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1. What requirement in STCW code are required to provide evidence of having achieved the required
standard of competence to undertake the task, duties and responsibilities for fire prevention and
firefighting under the basic training?
Column 1 of table A-VI/1-1
Column 1 of table A-VI/1-2
Column 1 of table A-VI/1-3
Column 1 of table A-VI/1-4

2. Select the first process that you will perform in using the portable fire extinguisher in case of
Pull the safety pin
Test first if it is working
Shake the fire extinguisher
Pull the nozzle from its secured position

3. Which of the following is considered as class “A” fire?

Fire from common combustible materials
Fire from electrical short circuits
Fire from petroleum products
Fire from combustible metals

4. What type of portable fire extinguisher is normally installed in the Engine Control Room?
Dry powder
Wet chemical
Carbon dioxide

5. What hazard is possible when oily rags stored in a pile that is open to the atmosphere?
Attract lice and other vermin and serve as a breeding ground
Spontaneously heat and catch the fire
Deteriorate and give off noxious gasses
Oil leakage on deck

6. Distinguish the best consideration before activating the fixed CO2 system in the engine room?
That the master is present in the CO2 room
That all men are accounted for and nobody is left inside
That the firefighting team has clear out the machinery spaces
That the technical team with the C/E is outside the engine room

7. What type of sprinkler system is installed over the site where combustible material represent a great
hazard and where is no risk of water freezing?
Water spray
Dry sprinkler
Pre-action sprinkler
Automatic wet sprinkler

8. Choose the action of the fire fighters to carry out “direct attack” method to apply the extinguishing
agent to the fire.
Fire-fighters flood the fire area with extinguishing medium
Fire-fighters advance to the immediate fire area
Fire-fighters approach the fire area from the top
Fire-fighters approach the fire from two angles

9. Assess
Removes air
Removes fuel
Stop the Heat
Promotes chemical reaction
10. Distinguish the location of portable fire extinguisher intended for sure in any space considering its
accessibility in the event of fire.
Lockers inside the accommodation
Near the entrance to that space
At the middle part of the alleyway
Lockers inside the engine room

11. Which of the following should be observed to reduce fire hazards in the accommodation spaces?
No smoking on bed
Oil-soaked boiler suits should only be stored in crew lockers
Accommodation doors and portholes should always be open to allow ingress of air
Store paints, oils and cleaning fluids in designated lockers within the accommodation

12. What is the length of the fire hoses located at the ship's machinery spaces as required by SOLAS?
12 meters
15 meters
20 meters
25 meters

13. In case of fire onboard the ship, what reference shall the crew check to get information on their
emergency duties?
Training Manual
Contingency Plan
Emergency Duty Plan

14. Which of the following refers to the method of heat transfer between substances that are in direct
contact with each other?

15. Select your first action upon discovering the fire.

Isolate the fire
Restrict ventilation
Activate the fire alarm
Eliminate the cause of fire

16. Recall the minimum two-way portable radiotelephone apparatus required for each fire party for fire-
fighters communication.
Lifeline is enough

17. Prevention is the best method in combating fire; choose the most effective method to be done in fire
Fire patrol
Fire detection
Manual operated call points
Fixed extinguishing system

18. Select how many pulls to the lifeline you shall use to communicate to the team leader that means to
1 pull
2 pulls
3 pulls
4 pulls
19. Fire pump shall be capable of supplying the fire main system under the required condition. choose at
least how many required jets of water capable of delivering at any event

20. Fire patrols shall provide an effective means of detecting and locating fires and alerting the bridge,
analyze the type of training in which the members of the team shall be familiar with as required.
a. the Masters standing orders
b. the fire detection system and its zones
c. the fixed extinguishing system and its activation point
d. the arrangements of the ship and the location and operation of any equipment

21. What type of detector is activated by an abnormally rapid rise in room temperate predetermined
short duration of time?
fire detector
heat detector
smoke detector
differential detector

22. Which extinguishing method is applied when a fire blanket is used in an oil-filled burning pan?

23. Distinguish the most effective extinguishing agent to the fire involving electrical equipment.
Dry Powder
Carbon Dioxide

24. Choose the suitable nozzle adjustment you shall use in approaching the fire scene to protect your
team from extreme heat
Broken spray
High-velocity fog

25. What is the number and position of the fire hydrants be arranged on areas accessible to passengers
or crew while the ship is being navigated as per regulations?
At least one jet of water may reach any part of the vessel
At least two jets of water may reach any part of the vessel
At least one jet of water and one sprinkler system to cover any part of the vessel
At least one jet of water and one portable fire extinguisher to cover any part of the vessel

26. Identify the method in applying foam type semi-portable fire extinguisher to burning oil to effectively
extinguish the fire.
Use a sweeping motion to the base of the fire
Point the applicator directly to the burning oil
Spray foam to the center then outwards
Deflect the foam to the bulkhead

27. Identify your immediate action if the warning signal of your self-contained breathing apparatus
(SCBA) activates during firefighting.
Ask fire assistance
Escape from the fire scene
Remove your spiromatic mask
Wait until a new cylinder is delivered
28. When performing the pre-use check of you self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) identify the
first item you shall check.
Air pressure
Warning device

29. Select the duration that you can use an approved Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA)
containing at least 1,200 liters of air?
60 minutes
45 minutes
30 minutes
15 minutes

30. In the theory of fire triangle, at least how many percent of air is necessary for the fire to occur?

1. How should the order to abandon ship be given by the master to avoid confusion?
Established alarm signal
Sound power telephone

2. Select the duration in which you are required to don your lifejacket without any assistance from other
crew members.
0.5 minute
1.0 minute
1.5 minutes
2.0 minutes

3. Distinguish the type of emergency onboard that may lead to abandonment of the vessel
Armed robbery
Man over board
Steering failure

4. What is an accidental grounding of the vessel which may lead to other major emergencies like oil

5. Which place can you find the extra lifejackets onboard?

Engine control room
Steering room
Midship store
Bosun store

6. During abandonment of the vessel, identify the equipment you are going to bring to the survival craft
that if activated it will alert the rescue services on 406 Mhz distress frequency
DSC Equipment
7. Upon hearing the general emergency alarm, what are the most important items you are going to bring
at the muster station?
Extra food and water
Important documents
Lifejacket and additional clothing
Signaling equipment from the bridge

8. How many hours Rescue boats shall be capable to maintain of maneuvering at a speed of 6 knots?
24 hrs.
12 hrs.
6 hrs.
4 hrs.

9. What is the method of launching a survival craft wherein the craft with its full complement of persons
and equipment on board is released and allowed to fall into the sea without any restraining apparatus?
Free-fall Launching
Float-free Launching
Quick-release Launching
Gravity Davit Launching

10. In case you cannot launch the liferaft manually during abandonment of the vessel, device enables an
inflatable liferaft to automatically release itself from its stowed position when the vessel sinks around 3
to 4 meters from the water surface.
Senhouse slip
Painter system
Quick-release system
Hydrostatic release unit

11. Jumping into the water during abandon ship is the last option; classify the safety precaution to
Jump directly on the liferaft
Look for other crew members before jumping
Look for the lowest and the safest part of the ship
Remove additional clothing and secure the lifejacket

12. Assess the type of distress signaling and could be effectively used to attract the attention of rescuers
at night?
Dye markers
Signaling mirror
Red hand-held flares
Orange smoke signal

13. You are operating a SART in a survival craft, distinguish a series of twelve dots appearing in standard
X-band radar of Search and Rescue vessel indicates
Number of survival craft
Distance to go to the target
Course to steer to the target
Direction of drift of the target

14. What portable equipment in the survival craft considered as compact, most basic and simple to use
and rated as the most effective signaling device available.
Signal flags
Radar reflector
Signaling mirror

15. How often should abandon ship drill be conducted on board cargo vessel, according to regulation?
once a week
twice a week
once a month
twice a month
16. Which statement is true concerning an approved lifejacket?
Buoyant vest may substitute a lifejacket
Faded lifejackets will fail in the water and should not be used
Lifejackets must always be worn with the same side facing outwards to float properly.
Lifejackets are designed to turn an unconscious person's face clear of the water

17. Identify the signaling equipment you shall use in order to attract attention of a passing aircraft while
you are aboard a liferaft at day time.
Smoke signal
Signal pennant
Red hand held flares
Rocket parachute flare

18. What is the most widely used helicopter lifting device to rescue the survivor from the water but not
suitable for injured persons?

19. What is a protective suit which covers the whole body except the face of the wearer and reduces
body heat loss in cold water?
Thermal protective suit
Marine coverall
Fireman's outfit
Immersion suit

20. After jumping into the water during abandon ship: what is the safest you are going to swim to avoid
suction effect of the sinking vessel?
75-100 yards
150-200 yards
250-300 yards
300-350 yards

21. Choose the channel you must use in portable two-way VHF for distress communications?
Ch. 14
Ch. 16

22. Identify the method of boarding the survival craft to keep yourself dry to prolong your chance of
Jump directly into the canopy
Jump into the water and board the liferaft
Use a ladder/net to lower yourself and jump into the canopy of the raft.
Use a ladder/net to lower yourself and jump at the entrance of the raft to board.

23. Select the proper procedure if you are going to jump into the water in the event of abandon ship.
Jump feet first from the stern
Jump feet first from the bridge
Jump feet first from the boat deck
Jump feet first from the lower part of the ship

24. Choose the action that you will perform together with other survivors in the water to preserve body
Make a raft by lashing the lifejackets together
Send the strongest swimmer to shore to ask assistance
Form a small circle group to create a warmer pocket of water
Tie yourselves together so that they don't separate from each other.
25. After abandon ship and boarded at several survival crafts, what technique you and other survivors do
while waiting for search and rescue units in the middle of the ocean.
Immediately head to the nearest land
Remain together in the area for rescuer
Get away from the area because shark will be attracted to vessels
Separate from each other as this will increase the chances of being rescued

26. What manner does the group of survivors do to proceed to another survivor from a distance still
maintaining the group intact while swimming?
Heat escape lessening posture
Caterpillar formation
Huddle together
Rescue posture

27. After launching the liferaft it was inverted or overturned, choose you action to upright the inverted
liferaft in accordance with the prescribed procedure
Push it up in one side
Do nothing, it will right itself after the canopy support inflates
Get a least four men to push it down on the side where the CO2 cylinder is located
Stand on the CO2 bottles and while holding the righting strap, throw your weight backward

28. How much body heat will be lost when immersed in the water than in a dry environment?
20 times
22 times
24 times
26 times

29. What is the maximum time of survival of a person experiencing hypothermia, having no protective
suit when he/she is immersed in water which has a temperature of 0°C?
30 min.
20 min.
15 min.
10 min.

30. Select the swimming stroke you shall perform while wearing a lifejacket
Side stroke
Back stroke
Dog paddle
Breast stroke

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