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ECE 320 Basic Electronics

Performance Innovative Task (Midterm)

Instructor: Engr. Allain Jessel P. Macas
Group #4 Section: BSME_3A
Gurrea, Chezed Roland B.
Halasan, Izek Vincent Bangis
Imam Jr., Philip Peace S.
Labiano, Kenny Jay U.
Liman-ay, Ayesha Baila J.
Lorenzana, Kurt Louis O.

I. Objective/s
 To simulate a DC power supply

II. Equipment/ Software Required

 Step Down Transformer 220V/ 110V – 12V 1A
 Diode 1N4007 (4)
 Capacitor 1000 µF / 25V
 Capacitor 1 µF / 25V
 Fuse
 USB 2923003-1
 Voltage Regulator LM7805
 Oscilloscope
 Multisim

III. Introduction
 Basic power supply converts the standard 220/110V 60 Hz AC voltage at wall outlets
into a constant DC voltage

Figure 1
IV. Procedure
1. Design a basic DC regulated power supply that outputs a constant DC voltage of 5 V and
a current of at least 1 A using the listed components.
2. Simulate the circuit and measure the input voltage (secondary side of the transformer)
and the output regulated voltage and current.
3. Measure the actual input voltage secondary side of the transformer) and the output
regulated voltage and current.
4. Take screenshots for the simulated waveform for each block in the circuit.

Figure 2: DC regulated power supply circuit

Figure 3: Simulated input voltage (secondary side of the transformer)

and the output regulated voltage and current
Figure 4.1: Waveform at 220 AC Voltage

Figure 4.2: Waveform after the voltage goes

to step down transformer (220V/ 110V – 12V 1A)
Figure 4.3: Waveform after the voltage goes
to full-wave bridge rectifier (four Diode 1N4007)

Figure 4.4: Waveform after it goes to

the Filter (Capacitor 1000 µF / 25V)
Figure 4.5: Waveform after it goes to
the Voltage Regulator (LM7805)

Figure 4.6: Waveform after it goes to

the bypass capacitor (Capacitor 1 µF / 25V)
V. Questions

1. Does the simulated output follow the concept of a DC power supply? Why or why not?
The simulated output follows the concept of a DC power supply. It is because it met the expected
waveform from each block.
2. Explain the output waveform for each block.
a. As the voltage goes to the step-down transformer, the voltage significantly decreases
from 220 AC volts (figure 4.1) to somewhere around 12 AC volts (figure 4.2). In the
graph of voltage vs time, the peak voltage is around 310 Volts in 220 AC power. This is
because of the relationship between RMS (Root Mean Square) values and peak values
in AC circuit. The 220 AC volts is the RMS value, basically an average used in AC circuit.
The RMS voltage of an AC signal is lower than the peak voltage because the peak
voltage only happens twice in each cycle, once in the positive phase and once in the
negative phase. The peak values can be calculated by multiplying the RMS by √2.

b. It then goes to the full-wave bridge rectifier which consists of four 1N4007 diode
arranged in a bridge configuration. This converts the voltage from AC to DC. Diodes
act like one-way valves for electric current. In the first half of the AC waveform, D2 and
D3 allow current to pass, while D1 and D4 block it. In the second half, D1 and D4 allow
current, and D2 and D3 block it. This converts the negative part of AC into positive,
creating a pulsating DC output. The waveform output can be seen in figure 4.3 which
has a pulsating waveform pattern.
c. Since the output of the full-wave bridge rectifier is a pulsating, it needs smoothing of
the voltage. Therefore, by putting a Capacitor (1000 µF / 25V) as a filter, it reduces the
ripples and produce more smoother DC output. In figure 4.4, the filter works as it is
smoothening the waveform. The reason why the voltage starts almost at 0 is because
of how a capacitor charge in a circuit. When a capacitor is connected to a power supply
like a rectifier, it doesn't immediately reach the supply voltage. Instead, it charges
slowly over time, as depicted in your voltage vs. time graph.

d. It then goes to the Voltage regulator (LM7805) to convert the voltage from the filter
which is 14 Volts to 5 Volts. This Voltage regulator is a linear regulator that keeps a
constant 5V output, no matter how the input voltage fluctuates or the load changes.
This guarantees a steady power source for charging mobile phones and other devices
that need 5V DC. This can be seen in figure 4.5. It might show a brief adjustment period
when you first apply voltage, like a capacitor charging up quickly. But unlike a
capacitor that keeps rising, a good regulator reaches its set output voltage fast and
maintain a steady output DC voltage.

e. After that, we also put a bypass capacitor (Capacitor 1 µF / 25V) after the voltage
regulator to filter out any residual high-frequency voltage spikes that may have passed
through the voltage regulator. This is to ensure a constant and stable DC output. Also,
we put LED as a power indicator to easily know if the power supply works properly.
This can be seen in figure 4.6.

Moreover, in making an actual DC power supply, we will put a fuse before the transformer
as a safety practice to prevent overheating, protect circuit components, and fault isolation.

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