11.22 Mar. 2024 - Editorial No. 89

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The Hindu | Newspaper Editorial and Words Date - 22-03-2024


Newspaper Editorial and Words

Reading & Analysis
Episode No. 89 | 22-03-2024

 Editorial
 Hindi Meaning
 Vocab
 Passage Theme
 Self-evaluation Sheet

सीखिए उनसस बचन ोांनस स्वर्ां सफलतय प्रयप्त की ै…

ENGLISH आचयर्ा
(Selected in SSC CGL, CHSL, LIC ADO, SBI)

Add – बैंक रोड ब्यांच लक्ष्मी कीकीच चारय स सस 200 मीकर, प्रोफससर कयलोनी कस बबल्कुल सयमनस, प्रर्यारयच।
The fear of being dubbed ‘antiHindu’
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English By - Vishal Pandey (Postal Inspector Selected in SSC-CGL)
The Hindu | Newspaper Editorial and Words Date - 22-03-2024

‘Matter of shame’: L-G raps Kejriwal on city pollution report

Flagging the findings of a recent report that found Delhi to be the most
polluted capital city in the world, Lieutenant-Governor V.K. Saxena on Wednesday
wrote to Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, terming the matter one of "national
shame" and "collective concern".
"With Delhi being the second-most polluted capital city in the world in 2022
and the most polluted capital city in 2021, I am sure that this report card on nine
years of your government is not one that you would be proud of," Mr. Saxena said.
"The much talked about 'Delhi model' is shrouded by a haze of smog," the L-
G wrote, referring to the World Air Quality Report 2023 by Swiss air quality
technology company IQAir.
The AAP hit back at Mr. Saxena, saying, "Yet again, the L-G writes a letter to
the CM in a language better avoided."
Mr. Saxena, in his letter, also asked the CM not to resort to a "political
blame game, as has been [his] wont whenever faced with tough questions".
"Any self-respecting leader would have owned up to the responsibility for the
same and would have taken concrete steps to address these concerns by taking
definitive steps and bold measures. Sadly, you choose to do neither and make it
an exercise of polemics, which ultimately turns into a political slugfest, with one
authority blaming the other, even as citizens suffer silently," the L-G said.
He added that he had written to Mr. Kejriwal not to "score a point", but as
his "conscience keeper".
'Doing enough'
In a strongly worded rebuttal, the Delhi government said that it
"systematically confronts the issue head-on, displaying the diligence of a
responsible administration".
"We have installed an AQI monitor every 40 km. Such a robust monitoring
mechanism is present nowhere else in the country. This comprehensive level of
monitoring enables us to accurately gauge pollution levels, a capability lacking in
other States," the statement read, adding that pollution levels in Delhi have
witnessed a decrease of 30 to 35% since 2016, according to a report published by
the Delhi Economic Survey.

Word Meaning
1. Rap कटु आऱोचना करना to criticize sb severely, usually publicly
2. Flag ध्यान ख ींचना to draw attention to information that you think is important
3. Finding सूचना / जानकारी information that is discovered
4. Term to use a particular name or word to describe sth
5. Collective सामूहिक done or shared by all members of a society
6. Concern चचींता a feeling of worry, especially one that is shared by many people
7. Shroud ढक दे ना (of darkness, clouds, etc.) to cover or hide sth
8. Haze घुींध air that is difficult to see through
9. Refer to sb/sth (P.V.) उल्ऱेख to mention or speak about sb/sth
10. Hit back (at sb/sth) (Idm.) to reply to attacks or criticism
उऱटकर जबाब दे ना
Syn. Retaliate
11. Resort to sth (PV) सुचनश्चित to make sure of sth, especially sth bad
Prayagraj English By - Vishal Pandey (Postal Inspector Selected in SSC-CGL)
The Hindu | Newspaper Editorial and Words Date - 22-03-2024
12. Wont आदी/अभ्यस्त in the habit of doing sth
13. Own up (to sth) (PV.) श्चजम्मेदारी to admit that you are responsible for sth bad or wrong
आहद मानना
Syn. Confess
14. Concrete तथ्यों ऩर आधाररत based on facts, not on ideas or guesses
15. Address विचार करना to think about a problem or a situation and decide how you are going to
deal with it
16. Definitive final; not able to be changed
17. Bold सािसऩूणण not afraid to say or do what you feel or to take risks
18. Exercise an activity that is designed to achieve a particular result
19. Polemics (Pl.) the practice or skill of arguing strongly for or against sb/sth
20. Ultimately आश्चखरकार finally
21. Slugfest त ख बिस an angry argument in which people shout offensive remarks at each other
22. Suffer असिज मह्सूस करना to experience sth unpleasant
23. Add और आगे किना to say sth more; to make a further remark
24. Score a point (Idm.) खुद को to show that you are better than sb, especially by making clever remarks
बेितर हदखाना
25. Conscience the part of your mind that tells you whether your actions are right or
26. Worded written or said in a particular way
27. Rebuttal खण्डन the act of saying or proving that a statement or criticism is false
28. Confront हकस अविय च ज का to deal with a problem or difficult situation
सामना करना
29. Head-on by expressing strong views and dealing with sth in a direct way
30. Display दर्ाणना to show a quality, feeling, skill, etc.
31. Diligence ऱगन careful work or great effort
32. Robust मजबूत (of a system) strong and not likely to fail
33. Monitoring दे खरे ख the act of wring technology to watch sb/sth
34. Comprehensive व्याऩक including all
35. Enable समथण बनाना to make sth possible for sb/sth to do sth
36. Gauge माऩना to measure or calculate
37. Witness to see sth happen

Check Your Understanding-MCQ

1. Write an appropriate tone of the passage.

2. Write an appropriate title for the passage.

3. Select the appropriate meaning of the underlined word/phrase in the given

“Flagging the findings of a recent report that found Delhi to be the most polluted
capital city in the world.”
(a) To criticize
(b) To avoid
(c) To draw attention
(d) To make an excuse

Prayagraj English By - Vishal Pandey (Postal Inspector Selected in SSC-CGL)

The Hindu | Newspaper Editorial and Words Date - 22-03-2024

4. Select the wrongly spelt word/phrase in the given sentence.

“We have installed an AQI moniter every 40 km. Such a robust monitoring
mechanism is present nowhere else in the country.”
(a) installed
(b) mechanism
(c) monitoring
(d) moniter
(e) None of these

Important Words from Newspaper Headlines

1. Modi speaks to Putin, Zelenskyy, calls for dialogue

Call for → म ां ग करन to publicly ask for sth to happen

Dialogue → ब तचीत a formal discussion between two countries, etc.

2. After uproar, Zomato scraps green uniforms for „veg fleet‟

Uproar → हां ग म a situation in which there is a lot of public criticism and angry
Syn. Outcry
Scrap → सम प्त करन to cancel or get rid of sth

3. Centre seeks report from Punjab govt. on IVF availed by Moosewala‟s mother
Seek → म ां ग करन to ask sb for sth; to try to obtain sth

Avail → ककसी चीज क ल भ उठ न to make use of sth

4. ED faces SC ire over delay in bail for accused

Face → स मन करन to deal with sth unpleasant

Ire → न र जगी anger

Syn. Wrath
Accused → अपर धी → a person who is on trial for committing a crime

5. BJP vies for early gains in M.P. as Oppn. yet to name 18 candidates
Vie → प्रकतस्पर्द् ा करन to compete

6. Opposition leader‟s phones are under surveillance in A.P., alleges TDP leader
Surveillance → कनगर नी the act of careful watching
Syn. Observation
Allege → आरोप लग न to state sth as a fact but without giving proof

7. „Economic activity sped to a 9-month high in February‟

Speed → तेजी से होन (speed-sped-sped) → to make sth happen quickly

Prayagraj English By - Vishal Pandey (Postal Inspector Selected in SSC-CGL)

The Hindu | Newspaper Editorial and Words Date - 22-03-2024

Check Your Progress-Vocab Based

Match the following words with their appropriate meaning

(A) (B)
1. Scrap A. to compete
2. Avail B. an angry argument
3. Vie C. to make use of sth
4. Score a point D. in the habit of sth
5. Slugfest E. to get rid of sth
6. Own up F. to show that you are better than sb
7. Wont G. to confess
8. Hit back at H. to reply to attacks or criticism
9. Select the correctly spelt word.
(a) Surveillance (b) Sureveillance
(c) Surveilance (d) Serveillance
10. (a) Polemics (b) Withess
(c) ultimatelly (d) Consceince
11. Select the wrongly spelt word.
(a) Allege (b) Worded
(c) Comprehensive (d) Concreat
12. (a) shroud (b) Economic
(c) Defenitive (d) Polluted
13. Select the appropriate Synonym.
(a) Dialogue (b) Accused
(c) Rebuttal (d) Uproar
14. Ire
(a) Finding (b) Wrath
(c) Concern (d) Exercise
15. Select the appropriate Antonym
(a) Address (b) Enable
(c) Confront (d) Acclaim
16. Diligence
(a) Negligence (b) Observation
(c) Monitoring (d) Conscience

Prayagraj English By - Vishal Pandey (Postal Inspector Selected in SSC-CGL)

The Hindu | Newspaper Editorial and Words Date - 22-03-2024

Karnataka election officials to keep a close watch on social

media influencers
To ensure accountability in political messaging on social media platforms during polls, the
Karnataka State Election Commission will keep a close watch on social media influencers and
those who indulge in providing indirect publicity to political parties and candidates.
Top officials from the Election Commission on Wednesday said the provisions of the
Model Code of Conduct will also apply to campaigning through the Internet and social media.
"Monitoring and effectively regulating all influencer activities on social media is a complex
and challenging task due to the sheer volume of content and the difficulty in distinguishing
between genuine opinions and paid promotional content. However, all social media influencers
in Karnataka are under our radar," said Suryasen A.V., Special Officer (Media and IT), in
"We have a district-wise list of around 300 such influencers and are keeping a close
watch on their accounts," he told The Hindu.
Venkatesh Kumar R., Additional Chief Electoral Officer, said a private agency had been
roped in to prepare the list of social media influencers and keep a watch on their activity.
"Addressing the challenges requires a multi-faceted approach involving collaboration with
social media platforms and public awareness campaigns to promote transparency and
accountability among influencers. If any of them are found to be violating the rules, action can
be initiated under Section 171 H of the IPC," he said.
The Election Commission of India (EC) has issued detailed guidelines for political
advertisements on such platforms that include obtaining certification for content before putting
them in the public domain. It is mandatory for political parties and individual candidates to
keep details of expenditure incurred on advertisements on social media and the expenses will
be accounted for in the total election expenditure incurred by the candidates. Besides, all
social networking sites have also been asked to maintain expenditure incurred by the political
parties and individual candidates on social media advertisements, he said.

Prayagraj English By - Vishal Pandey (Postal Inspector Selected in SSC-CGL)

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