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Name & USN of the student GAYANA R
Semester & Section 8th semester ‘A’ section
Entry to Programme Regular

Activity Points 100 - regular

Title (s) of Activity undertaken 1.Contribution of any national level initiative of government
of india swachh bharat.
2.Helping local school to achieve good result and enhance
their enrollment in higher education
3.Promotion of appropriate technologies
4.Spreading public awareness under rural outreach
5.To skill rural population
Places of Activities 1.Boormakalahalli
3. Chinthamani
4. Boormakalahalli
5. Boormakalahalli
Date (s) of activities 1. 5/12/2022 To 19/12/2022
2.15/06/2023 To 28/06/2023
3.08/07/2022 To 22/07/2022
4.10/03/2023 To 21/03/2023
5.05/01/2022 To 17/01/2022
Number of Weeks or Hours 2 weeks

Name of the Guide Prof . Tejaswini B

Department of Information Science and Engineering

Approved by AICTE New Delhi| Affiliated to VTU,
Belagavi Virgo Nagar, Bengaluru-560049
(Affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi) Bangalore-


This is to certify that Ms. GAYANA R, bearing USN 1EP20IS032 is a bonafide student of
EPCET and has actively involved in bringing Awareness /Trained /Implemented/
Demonstrated/ Facilitated/ Administrative, and successfully completed the activities
undertaken as stated above. This assignment is a part of AICTE Activity Points Programme
and for the partial fulfilment for the award of degree of Bachelor of Engineering in
Information Science and Engineering under Visvesvaraya Technological University,
Belgavi during the year 2023-24.This report has been approved as it satisfies the academic
requirements in respect of AICTE Activity Points Program prescribed for the award of the

Activity Points Earned:


Prof. Tejaswini B Prof. Kemparaju N Dr. Mrityunjaya V
Asst. Professor Dept. of ISE Latte
Dept. of ISE, EPCET EPCET, Bangalore EPCET, Bangalore

Executive Summary or Abstract

Activity Title Duration

Contribution of any national
Activity -1 17/05/2022 To
level initiative of government of
India Swachh Bharat
Helping local school to achieve good
Activity -2 15/06/2023 To
result and enhance their enrollment
in higher school
Promotion of appropriate technologies
Activity -3 08/07/2022 To
Activity -4 Spreading public awareness under 10/03/2023 To
rural outreach program 21/03/2023
To skill rural population
Activity -5 05/01/2022 To
Executive Summary or Abstract

AICTE (All India Council for Technical Education), Every regular student who is admitted
to a 4 year degree program is required to earn 100 points in addition to academic grades for
the completion of their degree program and to attain their certificate of completion.

AICTE advocates 300-450 hours of activity program for each degree student towards
community service and allied activities. A student can opt for any activity within the
stipulated list of activities as prescribed by the AICTE to earn their activity points.

Every student is supposed to earn 20 points in each semester, serving for duration of at least
two weeks. These activities can spread over duration 4 years as per convenience.

1. Introduction

2. Description of activity with photographs

3. Conclusions

4. Outcome or Takeaways from the activity

5. Certificate
Activity 1:


As part of my first activity under AICTE Activity Point Program, I along with my friends teamed up and
had visited Booramakanahalli Village ,chinthamani Taluk Waste prevention, recycling, reuse, and
recovery are important waste management strategies that ease the burden on landfills, conserves natural
resources, and saves energy. This helps utilize resources more effectively and sustainably. Proper waste
removal helps improve air and water quality as well as reduces greenhouse gas emissions. It helps in
minimizing the extraction of resources along with reducing pollution and energy consumption which is
associated with manufacturing new materials The behavior of generating garbage is too dangerous not
only for today's generation, but also for future generations. It is critical to educate people and encourage
them to practice Recycle, Reuse, and Reduce instead of producing waste. Waste disposal should be a
priority for municipalities and government

Developing and managing an efficient garbage disposal system is paramount for maintaining public
health, environmental sustainability, and overall community well-being. In conclusion, several key points

1. Infrastructure Development: Establishing a robust infrastructure is essential, including waste

collection points, recycling facilities, composting sites, and landfills. These facilities should be
strategically located to minimize transportation costs and environmental impact.

2. Public Education and Awareness: Educating the public about proper waste management
practices is crucial. This includes promoting recycling, composting, and reducing waste
generation through initiatives such as reusable packaging and plastic alternatives.

3. Technology Integration: Leveraging technology can significantly enhance efficiency.

Implementing IoT sensors for smart waste management, deploying route optimization algorithms
for garbage collection trucks, and utilizing waste-to-energy technologies can all streamline
operations and reduce costs.

4. Collaboration and Partnerships: Collaboration between government agencies, private sector

entities, non-profit organizations, and local communities is essential for success. By working
together, stakeholders can share resources, expertise, and best practices to optimize waste
management efforts.

5. Continuous Improvement: Waste management is an ongoing process that requires continuous

evaluation and improvement. Regular monitoring of key performance indicators, feedback from
stakeholders, and adaptation to changing circumstances are necessary to optimize efficiency and
effectiveness over time.

In conclusion, developing and managing an efficient garbage disposal system requires a multifaceted
approach that integrates infrastructure development, public education, technological innovation,
regulatory oversight, collaboration, and a commitment to continuous improvement. By addressing these
factors comprehensively, communities can mitigate the environmental impact of waste, protect public
health, and promote sustainable development for future generations.
The outcome or takeaway of developing and managing an efficient garbage disposal system activity
would likely include several key points:

1. Improved Waste Management: Implementing an efficient garbage disposal system would lead
to better waste management practices within a community or organization. This could involve
strategies such as recycling programs, composting initiatives, or the use of advanced technology
for waste processing.

2. Environmental Benefits: A well-managed garbage disposal system can have positive

environmental impacts by reducing pollution, conserving resources, and minimizing the amount
of waste sent to landfills or incinerators.

3. Cost Savings: By streamlining waste management processes and reducing the volume of waste
generated, organizations can potentially save money on waste disposal costs. This could include
savings from decreased landfill fees or reduced transportation expenses.

4. Health and Safety: Efficient garbage disposal systems can contribute to improved public health
and safety by reducing the risk of disease transmission, preventing the buildup of hazardous
materials, and ensuring proper handling of waste materials.

5. Community Engagement: Developing and managing an efficient garbage disposal system often
involves community engagement and participation. This can foster a sense of environmental
responsibility among residents or stakeholders and promote sustainable behaviors.

Overall, the takeaway from such an activity would be the creation of a more sustainable, environmentally
friendly, and cost-effective approach to managing waste within a community or organization.

Activity 2:

As part of my second activity under AICTE Activity Point Program, I along with my friends teamed up
and had visited booramakalahalli village, chinthamani Taluk. We interacted with students about career
guidance and distributed stationary materials. Also have cleaned the school which helped the school to
build up the infrastructure and a survey was done to promote and increase the admissions in government
schools. Stationery is the basic requirement for learning, without it, students are incapable of writing
down the notes, drawing as well as taking tests. It is the basic need of any student learning art and crafts,
without it, students’ creativity will be restricted. Thus, Stationary is a part of inseparable and essential
part of students’ life.

1. Academic Success: By implementing targeted strategies to improve academic performance, such

as providing additional resources, enhancing teaching methodologies, and offering support
services, local schools can help students achieve better results in their studies.

2. College Readiness: Equipping students with the necessary skills, knowledge, and resources to
succeed in higher education is crucial for enhancing enrollment rates. This includes providing
college preparation programs, guidance counseling, and access to college entrance exams and
application assistance.

3. Community Engagement: Collaborating with parents, community organizations, and local

stakeholders is essential for creating a supportive environment that encourages students to pursue
higher education. Engaging families in the education process and fostering partnerships with local
businesses and colleges can enhance opportunities for students.

4. Access to Resources: Ensuring that local schools have sufficient resources, including qualified
teachers, modern facilities, and educational materials, is essential for providing quality education
and preparing students for success in higher education.

5. Tracking Progress: Regularly monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of initiatives aimed at
improving academic performance and increasing enrollment in higher education is essential for
identifying areas of improvement and refining strategies over time.

6. Celebrating Success: Recognizing and celebrating the achievements of students, teachers, and
schools who excel in academic performance and college enrollment can inspire others and foster a
culture of success within the community.

In conclusion, by prioritizing academic success, college readiness, community engagement, access to

resources, progress tracking, and celebrating success, local schools can play a vital role in helping
students achieve good results and enhance their enrollment in higher education, ultimately contributing to
their future success and the prosperity of the community as a whole.

The outcome of helping local schools achieve good results and enhancing their enrollment in higher
education can have several significant impacts:

1. Improved Academic Performance: By providing support and resources to local schools,

students are likely to experience improved academic outcomes, including higher test scores,
graduation rates, and overall academic achievement.

2. Increased College Readiness: Helping local schools enhance their curriculum, teaching methods,
and extracurricular activities can better prepare students for success in higher education. This
includes developing critical thinking skills, fostering a love for learning, and providing access to
advanced placement or college preparatory courses.

3. Higher Enrollment Rates in Higher Education: A focus on improving academic performance

and college readiness can lead to increased enrollment rates in higher education institutions. This
could include universities, colleges, vocational schools, or other post-secondary education

4. Expanded Opportunities for Students: By enhancing the quality of education in local schools,
students are more likely to have access to a wider range of opportunities for higher education and
future career paths. This can lead to greater social mobility and economic prosperity for
individuals and communities.

5. Stronger Community Support: Investing in local schools and helping students achieve success
can foster a sense of pride and support within the community. This may lead to increased
involvement from parents, businesses, and community organizations, creating a more supportive
and nurturing educational environment.

6. Long-Term Socioeconomic Benefits: A well-educated workforce is essential for the economic

growth and development of a community. By improving academic outcomes and increasing
enrollment in higher education, local schools contribute to the long-term prosperity and
competitiveness of the region.
Overall, the outcome of helping local schools achieve good results and enhance their enrollment in higher
education is the creation of a more educated, skilled, and successful community with opportunities for all
students to reach their full potential.
Activity 3:


As part of my third activity under AICTE Activity Point Programme, I along with my friends teamed up
and had visited Government Primary School, Boormakalahalli village ,Chintamani Taluk.
Appropriate Technology is used to solve technological problems throughout the world, by providing
sustainable solutions which are beneficial to the local community, and which are sensitive to the need to
reduce environmental pollution, by using renewable sources of energy and recycling materials wherever
possible. appropriate technology would imply itself to be easily and non-invasively assimilated into the
learning environment of the classroom. It has provided us with much easier and faster ways to solve
urgent problems. The Information technology sector has fully transformed human communication with
the likes of instant messaging, video conferencing and emails. Technology has helped people to construct
bridges to reduce the distance Technology also ensures improved accuracy. Further, the use of technology
in certain areas can also help save significant costs.

Promotion of appropriate technologies in the context of helping local schools achieve good results and
enhancing their enrollment in higher education is paramount for sustainable progress. Here's a concluding
perspective on this matter:
In fostering the advancement of local schools and facilitating higher education enrollment, the promotion
of appropriate technologies emerges as a critical component. These technologies should be tailored to the
specific needs and challenges faced by educational institutions, addressing both academic and
infrastructural requirements.
Firstly, appropriate technologies can revolutionize the teaching-learning process, making education more
engaging, interactive, and effective. Digital tools, such as smart boards, educational software, and online
learning platforms, empower educators to deliver dynamic lessons that cater to diverse learning styles.
Additionally, technology-enabled assessments provide real-time feedback, enabling educators to tailor
instruction to individual student needs, thereby enhancing academic performance.
Moreover, appropriate technologies extend beyond the classroom, encompassing infrastructure and
administrative systems. Sustainable energy solutions, efficient waste management systems, and digital
administrative tools streamline operations, reducing costs and environmental impact. By investing in such
technologies, schools can allocate resources more effectively, ensuring optimal learning environments
conducive to student success.
Furthermore, the promotion of appropriate technologies facilitates access to higher education by bridging
digital divides and expanding educational opportunities. Remote learning technologies, including virtual
classrooms and online courses, transcend geographical barriers, enabling students in underserved areas to
access quality education. Additionally, digital resources for college preparation, such as online tutoring
and college application platforms, empower students to navigate the higher education landscape with
confidence, thereby increasing enrollment rates.
In conclusion, the promotion of appropriate technologies is instrumental in fostering the advancement of
local schools and enhancing their role as pathways to higher education. By leveraging technology to
improve teaching and learning, optimize infrastructure, and expand educational access, schools can
cultivate environments that nurture academic excellence and empower students to pursue higher
education and future success. As we embrace the transformative potential of appropriate technologies, we
pave the way for a more inclusive, equitable, and prosperous educational landscape.

The outcome or takeaway of promoting appropriate technologies can have several significant impacts:

1. Sustainable Development: By promoting technologies that are suitable for local contexts and
environments, there is a greater likelihood of fostering sustainable development. These
technologies are often more efficient, environmentally friendly, and tailored to the specific needs
and resources of communities.

2. Increased Access to Essential Services: Appropriate technologies can improve access to

essential services such as clean water, healthcare, education, and energy. This can lead to better
health outcomes, improved quality of life, and enhanced economic opportunities for individuals
and communities.

3. Empowerment of Communities: Promoting appropriate technologies empowers communities to

address their own challenges and needs. By providing solutions that are affordable, user-friendly,
and locally adaptable, communities can take ownership of their development processes and create
sustainable solutions.

4. Technology Transfer and Innovation: Promoting appropriate technologies facilitates

technology transfer between different regions and encourages innovation at the local level. This
can lead to the adaptation and improvement of existing technologies to better suit the needs of
specific communities, as well as the development of new solutions to address emerging

5. Poverty Alleviation: Access to appropriate technologies can play a crucial role in poverty
alleviation efforts by improving livelihoods, increasing productivity, and creating income-
generating opportunities. This is particularly important in rural and underserved areas where
access to modern technologies may be limited.

6. Resilience and Adaptation: Appropriate technologies often emphasize resilience and

adaptability, allowing communities to better cope with environmental changes, natural disasters,
and other unforeseen challenges. This resilience strengthens the ability of communities to
withstand and recover from adverse events.

Overall, the promotion of appropriate technologies leads to more sustainable, inclusive, and resilient
development outcomes, benefiting individuals, communities, and the environment.
Activity 4:


As part of my fourth activity under AICTE Activity Point Program, I along with my friends teamed up
and visited government school We also planted trees. I had a great experience in bringing awareness to
the people and was happy in sharing my knowledge and donating for a social cause. A plantation is an
agricultural estate, generally centered on a plantation house, meant for farming that specializes in cash
crops, usually mainly planted with a single crop, with perhaps ancillary areas for vegetables for eating
and so on. They provide us with oxygen, filter carbon dioxide, prevent soil erosion, maintain the
ecological balance and many more. Also, they provide us with food, shelter and many useful things.

In conclusion, the rural outreach program aimed at spreading public awareness has yielded several
significant outcomes and implications:

1. Increased Knowledge and Understanding: Through targeted awareness campaigns and

educational initiatives, communities in rural areas have gained a deeper understanding of various
issues affecting their well-being, including health, hygiene, agriculture, and environmental

2. Empowerment of Local Communities: By providing essential information and resources, the

program has empowered local communities to take proactive measures in addressing their
challenges. This includes adopting healthier lifestyles, implementing sustainable agricultural
practices, and participating in community development initiatives.

3. Improved Health and Well-being: Public awareness efforts focused on health and hygiene have
led to positive health outcomes within rural populations, such as reduced incidence of waterborne
diseases, improved sanitation practices, and increased access to healthcare services.

4. Enhanced Environmental Stewardship: The program's emphasis on environmental

conservation and sustainable practices has encouraged rural communities to adopt eco-friendly
behaviors, such as waste management, reforestation, and water conservation.

5. Promotion of Economic Opportunities: By raising awareness about potential economic

opportunities, such as entrepreneurship, vocational training, and market linkages, the program has
helped rural communities diversify their livelihoods and improve their economic resilience.

6. Long-term Sustainability: The ongoing nature of the rural outreach program ensures that public
awareness efforts continue to make a lasting impact on rural communities. By fostering a culture
of learning, adaptation, and innovation, the program lays the foundation for sustained
development and resilience in the face of future challenges.

In summary, the rural outreach program's commitment to spreading public awareness has not only
empowered rural communities with knowledge and resources but has also contributed to their overall
well-being, resilience, and sustainable development. Moving forward, continued investment in such
initiatives is essential for addressing the unique needs and challenges of rural populations around the

The outcome or takeaway of spreading public awareness under a rural outreach program can have several
significant impacts:

1. Improved Knowledge and Understanding: Spreading public awareness helps rural communities
gain a better understanding of important issues such as health, education, agriculture,
environmental conservation, and government services. This knowledge empowers individuals to
make informed decisions and take proactive steps to improve their lives.

2. Behavioral Change: Increased awareness often leads to changes in behavior, such as adopting
healthier practices, implementing sustainable farming techniques, practicing proper sanitation and
hygiene, or participating in vaccination and immunization programs. These behavioral changes
can have long-lasting positive effects on individual and community well-being.

3. Prevention and Mitigation of Health Risks: Public awareness campaigns can educate rural
populations about the risks of diseases, such as malaria, HIV/AIDS, or waterborne illnesses, and
how to prevent them through measures like proper sanitation, vaccination, and mosquito control.
This can lead to a reduction in disease prevalence and improve overall public health.

4. Increased Participation in Development Initiatives: When rural communities are informed

about development projects, policies, and opportunities, they are more likely to actively
participate and contribute to their success. This can lead to more inclusive and sustainable
development outcomes that meet the needs and priorities of local populations.

5. Environmental Conservation: Awareness campaigns can educate rural communities about the
importance of environmental conservation and sustainable natural resource management practices.
This can lead to reduced deforestation, soil erosion, pollution, and habitat destruction,
contributing to the preservation of ecosystems and biodiversity.

Overall, the outcome of spreading public awareness under a rural outreach program is to empower rural
communities with knowledge, skills, and resources to improve their lives, protect their health and
environment, and participate meaningfully in the development process.
Activity 5:

As part of my last activity under AICTE Activity Point Program, I along with my friends teamed up and
visited Palanjogihalli, Mallathahalli, Bengaluru Rural Karnataka 561203 . In rural areas around the world,
education is often a vital but challenging aspect of community development. Access to quality education
can significantly impact the lives of individuals and the prosperity of entire communities. However, rural
populations often face unique barriers such as limited resources, inadequate infrastructure, and cultural or
socioeconomic constraints that hinder their ability to access and benefit from education.
Skill development among rural populations is crucial for bridging these gaps and unlocking opportunities
for personal growth, economic empowerment, and community advancement. By equipping rural residents
with relevant skills and knowledge, we can empower them to overcome obstacles, seize opportunities,
and contribute to their own development and that of their communities.

Developing skills in rural populations is crucial for equitable economic growth and social development.
Here's a conclusion highlighting the importance and potential strategies for skill development in rural

In conclusion, investing in skill development among rural populations is essential for fostering inclusive
economic growth and narrowing the urban-rural divide. By equipping rural communities with relevant
skills, we not only empower indivuals to improve their livelihoods but also stimulate local economies and
enhance overall resilience.

To achieve effective skill development in rural areas, it's imperative to adopt a multifaceted approach.
This includes tailored training programs that address local needs and priorities, leveraging technology to
overcome geographical barriers, and fostering partnerships between governments, NGOs, businesses, and
educational institutions.

Moreover, promoting entrepreneurship and vocational training can unlock opportunities for rural youth
and adults alike, enabling them to harness their potential and contribute to local development. Access to
quality education, mentorship, and lifelong learning opportunities is also critical for sustaining skill
development efforts and ensuring continuous adaptation to evolving market demands.

In essence, by prioritizing skill development in rural populations, we not only empower individuals to
seize economic opportunities but also foster more resilient and vibrant communities. Through concerted
efforts and collaboration, we can unlock the full potential of rural areas and build a more inclusive and
sustainable future for all.

The outcome of skill development initiatives in rural populations can have several positive effects on
individuals, communities, and the economy as a whole. Here are some potential outcomes:
1. Employability: Skill development programs can equip rural populations with the skills needed to
access better employment opportunities, both within their communities and in urban areas. By
gaining skills relevant to local industries or emerging sectors, individuals can enhance their
employability and income-earning potential.

2. Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Skill development programs can foster entrepreneurship and
innovation in rural communities by equipping individuals with the knowledge and capabilities to
start and manage their businesses. This can lead to the creation of new enterprises, job
opportunities, and economic growth at the local level.

3. Sustainable Development: Skills training focused on sustainable practices, such as agriculture,

renewable energy, or environmental conservation, can support sustainable development goals in
rural areas. By promoting environmentally friendly practices and resource management, skill
development initiatives can contribute to long-term economic, social, and environmental

4. Community Development: Skill development initiatives often encourage community

participation and collaboration, fostering social cohesion and community development. As
individuals acquire new skills and knowledge, they may become actively involved in local
decision-making processes, volunteerism, and initiatives to address common challenges and
improve living standards.

5. Knowledge Transfer and Capacity Building: Skill development programs facilitate the transfer
of knowledge and expertise from trainers or experts to rural populations, building local capacity
and resilience. By investing in education and training, communities can develop a skilled
workforce capable of adapting to changing economic conditions and technological advancements.

Overall, skill development in rural populations can lead to a range of positive outcomes, including
increased employability, poverty alleviation, entrepreneurship, sustainable development, community
empowerment, and regional development. By investing in education, training, and capacity-building
initiatives tailored to the needs of rural communities, stakeholders can unlock the full potential of rural
populations and contribute to inclusive and sustainable development.

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