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26 11:52 PM
The things i do this past two weeks,we have a lot of activities and performance
last week.We have to film our interpretative dance in PE. We have to pass it and
post it to Physical Education 11 group page in social media.We still have a lot to
write that will be passed on to other subjects. We also need programming majors to
memorize code because we have a laboratory quiz and we also don't have a vacancy
because our major subject is 2 hours.We also need to properly execute the
fundamental skills of volleyball and basketball,we also need to know its Hicetro.
The Hicetro is History, Court dimensions/venue, Equipment and Gears, Tactical and
technical skill, Rules of the game, and officiating of the game.In the 21st
century, we need to memorize every author in different parts of the world and their
work and we also have to do a reflection of the author's works. We also have to
memorize each article 1 to article 10. We also have many quizzes that are answered
every day, we also have many that are written on 4 pages different and we couldn't
finish it in 1 hour so we also did it every night because our subject well looked
for it and checked if it was finished or not. On the day when there is no class,
the others go home to their place because they only rent,others are also far away
from home and we are also piled on school work such as writings that and the
others are working to have more pocket money to be their allowance for a week.The
others go far to practice because their group mates are in there,the others don't
have money to ho and others are not allowed by their parents because their agreed
place is far away and others think that their practice is not an important activity
for their school,the rest of us can't sleep well because of school work and we also
don't have a vacancy that we can take recess and other kind teachers give us a
little time to buy food at the canteen and also let us eat even at inside the
classroom and sometimes in our activity when we don't finish it on time, we are
given time to finish it and pass it to the teacher such as solving in math and
programming codes when we're not finished by the time stated.When we are done with
the new assignment, we will be given another assignment and every day there is a
quiz on a different subject and especially in our programming major, sometimes
there are different types of programming and their codes are too long even though
our hands are average. Swollen, there is something new and a lot of people are
asked to write. Sometimes, after the discussion is over, there is a quiz right away
and we were also sent home immediately because we were still far away so that the
night wouldn't catch up with us. We also couldn't practice for lunch because the
others in the canteen were still eating because they didn't have food. At the same
time, the activities were also given and we had to do so we can do a new given
activity. We are scolded when we sleep late at night and so that we will not be
late because we have to wake up early so that we will not be late.If we can't
finish what we are doing in writing, we also do it in our classroom as quickly as
possible to finish it immediately.and unlike us, the house is far from the school,
we need to go to bed early so we can wake up early because if we are late to
school, you will face consequences from the prefect of discipline and they will
take your ID, before you get it, it is necessary do like community service first to
get your id, because many of us live far away from school, we go to bed early so we
can get wake up early, we do the rest of our work in our classroom because we are
not allowed to stay up late, we were able to practice a little but our other
members did not listen and the others served in the church this holly week and the
main characters sometimes they don't listen to the director, so we just do what we
need to pass on to our subject teachers.

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