Home Education

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Alternative Approaches to Education

Home education

What is home education?

Home education also called as home schooling is famous across many countries in
the world. Home education means, students stay home and get educated by their
parents or by special tutors who teach and educate them at their home. Instead of
going to school they learn practically unlike the students at school who revise with
different sources like books and technology etc.
Reasons for home schooling
Parents choose home schooling over traditional schools for their kids for different
reasons. Some choose as they think it is a good way to keep their children away
from stress caused by traditional schools. And some parents choose, as it is less
costly and helps their kids to learn more practical and flexible way. Some parents are
choosing home schooling if their children have special needs or disabled.
Benefits: Some of the main advantages of home schooling are
 To make a change from negative things done in school.
 Home schooling makes children more independent and mature, as the
children do most of the learning with self-interest.
 The kids at home schooling can have their own style of learning and can
spend more time on tougher subjects and less time on easy subjects.
 More practical approach, as parents and tutors use variety of methods to
 Home schooling allows more family bonding and develop relationships.
 It supports children with disabilities and special needs.
 The students who are home schooled study for only 2-3 hours a day and are
less stressed.
The challenges of home schooling: Though there are many benefits, home school
also has some disadvantages. Some of them are
 The parents must take care of everything which makes them stressful.
 The parents must make sure that their child is distracted or not to find out
whether he is learning or not.
 The main challenge is that the kid’s parents are not trained properly and fit to
be a teacher.
 It lacks social interaction skills.
Some facts of home schooling
 More than 2.5 million Americans are home schooled.
 According to educational researchers found that home schooling is scheduled
for 2-3 hours only.
 Home schoolers do not need a high diploma to get into college.
 Research showed that lots of home-schooling parents are working parents.
 Home schoolers do not have to do the same work that is done in school.
Home schooling in Singapore
Home schooling is still not a very popular choice in Singapore. Home schooling is
allowed in Singapore since 2000 by the MOE. In Singapore, the parents join the
support groups to learn more about home schooling, know about curriculum and
resources, support each other through forums. Home school Singapore, and
Singapore home school are two biggest support groups in Singapore. Home
schooling is on rise in North American countries both USA and Canada. It is also
popular in UK, Australia and New Zealand.
Will home schooling be the future?
Home schooling is likely to be the school of future as it is growing in some countries
like in America and Canada. With growing digitalisation and availability of more
resources on the internet, home schooling is becoming more competitive to
traditional schools. Now many e-based learning institutes have come up and are
more competitive and flexible, which can also replace the traditional schools.
Overall, home education which is learning at home through parents and tutors, has
many benefits and provides lot of flexibility, but is still in its early stages. It is rising in
countries like USA and Canada. Digitalisation, internet, and many E-based learning
institutions are making it possible for the growth in home-based schooling. However,
it would take time to replace the traditional learning which has several advantages
and enhances social skills.

1. Futureschool.com/home-education
2. Smiletutor.sg/the-pros-and-cons-of-homeschooling-in-singapore
3. Moe.gov.sg
4. Bbc.co.uk/schools/parents/home_education
5. Educationotherwise.org

Project based learning

What is project-based learning?

Projects based learning is where students learn by preparing projects and

learning practically and activities. It also helps you to face real worldwide
challenges. It also helps you develop your thinking skills and collaboration
skills when your learning.

Reasons for choosing Project based learning.

It allows a child to demonstrate his or her capabilities while working

independently. It shows the child's ability to apply desired skills such as doing
research. It develops the child's ability to work with his or her peers, building
teamwork and group skills.

Pros of Project based learning.

 Builds collaboration skills
 It gives reflection
 Helps you face real challenges
 Gives employability skills
 Develops content knowledge skills

Cons of project-based learning

 Poor performance in tests

Project based learning in Singapore

Project based learning in schools


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