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Q “Aurangzeb & his successors were the main factors towards the decline of the Mughal
Empire.” Do you agree? Explain? [14]

(any of the 14-marked on the decline)

The Mughal rule came into being in the 16th Century with the arrival of Babar in
the subcontinent. The mighty Empire continued to rule for about more than
three hundred years but it started crumbling after Aurangzeb and met it
fate in the 19th Century.

Q: Why did the Mughal Empire decline after Aurangzeb reign? [7]

(any of the 7-marked on the decline)

The Mughal Empire achieved zenith in about one hundred and fifty years and
took almost the same time to meet its decline,

Q How important was Shah Walli Ullah in the spread of Islam in the subcontinent before
1850? Explain your answer. [14]

(any of the 14-marked on the reformers)

The circumstances of the 18th and 19th Centuries required some extraordinary
works to be done for the revival of Islam in the subcontinent as political
decline of the Mughals resulted in the social and religious decline of the
Muslims. Different reformers emerged to arrest the religious decline of

Q: Why did Syed Ahmed Saheed Barelvi wish to revive Islam in the subcontinent? [7]

(any of the 7-marked on the reformers)

Muslims of the subcontinent developed strange beliefs in the 18th and 19th
centuries those needed to be rectified so different reformers emerged to
meet the task

Q: How successful were the British attempts to take control of lands in the sub-
continent between 1750 and 1856? [14]

(any of the 14-marked on the EIC)

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The great British Empire felt lagging behind when it saw other European nations
benefitted from the subcontinent. They suddenly developed an urge to be
the vanguard to exploit the resources of once called the “Jewel in the British

Q: Why was British so successful in expand its central from 1750 and 1850? [7]

(any of the 7-marked on the EIC)

The EIC reached the subcontinent with the purpose of expansion of trade but
soon the subcontinent became their most important source of earning
outstanding profit.

Q: Was the introduction of social reforms by the British, such as education caused the war
of independence in 1857’. How far do you agree? Explain. [14]

(any of the 14-marked on the WOI)

The war of independence is a great chapter in the History of subcontinent which

had its past, and great effects on future as well. This event changed the
entire fabric of the subcontinent bringing the British as alternative power
to the Mughals and introducing the concept of democracy.

Q: Why was the war of Independence fought? [7]

(any of the 7-marked on the WOI)

The WOI was the watershed in the history of the subcontinent which got some
reasons to start and yet some great impacts to observe as well.

Q: Were the educational development the most important contribution of SSAK in his
attempt to improve relations between the Muslim & the British? [14]

(any of the 14-marked on Sir Syed)

Sir Syed was a scholar of the 19th century who rendered valuable services for the
uplift of the Muslims of the subcontinent. His contribution in different fields can
neither be overlooked nor can be forgotten.

Q: Why did Sir Syed try to improve the Anglo-Muslim relations? [7]

(any of the 7-marked on Sir Syed)

Sir Syed worked tirelessly for the cause of Muslims of the subcontinent and his
services were great assets for Muslims.

Q: Has the promotion of URDU been more successful than that of any regional language
in Pakistan? [14]

(any of the 14-marked on languages)

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Pakistan had rich cultural heritage consisting of diversified cultures, customs,

languages which makes it as the bouquet of flowers of different colours
and fragrance.

Q: Why have regional languages been promoted by government? [7]

(any of the 7-marked on languages)

The rich cultural background of Pakistan made it incumbent to promote regional

languages so Pakistan got them developed

Q: ‘The reasons for partitioning Bengal in 1905 were more important than those that
caused its reversal in 1911.’ How far do you agree? Explain your answer. [14]

(any of the 14-marked on partition)

With commencement of the 20th century, the British took some administrative
steps to ease out the administrative problems. These steps gave benefit to one yet
the others took them as self-made issues which caused the conflict.

Q Explain how the British reacted to Hindu-led protests against the Partition of Bengal
between 1906 and 1908. [7]

(any of the 7-marked on partition)

Lord Curzon had long been thinking about partitioning Bengal and he even
proposed this in 1903 and finally it was partitioned in 1905 to ease out the
administrative problems.

Q: Why was the Simla Deputation of 1906 an important turning point for the Muslims of
subcontinent? [7]

(any of the 14-marked on the Simla Deputation)

A Muslim delegation led by Sir Aga Khan met the Viceroy Lord Minto to discuss
the rights of representation and other important issues.

Q: Was the need for Muslims’ own political party the most important reason why the ML
was established in 1906? Explain you answer. [14]

(any of the 14-marked on Muslim League)

The first decade of the 20th Century emerged with the political awakening of
Muslims of the subcontinent. They became so alarmed to the circumstances that
they finally got themselves unified politically and formed the All India Muslim

Q: Why was the ML founded in 1906? [7]

(any of the 7-marked on Muslim League)

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Muslims felt insecure politically so they decided to get themselves unified at a

platform which led them making the Muslim League.

Q: Why did the Congress oppose the Morley–Minto Reforms of 1909? [7]

(any of the 7-marked on MMR’s)

The Muslims wanted the reward of serving large number in the Royal British
Army and their share was recognised by the British in the form of MMR’s.

Q: Explain why the Lucknow Pact 1919came about? [7]

(any of the 7-marked on LP)

The need of the hour brought both Muslim League and the Congress closer to
each other in the form of the LP.

Q: How successful were political developments in finding a solution to the problems in

the sub-continent between 1909 and 1919? Explain your answer. [14]

(any of the 14-marked on this time period)

There was constitutional struggle going on among Muslims for separate electorate
and effective representation in legislatures, Hindus wanted to reconcile
both or any of them,

Q: Was the Khilafat Movement founded because of the Muslims feared the breakup of
Turkey after the WWI? How far do you agree? Explain. [14]

(any of the 14-marked on the KM)

The British wanted the support of the Muslims of the subcontinent in the WWI,
Muslims wanted assurance of protection of the Ottoman Caliph. Both had
to trust each other for their support but violation of promises by the British
led Muslims initiate the KM.

Q: Why was Khilafat Movement founded? [7]

(any of the 7-marked on the KM)

The Khilafat Movement was the outcome of the WWI as both Muslims and the
British got apprehensive about each-others.

Q: Why were the Mont-Ford Reforms 1919 introduced? [7]

(any of the 7-marked on the MCR’s)

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The WWI left certain effects on the subcontinent including the legislation which
got turned towards controlled democratic rights to the locals.

Q Explain why the All India Muslim Conference rejected the Nehru Report in 1928. [7]

(any of the 7-marked on the NR)

The All Parties Conference (APC) organised by the INC aimed at suppressing
Muslims and the Muslim League so was the NR.

Q Why did Quaid-e-Azam produce his 14-Points in 1929? [7]

(any of the 7-marked on the 14-Points)

The confrontation which caused problems had to be countered so the situation

demanded a strong reply which was given in the form of the 14-Points

Q: Why were the RTC’s held? [7]

(any of the 7-marked on the RTC’s)

The British wanted the prompt solution of the constitutional problems of the
subcontinent for which they got the RTC’s held.

Q: “The RTC’s of 1930’s achieved little”. Give reasons why you might both agree or
disagree. [14]

(any of the 14-marked on the RTC’s)

The early 1930’s saw new dimension of the circumstances with Muslims League
emerging as the sole representative of the Muslims, the INC strengthened
itself for Hindus and the British seeking solution of the constitutional
problems which led the RTC’s.

Q: Why was the Government of India Act 1935 criticized? [7]

(any of the 7-marked on the Govt. of India Act 1935)

After long struggle of the Simon Commission, RTC’s etc. finally the British gave
the solution of the Indian problems in the form of the Govt. of India Act

Q: “The Congress rule was hated due to the Vande Matrem.” How far do you agree?
Explain. [14]

(any of the 14-marked on the Congress rule 1937-9)

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The 1937-Elections saw thumping majority of the INC in provinces as well as at

the centre and such a landslide victory made it implement what it aimed at like
the Nehru Report or the INC manifesto.

Q: Why was the Congress rule criticized by the Muslim? [7]

(any of the 7-marked on the Congress rule 1937-9)

The INC dominated the 1937 Elections as a result it implemented its policies of
exploiting the opponents.

Q: The Lahore Resolution was the only success in 1940’s among the negotiations aimed at
independence. [14]

(any of the 14-marked on this time period)

The 1940’s saw a new dimension in the subcontinent with the Muslims aiming at
partition the congress aimed at independence and the British wished to
continue as the rulers

Q: Why was Cripps mission sent? [7]

(any of the 7-marked on the Cripps Mission)

The WW II left great mark on the world including the subcontinent where people
were also looking for more and more reforms but the British wanted
complete harmony in India for which the Cripps Mission was sent

Q: Why did the Gandhi Jinnah talks fail of 1944? [7]

(any of the 7-marked on the topic)

The Talks were held between two leaders, one representing a political party while
other in his individual capacity.

Q: Why did the Simla conference fail? [7]

(any of the 7-marked on the Simla Conference)

The simla conference of 1945 was held by Lord Wavell but it failed to meet the
aspirations of the people.

Q: Why did ML perform better in the 1945 elections than it the 1937 elections? [7]

(any of the 7-marked on the 1945 Elections)

The 1945 elections brought the Muslim League with thumping majority in both
the central and provincial legislatures, the victory they always desired for.

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Q: Why did cabinet mission fail? [7]

(any of the 7-marked on the Cabinet Mission)

The Cabinet Mission came to the subcontinent in 1946 as a last attempt to avoid
the partition and keeping the subcontinent intact by the British.

Q: Was the refugee issue the most important problem faced by the newly formed

Government of Pakistan in 1947? Give your answer. [14]

(any of the 14-marked on early problems)

With the creation of the nascent state of Pakistan hydra headed problems got her
surrounded those caused huge challenges for the survival.

Q Why was there a constitutional crisis between 1954 and 1955? [7]

(any of the 7-marked on the constitutional crisis)

Process of constitution making took a bit long in Pakistan as political instability,

east and west tussle etc. caused the delay in achieving the constitution.

Q: Why was Martial law imposed in 1958? [7]

(any of the 7-marked on martial law of 1958)

Pakistan could not even breathe freely after the creation when she got under the
clutches of the army rule and Martial Law was imposed in 1958.

Q: “Ayub Khan’s agricultural reforms were more important than any other during his
Decade of progress”. Do you agree or disagree? Explain. [14]

(any of the 14-marked on Ayub Khan)

Political instability, lust of power by Iskander Mirza and public demand got the
army involved in politics and brought Field Marshall Ayub Khan into
power. With he got into the power, new horizons were opened and he
wished to continue.

Q: Explain why did Ayub call the years 1958 to 1969 as the decade of progress. [7]

(any of the 7-marked on Ayub Khan)

Ayub Khan assumed powers in 1958 and intended to prolong his rule for which
he introduced so many things like…

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Q: “Political considerations were more important than economic exploitations for the
separation of East Pakistan.” Do you agree? Explain. [14]

(any of the 14-marked on East Pakistan crisis)

Never happened in the history of mankind that a country had two wings
separated by a thousand miles of enemy territory in between. Instead of
making it a strength of having enemy trapped from both sides Pakistan felt
it an unsurmountable problem to continue with both the wings.

Q: Why did ZAB come to power in 1971? [7]

(any of the 7-marked on Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto)

Bhutto was the only political personality left in the remaining Pakistan to be
given the power so he got in to power.

Q: ‘Social reforms were the most important of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto’s domestic policies
between 1971 and 1977.’ Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer. [14]

(any of the 14-marked on Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto)

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was one of the most debatable character in the politics of
Pakistan, he was praised a lot yet at the same time was condemned but in
spite of all these odds he is still discussed as an echo in politics.

Q: ‘Islamic reforms were the most important of Zia-ul-Haq’s domestic policies between
1977 and 1988.’ Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer. [14]

(any of the 14-marked on Gen. Zia)

Another beneficiary of army who got into power through the army corridor, Gen.
Zia assumed the power to manage the crisis the country was going through
but he himself caused some of the perennial crises that Pakistan is still
dealing with.

Q: Why did general Zia introduce series Islamic reforms? [7]

(any of the 7-marked on Gen. Zia)

Gen. Zia got into power using his army office and even continued using his army

Q: Why did Pakistan leave the SEATO? [7]

(any of the 7-marked on such topics)

Pakistan joined SEATO in an anticipation of US help with the war with India but
it did not fulfil the aspirations of Pakistan.

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Q Why did Pakistan join the United Nations in 1947? [7]

(any of the 7-marked on such topics)

It was quite natural for Pakistan to join the biggest international organisation like
the UNO

Q: How successful were Indo-Pak relations between 1947 and 1999? Explain your answer.
(any of the 14-marked on relations)

Pakistan was born in the realm of the Cold War when both the super powers
wanted the world to be tilted towards their side and it’s been great
challenge for the countries to maintain their neutrality and Pakistan could
not do so.

Q Were the challenges facing Benazir Bhutto in Sindh the main reason why she left office
in 1990? Explain your answer. [14]

(any of the 14-marked on Benazir Bhutto)

Benazir Bhutto was the beneficiary of the dynastical politics in Pakistan. She got
into power being the daughter of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto as the charisma of his
father has not been faded away even till today.

Q Why was Benazir Bhutto dismissed from office a second time in 1996? [7]

(any of the 7-marked on Benazir Bhutto)

Benazir Bhutto assumed the powers being the daughter of ZAB but she had to
prove mettle to sustain in the power.

Q Was the Co-operative Societies scandal the most important reason why Nawaz Sharif
fell from office in 1993? Explain your answer. [14]

(any of the 14-marked on Nawaz Sharif)

Once the vanguard of the legacy of extremist policies of Gen. Zia, then
denouncing him the most. Again using the non-political actors to come into
power and then leaving the country and supporters in the lurch to save his
personal skin has been the main recognition of NS

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Q: Explain why General Musharraf was able to gain power in 1999. [7]

(any of the 7-marked on Gen. Musharraf)

When it was started to be presumed that army had ceased to get into politics, Gen.
Musharraf suddenly took over the power and trying to prove that country
had been saved.


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