram West Asi, > tmporant ports : Rangaze (Bhawwh) and Retwincum (Western Const “Aovnonne Pisetaaconing 19 ‘Perils neat Pandiseri-Eastem Coast > Ballin was wing out of Rome to tly “Geagrephica’—Srahy “Gangraphy’—Paen “Perino the Brthryan Se“Unknown, > iat cotta with Central Asa, China Gr East Asia ‘Sl, The Sangam Period (Ist-3n Century AD) ‘Natural History"—Piny, ceo Roman Wold and South: > The Chere cour occupies the portion of bh Kerala and Tamil Naga > Thecapital of Cheras was Vag. > Remain ports were Mucns and Toni ct up two regiment at Mizz dente with Grange i Da coones to one raced Che aes and ter bowen among Chere urs was ivan pO hte sm an a an wo a he le : tayo Patt Chern ewer wa Songun Red Cher i ai Tinh Nor an en od Cg ia tender fos ncaa Ff chastity-Kars - {00 gins ht ed a Tre rym hingdor between Penna and Vela iver Chul kings cormespve to the meer anor and Tica isis etn capital was Urata ples famous for eotton trade, One of he Ie cores of wealth for Colas was tradein eaton eat, tear iential with Kaveripattanam was he main port of Chola and served PMitemative capital of Chola. ‘hocarlest known Chola king was lara who conquered Sei Lanka and rule revit or nearly 50 yeas. ‘Their greatest king was Karka (man with charred eg) who founded Pur Tver utfanamy and constructed 16) km of embankment along the Kaver {fecewith the lp of 12,0000 Lankan slaves. > They maintained an efficient navy > The Chola were wiped out in the attack of Pllavas from the North. The Pandyas FP The Pandyas were frst mentioned by Megasthanese who said thei Kingdom twas famous for pearls, = The Pandya territory included modem districts of Tirunelveli, Ramand and ‘Macirai in Tamil Nadu. Ithad its capital t Madura situated on the banks of Vaigai river > The Pandya king profited from trade with Roman Empire and sent emisaries toRoman emperor Augustusand Trojan. ‘The Pandas find mention inthe Ramayana and Mahabharat > Thecariest known Pandyan ruler was Madukextum, > The greatest Pandya king, Nenujllan, cused Koval of theft As ares the ty of Madurai was lai under acurse by Kanna! (Kovalan's wife) Sangam Administration > Theking was the centre of administration He was called Ke. Manna Venian Korravan oe isivan, > Ava was the court ofthe crowned monarch. > Important officials (Panchmahasobia):1. Amaichehar(Minisers)2 Puroitar (cats) 3. Ducar (Envoys) 4. Senaputiyar (Commander). Ora Spies). 7 ¥ _ * — tan anury ” : ter nens tng > Retin on Lo Png gag nt a China Wen by nana eee me orang yg, nN = FReenueAdminstion: Kalan Ts, Tbe pd by eda ve Tait wows) Opin nitty eee cs eg) anes enema tc Varhaeti {anes aid 208) Catt ing Hier bey nas Ma sles) ot moet F Pe eam vat Ke hye ga stcqaatonen in Bec soning evans eaten pany Sangam Literto we ost) ing Siesta Pata YO 6 Gupta Peviod (319 AD-540 AD) path Century AD anew dyna the Gupta voce Maas and esablaia! « bge tie as ai igptam over the greater part of Nosh Chasdaguplat 318384A0 TEU Cough ther empite wat nots ange a RAE vere ery) Thera oad item checiiornes eae ma =a een r nen inr r ines) Tolakapsyyar ater aman) Thoppyame > Thispere i rote asthe Classical Age or ‘Noth Madurai Nakkire Ruts, ‘Callan Age olancent India and weapons Saal a Feet, the moat prsperews eran the tndan hey, SAAR A Inka te > Accontingtoepigraphic evidence, the founder Mandal SS 1 AAA Bec aca pod adler ia paveao cra aiihe dynasty Wasa penon ramed Gupta He Seana Singamasanossembly of Tamilpostsheld uvderryalpatronageatPandyan ge the simple tie of Malar Pampunter Tigi Madura. Acording to tradition, the assembly lasted for 990 yea | sine simple Wat MMe Sa 8 pests eit 197 Pantyan Kings trhoalao inherited the cot Mabaroi—ddigipies Theft Sangamyas tended by Godsaal legendary sages Ais workshave Chandragupta 318384 AD heme Nemes 4 evan it Gupta to assume Net Km > Ofthe second Sangam the only surviving work is Telkappivam aneatly wot OPN hargadhioia Nooo WEOAD, ee ras iid > strengthened his kingdom by matrimont Nee ee gers wont waren rcnurviving. Tse are tural ™ Laat tice navel royal lance wit the power family of Lichehhavis who wertherulesot Miia Hismariageto Lehi ‘anihologies) Prtupatatve. 10d), Patinerkilaanakku(ve AasHeH eins Kumaradevi Ugh oh epee pee ae or Pie vat aan pd whe oe ange > Bvogal and Pottupatty are called Melakanakku (18 mojor works) wal) Valley. “fava informe, Patinenkanakka i called Kilakanakku (18 wnat WOH) > Ho tated the Gupta Bain 19-20 AD. nd didacive in form. 4, > Chandragupta [was able to establish his authority over Maga, Prayaga % Karaor Mappa part of Patinenilkanak and weiten by Travail yt fakta ale “The Bible of Tamil Lana tis treatise on polly, ethics and socal > Original type of Gold Coins (Damar): Chandsagupla ERumanae YD ples :Slappadikaram, Manimekala,Sivaga Sindaman ee Smadanypta: 38380 0D Ki ihe story of the Anklet): Wthen by Haro Aaa x ‘Samuctragupta was the greatest king of Gupta dynasty eel the story of Kovalan andl Madhavi of Kaveripattinam Kis call ‘enn cae sania ahem os ea ise rosy, Piss plainer > Manimcati writen by Steal Seana, dels wa te atvetatggs contre agg Tome a a ee the daughier born of Kovalan and Nadav: 1 {nthe Gangetic Valley ana Central ‘and strongly tinged with Buddhism. ' went cer oar eaters movant se eT er sce te terre eamezrmncr enero Ny a aac VA sit svn ancl Mal a fe Relea tdaen oe Jorn Suna a8 Malye aden gy fichier, a in ete tt of Kas Wen aetmaianaanand sian} Vakatsboi “ey ciate mse content With vey th qui “7 uimosth ra). ae eens tte $b Monae Sigel ports rayon Prasat), Para Bhat Nady eh Asnwedhe prahramate whose might way demu Wpllehanerseriie cis Vrs: pees), Sora. hhetat pate ong i, ater Capa rer ba he ite ar m Cighl ype of Gold Colas (Pinar) Garud type, anurdbar ie. Anche Hee Ppastcimed ype vyogeiaan Ve Tiger ing Wrote le playingype sm Sarangi 9480 Veishnavite 1 hetnking tte Chine wie Wang Hive Ton, Mav fe anh se aes Wo Sand agupa for his pert ser fn Wi prime a Bea ayn HV kramadiy a 30-414 AD > Aecnding to ‘Devi Chandogupla’ (Vishukbwdatt). Samudragupta wos by ungupt Mewes Hamgupta cule fora very short pero, Hest only Cpt ruler ta taue copper coin % Managua cova a ipo ing ave to ured bis queen ‘Dhavaer Sala vader But the prince Chaadrgupta I the younger Inter of te ing, vedo potothers hae ngototheenemy’scamp in the guises the qumen pig toll dgtaad ony char pla sucewed ia ling the 2% Chavadraqupta 1 soo succeeded in killing Ramyupta, and not inte srr sw vate I Chapt xed the int of mp by mate with wet Masta nono ern tna) te acta pa Nga day amr dager tag reply band ‘of Saka rule in Watern India, the Gupta empite {ert ue Araneae er th fs lg ewe Gupta ler toa ar cin and pte i Vikramatitya Ujain sewma to have tower mate the econ Metal pa Kt a | Minar, Delhi) fron Hillar iweripti ‘Alva the kit td betta eg te —_— (he. nine gem) of Chandeapupts Mt : 1. Kalidase (Posty= “satan, Komarsambhatan, Raghavamaharss; Danae yarn, Abkian-Shakuntalam) 2 Amarsint a) Dhanavanievantakanr medicine text. Varsha (ars rihtsanhita, Vehat ata, Lagi Jataka 5. Vararach xan Ashtadhyayie. Ghatakara Kehapranak Vela pecs > Mienat, Megha aoa, ViRxaTOr toch (Warta-a¢ shank 2a chandrpupl'tine that the Chinese Fain ve Indi aon pevaupta/Devaras/Devashe, Parana Bhagavat, Narndea de Sin Vikram et eof Gold cons (Dinars) Aswarhl type, CHbatadhas Ps Original 1 Chak Vikram yp 415-455 AD. ta was +! by his von Kumaragupta ithe end of eign, the Gupta empire was threatened from the North uns wha were temporarily checked by hisson Skandagupta the worshipper of god Kartiheya, slancla Mabavibare which developed into a great contre of bythe > Kuenaragupla ws learning, > Titles: Mahendraditya, ‘Mahendra Sinhand Ashvameddha Mahendeah (coins) a > orignal types of Gold Coins (Dinar); Khadgadhas type, Gajarohi type Caimi Sinf-ihants type, Khang-hanta Le, thinoverorslayer type, Kartheya type, Apeaigh-mudra type ec ‘Skandagupta 488-467 AD se Gkandagupt, the last great ruler of the Gupta dynasty. yung his eign the Gupta empire wasinwaded by the Huns. Hesueceeded in tofentingthe uns Success repelling the Hunsseemstohavebeen celebrated by the assumption ofthe tile’ikramaditya’ (Bitar Pilla inscription). ‘he continuow attacks of th uns weakened theempireand adversely affected its economy. The gold coinage of Skandagupta bears testimony to this > The decline of the empire began soon ater his death. Tthes + Vikramaditya and Kramaditya (coins), Param Bhagavat (cos), Sharkropana (Kahaum Pillar Inscription), Devaraja (Arya Manjusha Mila Kala ete Si dCi sty ADT bss we he Uta by ver prt of Dec nl Corl nd th a et Chaya. Tere ct bab TRAD) Wyo at sced yf wn bien oe atta opie Ve pron roe tng sacra! 275395 ADI ol Oa Pry evs arena, Reiger Rasa If Rodrmena hd eer» srt ign of ve yea oe ilar n Decree, ratbcatpeya rd wt pt Or Sa amon became rie tenure yarns. occas al Renae ono Mar Sep ‘me es Inscpions ie Cai fhnidngtn Paya! Alaa Se ar Prasat an Sta ar Prat ale Copper Pale Royal Chater (agp it Mebane iar Pras signa” Jonah Rk Peat as iar Pras) Todo Sone Fla Royal Charter (Esteve of aii aber Copp ae Royal Chater (Evidence of sale ewnerhip and) Adaistation > Cental cont was rots ally salized pend fully alized under Guptasasichad been unde > Gap ston way ths, igh a tus highly cetaised, ans pasion buna rachis bal concen inher een a quashed character of Uwe econany, abe > leonpi snver tron henson > The Gant ing eke sell governing tribes epesentaives of ny ald len ike the Mahadhitaj, So their lage empire and imperial status ithe prince i Kama vg ‘assisted by a council of | is and tributary kingdoms and I powers, Fhadhieay Besos ney an ister (Maps ‘Aan istemce of such » council is implied in the Prayagal it cin Ivhich speaks ofthe delight of the ‘Sabha s pears ston foSamidapup orton 7 son Ptr akc ie arama and ese ot now a mariposa ea on thc it ys for eruting high ofa under aaa fata) cate the Mantis, Sapa Mahaney . Sonahivigraika (Minister of peace and wer) ene Indian History . Sundhivirabihe Gt appear under Samadeapupa. wane hel hie cals. Mapratihon the Che wher of the Royal alae), eetpoliha (Chief offer of Pole Department Vita Dic 9 Rago sn) Mabe lapa ie ok Baas era i Cha ed Corl tat halt Gu cane al ae SAE sbaridbaman, Sho Prov) pa hogs hans, Ferthukti kaa Dati) a apn tha Bho Ee a Nag a 9) Ne a wa. Westem Malwa 2° Goel) 5 Gea OE = Theadninstaton of ty warintbohandofcouna Pu} whieh cones fe presidente ty ecxporation, te de epsentative ofthe ld of Shechartsarapresentatve othe atars andthe Chit Accountant = heres under be Maurya, the dy committe was appointed the Maury oveenment under the Gupta, was comprised of the local representaive = Decemaalsation of the adminsative authority began during the Gupta rio. ~ ovasduring the Gaptnuetht evils heme bsamemons important one > The Gupta military organsiaton was feudal by character (though the emperor ha a lange standing army) > nthe Gupta period for thet time cviland cximinallaw were cleanly defined nd demarcated > Gupta kings depended primarily n land revenue, varying fom 1/410'1/60f the produce > In Gupta period the army ast be fed by the people whenever it passed {hough the coukrysid. Ths tax was calle Sumbakla were also subjected 10 forced labour called. vist! for serving royal army and oficial > TheGupla period also experienced an exes of land grants (Agazhara grant, Devagrahaagrans). Land gantsinetude the transfer of royal ightsoversalt nd mines, which were under the royal monopoly during the Marya: pesod. Sodety > The vama system begins to get made owing tothe proliferation of estes This was chiefly due tone factors) Alargemamber of foreigneshadbeen assimilated ito the Indian society primary and sere haawn as Rshatriyas {Gi There ovas a lange absorption of tribal people into Balsmanical society Uvougt land grants The acculturated tees were absorbed into the Shudra Varna (i) Guilds of eraftsmen were often transformed int castes asa result of the decine of rade and urban centres and the loalised character of eras, > Thesccal postions he Shudrasseemstohave inthis were permite to isten tothe epics and Puranasand also worship anew called Krishna, 2 Fromaround ther century onwards the practice of untouchabily have intensified and their number registered a ise. Katyavan a nan Hitony z appa " : Za nin nerds ban a ote Gupta prods wasthe fist tse the expression aaprayataney > The porta ofthe East cots anual: Ghana as me] = ems aoe, i i ene The positon of women deteroratel further Polygamy was common, Fhanoseh, Chau, Kayan and Combayraded with the Madieranean an Early marines were advocate anit puberty mariage kg West Asa Te frst example of Sitlappears in Gupta time in SIO AD in ann cee he atte ofthe Gp rd may beddings 7 [vic aves: Ajantan Bl ep Ode PP "toa ha gh cil he bs ome thane epee Rega ‘rn igawa MU, Parva tonplee Nenana hoe sede ‘ir shi mpl a Ka Sat, Pana ME as Be pl Bitagson(Kanpu UP) aman temple Spur Gulp venand Yara empleo on (MP) a 3, Sup: Mipur Khas Sindh), immed Seana nd >> the art of architecture attained gat hight By evaving the {shiar sy) the Gupta ae ers inthe Wty of Ilan si Ss ona ae ed ma a tt temple architecture ond i fle development ; ‘aaiaeg pom whl get gh Uae oa a > sae many ht ie i ws he econ thet was placed, began wh the Gupta, _ Themt delve srgumentin favour ofthe exclusive sate ownenp of . isinthePahadpur Cipper Pa inscription of Buddhagupa, > thee ena Destat ample Peg ete ample From the economic stand poi, we may classify land under the Gupta p toe cantare ae ee ino 5 groupe 1. Ket BhornsCulivable land 2 Kuo Waste lang] > The cents of the Gaara dead e Vastu: Bhoom:-Habitable land 4. Charagah Bhoom#Pasture land 5. Api Benaras, Patliputra and Mathura, Aboomi-Porest land. > For the first time we get images of Vishnu Shiva and other Ma Pradesh. (Bhanugupla's Exan lascription~510 AD) iy ire = ‘aga King catomany he best peximen ofthe images Inthe Gupta period land survey is cepts > Among the best specimen Ree ten toirome pint er reds somal eat CPR eal Prbhavati Gupta and many ober > Ofte alana mas pas inscriptions. 5 hae el na >The painting of this period are found in 8 ‘An ofcer named Pstapla i Ialnaine records of all ond illo (rang doit, Maas transactions in the dst. masterpieces ofthe peintings of hs ape, ‘The Guptas issued the largest ‘umber of gold coins in ancient India, but in gold content, Gupta ae vce Retin, Guptas aso. issued panera ir

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