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STUDENT ID: 21DH718802
LANGUAGES UNIT NAME: Research Methodology
I certify that the attached material is my original work. No other person’s work or ideas
have been used without acknowledgement. Except where I have clearly stated that I have
used some of this material elsewhere, I have not presented this for assessment in another
course or unit at this or any other institution.
Name/signature Date: March, 12th,

EMAIL ADD: 21DH718802@st.huflit.edu.vn

DATE SUBMITTED: March 12th, 2024


The Influence of
TikTok Usage
on Academic
Students in Ho

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- Abstract: viết ở 1 trang riêng

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* Không in trang này

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This study investigates the impact of TikTok on the academic performance of university
students in Ho Chi Minh City, recognizing the evolving landscape of higher education
and the increasing prevalence of social media in learning environments.The research
aimed to comprehensively understand how TikTok influences students' academic
achievements, exploring both positive and negative aspects within the specific context of
Ho Chi Minh City. Employing a mixed-methods approach that included surveys and
qualitative interviews, the study gathered insights into TikTok usage patterns, students'
perceptions, associated challenges, and positive impacts on academic outcomes. The
findings revealed diverse TikTok usage patterns, highlighting challenges like negative
impacts on focus and time management, along with positive influences such as
collaborative learning and stress relief. The study emphasized varying confidence levels
in using TikTok for learning.The research concludes with recommendations for a
balanced integration of TikTok in educational settings, acknowledging the need for
educators and policymakers to navigate and optimize the impact of TikTok on university
students' academic success.

Keywords: TikTok, academic performance, university students, higher education, impact


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1. INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………….………..7-9

1.1 Background……………………………………………………………..7

1.2. Literature review

1.3 Scopes…………………………………………………………………...8

1.4 Objectives……………………………………………………………….8

1.5 Organization……………………………………………………………9

2. LITERATURE REVIEW………………………………………………....10-11

2.1 Distinguish between “mistake” and “error” in writing.....................10

2.2 Grammatical errors and some kinds of feedback..............................10

2.3 Common mistakes in writing...............................................................11

2.4 On-going debates on the good ways of conducting the correction

in writing...............................................................................................11

3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY……...….…......……..…………………12-13

3.1 Description of the Subjects...................................................................12

3.2 Procedures of Data Collection..............................................................12

3.3 Materials………………………………………………………………13

3.3 Statistical Treatment.............................................................................13

4.FINDINGS & DISCUSSION..................................................................... 14-20

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4.1 Teachers’ Survey...................................................................................14

4.2 Students’ Survey....................................................................................17

4.4 Findings and Explanation.....................................................................20


5.1 Conclusion.............................................................................................21

5.2 Recommendations.................................................................................21

5.5.1 Recommendations for Teachers.............................................21

5.5.2 Recommendations for Students..............................................22


APPENDIX A: OUTLINE....................................................................................26

APPENDIX B: TEACHERS’ QUESTIONNAIRE...........................................27

APPENDIX C: STUDENTS’ QUESTIONNAIRE............................................29

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In this first chapter, we begin by exploring the background of our study, looking into the
basics of TikTok and how students use it. Then, we dive into a literature review, checking
out what others have already discovered about TikTok and academics. After that, we set
the scopes and objectives of our study, outlining what we want to achieve. Finally, we
show you how the rest of our report is organized, like a road map, so you know what to
expect. Let's embark on this journey to understand how TikTok affects students'
academic achievements in Ho Chi Minh City!

1.1 Background

This research delves into the relationship between TikTok usage and the academic
achievements of university students in Ho Chi Minh City. Against the backdrop of an
evolving educational landscape influenced by digital platforms, TikTok has emerged as a
prominent player, raising questions about its impact on students' learning experiences. As
social media becomes increasingly integrated into education, understanding the nuances
of TikTok's influence is essential. The vibrant and diverse nature of TikTok,
characterized by short-form videos and widespread user engagement, prompts an
exploration into its potential advantages and challenges in educational settings. This
study seeks to unravel how TikTok usage patterns, both positive and negative, shape the
academic outcomes of students. By addressing this research gap, we aim to contribute
valuable insights that inform educators, policymakers, and researchers about the role of
TikTok in shaping the educational experiences of university students in Ho Chi Minh

1.2 Literature Review

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In the broader context of TikTok's impact, several important studies and reports have
shed light on its influence. A comprehensive literature review shows that findings such as
Chen et al.'s 2020 study, which explored the psychological effects of TikTok use, showed
both positive and negative health effects of the user. Additionally, a 2021 report by Pew
Research Center examined the demographics of TikTok users, providing insights into the
platform's reach across different age groups and backgrounds. Although existing research
addresses user experience, there is a notable gap in the literature that specifically
addresses TikTok's influence on college students' academic performance, especially in
Ho Chi Minh City context.

1.3 Scopes

In a study by Park et al. (2018), the use of TikTok as an instructional tool was found to
enhance interaction between students and course content, particularly in creative

subjects. However, Lee's research (2019) emphasizes that TikTok's effectiveness depends
on how teachers integrate it into their teaching methods, requiring flexibility to adapt to
students' needs. Conversely, Wang's study (2021) focused on assessing the negative
impact of TikTok on student concentration. The results indicated that frequent usage
could lead to a decline in the quality of academic work and simultaneously increase
students' stress levels. These diverse results highlight the need for continued detailed and
flexible work to better understand how TikTok affects academic outcomes in college

1.4 Objective

This study seeks to understand how TikTok usage influences the academic achievements
of university students in Ho Chi Minh City. The focus is on uncovering the patterns of
TikTok usage, exploring students' perceptions of its impact on academic performance,
and investigating both positive and negative aspects. The objectives include assessing

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students' confidence levels in using TikTok for learning and exploring successful
experiences reported by students. In conclusion, the study aims to answer questions:

How does the integration of TikTok affect the academic performance and educational
achievements of university students in Ho Chi Minh City, exploring both positive and
negative aspects?

1.5 Organization

This research paper follows a clear structure for easy understanding. It begins by
introducing the concept of TikTok usage and its impact on academic achievements
among university students in Ho Chi Minh City. The second section provides a
comprehensive literature review, summarizing key studies related to the relationship
between social media, particularly TikTok, and academic success. The third section
details the research methodology, explaining how the study was designed, data collected,
and analyzed. In the fourth section, the paper presents the findings of the research,
discussing aspects like TikTok usage patterns, students' perceptions, and the positive and
negative influences observed. , The fifth section is conclusion of the research and
recommendations for educators, policymakers, and future researchers to better navigate
TikTok's role in shaping the educational experiences of university students.The final part
of this research in wrapped up with the reference of reliable resources and indexes.

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After consulting the authors' previous documents related to the topic of TikTok. It is clear
that social media platforms have become an integral part of teenagers' lives, with TikTok
emerging as one of the most popular apps globally. This prevalence among university
students prompts inquiries into TikTok's potential impact across diverse platforms and its
influence on students' lives, including their academic practices. Serving as a distinctive
short-form video sharing platform, TikTok presents a unique blend of entertainment and
social interaction, offering both opportunities and challenges for students. Recognizing
the link between TikTok usage and academic performance is crucial for fostering middle
school students' holistic development. Consequently, this chapter delves into exploring
the repercussions of TikTok on university students' learning, building upon the
groundwork laid by previous researchers.

2.1 The effects of different types of TikTok videos on academic performance

2.1.1 Educational videos

Educational videos on TikTok can be both good and not-so-good for learning. On the
positive side, they are like helpful extra tools, covering different subjects with quick
explanations, visuals, and real-life examples. As Andronico and others pointed out in
2023, TikTok makes it easy to access and adds a lively touch to learning in a simple and
eye-catching way. However, on the not-so-good side, there's a risk of not understanding
things deeply if TikTok is your only source for education. Since the videos are short, it's
hard to dig deep into a topic, which might stop students from getting a full understanding.
Also, because anyone can create content on TikTok, there's a chance of getting wrong
information. The videos don't let you interact much, which can make it tough to engage
deeply with the content (Andronico, J. et al., 2023).
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2.1.2 Entertainment and comedy videos

Entertainment and comedy videos on TikTok present a dual role in the lives of university
students, offering both positive and negative aspects. On the positive side, these videos
serve as a source of stress relief and mental breaks during intense study sessions.
Enjoying humorous content provides a refreshing diversion, contributing to improved
mental well-being. (Martinez, C., et al., 2023). Additionally, moderate consumption can
enhance focus and productivity, with enjoyable breaks helping students return to their
academic tasks re-energized. The communal nature of TikTok fosters social connections
and a sense of community, positively impacting students' social well-being. However,
potential drawbacks include the risk of procrastination and time-wasting due to the
addictive nature of TikTok. As a study of Tap Chi Khoa Hoc Viet Nam showed that if
addicted, it can even lead to repercussions such as social anxiety, reduced participation in
school activities, lack of focus or reduced study time, decreased eyesight, and academic
performance. (Thach et al., 2021, pp. 33-34)

2.1.3 Social and lifestyle videos

Entertainment and comedy videos on TikTok play dual role in the lives of university
students, bringing both positive and negative impacts. On the positive side, these videos
act as a welcome break, offering stress relief during intense study sessions. Enjoying
funny content provides a refreshing distraction, contributing to better mental well-being
(Martinez, C., et al., 2023). Moreover, moderate consumption can actually boost focus
and productivity, as enjoyable breaks help students come back to their academic tasks
feeling re-energized. The communal nature of TikTok also helps build social connections
and a sense of community, positively affecting students' social well-being. However, it's
essential to be cautious, as there are potential drawbacks. The addictive nature of TikTok
might lead to procrastination and time-wasting. A study from Tap Chi Khoa Hoc Viet
Nam highlighted the risks of addiction, including social anxiety, reduced participation in
school activities, lack of focus or decreased study time, impaired eyesight, and a decline

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in academic performance (Thach et al., 2021, pp. 33-34). Therefore, while TikTok offers
enjoyable moments, it's crucial to strike a balance to avoid negative consequences.

2.2 The positive effects of Tiktok on academic performance of university students

2.2.1 Educational content

The rise of educational content on TikTok, featuring short videos spanning 15 to 60

seconds (Andronico et al., 2023), offers students a unique and easily accessible learning
platform. The widely recognized Learn On TikTok hashtag goes beyond being just a
trending label; it serves as a pathway for learning on TikTok. Videos under this hashtag
often deliver educational content, guidance, and valuable advice, contributing to
knowledge enhancement and self-improvement (Shaafi et al., 2023). Exploring the
#LearnOnTikTok hashtag reveals a wealth of useful and diverse content from various
TikTok accounts (Fiallos et al., 2021). Whether it's subject-specific knowledge in areas
like marketing or insights on job applications, including CV writing and interview skills,
Learn On TikTok caters to a variety of learning needs (Taha, A., 2021). The platform
even offers engaging and easily digestible content for language learners seeking to master
new languages like English, Chinese, Japanese, or Korean (Taha, A., 2021). Beyond
academic benefits, Learn On TikTok provides practical advice for education, work, and
life, making it a valuable source for personal and professional development (Fiallos et al.,
2021). In essence, Learn On TikTok transforms TikTok from merely an entertainment
platform into a diverse and accessible space for knowledge acquisition and personal

2.2.2 Creativity and critical thinking

TikTok stands out not only as a platform for diverse and creative content, but also as a
unique space where university students nurture their creativity and practice critical
thinking skills. Participate in TikTok challenges, which push users to recreate or add
twists to trends, require creative thinking and provide individuals with a digital platform
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to showcase their talents. (Johnson, K. et al., 2022) The process of creating original
TikTok content involves problem solving, challenging students to think critically about
effectively conveying messages within the constraints of the platform boulder. TikTok's
multimodal learning approach, which combines audio and visual elements, enhances
communication skills across a variety of media. Participating in challenges not only
stimulates cognitive function but also fosters a more agile mindset. (Smith, M. et al.,
2022) In essence, TikTok acts as a catalyst, beyond entertainment, to cultivate creativity
and critical thinking in university students , fostering a positive attitude toward learning

2.3 The Negative Effects of TikTok on Academic Performance of university


2.3.1 Time Management and Distraction

TikTok, with its short and addictive content, presents both entertainment and challenges
for university students, notably in terms of time management. The platform's design,
aimed at capturing and retaining users' attention, may inadvertently lead to
procrastination, hindering essential study and homework time, potentially impacting
academic performance. (Thompson, R. et al. 2021). The addictive nature of TikTok
content can result in extended, unplanned usage, disrupting effective study sessions
crucial for academic success. Late-night TikTok use further compounds issues by
potentially disrupting sleep patterns, affecting cognitive function, and ultimately
impacting academic performance. The platform's design can also elicit addiction-like
behaviors, with students spending more time than intended on the app. (Thompson, R. et
al. 2021). In conclusion, raising awareness and implementing effective time management
strategies enable students to enjoy TikTok's positive aspects while maintaining a healthy
balance with academic responsibilities.

2.3.2 Reduced physical activity

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Excessive screen time, particularly prolonged use of TikTok, raises concerns about the
physical well-being of university students, introducing a sedentary lifestyle with far-
reaching consequences. The negative impact on health extends beyond physical well-
being, affecting mood, energy levels, and cognitive function. Students prioritizing
TikTok over physical activities may experience repercussions that ultimately influence
academic performance. (Johnson, K. et al., 2019) Engaging excessively with TikTok
often involves prolonged periods of sitting, contributing to a lack of physical activity
associated with health issues like obesity and cardiovascular problems. (Brown, L. et al.,
2022) A sedentary lifestyle correlates with negative outcomes for both physical and
mental well-being. Reduced physical activity can impact mood and energy levels, leading
to lethargy and potentially affecting a student's overall motivation and engagement in
academic tasks. Moreover, the absence of physical activity may have indirect
consequences on cognitive function, hindering concentration and learning abilities.

In the previous studies often lack in-depth exploration of the specific sociocultural
context of Ho Chi Minh City, which is important given the diverse cultural influences
that shape student experiences. The current literature primarily focuses on the overall
impact of TikTok, ignoring potential variations in usage patterns, perceptions, and
learning outcomes unique to this region. Furthermore, there are few longitudinal studies
evaluating the long-term impact of TikTok on academic outcomes. Most existing
research tends to offer insights into immediate consequences, leaving a gap in
understanding how prolonged exposure may shape students' learning trajectories over
time. Additionally, peer influence and parental involvement, which can significantly
impact students' engagement with TikTok and subsequent academic performance, remain
unexplored. Understanding the role of these external factors in the Ho Chi Minh City
context is important for a comprehensive understanding of TikTok's impact on university
students' academic efforts. The lack of research exploring the evolving nature of social
media platforms and technological advances further emphasizes the need for this

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research. With rapid changes in the digital landscape, keeping up to date with TikTok's
latest features and functionalities is essential to gauge its impact on academic practice.

Due to the gaps mentioned above, this study, in response to the identified gaps in existing
research, aims to achieve a comprehensive understanding of TikTok's impact on the
academic performance of university students in Ho Chi Minh City. The objectives
include exploring socio-cultural nuances specific to the city, assessing the long-term
effects of TikTok usage, examining external influences such as peer and parental factors,
and staying current with technological advancements. Through these objectives, the
research seeks to contribute a nuanced perspective, filling gaps in the current
understanding of how TikTok influences academic outcomes in this specific geographical
and cultural context.

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This chapter delves into the complexities of the research methodology applied to
understand the impact of TikTok use on the academic performance of university students
in Ho Chi Minh City. It opens up the description of the subjects, the data collection
procedure, the materials used, and the statistical treatment applied to analyze the
collected data.

3.1. Description of the subjects

This subject investigated the impact of Tik Tok on university students’ academic
performance in current Ho Chi Minh City. A survey was conducted with 42 students
from Ho Chi Minh City University of Foreign Languages and Information. The target
audience is 18 years and older, represents those whose engage with TikTok while
pursuing academic success. The survey aimed to gather valuable insights on the role of
TikTok through a structured questionnaire.

3.2 Materials

The study uses mixed methods to evaluate the impact of Tik Tok on the academic
performance of university students in Ho Chi Minh City today by combining interviews
and surveys. These two methods can examine the impact of TikTok on college students'
academic performance. When you combine the two types of data, you get the detailed,

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contextual insights of qualitative data and the externally valuable, generalizable insights
of quantitative data. Mixed methods research is less constrained by well-established
research principles and paradigms. They provide greater flexibility in study design,
allowing one to combine aspects of many different types of studies to produce the most
informative results. In addition, using this method helps to further evaluate the factors
involved in analyzing the ability to impact university students' academic performance and
the ability of students to take advantage of TikTok for learning. Overall, these studies
demonstrate the potential of mixed methods research to provide valuable insights into the
complex interactions of Tiktok influence academic performance in college students.

3.3. Procedures of data collection

To assess the influence of TikTok on academic performance, the researcher formulated 2

open-ended and 9 closed-ended questions using Google Forms. The questions covered
various aspects, including the perceived impact, benefits, and methods of engagement
with TikTok. The survey link was distributed to university students in Ho Chi Minh City
that students are expected to be honest and think carefully before responding. They could
ask for an explanation if there is a question section that is not well understood. After a
week, the researcher collected all the student questionnaires.

3.4 Statistical Treatment

The researcher collected data from the questionnaire to analyze the impact of Tik Tok on
university students’ academic performance in current Ho Chi Minh City. Questionnaire
results are reported as a percentage and are displayed in different charts. For example,
what percentage of academic performance attributed to TikTok, what its benefits are, and
what methods of engagement, were presents in charts for clarity and interpretation. This
statistical treatment aimed to offer detailed insights into the role of TikTok in shaping the
academic performance of university students in Ho Chi Minh City.

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This chapter explores the findings from our study on how Tik Tok affects the academic
achievements among university students in Ho Chi Minh City. We share and discuss the
collected data to address our research questions, presenting potential results and insights.
Using simple charts like pie and bar graphs, we illustrate the percentages of student
responses. Later on, we provide a detailed exploration of how TikTok influences the
academic performance of university students in Ho Chi Minh City

4.1 TikTok Usage Frequency and Patterns

Building upon the gathered data, this section utilizes both text and visual aids to elucidate
the information on the frequency and patterns of TikTok usage within the student
community in Ho Chi Minh City.

Chart 1: TikTok Usage Frequency Among University Students

Chart 1 illustrates the distribution of TikTok usage frequency among the surveyed
students. The categories include "Rarely," "Occasionally," "Regularly," and "Frequently."

Frequency Number of People Percentage (%)

Rarely 8 14,5

Occasionally 13 23.6

Regularly 12 21.9

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Frequently 22 40

Total 55 100%

Table 1: Distribution of TikTok Usage Frequency Among Surveyed University Students

Chart 1 and Table 1 offer an overview of how students in Ho Chi Minh City engage with
TikTok. It is evident that 40% of students reported frequent TikTok usage, representing
the largest portion in the research community. This underscores the platform's popularity
in the daily lives of students. Notably, the balanced distribution across "Occasionally"
(23.6%) and "Regularly" (21.9%) categories indicates that TikTok appeals to both
occasional and regular users.

The data indicates a significant presence of TikTok in the daily lives of students, with
40% engaging with the platform frequently. This suggests that TikTok holds a prominent
position as a form of entertainment and content consumption among the surveyed

In general, the results of TikTok usage frequency in the student community in Ho Chi
Minh City suggest a profound influence of this platform on students' daily lives.
However, to gain a clearer assessment of how this usage frequency may relate to
academic outcomes, we need to explore the models of engagement and students'
perspectives on integrating TikTok into their learning processes.

4.2 Perceptions of TikTok's Influence on Academic Performance

In this section, we will follow a similar structure to present and discuss the data on
students' perceptions of TikTok's impact on academic performance.

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Chart 2: Students' Views on TikTok's Influence on Academic Performance

Chart 2 visually represents the distribution of students' perceptions regarding TikTok's

influence on academic performance. The categories include "1-5 (Low)," "6-8
(Moderate)," and "9-10 (High)."

Influence Level Number of People Percentage(%)

1-5 (Low) 27 49,2

6-8 (Moderate) 17 21,9

9-10 (High) 11 20

Total 55 100%

Table 2: Students' Views on TikTok's Influence on Academic Performance

Chart 2 and Table 2 shed light on the varied perspectives among students regarding
TikTok's impact on academic performance. A substantial 49.2% believe TikTok has a
low impact (rated 1-5), indicating that, for this group, it may not significantly influence
their studies. Conversely, 21.9% of students perceive a moderate influence (rated 6-8),
while 20% attribute a high influence (rated 9-10) to TikTok in their academic
performance. This diversity in opinions suggests that some students consider TikTok to
play a significant role in shaping their academic outcomes.

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The findings underscore the spectrum of opinions about TikTok's influence on academic
performance. While a considerable group feels TikTok doesn't strongly impact their
studies, a notable number believes it affects their academic performance to some extent.
This acknowledgment prompts further exploration into the specific aspects of TikTok
that contribute positively or negatively to students' academic experiences.

The data highlights the need for a nuanced understanding of how TikTok is perceived by
students in relation to their academic performance. While a significant portion believes in
its low impact, the presence of moderate to high impact perceptions suggests a complex
interplay between TikTok usage and academic outcomes.

4.3 Challenges and Issues Associated with TikTok Usage

In this section, we will follow the established structure to present and discuss the data on
challenges and issues associated with TikTok usage among students.

Chart 3: Challenges and Issues in TikTok Usage

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Chart 3 visually represents the distribution of challenges and issues encountered by
students regarding their TikTok usage. Various challenges are indicated, including
negative impact on focus, disturbed sleep, procrastination, time management issues,
reduced study time, and influence on social interactions.

Challenges and Issues Number of People Percentage (%)

Negative impact on focus 28 50,9

Disturbed sleep 27 49,1

Procrastination 21 38,2

Time management issues 25 45,5

Reduced study time 24 43,6

Influence on social interactions 18 32,7

No mentioned issues 8 14,5

Other specific challenges 1 1,8

Total 55 100%

Table 3: Challenges and Issues in TikTok Usage

Chart 3 and Table 3 provide crucial insights into the challenges and issues encountered
by students regarding their TikTok usage. The most prevalent challenges reported include
a negative impact on focus (50.9%) and disturbed sleep (49.1%), suggesting potential
consequences for concentration during study sessions and sleep patterns due to TikTok
use. Significant challenges also encompass procrastination (38.2%), time management
issues (45.5%), and reduced study time (43.6%). These findings point towards TikTok
usage contributing to broader concerns related to time management and academic focus.
Approximately 32.7% of participants acknowledge that TikTok influences their social

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interactions, indicating the platform's role in shaping students' engagement within their
social circles. While a substantial portion faces challenges, 14.5% claim to have none of
the mentioned issues, and 1.8% report specific challenges not covered. These variations
underscore the diverse experiences students have with TikTok-related issues.

Chart 3 illuminates the drawbacks students encounter when integrating TikTok into their
learning routines. Challenges such as impaired focus, disrupted sleep, procrastination,
and time management issues suggest that, despite its diverse content, TikTok usage can
pose potential disadvantages affecting students' academic experiences. Recognizing and
understanding these challenges is essential for devising strategies that capitalize on
TikTok's positive aspects while mitigating its drawbacks.

4.4 Positive Impacts of TikTok on Learning Outcomes

In this section, we will continue to follow the established structure to present and discuss
the data on positive impacts reported by students regarding their TikTok usage.

Chart 4: Positive Impacts of TikTok on Learning

Chart 4 visually represents the distribution of positive impacts reported by students

concerning their TikTok usage. Various positive effects are indicated, including Study

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Collaborations, Educational Content Discovery, Improved Creativity, Stress Relief,
Inspiration for Academics, and a Sense of Community.

Positive impacts Number of People Percentage (%)

Study Collaborations 32 58,2

Educational Content Discovery 24 43,6

Improved Creativity 24 43,6

Stress Relief 24 43,6

Inspiration for Academics 20 36,4

Sense of Community 17 30,9

None of the above 5 9,1

Other 1 1,8

Total 55 100%

Table 4: Positive Impacts of TikTok on Learning

Chart 4 and table 4 provide valuable insights into the positive impacts reported by
students concerning their TikTok usage. Study Collaborations emerge as the most
prevalent positive effect, with 58.2% of participants indicating that TikTok has facilitated
collaborations in their studies. This suggests that TikTok serves as a platform for students
to engage in shared learning experiences. Educational Content Discovery, Improved
Creativity, and Stress Relief are each reported by 43.6% of participants. These findings
imply that TikTok is perceived not only as an entertainment platform but also as a source
of educational content, fostering creativity, and providing stress relief. Inspiration for
Academics and a Sense of Community are also acknowledged by a notable percentage
(35.4% and 30.9%, respectively). This suggests that TikTok contributes positively to
students' academic motivation and fosters a sense of belonging within a community.

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While the majority of participants report positive effects, 9.1% state "None of the
Above," and 1.8% mention "Other positive effects." These variations underscore the
individualized nature of TikTok experiences and the diverse ways in which students
perceive positive impacts.

The insights from Chart 4 highlight the positive effects of integrating TikTok into
learning. Study Collaborations, Educational Content Discovery, Improved Creativity, and
Stress Relief are commonly reported, indicating that TikTok serves not only as an
entertainment platform but also as a valuable resource for educational content and
collaborative learning experiences. These positive impacts contribute to students'
motivation and a sense of community, potentially enhancing their overall learning
outcomes. Understanding these positive effects is crucial for harnessing the educational
benefits of TikTok while addressing any associated challenges.

4.5 Confidence Levels in Utilizing TikTok for Learning

In this section, we will proceed with the same structure to present and discuss the data on
students' confidence levels in utilizing TikTok for learning.

Chart 5: Confidence Levels in Utilizing TikTok for Learning

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Chart 5 visually represents the varying levels of confidence among students when
utilizing TikTok for learning purposes. Confidence levels range from "Not confident at
all" to "Extremely confident.

Confidence Level Number of People Percentage(%)

Not confident at all 5 9,1

Slightly confident 7 12,7

Moderately confident 24 43,6

Very confident 13 23,6

Extremely confident 6 10,9

Total 55 100%

Table 5: Confidence Levels in Utilizing TikTok for Learning

Chart 5 provides insights into the varying levels of confidence among students when
utilizing TikTok for learning purposes. The majority of participants, 43.6%, express a
moderate level of confidence in incorporating TikTok into their educational activities.
While 23.6% are very confident and 10.9% are extremely confident, indicating a high
level of assurance, there are also individuals who are not confident at all (9.1%) or
slightly confident (12.7%). This diversity in confidence levels emphasizes the
individualized nature of students' perceptions and comfort levels with TikTok as a
learning tool.

The findings from Chart 5 underscore the importance of considering students' confidence
levels in utilizing TikTok for learning. While a considerable portion expresses moderate
to high confidence, there are also individuals with lower confidence levels. Addressing
these disparities is vital for creating an inclusive environment that supports all students in

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leveraging the potential advantages of TikTok for their learning. Further investigation
into the factors influencing confidence levels can inform strategies to enhance students'
comfort and proficiency in utilizing TikTok as an effective learning tool.

4.6 Successful Experiences in Academic Learning through TikTok

In this section, we will follow the established structure to present and discuss the data on
successful experiences in academic learning through TikTok, as reported by interviewees.

Interviewee Successful experiences

1 Gained motivation for learning

2 Enhanced vocabulary and grammar skills for IELTS and Law

3 No specific successful experiences in academic learning

4 Learned study tips from other students

5 Learned TOEIC through creators' experiences and courses

6 Gained ideas for teaching kids

7 Learned new things and applied them in practical life

8 No specific successful experiences in academic learning

Used motivation and weight loss tips for successful outcomes


10 Learned English skills, including pronunciation and intonation

11 Found emotional support and healing through positive content

12 Practiced and improved speaking English

13 Learned time management skills and created a timetable

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14 Learning Teamwork and Problem-Solving

15 Improved self-control, calmness, and deep thinking

Table 6: Successful Experiences in Academic Learning through TikTok

Interviewees 1, 2, 5, 9, 10, 11, and 13 highlight successful experiences related to

motivation, language skills enhancement, and positive outcomes in various aspects of
their academic journey. Interviewees 4 and 5 mention gaining study tips from other
students and learning TOEIC through creators' experiences and courses, respectively.
Interviewees 6 and 7 express successful experiences in gaining ideas for teaching kids,
learning new things, and applying them in practical life. Interviewee 11 found emotional
support and healing through positive content, while Interviewee 15 focused on improving
self-control, calmness, and deep thinking. Interviewees 3 and 8 state that they did not
have specific successful experiences in academic learning through TikTok. Interviewee
14 emphasizes learning teamwork and problem-solving skills.

The successful experiences reported by interviewees are diverse, ranging from motivation
and language skills enhancement to practical application, emotional support, and personal
growth. This highlights the multifaceted impact of TikTok on students' academic
journeys. The practical application of knowledge gained through TikTok, as mentioned
by Interviewee 7, suggests that the platform goes beyond theoretical learning and
contributes to real-world skills development. Positive impacts on emotional well-being,
self-control, calmness, and deep thinking (Interviewees 11 and 15) indicate that TikTok
can contribute to students' personal development and mental well-being. Learning
teamwork and problem-solving (Interviewee 14) demonstrates that TikTok can provide
opportunities for developing essential life skills beyond academic subjects.
The qualitative insights derived from the data presented in Table 6 illuminate the diverse

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advantages that students associate with the integration of TikTok into their learning
experiences. Notably, the reported benefits encompass crucial aspects such as heightened
motivation, improved language skills, practical application of knowledge, emotional
support, and personal development. These findings go beyond merely identifying TikTok
as an educational resource; they underscore its role as a catalyst for holistic student
development. TikTok, in the eyes of the students, is not confined to being a platform
solely for academic pursuits but rather emerges as a dynamic space contributing to
various facets of their growth. Understanding and acknowledging these positive
experiences become pivotal for educators and policymakers. It enables them to harness
the full potential of TikTok in enhancing student learning outcomes. By recognizing
TikTok as more than just a supplementary educational tool, educational strategies can be
adapted to leverage the platform's multifaceted benefits. This insight prompts a shift from
viewing TikTok in isolation to integrating it into a broader framework that addresses
students' motivational, emotional, and developmental needs. In conclusion, these findings
suggest that TikTok, when approached thoughtfully, has the potential to transcend its
conventional role and become an integral part of a student's holistic educational journey.

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Chapter 5 concludes our study on how TikTok affects university students' learning
experiences in Ho Chi Minh City. We restate the research problem, summarize our
findings, and remind ourselves of the study's purpose. We also highlight important
implications of TikTok use, acknowledge study limitations, and give suggestions and
advice for educators and policymakers. Additionally, we pose some unanswered
questions for future research and suggest alternative methods to explore TikTok's role in
education further. This chapter provides a clear summary of our study and offers practical
guidance for those interested in leveraging TikTok for educational purposes.

5.1 Conclusion

In conclusion, this comprehensive study explored the intricate relationship between

TikTok usage and the learning experiences of university students in Ho Chi Minh City.
The findings uncovered a multifaceted landscape, emphasizing the need for a nuanced
understanding of TikTok's impact on academic performance. The research revealed
diverse patterns of TikTok usage among students, with a significant portion reporting
frequent engagement, highlighting the platform's popularity. However, perceptions of
TikTok's influence on academic performance varied, ranging from low impact to high
influence, underscoring the complexity of its role in students' educational journeys.
Challenges associated with TikTok usage, such as a negative impact on focus, disturbed
sleep, and time management issues, suggested potential drawbacks. Conversely, positive

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impacts, including study collaborations, educational content discovery, and stress relief,
highlighted TikTok's potential as a valuable resource for collaborative learning
experiences. The study also emphasized the importance of considering students'
confidence levels in utilizing TikTok for learning, recognizing the individualized nature
of their perceptions and comfort levels with the platform. Qualitative insights from
interviews showcased a diverse array of successful experiences, ranging from motivation
and language skills enhancement to practical application, emotional support, and personal
growth. TikTok emerged as a platform contributing not only to academic development
but also to holistic student growth.

The implications of this research extend to educators, policymakers, and students,

suggesting the need for educational awareness programs, collaborative learning
initiatives, and the integration of TikTok into curricular activities. The study recommends
continued research to stay abreast of evolving trends and demographic factors influencing
TikTok usage and its effects on learning. The findings suggest that TikTok's impact on
learning outcomes is nuanced, with both positive and negative

aspects. Students reported diverse experiences, emphasizing the need for a balanced
approach to harness TikTok's potential benefits while mitigating challenges.

This study acknowledges certain limitations, including the cross-sectional nature of the
data and potential biases in self-reported information. Future research should consider
longitudinal studies and delve deeper into specific demographic factors influencing
TikTok usage and its effects on academic performance. Additionally, exploring the types
of TikTok content students engage with and their preferences could provide a more
nuanced understanding of the platform's impact. Acknowledging these limitations is
crucial for refining future research approaches and obtaining a more comprehensive
picture of the relationship between TikTok and student learning outcomes.

5.2 Recommendations

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Based on the findings of this research paper, the extensive exploration of TikTok's impact
on university students' learning experiences, several recommendations emerge. Firstly,
universities should integrate digital literacy programs into their curriculum to educate
students on responsible TikTok usage. Additionally, leveraging TikTok in educational
initiatives, such as content creation and collaborative projects, can enhance constructive
learning experiences. Educational awareness programs are crucial to inform students
about potential challenges and pitfalls associated with TikTok, fostering informed
decision-making. Institutions should offer support for time management and focus
through workshops and resources. Promoting positive TikTok use for educational
purposes is essential, creating a supportive learning environment. Continuous monitoring
and adaptation of educational strategies are recommended to stay responsive to evolve
TikTok trends. Further research is encouraged to explore a longitudinal approach of
Tiktok’s impact , tracking students over an extended period. To enhance reliability,
researchers should combine qualitative and quantitative methods, such as interviews and
observational studies. Exploring specific demographic factors, content types, and
variations in impact among diverse student groups will provide a nuanced understanding.
This approach ensures more informed decisions for educating and persisting regarding
TikTok's integration into educational contexts

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1.What grade are you in?

2. Did you know TikTok before this survey?

3. When did you start using the TikTok app?

4. How frequently do you use TikTok?

5. What do you like about TikTok?

6. Have you faced any issues when using TikTok?

7. Have you experienced any positive effects when using TikTok?

8. Have you ever learned something new through TikTok related to studies?

9. How do you use TikTok for your studies?

10. Do you believe TikTok has educational value for university students?

11. What have you learned through TikTok?

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