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(Dương) Good morning everyone.

My name is Duong and this is my partner,

Ngoc. We come from group 5. It's an honour to have the opportunity to address
such a distinguished audience.

Today we want to talk about the topic 3: Cargo insurance documents and
commercial documents. We shall only take 20 minutes of your time. We’ve
divided our presentation into two main sections. They are Cargo insurance
documents and Commercial documents.

And here is my presentation on Cargo insurance.

A. Cargo insurance

1. Concepts
- Insurance document is a document issued by the insurer to the insured to legalize the
insurance contract and used to regulate the relationship between the insurance
organization and the insured.
- In terms of legal effect, insurance documents are not as valid as insurance contracts. In
case of import and export under CIF or CIP, an insurance contract is required.

- Cargo insurance protects you from financial loss due to damaged or lost cargo , covered
events are usually natural disasters, vehicle accidents, cargo abandonment, customs
rejection, acts of war, and piracy.

Now, Let’s take a look at Classification

2. Classification
- 2 types of insurance :

+) Policy (Insurance Policy): the most valuable type of insurance issued by the insurance
company to the policyholder, including the general conditions governing the insurer's
binding liability.
+) Certificate of insurance (Insurance certificate): An insurance contract for all export
shipments at any time for a certain period, based on the policy of insurance and giving only
brief details of the perils covered.

There is also Cover note

+) This is a document issued by the insurance broker while waiting for the insurance document
to be prepared. It is not a contract or certificate of insurance issued by an insurance company,
so it will not be valid for dispute resolution when a loss occurs.
(Ví dụ ảnh trên slide)

The next term I will cover is Funtions

3. Functions
– Certification for an insured shipment, contributing to solving possible risks in international
– Solve part of the damage caused in sea transport because insurance is a form of risk
dispersion according to the principle of community.
– Is a necessary document to complain to the insurance company and receive insurance
compensation when there is a dispute or lawsuit.

Let me now moving on to the main content.

4. Content
- Name and address of insurance company : listed at the top of the policy page
- Title: The insurance policy must have the title INSURANCE POLICY printed in large
- Date of making insurance document: The date of making the voucher is written in
the lower right corner after the word “on” in the phrase “Issued in…on” or before the
phrase “Date of issue”.

Thêm: (The document date must not be later than the date of shipment unless the insurance
document indicates that the insurance is effective from a date not later than the date of
- Insurance document number : Is the document number written by the policyholder
directly under the title on the insurance policy.
- Insured person : Name and address of the insured Vessel name and ship number
Thêm: (The name of the ship or other means of transport must be identical with the L/C or
other documents.)
- Delivery from ... to
Thêm: (In the insurance contract, specify the place of departure “From:”, the destination “To:”
and the place of transshipment if there is a “Transshipment”.
- Insurance conditions:
Thêm: (Insurance conditions in an insurance contract are conditions agreed upon between the
insurance buyer and the insurance seller. Insurance conditions are written after the words
“Condition or special coverage”, “condition of insurance”)

- Signature: The insurance document must be signed in accordance with regulations, must show
that it is signed and issued by an insurance company, underwriter, or insurance agent or by
their authorized person (Trên slide thiếu cái này đọc qua nha)

The last part of my presentation is Notes when using insurance vouchers

5. Notes when using insurance vouchers
- Transferability:
- Title insurance document
- Insurance documents on order (very flexible, suitable for international trade, so it is widely
- Anonymous insurance document (is the most flexible type, meaning that whoever holds it
becomes the beneficiary of the insurance. If used, there must be strict control measures for all
original insurance documents)
- Insurance amount: (The insurance document must clearly state the insured amount and must
be in the same currency as the L/C)
- Presenting the original (All original insurance documents must be presented. Basically, the
original insurance document, like the original bill of lading, is negotiable, has negotiable value
and is issued in multiple copies of equal value.
- The currency and sum insured must be adequate and
- The description of the goods on the insurance document
must correspond to the actual insured goods. The party
and place of claim for insurance must be accepted by the insurer.

That wraps up my part about Notes when using insurance vouchers and all
about Cargo insurance. Now, I will leave the stage for Ngoc.

(Ngoc) Thank you for a wonderful delivery, and I will take it from
here. Now I will talk about commercial documents.

B. Commercial documents
1. What is a commercial document?
2. Commercial documents in international payment?
Currently, there are several types of commonly used international trade documents as follows:

(Mấy cái kia Minh Anh bảo video hay sao ý)

2.3. Commercial invoice:
First of all, Commercial invoice is the basic document in the goods documents, prepared by the
seller and presented to the buyer after sending the goods, in order to ask the buyer to pay.

Secondly, the basic function of commercial invoice:


And then we come to Two types of commercial invoices:

+) Provisional Invoice (Slide)
Thêm: The official price is depending on the quantity and quality of the goods at the port of
destination, goods are delivered many times and only pay a certain part each time, when the
goods are finished, payment will be made.
+) Final Invoice: used for definitive payment of goods (Slide)

Let's move on to the last part (Certificate of origin)

What is a certificate of origin?
- Certificate of Origin (C/O)
+) C/O is a document issued by the manufacturer or by a competent authority, usually a
chamber of commerce or the Ministry of Commerce, to identify the place of production or
exploitation of goods.
+) C/O has many types: Form A, Form B, Form O, Form X, Form T, Form D….

 Form B: is applied to exported goods at the request of the importer.

 Form O: used for coffee exports to countries belonging to the International Coffee
Association (ICO), to receive preferential treatment from this association.
 Form X: is made specifically for coffee exported to countries that are not part of the
International Coffee Association.
 Form T: used for garments and textiles exported to the EU market.
 Form D: used for Vietnamese goods exported to ASEAN member countries to enjoy
preferences under the Agreement on the Common Effective Preferential Tariff Program
(CEPT) to establish an AFTA free trade area.
+) To be eligible for tax exemption or reduction, C/O must meet the following conditions:

 C/O must be issued by the competent authority of the exporting country.

 Goods are on the list of tax cuts in both the exporting and importing countries.
C/O must be made according to the correct form.
Among the transport documents, the bill of lading plays a prominent role because the function
of goods ownership and transportation by sea accounts for 80% of the volume of international

(Viết lời kết)

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