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Journal of ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, Vol. 38, No.

1, 2009 Special Issue Paper

DOI: 10.1007/s11664-008-0554-9
Ó 2008 TMS

Effect of Cu Thickness on the Evolution of the Reaction

Products at the Sn-9wt.%Zn Solder/Cu Interface During


1.—Department of Chemical Engineering, National Chung-Hsing University, Taichung 402,

Taiwan, ROC. 2.—e-mail:

Interfacial reactions between Sn-9wt.%Zn solder and Cu substrates at 230°C

were investigated. The substrate thickness was found to have noticeable
effects on the evolution of the reaction products formed at the solder/Cu
interface. The CuZn5 and Cu5Zn8 phases were formed at the early stage of
reflow, regardless of the Cu thickness, while, with increasing reflow time, the
two phases displayed different growth behaviors on the Cu substrates with
various thicknesses. For the thicker Cu substrates with a thickness of 6 lm,
10 lm, and 0.5 mm, CuZn5 disappeared but Cu5Zn8 kept on growing after a
longer reflow time. In contrast, for the thinner Cu substrates with a thickness
less than 3 lm, Cu5Zn8 shrank with increasing reflow time but CuZn5 grew
dominantly. A different evolution of the grain morphology of CuZn5 was also
observed between the thicker and thinner Cu substrates. When the reflow
time was increased, the CuZn5 grains retained a rounded shape on the thinner
Cu substrates; however, the grain structure became faceted on the thicker Cu

Key words: Interfacial reaction, Sn-9wt.%Zn solder, Cu, substrate thickness

closer to that of the conventional Sn-37 wt.% Pb

alloy (183°C).
According to the Restriction of Hazardous Solders are generally used as joining materials to
Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment connect components to the contact pads on printed
(RoHS) regulations, Pb has been banned from use in circuit boards. Because the contact pads are usually
electronic products since July 1, 2006.1 The major made of metals, joints of solder/metal are formed
impact is that the electronics industries have had to after soldering. To evaluate the joint reliability,
find a replacement for the conventional Pb-con- investigations of interfacial reactions between sol-
taining solders. Among many candidates, Pb-free ders and metallic substrates are conducted.2–17
solders are recognized as the most appropriate Cu is one of the most common contact pads in elec-
replacement, and their relevant properties have tronic products. Much effort has been devoted to the
been examined extensively. Various Pb-free solders investigation of the interfacial reactions between
have been proposed, of which the Sn-9wt.%Zn Sn-9Zn solder and Cu substrates.10–17 Although Sn
(denoted as Sn-9Zn hereafter) alloy attracts much and Zn can react with Cu to form Cu-Sn and Cu-Zn
attention because of its lower cost, suitable mechan- intermetallic compounds, respectively, as suggested
ical properties, and a melting point (198.5°C) that is in the binary phase diagrams,18,19 the primary
reaction products that have been reported in the
literature are Cu-Zn compounds.10–17 Three phases,
CuZn, Cu5Zn8, and CuZn5, may form at the inter-
(Received February 19, 2008; accepted August 25, 2008; face in the temperature range of soldering pro-
published online October 8, 2008) cesses, according to the binary Cu-Zn phase

62 C.-H. Chen, Lin, and C.-M. Chen

diagram, but mostly only Cu5Zn8 can form.10–16 for top-view examinations. An image processing
In previous reports,10–16 the Cu substrate was system was used to measure the cross-sectional area
usually in bulk form and, thus, the supply of Cu for of the reaction products and the linear length of the
interfacial reactions was abundant. In our recent solder/Cu interface. We determined the average
work, it was found that CuZn5 becomes the domi- thickness of the reaction products by dividing the
nant reaction product when the Cu substrate is cross-sectional area by the linear length.
converted to thin-film type with a thickness of only
4000 Å.17 Obviously, the Zn-rich CuZn5 phase RESULTS
replaces the Cu5Zn8 phase when the supply of Cu is
Figure 1 shows a series of scanning electron
limited. In other words, the thickness of the Cu
micrographs of the solder/Cu interface after reflow
substrate should play an important role in the
for 1–60 min.17 The thickness of the Cu substrate is
Sn-9Zn/Cu interfacial reaction. To gain a detailed
0.5 mm. Two compounds were formed at the inter-
understanding of the effect of Cu substrate thick-
face after reflow for 1 min, as shown in Fig. 1a.
ness on the Sn-9Zn/Cu interfacial reaction, we
According to the compositional analysis of FEE-
investigated Cu substrates of various thickness in
PMA, the compound adjoined to the solder was
the work now described. Since Cu substrates with a
identified as the CuZn5 phase and that adjacent to
thickness of 4000 Å and 0.5 mm were examined in
the Cu substrate was Cu5Zn8. Upon increasing the
our previous work,17 to make a more detailed com-
reflow time, the Cu5Zn8 phase grew at a much faster
parison, we have used part of those results in the
rate than the CuZn5 phase, as seen in Fig. 1b and c.
discussion here.
This significant difference in the growth rates of the
two phases can also be seen in Fig. 2, which depicts
the relationship between the compound thickness
Sn and Zn shot of 99.99% purity were used to and the reflow time. Although the CuZn5 phase did
prepare the Sn-9Zn solder. Suitable amounts of Sn not display noticeable growth (compared with that
and Zn shot were weighed according to the solder of the Cu5Zn8 phase), a remarkable change in its
composition and sealed in a vacuum quartz tube. grain structure is observed in Fig. 3a–c. The top-
These shot were put into a furnace at 450°C for 72 h view scanning electron micrograph in Fig. 3a
to reach homogeneity. Then, the molten solder alloy reveals that the grain size of the CuZn5 phase is
was quenched in ice water. A small piece of solder fairly uniform and the grain structure is rounded
(5 mg) was cut from the solidified ingot. The piece after 1 min of reflow, while the grain size in Fig. 3c
was cleaned and placed on a flux-coated [rosin becomes extremely non-uniform after 10 min of
mildly activated (RMA) flux] Cu substrate. Cu sub- reflow. Some grains grew as big as several
strates of five thicknesses were prepared: 4000 Å; micrometers, while the rest remained smaller than
3 lm; 6 lm; 10 lm; and 0.5 mm. The 4000 Å Cu those shown in Fig. 3a. These bigger grains display
substrate was prepared by sputtering a Cu thin film a faceted structure, which was different from the
of the desired thickness on an oxidized Si chip. To initial rounded shape seen in Fig. 3a. After reflow
improve adhesion of the Cu thin film with the oxi- for 60 min, as seen in Fig. 1d, the CuZn5 phase
dized Si, a Ta thin film of 200 Å thickness was disappeared and only the Cu5Zn8 phase was found
sputtered prior to the Cu deposition. The Cu sub- at the interface. The top-view scanning electron
strates of thicknesses from 3 lm to 10 lm were micrograph in Fig. 3d reveals that the Cu5Zn8
obtained by electroplating Cu onto an oxidized grains are fine and faceted.
Si chip after the above-mentioned Cu/Ta deposition. Figure 4 comprises the scanning electron micro-
A Cu plate 0.5 mm thick was purchased and then graphs of the solder/Cu interface after reflow, in
cleaned, polished, and used directly. which the thickness of the Cu substrate is 10 lm.
To conduct the reflow reaction, we placed the Cu After 10 min of reflow, as seen in Fig. 4a, two com-
substrate, with a solder piece on its surface, on a hot pounds were formed at the interface. Electron probe
plate at a constant temperature of 230°C. The microanalysis (EPMA) indicated that the two com-
duration of reflow ranged from 1 min to 60 min. pounds were also CuZn5 and Cu5Zn8 phases. The
After reaction, the sample was mounted in epoxy compound formation and grain structure are similar
resin and examined metallographically. The sample to those in Fig. 1c for the Cu substrate of 0.5 mm
was ground and polished to expose the cross-section thickness. It can be seen that the Cu substrate was
of the solder/Cu interface. Field-emission scanning not consumed completely. After reflow for 60 min,
electron microscopy (FESEM) was used to observe only the Cu5Zn8 phase remained at the interface,
the microstructure of the solder/Cu interface. Field- and the Cu substrate had been completely con-
emission electron probe microanalysis (FEEPMA) sumed, as seen in Fig. 4b. The results from the Cu
was used for the compositional analysis of the substrate of 6 lm thickness are similar to those
reaction products formed at the solder/Cu interface. from 10 lm thickness and, thus, are not shown
The sample was also dipped into an etching solu- here.
tion, 93% CH3OH + 2% HNO3 + 5% HCl, to remove When the thickness of the Cu substrate was
the entire solder and expose the reaction products reduced to 3 lm, both the CuZn5 and Cu5Zn8 phases
Effect of Cu Thickness on the Evolution of the Reaction Products at the Sn-9wt.%Zn Solder/Cu 63
Interface During Reflow

the interface, as seen in Fig. 5b, but the compoundsÕ

thickness and phase structure differed from those in
Fig. 5a. The Cu5Zn8 phase had shrunk, while the
CuZn5 phase had grown thicker and displayed a
scallop-type structure. Figure 6 shows the scanning
electron micrographs of the solder/Cu interface for
the Cu substrate of 4000 Å thickness, which had
been reported in our previous work.17 It was seen
that the Cu thin film had been completely consumed
after reflow for only 1 min, and a compound layer
had been formed at the interface. Based on careful
scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observation,
this compound layer was actually composed of two
different phases. The upper phase (adjacent to the
solder) was thicker and was identified as the CuZn5
phase. Another phase adjacent to the Si chip was too
thin to be observable under the SEM magnification
as shown in Fig. 6a. Such thinness made the com-
position of this phase difficult to be determined,
while we had determined that this thin phase was
Cu5Zn8 using x-ray diffraction (XRD) in our previ-
ous work.17 After reflow for 10 min, the Cu5Zn8
phase disappeared and only the CuZn5 phase
existed at the interface, as seen in Fig. 6b. The
disappearance of the Cu5Zn8 phase was also con-
firmed by the XRD results.17 Similar to Fig. 5b, the
CuZn5 phase presented a scallop-like structure.
Top-view examination in Fig. 7 reveals that the
CuZn5 grains are rounded.

Morphological Evolution of the CuZn5 Grain
As seen in Fig. 3, the CuZn5 grain size is uniform
for a shorter reflow time but gradually becomes non-
uniform with increasing reflow time. The bigger
grains in Fig. 3c are likely to have preferential
growth orientations, since they exhibit a faceted
structure and grow at a much faster rate than the
rest of the smaller grains. The presence of a faceted
grain structure and preferential growth orienta-
tions suggests that the interfacial energy between
the CuZn5 phase and the molten solder is likely to
be anisotropic. For a shorter reflow time, as seen in
Fig. 3a, however, the CuZn5 grains exhibit a roun-
ded shape, suggesting that the interfacial energy at
the early stage of reflow is likely to be isotropic. The
above comparison implies that the type of interfa-
cial energy of the solder/CuZn5 interface has a
strong dependence on the length of reflow time.
During the solder/Cu interfacial reaction, Cu-Zn
compounds are formed at the interface and simul-
Fig. 1. Scanning electron micrographs of the solder/Cu interface taneously consume Zn in the solder. At the early
after reflow at 230°C for (a) 1 min, (b) 5 min, (c) 10 min,17 and stage of reflow, Zn consumption is insignificant,
(d) 60 min,17 in which the thickness of the Cu substrate is 0.5 mm. because the Cu-Zn compounds are thin. Hence, the
solder composition near the interface could be very
close to the initial Sn-9Zn composition. When the
were also formed at the solder/Cu interface after reflow time is increased, more Zn atoms are con-
reflow for 5 min, as seen in Fig. 5a. Meanwhile, the sumed with the growth of the Cu-Zn compounds,
Cu substrate had been completely consumed. After and the solder composition will change accordingly.
reflow for 60 min, the two compounds still existed at To understand the change of the solder composition,
64 C.-H. Chen, Lin, and C.-M. Chen

Fig. 2. Relationships between the compoundsÕ thicknesses and the reflow time.

we produced scanning electron micrographs of lower composition can occur, due to the continuous con-
magnification, as seen in Fig. 8, to display the sumption of Zn. In contrast, if the Cu supply is very
interior microstructure of the solder. Obviously, the limited, for example, in the case using a thin Cu
microstructure is significantly changed with substrate of only 4000 Å thickness (Fig. 6), the
increasing reflow time, indicating that the solder consumption of Zn will be very limited. This might
composition indeed changes. Shown in Fig. 9 is the merely result in a slight change of the solder com-
Sn-rich region of the Sn-Zn binary phase diagram.19 position, so the solidification behavior could be
The eutectic SnZn alloy contains 91.2 wt.% Sn and described by line (A) in Fig. 9. This argument is
8.8 wt.% Zn, so the initial composition of the solder consistent with the results shown in Fig. 6, where
is in the hypo-eutectic region. As the solder is cooled the primary Zn precipitates were formed near the
after reflow, the solidification path will follow the solder/CuZn5 interface. Owing to the negligible
line (A), so the primary Zn phase would precipitate change of solder composition, the solder/CuZn5
out first. From the microstructure observation of interfacial energy could remain isotropic. Therefore,
Fig. 8a, it can be seen that, before 5 min of reflow, the CuZn5 grains on the 4000-Å Cu substrate
primary Zn precipitates (black spots) exist in the retained a rounded shape during reflow, as seen in
solder, suggesting that this solder composition is Fig. 7.
located in the hypo-eutectic region. When the reflow
time is increased, more Zn atoms are consumed with
Effect of Cu Substrate Thickness
the growth of the Cu-Zn compounds. The solder
on the Reaction Products
composition would change and might shift to the
hyper-eutectic region, that is, to the pure Sn corner. Based on the experimental results, it can be seen
Then, the solidification path changes to line (B), and that, at the early stage of reflow, both CuZn5 and
the primary phase that solidifies first becomes the Cu5Zn8 phases are formed, regardless of the fact
Sn phase. This is in good agreement with the SEM that the Cu substrate is only 4000 Å thin or as thick
observation in Fig. 8b and c, where the primary Sn as 0.5 mm. With increasing reflow time, the two
phase is observed in the solder after 10 min of phases display different growth rates on different
reflow. Since the solder composition changes with Cu substrates. On the Cu substrates 6 lm, 10 lm,
increasing reflow time, that is, from Sn-9Zn to pure and 0.5 mm thick (denoted as ‘‘thicker Cu’’ hereaf-
Sn, the solder/CuZn5 interfacial energy might be ter), the Cu5Zn8 phase grows dominantly, as seen in
affected accordingly. Based on the morphological Fig. 2. The dominant reaction product becomes
evolution of the CuZn5 grain, the type of interfacial CuZn5 when the thickness of the Cu substrate is
energy is likely to be transformed from isotropic to reduced to 3 lm and 4000 Å (denoted as ‘‘thinner
anisotropic. Cu’’ hereafter). The results indicate that the type of
It must be noted that, in Fig. 1, the Cu supply is dominant reaction product in the Sn-9Zn/Cu inter-
abundant, because the Cu substrate is thick. With facial reaction is significantly affected by the
abundant Cu supply, the Cu-Zn compounds can thickness of the Cu substrate.
continuously grow by the reaction between Cu On the thicker Cu substrates, it is also found that,
and Zn. Thus, a significant change of the solder although the CuZn5 phase is formed at the early
Effect of Cu Thickness on the Evolution of the Reaction Products at the Sn-9wt.%Zn Solder/Cu 65
Interface During Reflow

Fig. 4. Scanning electron micrographs of the solder/Cu interface

after reflow at 230°C for (a) 10 min and (b) 60 min, in which the
thickness of the Cu substrate is 10 lm.

Fig. 3. Top-view scanning electron micrographs of the reaction

compounds formed at the solder/Cu interface after reflow at 230°C Fig. 5. Scanning electron micrographs of the solder/Cu interface
for (a) 1 min, (b) 5 min, (c) 10 min, and (d) 60 min, in which the after reflow at 230°C for (a) 5 min and (b) 60 min, in which the
thickness of the Cu substrate is 0.5 mm. thickness of the Cu substrate is 3 lm.
66 C.-H. Chen, Lin, and C.-M. Chen

Fig. 6. Scanning electron micrographs of the solder/Cu interface

after reflow at 230°C for (a) 1 min and (b) 10 min, in which the
thickness of the Cu substrate is 4000 Å.17

Fig. 8. Scanning electron micrographs of lower magnification

showing the interior microstructure of the solder after reflow at 230°C
for (a) 5 min, (b) 10 min, and (c) 60 min, in which the thickness of the
Cu substrate is 0.5 mm.

stage of reflow, it disappears after a longer reflow

time. According to the Cu-Zn binary phase dia-
gram,19 the CuZn5 phase is thermodynamically
stable, so one interesting question arises as to why a
thermodynamically stable phase that has been
formed will disappear. To find a potential answer,
we use the isothermal section of the ternary Sn-Zn-Cu
system at 230°C20 in Fig. 10. In Fig. 10, it can be
seen that, at the Sn-rich corner, the liquid phase
(denoted as ‘‘L’’) can be in two-phase equilibrium
Fig. 7. Top-view scanning electron micrographs of the reaction
compounds formed at the solder/Cu interface after reflow at 230°C
with the CuZn5, Cu5Zn8, CuZn, or Cu6Sn5 phases
for (a) 1 min and (b) 10 min, in which the thickness of the Cu sub- with decreasing Zn concentration in the solder. At
strate is 4000 Å. the early stage of reflow, the Zn concentration in the
Effect of Cu Thickness on the Evolution of the Reaction Products at the Sn-9wt.%Zn Solder/Cu 67
Interface During Reflow

L + CuZn5 two-phase field. Therefore, CuZn5 can

form as a stable phase at the interface. The diffusion
path follows line A (thick dashed line) and is solder/
CuZn5/Cu5Zn8/Cu. However, the Zn concentration
will decrease with increasing reflow time (as indi-
cated by ‘‘b’’), due to the growth of the Cu-Zn com-
pounds. Thus, the interface status will shift toward
the Sn-rich tip. Then, the interfacial equilibrium is
represented by a tie-line in the L + Cu5Zn8 two-
phase field. The diffusion path becomes B (thin
dashed line) and is solder/Cu5Zn8/Cu. Therefore,
CuZn5 is no longer a stable phase and disappears, as
seen in Figs. 1d and 4b, leaving only Cu5Zn8 at the
interface. In contrast, for the thinner Cu substrates,
the change of the Zn concentration is insignificant,
as discussed above, so the interface status does not
change and can be still represented by a tie-line
in the L + CuZn5 two-phase field, remaining the
stability of CuZn5 at the interface.
Yang et al.21 reported the strong Zn concentration
effect on the interfacial reactions between Sn-Zn
solders and Cu substrates. They changed the Zn
concentration of the solder and found different
Fig. 9. Sn-rich region of the Sn-Zn binary phase diagram.19 Line (A) reaction products formed at the solder/Cu interface.
is the solidification path of a hypo-eutectic SnZn alloy, line (B) is the When the Zn concentrations were 0.5 wt.% and
solidification path of a hyper-eutectic SnZn alloy, and L means liquid. 2 wt.%, the reaction products were Cu6Sn5 and
Cu5Zn8, respectively. When the Zn concentration
was in-between (0.7 wt.%), Cu6Sn5 and CuZn coexis-
solder is still close to 9 wt.% (15.6 at.%, denoted as ted. Yang et al. also provided an explicit explana-
‘‘a’’ in Fig. 10) as discussed above, so the interfacial tion of the strong Zn concentration effect, using the
equilibrium can be represented by a tie-line in the ternary Sn-Zn-Cu isothermal section. Based on

Fig. 10. Isothermal section of ternary Sn-Zn-Cu system at 230°C.20 Lines A and B are diffusion paths, L means liquid, a is the location of the
composition of Sn-9wt.% (15.6 at.%) Zn alloy, and b is that of SnZn alloy with Zn concentration less than 9 wt.%.
68 C.-H. Chen, Lin, and C.-M. Chen

their results and those obtained in our work, it can CONCLUSIONS

be expected that Cu5Zn8 can form as a stable phase
at the Sn-Zn solder/Cu interface when the Zn con- Two compounds, CuZn5 and Cu5Zn8, were formed
centration in the solder is in the range from 2 wt.% at the solder/Cu interfaces reflowed at 230°C for Cu
substrates ranging in thickness from 4000 Å to
to 9 wt.%. However, the CuZn5 phase was not
0.5 mm. However, the evolution of the two
observed in their results, indicating that CuZn5 is,
indeed, not a thermodynamically stable phase for compounds during reflow was affected significantly
by the thickness of the Cu substrate. When the Cu
the solder with lower Zn concentration, which is in
substrate was thicker than 6 lm, CuZn5 disappeared
agreement with the above discussion of Figs. 1d and
4b. but Cu5Zn8 kept on growing after a longer reflow
time, while, as the Cu thickness was reduced to fewer
than 3 lm, Cu5Zn8 shrank with increasing reflow
Estimation of Densities of Cu5Zn8 and CuZn5 time but CuZn5 grew dominantly. The thickness of
the Cu substrate also had noticeable effects on the
The density of the intermetallic compounds is a
evolution of the CuZn5 grain structure. With
fundamental physical parameter which is useful in
increasing reflow time, the CuZn5 grains retained a
many applications. However, the relevant informa-
rounded shape on thinner Cu substrates; however,
tion is very limited, and no data on the densities of
the CuZn5 grains became faceted and displayed
the Cu-Zn compounds can be obtained. In our work
preferential growth orientations on the thicker Cu
described here, the densities of the Cu-Zn com-
substrates. This noticeable effect was ascribed to the
pounds could be estimated preliminarily from the
change of the solder composition due to the Cu/Zn
thickness data of the Cu-Zn compounds. For exam-
interfacial reaction. The phase evolution can be
ple, as seen in Fig. 4, the Cu substrate had been
explained by the ternary Sn-Zn-Cu phase diagram.
completely consumed and transformed into the
Cu5Zn8 phase at the interface after reflow for
60 min. If the Cu solubility in the solder is assumed ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
to be negligible, all of the Cu atoms participate in The authors wish to acknowledge the financial
the interfacial reaction with Zn via the following support of the National Science Council of Taiwan,
chemical reaction. ROC, through Grants NSC 95-2221-E-005-143 and
NSC 96-2218-E-007-012. This work was supported
5Cu þ 8Zn ! Cu5 Zn8 (1) in part by the Ministry of Education, Taiwan, ROC,
Since the Cu substrate is 10 lm thick, it can provide under the ATU plan.
(dCu 9 DxCu 9 A)/MCu = 1.41 9 10-12 9 A mol of Cu
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