Level 3 Diploma Unit 8 Project Proposal Pro Forma Level 3 Extended Diploma Unit 12 Project Proposal Proforma

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Finlay Hooton

Level 3 Diploma Unit 8 Project Proposal pro forma

Level 3 Extended Diploma Unit 12 Project Proposal Proforma

Name Finlay Hooton

Pathway Level 3 UAL diploma production and performing arts
Project Midsummers night dream
Section 1: Rationale (Yr 1 approx. 100 words) Yr 2- 150 words
Throughout the various projects I’ve taken part in within this course, I’ve learnt much in the ways
of the dramatics and acting, in both a technical sense and a practical sense, I’ve learnt the ways
around surrealism in my 6th and 7th unit and how to implement the style into pieces of theatre,
I’ve also evolved as a performer, and have grown to better understand my flaws and strengths
and how one may improve upon said flaws/weaknesses.

I’ve grown especially in my knowledge of the more technical aspects of acting, and as a
performer I now have a far greater understanding of techniques such as projection, physical
movement correspondent of acting and more, all of which I personally felt were weaknesses of
mine going into this course, furthermore, I am able to work far more independently and nurture
my own understanding of the dramatics without the helping hand I used to previously require,
allowing me to take point and lead groups to produce adequate results.

This course has also helped me become considerably more retrospective as an actor and
allowed me to look at and discover my own flaws and strengths, alongside how to work and
improve upon these things at the same time, which has meant leaps and bounds for my
improvement as a creative performer.

As said, I struggled vastly with the technical side of acting as a performer, however, I have also
struggled with stereotyping when acting, and find myself slipping characters into stereotypes to a
certain degree, a good example of this would be my monologue in unit 1 to 4, where I found
myself focusing too much on acting the role of a “queen” as opposed to a character who
happened to be a queen, this helped me understand and identify when I find myself slipping into
this habit, and has allowed me to curtail the habit itself.
Section 2: Project concept (Yr 1 approx. 200 Yr 2- 200 words

In my final project I want to explore my skill as an actor in regards to Shakespeare-Ian text, how I
understand this text and how its spoken, furthermore I want to bridge the gap between my
passion for acting and the arts, as I plan to involve my skill for digital art within the performance,
where I will draw the posters and tickets/wristbands we will use in our performance or for our

For my research, I’ve looked into the different characters for our performance, specifically looking
to create my own personal synopsis of each character, alongside this, I’ve looked into the
historical connotations of the play and its themes, furthermore, I plan to delve deeper into my
research of the character I am cast for, looking at that characters motivations, personality, flaws
and similar such things.

As to how I shall go about conducting this research, I have already planned out a research time
table, and alongside this have identified several websites and books that I can access that shall
act as the ideal resources for my research, and plan to use them to the best of my ability.
Finlay Hooton

This research will be used in my practical work to further embolden the character I’m cast as,
and elevate my skill as said character, which will allow me to understand the tones this character
speaks with, an accent this character may have, how this character moves and holds
themselves, what this character considers themselves to be, exemplifying the ego of this
character and enabling me to utilities method acting to truly become this character, furthermore,
this research will allow me a better understanding of this characters costume, which will allow me
to prepare myself if this costume would require more specialized movements.
Section 3: Evaluating the Process (Yr 1 Yr 2- 150 words
approx. 50 words)

To check that I have achieved all of my personal goals and aims for this project, i will look at my
own acting, and compare that to acting of my past and identify any improvements, alongside this,
I will set targets for each lesson, and will strive to achieve this personal target, which will allow
me to follow my improvement and measure my own progress and improvements.

To record my lows and highs within the course, I will take notes after every lesson to compare
and analyze my improvements, alongside the issues and successes within in the course,
furthermore, this will also help me best evidence and explain/show my skills and decision
making, allowing me to create further notes on how I did things, and why I changed and did
certain things.

Alongside this, this plan will also help me showcase my ability to collaborate with my fellow
students within this course to properly craft, create, and design effective and adequate

As I have previously mentioned, I plan on using a variety of resources to research with, some of
these being websites, books, poems, etc., I see these sources as being useful as not only does
the variety offer many different points of view, it also allows me to cross-reference these sources
to be sure of their correctness, alongside this, using things like websites and books themselves
gives me a view of both the ancient perspective of characters, alongside the modern perspective.
Proposed research sources and bibliography (Harvard format)

Britannica (2024). Encyclopedia Britannica. In: Encyclopædia Britannica. [online] Available at:

YouTube. (2019). YouTube. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/?gl=GB&hl=en-GB.

Project action plan and timetable

Week Date week Activity/what you intend to Resources / what you will need to
beginning do - including independent do - including access to resources
01/02/2024 Research into the history and The internet, sites similar to the
Week 1 themes present within the Britannica encyclopedia
performance we plan to do.
Finlay Hooton

07/02/2024 Further research into the The internet, sites similar to the
Week 2 themes of the midsummer’s Britannica encyclopedia
night’s dream, specifically the
differences between the Fae
and the humans
13/02/2024 Research into the role I have The internet, sites similar to the
Week 3 been given, the history and the Britannica encyclopedia
present the is around and
about my character, also look
into designs for postures and
tickets in a Woodstock style
20/02/2024 Research into the other roles The internet, sites similar to the
Week 4 present within the play, and Britannica encyclopedia, along with
their relationship between my the script for the play
own character, investigate
colours for the aforementioned
posters and tickets, and
present them in a production
27/02/2024 Further research into colour The internet, sites similar to the
Week 5 selection for the posters and Britannica encyclopedia, YouTube
tickets, alongside this,
investigate how to effectively
move using a staff/scepter in
an acting/performance setting
05/03/2024 Further look into the previous The internet, sites similar to the
Week 6 research regarding movement Britannica encyclopedia, YouTube
with a scepter and/or staff,
finalize choices for the posters
and tickets
12/03/2024 Look into the history behind The internet, sites similar to the
Week 7 scepters/staffs and their Britannica encyclopedia, Krita
historical connotations,
alongside finishing the posters
and tickets
19/03/2024 Look at previous performances The internet, sites similar to the
Week 8 of Midsummers Night’s Dream, Britannica encyclopedia, YouTube,
specifically focus on the National theatre
character I am cast as.
26/03/2024 Finalize all previous research, The internet, sites similar to the
Week 9 and look into the previous Britannica encyclopedia, YouTube,
performances of Midsummers National theatre, etc
Night’s Dream further
02/04/2024 Look further into the play, its Midsummers night’s dream script
Week 10 themes, and its history
connotations for Midsummers
Nights Dream, and the subtext
within certain scenes.
Finlay Hooton

09/04/2024 Research the history of the Fae The internet, sites similar to the
Week 11 in literature of the time Britannica encyclopedia

16/04/2024 Research into the intentions The internet, sites similar to the
Week 12 Shakespeare had when writing Britannica encyclopedia, Shakespeare
this play biology

23/04/2024 Research into the political The internet, sites similar to the
Week 13 climate when Midsummers Britannica encyclopedia
Nights dream was first crafted
and performed
30/04/2024 Finalize all previously The internet, sites similar to the
Week 14 mentioned research Britannica encyclopedia, etc.

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