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1. Mariella has been offered to judge in a variety show.

She is very excited because it

was her dream. Unfortunately, it is terribly unfair to other contestants because her
sister is part of the show and will perform on the day that she will judge. Should
she accept the offer and allow herself to benefit from an unfair situation or think
about the other contestants?

Mariella got a dream chance to be a judge on a talent show, but there's a big problem - her
sister is competing on the same day she's judging. This makes things a bit tricky because it
wouldn't be fair to the other people in the show.

She can handle this situation in a few ways to keep things fair:

● Say No to Judging: This way, Mariella avoids any trouble about fairness since she won't
be judging her sister or her sister's competitors.

● Tell the Show About Her Sister: If Mariella still wants to judge, she could let the show's
organizers know about her sister. This way, they might find a way to keep the judging

● Step Back for Her Sister's Performance: Another option is for Mariella to judge all the
other performances but not her sister's. Someone else could judge her sister instead.

The most important thing is making sure everyone in the show gets a fair chance. Mariella's
choice will show she cares about being fair more than getting what she wants.

2. Ericka was supposed to tell a certain guy that her best friend had a crush on him.
Instead, she ended up hooking up with the guy. And to make matters worse, she
lied to her friend about it. Should Ericka keep on lying to her friend or just
continue her relationship with the guy? What's she supposed to do?

Ericka finds herself in a complicated situation where her actions have potentially hurt her best
friend. After getting involved with the guy her friend liked and lying about it, she faces a moral
dilemma. The most constructive approach for Ericka would be to embrace honesty and take
responsibility for her actions. This means having a candid conversation with her friend, offering
a sincere apology, and explaining what happened. It's crucial for Ericka to acknowledge the
breach of trust and understand the impact of her actions on her friend's feelings. Following this
revelation, Ericka must be ready to give her friend the space and time needed to process the
information and heal from the hurt. This situation also serves as an opportunity for Ericka to
reflect on her actions and consider how she can better navigate personal relationships and
conflicts in the future. She should be prepared for the potential loss of the friendship but
understand that transparency and integrity are vital for her own growth. As for the relationship
with the guy, Ericka needs to assess its foundations and whether it aligns with her values and
what she genuinely seeks in a relationship. Making mistakes is part of being human, but how
one addresses and learns from these mistakes can significantly influence personal development
and future relationships.

3. You are stumped on an important ethics test and you have the perfect opportunity
to cheat without getting caught. What will you do and how will you explain your

Facing the temptation to cheat on an important ethics test, especially with a seemingly perfect
opportunity to do so without getting caught, presents a significant moral dilemma. The core of
this decision lies in the principles of integrity, honesty, and the long-term consequences of my

Choosing to cheat might offer an immediate solution to the problem at hand, which is passing
the test. However, it fundamentally contradicts the essence of ethics, which is understanding
and doing what is morally right. Cheating, even if not caught, would mean compromising
personal integrity and the value of the education I am pursuing. It undermines the effort and
dedication of those who choose to study and prepare honestly, and it sets a precedent for future
unethical decisions under the guise of convenience or necessity.

The decision to cheat doesn't just affect me. It contributes to a broader culture of dishonesty
and unfairness in academic and professional environments. It risks diminishing the trust
educators place in students and can erode the overall value of academic achievements.

Explaining this decision to abstain from cheating, I would highlight the importance of integrity
and personal growth. Education, especially in ethics, is not merely about passing tests; it's
about developing a deep understanding of right and wrong, learning to navigate complex moral
landscapes, and cultivating character. By choosing not to cheat, I reaffirm my commitment to
these principles, embracing both the challenges and the rewards of earning my achievements
honestly. This choice reflects a broader commitment to live by the values that ethics teaches,
such as fairness, responsibility, and respect for oneself and others.

The true measure of success in an ethics test and in life si not the grade earned but the
integrity upheld. Making the right choice in challenging moments defines character and shapes
moral judgement, guiding how we navigate ethical dilemmas in the future.

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