8.19 Mar. 2024 - Editorial No. 87-1

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The Hindu | Newspaper Editorial and Words Date - 19-03-2024


Newspaper Editorial and Words

Reading & Analysis
Episode No. 87 | 19-03-2024

 Editorial
 Hindi Meaning
 Vocab
 Passage Theme
 Self-evaluation Sheet

सीखिए उनसस बचन ोांनस स्वर्ां सफलतय प्रयप्त की ै …

ENGLISH आचयर्ा
(Selected in SSC CGL, CHSL, LIC ADO, SBI)

Add – बैंक रोड ब्यांच लक्ष्मी कीकीच चारय स सस 200 मीकर, प्रोफससर कयलोनी कस बबल्कुल सयमनस , प्रर्यारयच।
The fear of being dubbed ‘antiHindu’
Prayagraj Contact - 8400333263
English By - Vishal Pandey (Postal Inspector Selected in SSC-CGL)
The Hindu | Newspaper Editorial and Words Date - 19-03-2024

On the ballot

The general election to the 18th Lok Sabha will be spread over seven phases
and 44 days, with the counting of votes scheduled for June 4. The announcement
marks a formal beginning but campaigning has become a perennial affair of
Indian politics as if to vindicate the ruling BJP's call for 'one nation, one poll',
which it argues will reduce the time spent in electioneering. Simultaneous
elections and other contentious questions form the backdrop for the long-drawn
election season, the largest such exercise anywhere in the world. While India has
enough reasons to be proud of its vibrant democracy and exhilarating diversity, an
honest introspection can be sobering. From 2019, India has witnessed rapid and
massive changes, the good and the bad. The BJP, naturally, is trying to present its
second term as an era of progress and prosperity. While its propaganda has been
blaring, the Opposition's attempts to critique it have been feeble. This uneven
playing field is largely the outcome of the BJP's misuse of state power to influence
other parties and actors in the political process such as the media, the
bureaucracy and the private sector. Inherent problems weaken the Opposition
further. The fact that the principal Opposition party's bank account is restricted
on the basis of an alleged procedural lapse, which is a minor one even if proven,
says a lot about how state agencies are tilting the scales.
The revelations so far around the electoral bond scheme, which was
declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court of India, also paint a deeply
disturbing pattern of shrinking fairness in the election process.

Word Meaning
1. Spread अरग-अरग सभमावधध to separate sth into parts and divide them between different times
भें फाांटना
2. Mark दर्ााना to indicate
3. Perennial रगाताय जायी continuing for a long time
4. Affair event
5. Vindicate उधित ठहयाना to prove that sth is true
syn. Justify
6. Call (for ℎ भाांग a demand for sth
7. Argue तर्ा दे ना to give reasons
8. Electioneering िुनावी अधबमान the activity of making speeches and visiting people to try to persuade them
for a particular political party
9. Simultaneous सभर्ारीन happening or done at the same time as sth else
10. Contentious वववादास्ऩद likely to cause people to disagree
11. Backdrop everything that can be seen around an event or scene
12. Exercise गधतववधध an activity that is designed to achieve a particular result
13. Vibrant जीवांत full of life and energy
14. Exhilarating उत्साहऩूर्ा very exciting and great fum
15. Diversity ववधबन्नता a range of many people or things that are very difficult from each other
16. Introspection the careful examination of your own thoughts, feelings and reasons
17. Sobering making you feel serious and think carefully
18. Witness दे खना to see sth happening
19. Rapid तेज happening quickly
20. Massive र्ापी ज्मादा extremely large or serious

Prayagraj English By - Vishal Pandey (Postal Inspector Selected in SSC-CGL)

The Hindu | Newspaper Editorial and Words Date - 19-03-2024
21. Era मुग a period of time that is different from other periods
22. Prosperity सभृवि the state of being successful
23. Propaganda दष्प्ु रिाय ideas or statements that may be false
24. Blare to happen
25. Critique to give your opinion or reaction, etc.
26. Feeble रबावहीन not effective
27. Outcome ऩरयर्ाभ the result of effect of an action or event
28. Bureaucracy नौर्यर्ाही the system of official rules and ways of doing things a government has
29. Inherent अांतधनाहहत that is permament part of sb/sth
30. Further औय अधधर् to a greater degree or extent
31. Principal भुख्म main
32. Alleged तथार्धथत stated as a fact without any proof
33. Lapse र्भी a small mistake
34. Tilt हर्सी र्े ऩऺ भें िीजें र्यना to make sb/sth change slightly so that one particular opinion, person, etc is
35. Revelation यहस्मोद्घाटन the fact that people are made aware of sth that has been secret
Syn. Disclosure
36. Paint to give a particular impression of sth
37. Fairness धनष्प्ऩऺता the quality of treating people equally or in a way that is reasonable

Check Your Understanding-MCQ

1. Write an appropriate tone of the passage.

2. Write an appropriate title for the passage.

3. Which of the given statements is not true?

(a) From 2018, India has witnessed rapid and massive changes.
(b) Inhent problems weaken the Opposition further.
(c) The general election to the 18th Lok Sabha will be spread over 44 days
(d) The BJP is misusing the state power.
4. Select the wrongly spelt word/phrase in the given sentence.
“This uneven playing field is largely the outcome of the BJP's misuse of state
power to influance other parties and actors in the political process such as the
media, the bureaucracy and the private sector.”
(a) influance
(b) bureaucracy
(c) misuse
(d) parties
(e) None of these

Prayagraj English By - Vishal Pandey (Postal Inspector Selected in SSC-CGL)

The Hindu | Newspaper Editorial and Words Date - 19-03-2024

Important Words from Newspaper Headlines

1. Big beneficiaries claim inability to reveal poll bond donor details

Beneficiary → लभाथी a person who gains sth

Claim → दावा करना to say that sth is true although it has not been proved

Inability → असमथथ ता the fact of not being able to do sth

Reveal → उजागर करना to make sth known to the public

2. Poll body sets up flying squads to check voter intimidation

Set up (p.v.)→ बनाना to form or create sth

Intimidation → भय the act of frightening or threatening so that they will do

what you want

3. Two brothers arrested for impersonation ED officials

Impersonate → छद्म रूप to pretend to be sb in order to trick people or to entertain
धारणा करना

4. Rohtak win will pave way for Cong. govt. in Haryana: Hooda
Pave the way (Idm.) → to create a situation in which sb will be able to do sth
ककसी के कलए अनुकूल माहौल

5. Rising costs, dwindling demand: weavers face a slub in Bhagalpur, Bihar‟s „Silk
Dwindle → कम होना to decrease; to become gradually less

Weaver → बुनकर a person whose job is weaving cloth, etc.

Face → सामना करना to accept that difficult situation exists

Slub → बदहाली a very difficult condition

6. Kerala to move SC on President withholding Bills

Withhold → ककसी चीज पर to refuse to give sth to sb
रोक लगाना

7. RCB Win Maiden WPL Title With An All-Round Display

Maiden → पहला being the first of its kind

Display → प्रदर्थन performance

Prayagraj English By - Vishal Pandey (Postal Inspector Selected in SSC-CGL)

The Hindu | Newspaper Editorial and Words Date - 19-03-2024

Check Your Progress-Vocab Based

Match the following words with their appropriate meaning

(A) (B)
1. Slub A. a very difficult condition
2. Pave the pave B. not effective
3. Impersonate C. to pretend to be sb in order to trick sb
4. Paint D. continuing for a long time
5. Feeble E. to create a favourabe condition sb to do sth
6. Perennial F. the act of frightening sb
7. Intimidation G. to give a particular impression of sth
8. Dwindle H. to become gradually less
9. Select the correctly spelt word.
(a) Bureaucrasy (b) Buereaucracy
(c) Bureacracy (d) Bureaucracy
10. (a) Propoganda (b) Propaganda
(c) Critiqu (d) Bacdrop
11. Select the wrongly spelt word.
(a) Electioneering (b) Weaver
(c) Beneficiry (d) Maiden
12. (a) Simultaneous (b) Campaigning
(c) Electorel Bond (d) Beginning
13. Select the appropriate Synonym.
(a) Fairness (b) Intimidation
(c) Lapse (d) Disclosure
14. Inherent
(a) Vibrant (b) Permanent
(c) Rapid (d) Contentious
15. Select the appropriate Antonym
(a) Accuse (b) Dwindle
(c) Withhold (d) Justify
16. Exhilarating
(a) Sobering (b) Alleged
(c) Vigorous (d) Ineffective

Prayagraj English By - Vishal Pandey (Postal Inspector Selected in SSC-CGL)

The Hindu | Newspaper Editorial and Words Date - 19-03-2024

Sangita Kalanidhi award for vocalist T.M. Krishna

Carnatic vocalist and Magsaysay Award winner T.M. Krishna has been selected for the Sangita
Kalanidhi award of the Music Academy for 2024.
The news about the award was conveyed to Mr. Krishna by N. Murali, president, Music Academy,
when the singer was performing, with his wife Sangeetha and students, at the memorial of St.
Thyagaraja at Thiruvaiyaru.
The Executive Committee of the Music Academy, at its meeting on Sunday, decided to confer the
award on him.
"He has been a top-ranking and extremely talented musician for a long time and truly deserves
the award for his music. The Music Academy has thought it fit to confer on him the award on the basis
of sheer excellence in music," said Mr. Murali.
"It is very overwhelming to be chosen for the award and it is a special moment in my life," said
Mr. Krishna, who visits the memorial of Thyagaraja once in a year to perform.
Mr. Krishna, a student of Semmangudi Srinivasa Iyer, said Sangita Kalanidhi was without doubt a
very important award in the Carnatic music world.
"It is also humbling because the recipients of the awardees include my teacher Semmangudi
Srinivasa Iyer, T. Brinda, M.S. Subbulakshmi who you admire and look up to for inspiration," said Mr.
Krishna, who has penned a books on M.S. Subbulakshmi and history of mridangam makers.
He learnt from Sangita Kala Acharyas Bhagavatula Seetharama Sarma and Chengalpet
Ranganathan before coming under the tutelage of Semmangudi Srinivasa Iyer.
'Adherence to tradition'
"Known for his powerful voice and his adherence to tradition when it comes to the art, he has
experimented widely with its format. He has also worked towards expanding the listener base of the
art by taking it to varied social settings and focusing on its exploratory as opposed to tightly defined
structures. He has used music as a tool for social reform," a press release from the academy said. Mr.
Krishna has received several awards for music, writing and championing social causes.
The Sangita Kala Acharya awards will be presented to mridhangam player Parassala Ravi (V.
Raveendran Nair) and vocalist Geetha Raja.
Other awards
TTK Awards will go to Thiruvaiyyaru Brothers S. Narasimhan and S. Venkatesan, who are from a
musical lineage that stretches back to Tyagaraja. Another artiste who will get the award is violinist H.K.
Narasimhamurthy. The Musicologist Award will be given to Margaret Bastin.
This year's Nritya Kala nidhi award will be presented to Neena Prasad.
She had her training in Mohiniyattam from Kalamandalam Kshemavati and Kalamandalam
Sugandhi. She learnt Bharatanatyam from Sangita Kala Acharya Adyar K. Lakshmanan, Kuchipudi from
Vempati Chinna Satyam and Kathakali from Vembayam Appukuttan Pillai. She obtained her Ph.D. from
Rabindra Bharathi University for her thesis on Lasya and Thandava in South Indian classical dances.
She was awarded a post-doctoral fellowship from the University of Surrey.
The Sangita Kalanidhi awardee will preside over the academic sessions of the 98th Annual
conference and concerts of the Music Academy to be held between December 15, 2024 and January 1,
2025, and will receive the award, together with those selected for the Sangita Kala Acharya, the TTK
and the Musicologist awards at the Sadas on January 1, 2025.
The Nritya Kalanidhi awardee will receive the award at the inauguration of the academy's 18th
Annual Dance Festival on January 3, 2005.

Prayagraj English By - Vishal Pandey (Postal Inspector Selected in SSC-CGL)

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