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Name Desmond Gan Ming Sen

Student ID 1201101527
Group 1B

I learn how to add user, delete user, how to change the information of the user, including password.
I learn how to install and delete a software in the system
I learn how to create a directory, create a file, edit the contents in the file.

1. Package management – dpkg and apt command.

a) List and count ALL installed packages. Use dpkg with suitable option and pipe it to nl or wc command
to count the packages

a) Find and install package

i) Query the apt cache and find file manager packages

ii) Install and run text based file manager called Midnight Commander
iii) Using dpkg -L list all Midnight Commander installed file

iv) Remove the Midnight Commander packages

2. User Management

a) Use ls command to list ALL user in /home directory

b) Using adduser command, add TWO (2) user:

i) Sysadmin – use sysadmin as username and admin888 as password, add sysadmin as

ii) Linux – use linux as username and linux### as password

c) Logout from current user and login using sysadmin account

d) Confirm both user and their directory already created:

i) Use ls command in /home directory

ii) Using cat or less command, view the user data in /etc/passwd and identify username,
userid and groupid field for sysadmin and linux

e) Password management
i) Using cat or less command, view password data in /etc/shadow.
ii) Using passwd command, change the linux password to ubuntu***. View the content of
/etc/shadow using cat command and identify the changes in password field.
3. File dan Disk Management

a) Find FOUR different types of files in /dev directory such as symbolic link, block device,
character device and directory

b) Create directory called Car

c) Create a file called Proton using touch command. Give others write permission to the file.

d) Edit the file using nano, add Saga, Waja, Iswara, X90 and X70 as it content.
e) Rename Proton to Models and move the file to Car directory.

f) Delete Car directory and it contents.

g) List all block devices

h) Report file system disk space usage

 Use snipping tools to capture screen
 Save the file as PDF. Use file name as: Section-Lab3-StudentID-Name.pdf
 Upload the file to Google Classroom.

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