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Võ Hồng Nhung – 2257011087

Trương Minh Nhân – 2257011079

Nguyễn Trần Thuỳ Linh – 2257011058
Huỳnh Võ Bảo Trân – 2257011029
Phan Lê Bình Minh - 2257011066

Question 1: In quantitative research, frequency distribution can be applied to variables

measured on which measurement scales?
A. Nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio scales
B. Nominal and ordinal scales
C. Interval and ratio scales
D. Ordinal and ratio scales

Question 2: How are respondents grouped in a frequency distribution?

A. By age and gender
B. By socioeconomic status
C. By geographic location
D. By the subcategories in which a variable has been measured or coded

Question 3: What does cross-tabulation analyze?

A. Three variables simultaneously
B. Two dependent variables
C. Two independent variables
D. Two variables to determine if there is a relationship between them

Question 4: Which of the following is NOT true about cross-tabulation?

A. It is a statistical procedure.
B. It analyzes two variables.
C. It only determines the dependent variable.
D. It examines the relationship between variables.

Question 5: The main consideration directing quota sampling is:

A. Random selection
B. Researcher's ease of access to the sample population
C. Ensuring equal representation of all demographics
D. Obtaining a large sample size
Question 6: In addition to convenience, a researcher is guided by which of the following in
quota sampling?
A. Age
B. Income level
C. Visible characteristic of interest, such as gender or race
D. All of the above
Question 7: In quota sampling, the process of selecting respondents continues until
A. A representative sample is obtained
B. The desired sample size is reached
C. Convenience is maximized
D. The required number of respondents with the relevant visible characteristic is
Question 8: What does the term "prestige bias" refer to?
A. Questions that are difficult to answer
B. Questions that could embarrass or force respondents into giving a false answer
C. Questions that are asked by prestigious researchers
D. Questions related to prestigious topics
Question 9-21: True or False

9. Expert sampling is the selection of people with demonstrated or known expertise True
in the area of interest to become the basis of data collection.

10. Expert sampling is a type of purposive sampling where the sample comprises True
only experts.

11. Expert sampling involves drawing a sample from the general population, not False
just experts in the field being studied.

12. The saturation point refers to the stage in data collection where the researcher is True

13. The saturation point is an indication of the inadequacy of the sample size in False
qualitative research.

14. Reaching the saturation point is considered an indicator that the sample size is True
adequate in qualitative research.

15. In the social sciences, there are three types of attitudinal scales: the Likert scale, False
the Thurstone scale and the Non-equal scale.

16. Attitudinal scales are designed to measure attitudes towards an issue. True

17. The Thurstone scale involves respondents rating their level of agreement with False
start mental .

18. The purpose of editing is to identify gaps in the information obtained from True

19. The selection of subsequent elements in systematic sampling is independent of False

the order of selection in the first interval.

20. Systematic sampling is particularly useful when the population is ordered in True
some way, such as alphabetically or chronologically.

21. Prestige bias: Respondents may give false answers to questions to maintain a True
positive image in front of the researcher.
Question 22-34: Matching

22. Random sampling A. Selecting a sample based on the researcher's judgment.

23. Stratified sampling B. Dividing the population into subgroups and selecting entire

24. Cluster sampling C. Allowing each sample the same probability of being selected.

25. Accidental sampling D. Selecting samples based on their availability or convenience.

26. Purposive sampling E. Dividing the population into subgroups with distinct

27. Frame of analysis F. The process of assigning numerical values to different

categories of responses to a question for the purpose of analyzing

28. Editing G. The proposed plan outlining how data will be analyzed,
operationalizing major concepts, and specifying statistical
procedures to be used.

29. Leading question H. Consists of scrutinizing the completed research instruments

to identify and minimize errors, incompleteness,
misclassification, and gaps in the information obtained from

30. Coding I. A question that contains two separate questions combined as

one. It is designed to introduce bias by influencing participant

31. Double-barrelled J. A question that subtly prompts the desired response through
question wording or framing.

32. Accidental sampling K. The researcher selects participants based on their judgment of
who can provide the best information.

33. Judgmental/Purposive L. The researcher selects participants based on their convenience

sampling and availability.

34. Quota sampling M. The researcher sets quotas for including participants with
certain characteristics.
→ 22C, 23E, 24B, 25D, 26A, 27G, 28H, 29J, 30F, 31I, 32L, 33K, 34M
Question 35-37: Gap filling

35. __________ sampling is a process of selecting a sample using networks.

36. To start, a few individuals are selected using __________, __________ or __________

37. The process continues until the __________ point is reached in terms of information being

-> Snowball
-> purposive, random, network
-> saturation

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