REPORT - Ethics Case Study

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Introduction To Engineering
Ethics Case Study

Team name: The Four Amigos

Team member: Joory Amoun A21ET4004
Sam Nureszren Bin Sam Sabtu A21ET0211
Bader Khairi Ismail Hashim A20ET4004
Teow Zi Xian A21ET0241

Lecturer’s name: Ir. Dr. Zaki Yamani B. Zakaria, Dr. Siti Hajjar Che Man
Session: 05
Ethics are standards that are followed based on a person's sense of moral obligation.
Engineering ethics is the study of connected problems regarding moral values, character,
policies, and relationships of persons and organizations involved in technical activity. An
engineer, whether working alone or for a firm, must deal with ethical difficulties, most of which
arise during the conceptualization of a product, issues developing in the design and testing
departments, or issues affecting production, sales, and services. Moral concerns exist during
supervision and teamwork as well. The ethical decisions and moral values of an engineer need to
be considered because the decisions of an engineer have an impact on the products and services -
how safe they are to use, the company and its shareholders who believe in the goodwill of the
company, the public and the society who trusts the company regarding the benefits of the people,
the law which cares about how legislation affects the profession and industry, the job and his
moral responsibilities and about how the environment gets affected, etc.

Proper judgment on the ethical and right decisions that need to be made
Ethics, often known as moral philosophy, is the study of what is ethically good and evil,
right and wrong. Ethics is the study of the criteria we use or propose to judge such things. The
case, which happened at the pioneering Teruntum Complex, the main shopping mall in Kuantan
(1982), had caused injuries and damage to vehicles due to negligence of regular safety inspection
and maintenance on 23rd July 2017.
These erroneous and unethical decisions made by the engineers and the owners of the
shopping mall had brought this situation into jeopardy. As an ethical engineer, he needs to
always adhere to the Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM), shall at all times hold paramount the
safety, health, and welfare of the public. In this case, he should certify satisfactory completion of
work only if he has control over the supervision of the construction or installation of that work.
In addition, he should also make sure the construction or installation fulfills the requirements of
the engineering design and specifications. As a result, clear instructions on the intent,
performance, and construction of a project can be provided, preventing the damaging and
collapsing of the buildings.
Besides, the engineer shall issue public statements only in an objective and truthful
manner. In this case, he should be objective and truthful in professional reports, statements, and
testimony, including all pertinent information in such reports. For the reason that reports give
customers and project heads the means to make effective, timely decisions that could ultimately
make the difference between a project being completed within predefined parameters or
completed by incurring additional costs overruns and time delays or decommissioned. As a
result, the owner of the shopping mall can notice and pay more attention to the maintenance of
the building and infrastructure, thus any tragedies can be avoided.

Analysis of the consequences of the right decision

After making the right decision, there will be a safer environment. The possibility of
building collapse is reduced because quality construction and installation had been done.
Indirectly, the reputation of the stakeholders can be promoted and maintained.
According to new data from the National Safety Council, workplace safety may have
an impact on consumer happiness. As a result, businesses that provide a safe working
environment may reap the benefits of a better customer experience. The trust of the customers
towards the company will be elevated, promoting the business of the company.
In addition, ethical decisions can provide a safer environment surrounding the
neighborhood and promote community development. When community development is
effective, there is less crime, less disparity between citizens, better employment accessible, a
more talented workforce, and fewer issues that impact residents.
Last but not least, after the right decisions are made, the collapse of the building can
be avoided, thus keeping the pollution away from the area such as air pollution, soil pollution,
and water pollution. Since all goods and services used by humanity come directly or indirectly
from the earth and its environment, thus any decisions made must always consider the

Analysis of the consequences of wrong decisions was made

A decision is a conclusion or resolution reached after consideration. A good decision can
allow the organization to develop and survive in the long run, while a wrong decision might put
everything in jeopardy. In this case, the water tank on the fourth level of the structure collapsed,
inflicting damage and injuries due to a lack of regular safety inspection and maintenance. Many
negative consequences have resulted from this circumstance.
A company’s overall reputation is a function of its reputation among its various
stakeholders. This erroneous decision by the company resulted in a tragic accident and business
losses, interruptions, data loss, and other monetary losses for the stakeholders since construction
and demolition are needed. Simultaneously, it has harmed both stakeholders' and the company's
reputations. Furthermore, the consequences of the unethical decision might directly cause
injuries, loss of lives, permanent disability or psychological damage (fear, helplessness, distress,
depression, and suicides) of victims, and disruption of economic activities. In addition, the
environmental risks in building collapse consist of the loss of functionality in the neighborhoods,
CO2 and toxic emission, environmental repair, loss of building aesthetic values, and degrading
of the environment.
Making a wrong decision can influence many obstructive effects on life. Incorrect
decisions might only affect us temporarily or they could stay with us for the rest of our life. In a
way, decisions should be made only by the person making them. We should always think of how
they will affect us and others.

Unethical activity will result in a loss of reputation, which will have an influence on
future jobs and will also bring disaster to people. It may be expensive, and engineers have been
subjected to protracted court battles and significant monetary fines for unethical activity. It may
even imply that engineers are forbidden from working for certain clients. Clients, on the other
hand, must be ethical. While a customer has a reputation for unethical conduct, the engineer may
either skip pricing their projects or add money to their fee to compensate for the challenges they
know they'll have when dealing with the client. An engineer who engages in unethical behavior
with their client and suppliers may also find it difficult to find work for them in the future.
Ultimately the client will be paying more for their projects, and the supplier's bottom line could
suffer as a result of poor customer service.
Introduction, Sam; proper judgment, Zixian; analysis, Zixian and Joory; conclusion, Sam;
writing-original draft preparation; Sam, Zixian and Joory; writing-review and editing, Sam,
Zixian and Joory .All authors have read and agreed to the publication of the report.


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