10.20 Mar. 2024 - Editorial No. 89

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The Hindu | Newspaper Editorial and Words Date - 21-03-2024


Newspaper Editorial and Words

Reading & Analysis
Episode No. 88 | 21-03-2024

 Editorial
 Hindi Meaning
 Vocab
 Passage Theme
 Self-evaluation Sheet

सीखिए उनसस बचन ोांनस स्वर्ां सफलतय प्रयप्त की ै …

ENGLISH आचयर्ा
(Selected in SSC CGL, CHSL, LIC ADO, SBI)

Add – बैंक रोड ब्यांच लक्ष्मी कीकीच चारय स सस 200 मीकर, प्रोफससर कयलोनी कस बबल्कुल सयमनस , प्रर्यारयच।
The fear of being dubbed ‘antiHindu’
Prayagraj Contact - 8400333263
English By - Vishal Pandey (Postal Inspector Selected in SSC-CGL)
The Hindu | Newspaper Editorial and Words Date - 21-03-2024

Israel may be using starvation as a 'weapon of war', says UN

The United Nations said on Tuesday that Israel's severe restrictions on aid
into war-ravaged Gaza coupled with its military offensive could amount to using
starvation as a "weapon of war", which would be a "war crime".

United Nations human rights chief Volker Turk denounced the rampant
hunger and looming famine in Gaza.

In a statement slammed by Israel, Mr. Turk said that "the situation of

hunger, starvation and famine is a result of Israel's extensive restrictions on the
entry and distribution of humanitarian aid and commercial goods". It was also
linked to the "displacement of most of the population, as well as the destruction of
crucial civilian infrastructure", he said.

"The extent of Israel's continued restrictions on the entry of aid into Gaza,
together with the manner in which it continues to conduct hostilities, may amount
to the use of starvation as a method of war, which is a war crime."

His spokesperson, Jeremy Laurence, told presspersons in Geneva that the

final determination of whether "starvation is being used as a weapon of war"
would be determined by a court.

The comments came after a UN-backed food security assessment

determined that the war-torn Palestinian territory is facing imminent famine.

'Catastrophic' hunger

The devastating war since Hamas's October 7 attack on Israel has left
roughly half of Gazans-around 1.1 million people - experiencing "catastrophic"
hunger, the assessment warned.

Without a surge of aid, famine would hit the 3,00,000 people in Gaza's war-
battered north by May, it said.

Word Meaning
1. Severe गंबीय extremely bad or serious
2. Restriction प्रतिफंध a rule or law that limits what you can do or what can happen
3. Aid सहामिा food, money, etc. that is sent to help countries in difficult
4. Ravaged damaged; devastated
5. (Be) coupled with (P.V.) to be linked to another thing, situation, etc.
जुडा हुआ होना
6. Offensive अतबमान a series of actions aimed at achieving sth
Syn. Campaign
7. Amount to के फयाफय to be equal to or the same as sth
8. Starvation बुखभयी the state in which sb suffers or dies because they have no
9. Denounce तनंदा कयना to criticise sb/sth

Prayagraj English By - Vishal Pandey (Postal Inspector Selected in SSC-CGL)

The Hindu | Newspaper Editorial and Words Date - 21-03-2024
10. Rampant व्माप्‍
ि (of sth bad) existing or spreading everywhere in a way that
cannot be controlled
11. Hunger बूख the state of not having enough food to eat
12. Loom आबास होना (of sth bad) to appear serious and likely to happen soon
13. Famine अकार a lack of food during a long period of time in a region
14. Slam कटु तनंदा कयना to criticise sb/sth strongly
15. Extensive कापी ज्मादा great in amount
16. Humanitarian भानवीम connected with helping people who are suffering and
improving the conditions that they are living in
17. Commercial व्माऩारयक connected with the buying and selling of goods and services
18. Displacement ववस्थाऩन the act of forcing sb/sth away from their home or position
19. Crucial अति भहत्वऩूर्ण extremely important
20. Infrastructure the basic systems and services that are necessary for a
country to run smoothly
21. Extent रंफी सभम अवतध‍आदद how long sth is
22. Hostilities रडाई acts of fighting in a war
23. Spokesperson a person who speaks for a group or an organization
24. Determination the process of deciding sth officially
25. Determine तनर्णम‍रेना to officially decide and/or arrange sth
26. Backed सभतथणि having support of sb/sth
27. Assessment भूलमांकन an opinion or judgement about sb/sth
Syn. Evaluation
28. War-torn मुद्धयि‍ severely affected by the fighting that is taking place there
29. Imminent जलद ही घरयि होने (of shh unpleasant) likely to happen very soon
30. Catastrophic ववनाशकायी causing many people to suffer
Syn. Disastrous
31. Roughly रगबग approximately but not exactly
32. Hit फुयी ियह प्रबाववि कयना to have a bad effect on sb/sth
33. Battered attacked and badly damaged by weapons

Check Your Understanding-MCQ

1. Write an appropriate tone of the passage.

2. Write an appropriate title for the passage.

3. Select the appropriate meaning of the underlined word/phrase in the given

“Israel's severe restrictions on aid into war-ravaged Gaza coupled with its military
offensive could amount to using starvation as a "weapon of war", which would be
a "war crime".”

Prayagraj English By - Vishal Pandey (Postal Inspector Selected in SSC-CGL)

The Hindu | Newspaper Editorial and Words Date - 21-03-2024

(a) to be the reason of sth

(b) to be equal to sth
(c) to have a strong effect on sth
(d) to be less than sth

4. Select the wrongly spelt word/phrase in the given sentence.

“The comments came after a UN-backed food security assesment determined that the
war-torn Palestinian territory is facing imminent famine.”
(a) Palestinian
(b) imminent
(c) territory
(d) assesment
(e) None of these

Important Words from Newspaper Headlines

1. SC issues summons to Ramdev in Patanjali misleading ads case
Summons → कोर्ट द्वारा बु लावा an order to appear in court

Mislead → गु मराह करना to give sb the wrong idea or impression

2. Sanjay singh sworn in as member of Rajya Sabha

Swear sb in (P.V.) → शपथ (swear - swore - sworn) to officially introduce a leader at a
ceremony at which they promise to perform their duty well

3. „Assault‟ on shopkeeper triggers protests in Bengaluru, several BJP leaders detained

Assault → हमला an attack on sb physically

Trigger → उत्पन्न/सदिय करना to make sth happen suddenly

Syn. Set off
Detain → दहरासत/कैद में लेना to keep sb in an official place, such as police station, a prison,

4. New West Bengal DGP shunted out by ECI in a day

Shunt → हर्ाना/तबदला करना to move sb/sth to a different place, especially a less important

5. „Not feasible to hold Civils exam in Manipur hill districts‟

Feasible → व्यवहाररक that is possible and likely to be achieved
Syn. Practicable

6. Regulator snubs revenue projections at Adani-controlled airport

Regulator → दनयं त्रक a person or an organization that officially controls an area of
Snub → उपे क्षा करना, बचना to avoid, refuse to attend sth

Revenue → राजस्व the money that a government receives from taxes

Projection → अनुमान/आं कलन an estimate

7. Two officers among six killed as truck rams checkpoint in Spain

Ram → र्करा जाना (of a vehicle) to drive into or hit another vehicle, sth, etc. with
Prayagraj English By - Vishal Pandey (Postal Inspector Selected in SSC-CGL)
The Hindu | Newspaper Editorial and Words Date - 21-03-2024

Check Your Progress-Vocab Based

Match the following words with their appropriate meaning

(A) (B)
1. Offensive A. a series of actions aimed at achieving
2. Loom B. to hit another vehicle or sth else
3. Ram C. to more sb to a different place
4. Projection D. extremely important
5. Shunt E. to appear serious and likely to happen
6. Trigger F. on estimate
7. Crucial G. the state of not having enough to eat
8. Starvation H. to make sth happen suddenly
9. Select the correctly spelt word.
(a) Catastrophic (b) Catestrofic
(c) Catestrophic (d) Catastrophice
10. (a) Evaluation (b) Asault
(c) Sumons (d) Roghly
11. Select the wrongly spelt word.
(a) Infrastructure (b) Spokesperson
(c) Regulater (d) Commercial
12. (a) Campaign (b) Coupled
(c) Restriction (d) Humanitarrean
13. Select the appropriate Synonym.
(a) Battered (b) Disastrous
(c) Practical (d) Imminent
14. Snub
(a) Hit (b) Refuse
(c) Mislead (d) Detain
15. Select the appropriate Antonym
(a) Slam (b) Displace
(c) Criticise (d) Acclaim
16. Ravaged
(a) Protected (b) Restricted
(c) Damaged (d) Extensive

Prayagraj English By - Vishal Pandey (Postal Inspector Selected in SSC-CGL)

The Hindu | Newspaper Editorial and Words Date - 21-03-2024

27.6 million people engaged in forced labour in 2021: ILO

A study by the International Labour Organization (ILO), released in Geneva on Tuesday,

has found that forced labour generates illegal profits worth $36 billion per year.
This is an increase of 37% of such illegal profits since 2014 and the study said this is
fuelled by both a growth in the number of people forced into labour, as well as higher profits
generated from the exploitation of victims. For the study, surveys have been conducted
among workers, including Indians in Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
The report titled "Profits and poverty: The economics of forced labour" also estimates
that traffickers and criminals are generating close to $10,000 per victim, up from $8,269
(adjusted for inflation) a decade ago. "Total annual illegal profits from forced labour are
highest in Europe and Central Asia ($84 billion), followed by Asia and the Pacific ($62 billion),
the Americas ($52 billion), Africa ($20 billion), and the Arab States ($18 billion)," the report
The report also said forced commercial sexual exploitation accounts for more than two-
thirds (73%) of the total illegal profits, despite accounting for only 27% of the total number of
victims in privately imposed labour. "After forced commercial sexual exploitation, the sector
with the highest annual illegal profits from forced labour is industry, at US$35 billion, followed
by services (US$20.8 billion), agriculture (US$5.0 billion), and domestic work (US$2.6 billion).
These illegal profits are the wages that rightfully belong in the pockets of workers but instead
remain in the hands of their exploiters, as a result of their coercive practices," ILO Director-
General Gilbert F. Houngbo said.
"Forced labour perpetuates cycles of poverty and exploitation and strikes at the heart of
human dignity. We now know that the situation has only got worse. The international
community must urgently come together to take action to end this injustice," said the ILO
There were 27.6 million people engaged in forced labour on any given day in 2021, the
report said, meaning 3.5 people for every 1,000 people in the world. "Between 2016 and
2021, the number of people in forced labour increased by 2.7 million," it said.

Prayagraj English By - Vishal Pandey (Postal Inspector Selected in SSC-CGL)

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