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All Clear 3 Tests & Exams Answer Key

Placement Test
1 1 old
2 expensive
3 good
4 small
5 short
6 easy
7 slim

2 1 mean
2 say
3 lend
4 got
5 pronounce
6 spell

3 1 maths
2 autumn
3 bedroom
4 eye
5 trousers
6 bank
7 swimming

4 1 often go
2 is never
3 am sometimes
4 always go
5 is writing
6 writes
7 is raining
8 go
9 reading
10 drawing

5 1 Were
2 wasn’t
3 Were
4 weren’t
5 Was
6 was

6 1 bought
2 went
3 took
4 Did (you) see
5 did (you) get up
6 got up

7 1 was walking
2 were you doing
3 was having
4 found
5 when
6 bought
7 did you finish
8 was doing

8 1 F
2 F
3 T
4 F

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5 F
6 T

9 1 He likes basketball, tennis, swimming and football.

2 It took eleven hours.
3 San Francisco and Los Angeles
4 He was drinking coffee in a café.

10 Students’ own answers

11 1 b
2 a
3 a
4 a
5 b
6 a

12 1 because he was reading an exciting book

2 sunglasses
3 because Katie usually phones him
4 she was eating an ice cream

13 Students’ own answers

Progress Test Basic Unit 1

1 1 make
2 draw
3 chat
4 go
5 play
6 learn
7 play
8 do
9 go out
10 go

2 talkative, friendly, funny, lazy, shy, honest, serious, cautious, energetic, quiet











3 1 often go

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2 is often
3 never goes
4 always drive
5 are sometimes
6 usually play

4 1 every day
2 now
3 now
4 every day
5 every day
6 now

5 1 b
2 e
3 a
4 f
5 d
6 c

6 1 is raining
2 visits
3 go
4 is chatting
5 arrive
6 are waiting

7 1 reading
2 playing
3 learning
4 doing
5 drawing
6 going

8 1 F
2 T
3 T
4 F
5 T
6 F

9 1 a
2 b
3 b
4 b

10 1 so
2 although
3 because
4 so
5 although

11 Students’ own answers

12 1 b
2 b
3 b
4 a
5 b

13 1 T
2 F
3 F
4 T
5 T

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14 Students’ own answers

Progress Test Standard Unit 1

1 1 learn a language
2 play tennis
3 go to a youth group
4 draw cartoons
5 chat online
6 make models

2 1 plays
2 go
3 go out
4 to
5 plays
6 relax

3 1 friendly
2 honest
3 shy
4 selfish
5 energetic
6 cautious
7 quiet
8 serious

4 1 often go
2 is often
3 never goes
4 always drive
5 are sometimes
6 usually play

5 1 go
2 are playing
3 is writing
4 writes
5 do
6 are playing

6 1 How often do your parents go shopping?

2 What is your brother doing?
3 How often do you tidy your bedroom?
4 What are your friends doing?
5 What is your sister doing/playing?
6 How often do your grandparents visit you?

7 1 My sister loves watching TV.

2 I am not interested in going to the cinema.
3 She is good at learning languages.
4 I enjoy relaxing at the weekend.
5 She is not keen on playing computer games.
6 They enjoy talking to their friends.

8 1 listening
2 learning
3 singing
4 doing
5 visiting
6 watching

9 1 a
2 b

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3 a
4 b
5 a
6 a
7 b

10 1 travel around the world

2 study medicine
3 tennis, volleyball and swimming

11 Students’ own answers

12 1 T
2 T
3 F
4 F
5 F
6 T
7 F

13 1 pizza
2 he doesn’t like dancing
3 reports about football matches

14 Students’ own answers

Progress Test Extra Unit 1

1 1 make
2 chat
3 draws
4 go to
5 play
6 go out for
7 plays
8 learning
9 relax
10 do

2 1 energetic
2 friendly
3 selfish
4 cautious
5 honest
6 serious
7 talkative
8 lazy
9 funny
10 unsociable

3 1 often go
2 is often
3 never chats
4 always arrive
5 are sometimes
6 usually play

4 1 go
2 are playing
3 is writing
4 chats
5 do
6 are watching

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5 1 How often do you go to the cinema?
2 What is she doing at the moment?
3 What are your friends doing now?
4 Do your friends speak English?
5 How often do your grandparents visit you?
6 What are you doing now?

6 1 Does your sister like watching TV?

2 Are you interested in going to the cinema?
3 Is she good at learning languages?
4 Do you enjoy relaxing at the weekend?
5 Does she enjoy playing computer games?
6 Does he like chatting online?

7 1 learning (speaking)
2 chatting (going)
3 playing
4 drawing
5 making
6 tidying

8 1 b
2 c
3 a
4 a
5 c
6 c

9 1 Although they are twins, they don’t look the same and they are interested in different things.
2 Because she thinks they are too difficult.
3 Travel round the world.
4 Medicine

10 Students’ own answers

11 1 16
2 staying at home and watching TV
3 sports programmes
4 tennis, basketball and swimming
5 five
6 Saturday or Sunday

12 1 10 kilometres
2 pizza
3 he doesn’t like dancing and he’s often tired
4 chatting online, surfing the internet and reading reports about football matches

13 Students’ own answers

Progress Test Basic Unit 2

1 1 store
2 write
3 print
4 download
5 post

2 1 upload
2 read
3 send
4 go
5 plug in

3 1 d

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2 j
3 b
4 a
5 g
6 i
7 h
8 e
9 c
10 f

4 1 were
2 was
3 were you
4 weren’t
5 were
6 were

5 1 found
2 took
3 flew
4 wrote
5 tried
6 swam

6 1 d
2 f
3 a
4 b
5 c
6 e

7 1 wasn’t
2 were
3 were
4 was
5 wasn’t
6 were

8 1 were you doing

2 was writing
3 was listening
4 was sleeping
5 was making
6 were you sitting

9 1 F
2 T
3 T
4 T
5 F
6 F

10 1 b
2 b
3 a
4 a

11 1 are
2 hope
3 writing
4 thank
5 present
6 birthday
7 wanted

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8 reading
9 see
10 love

12 1 b
2 b
3 a
4 a
5 b

13 1 T
2 F
3 T
4 F
5 T

14 Students’ own answers

Progress Test Standard Unit 2

1 1 scan a document
2 play a video game
3 write a blog
4 plug in a memory stick
5 charge a mobile phone
6 print a document

2 1 store
2 read
3 post
4 download
5 send
6 take

3 1 a postman
2 doctor
3 journalist
4 builder
5 artist
6 lawyer
7 electrician
8 actor

4 1 Were
2 was
3 Were
4 weren’t
5 Was
6 was

5 1 bought
2 cost
3 took
4 read
5 went
6 uploaded

6 1 What time did you get up this morning?

2 What did you do at the weekend?
3 When did your friends arrive?
4 How many people were at the party?
5 How much did your new mobile phone cost?
6 Where did you buy it?

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7 1 My parents were watching a movie on TV.
2 I wasn’t doing my homework.
3 My brother was downloading video clips from the internet.
4 My sister wasn’t playing tennis with her friends.
5 The cat was sleeping on the sofa.
6 My grandparents were reading a newspaper.

8 1 Were you listening to music when I called you?

2 Was your brother playing computer games?
3 What were your parents doing?
4 Where was your sister playing tennis?
5 Were your friends watching a DVD?
6 Who was making that terrible noise?

9 1 a
2 a
3 a
4 b
5 b
6 a
7 b

10 1 the father of television

2 because World War One began
3 colour television, a video recording system, thermal socks

11 Students’ own answers

12 1 F
2 T
3 T
4 F
5 T
6 T
7 F

13 1 surf the internet, send e-mails, download video clips, research things on the internet
2 at home, on the bus, in the park, at school
3 sharing photos with his friends

14 Students’ own answers

Progress Test Extra Unit 2

1 1 mobile phone
2 blog
3 video games
4 photos
5 documents
6 online

2 1 store
2 read
3 post
4 download
5 send
6 take

3 1 a postman
2 doctor
3 journalist
4 builder
5 artist
6 lawyer

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7 electrician
8 actor

4 1 was
2 were
3 was
4 was
5 were
6 was

5 1 bought
2 cost
3 took
4 read
5 went
6 uploaded

6 1 What time did you get up this morning?

2 What did you do at the weekend/
3 When did your friends arrive at your house?
4 How many people were at the party?
5 How much did your new mobile phone cost?
6 Where did you buy it?

7 1 were watching
2 was downloading
3 were reading
4 was playing
5 was sleeping
6 was doing

8 1 Were you listening to music when I called you last night?

2 Was your brother playing computer games as usual?
3 What were your parents doing?
4 Where was your sister playing tennis with her friends?
5 Were your friends watching a DVD or listening to music/
6 Who was making that terrible noise?

9 1 c
2 a
3 a
4 b
5 b
6 b

10 1 digital TV, personal computer, mobile phone

2 because World War One began
3 colour television, a video recording system, thermal socks
4 technology

11 Students’ own answers

12 1 laptop computer
2 he can take it everywhere he goes
3 researches things on the internet
4 her MP3 player
5 15
6 his digital camera

13 1 surfing the internet, sending e-mails, downloading video clips and researching things on the internet
2 at home, on the bus, in the park, at school
3 mobile phone, computer, MP3 player, digital camera
4 sharing photos with his friends

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Progress Test Basic Unit 3
1 1 towards, 2 out of, 3 across, 4 into, 5 through, 6 down

2 1 over
2 through
3 across
4 along
5 under
6 into

3 1 exciting
2 worried
3 tired
4 interesting
5 surprised
6 annoying
7 frightening
8 boring

4 1 when
2 while
3 when
4 while
5 while
6 when

5 1 was having
2 was running
3 were swimming
4 were talking
5 wasn’t raining
6 weren’t doing

6 1 was walking
2 saw
3 arrived
4 were talking
5 was tidying
6 found

7 1 did
2 were
3 was
4 did
5 were
6 was

8 1 am looking
2 wears
3 bought
4 was wearing
5 isn’t smiling
6 was living

9 1 T
2 F
3 F
4 F
5 T
6 T

10 1 b
2 b
3 a

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4 a

11 1 suddenly
2 then
3 meanwhile
4 suddenly
5 then

12 1 was cycling
2 was laying
3 called
4 took
5 were asking

13 1 a
2 b
3 a
4 b
5 b

14 1 T
2 F
3 T
4 F
5 T

15 Students’ own answers

Progress Test Standard Unit 3

1 1 out of
2 across
3 into
4 towards
5 under
6 through
7 out of
8 into
9 over
10 towards

2 1 boring
2 interested
3 interesting
4 bored
5 surprised
6 annoying
7 tired
8 excited
9 worried
10 tiring

3 1 While I was walking to school, I met my friends.

2 It started raining while we were playing tennis.
3 They were having dinner when the telephone rang.
4 While she was talking to her friends, her dog ran away.
5 The teacher came in while we were watching a DVD.
6 My friends arrived while I was having lunch.

4 1 was having
2 was running
3 were swimming
4 were talking
5 wasn’t raining

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6 weren’t doing

5 1 was walking
2 saw
3 arrived
4 were talking
5 was tidying
6 found

6 1 Where were you going yesterday?

2 Who were you talking to when I saw you?
3 What was your brother doing when you arrived home?
4 When did they finish school on Friday?
5 What happened while you were walking home from school?
6 Why was your friend crying?

7 1 am looking
2 wears
3 bought
4 was wearing
5 isn’t smiling
6 was living

8 1 b
2 b
3 b
4 b
5 a
6 a

9 1 Everything was wet

2 He ran away
3 There was no window in the place where Jason saw the man

10 Students’ own answers

11 1 F
2 T
3 F
4 F
5 F
6 T
7 T

12 1 She was waiting for her sister

2 He was looking around and looking at all the people in the lobby
3 In the café on the other side of the street

13 Students’ own answers

Progress Test Extra Unit 3

1 1 out of
2 across
3 into
4 towards
5 under
6 through
7 out of
8 into
9 over
10 towards

2 1 boring

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2 interested
3 interesting
4 bored
5 surprised
6 annoying
7 tired
8 excited
9 worried
10 tiring

3 1 While I was walking to school, I met my friends.

2 It started raining while we were playing tennis.
3 They were having dinner when the telephone rang.
4 Her dog ran away while she was talking to her friends.
5 We were watching a DVD when the teacher came in.
6 My friends arrived while I was having lunch.

4 1 was surfing
2 was playing
3 were swimming
4 were talking
5 was/wasn’t doing
6 were watching

5 1 was walking
2 saw
3 arrived
4 were talking
5 was tidying
6 found

6 1 Who were you talking to when I saw you?

2 What was your brother doing when you arrived home?
3 When did they finish school on Friday?
4 Why was your friend crying?
5 What time did you get up?
6 What were your parents doing when you got up?

7 1 was walking
2 saw
3 hit
4 wasn’t wearing
5 am wearing
6 wear

8 1 three
2 in a field near a beautiful lake
3 they were cooking dinner
4 six hours
5 Tom
6 on the floor
7 midnight

9 1 because everything was wet.

2 a strange noise
3 there was no window in the place where Jason saw the man

10 Students’ own answers

11 1 late one morning last December

2 in a hotel lobby
3 she was waiting for her sister
4 a black coat, a black hat and dark glasses
5 he was looking around and looking at all the people in the lobby
6 some tourists

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12 1 on top of one of the suitcases
2 into the street
3 the receptionist
4 he was sitting in the café on the other side of the street

13 Students’ own answers

Progress Test Basic Unit 4

1 1 c
2 e
3 d
4 a
5 b
6 f

2 1 temple
2 opera house
3 reef
4 cave
5 tombs
6 coastline

3 1 careful
2 fast
3 well
4 good
5 quietly
6 badly
7 easily
8 noisy

4 1 bigger
2 more popular
3 than
4 better
5 hotter
6 easier

5 1 highest
2 biggest
3 most beautiful
3 best
5 easiest
6 most interesting

6 1 the fastest
2 bigger
3 the most beautiful
4 better
5 the longest
6 more interesting

7 1 not as big as
2 as tall as
3 isn’t
4 as high as
5 colder than
6 as warm as

8 1 not … enough
2 too
3 not … enough
4 too

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5 enough
6 enough

9 1 F
2 T
3 T
4 F
5 F
6 T

10 1 b
2 a
3 a
4 b

11 1 really
2 not very
3 really
4 not very
5 quite

12 1 Prague is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe.

2 It is the capital of the Czech Republic.
3 There are a lot of interesting places to visit in Prague.
4 The castle is really beautiful.
5 There is a beautiful bridge over the river.

13 1 b
2 b
3 a
4 b
5 a

14 1 F
2 T
3 F
4 T
5 T

15 Students’ own answers

Progress Test Standard Unit 4

1 1 coastline
2 reef
3 lighthouse
4 tomb
5 cave
6 rainforest
7 opera house
8 castle

2 1 carefully
2 beautiful
3 hard
4 well
5 noisily
6 fast

3 1 good
2 well
3 fast
4 easily
5 quick

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6 hard

4 1 bigger
2 more popular
3 older
4 better
5 hotter
6 easier

5 1 the highest
2 the biggest
3 the most beautiful
4 the best
5 the easiest
6 the most popular

6 1 the fastest
2 bigger
3 the most beautiful
4 better
5 the longest
6 more interesting

7 1 not as big as
2 as tall as
3 not as good as
4 not as high as
5 as beautiful as
6 not as warm as

8 1 too
2 enough
3 not enough
4 too
5 not … enough
6 too

9 1 a
2 b
3 b
4 a
5 b
6 b
7 b

10 1 because there was no doctor on the island

2 because there was no school on the island
3 a lot of interesting ruins

11 Students’ own answers

12 1 F
2 F
3 F
4 T
5 F
6 F
7 T

13 1 it’s a very green city and it’s clean with nice restaurants and good shopping
2 sailing and windsurfing
3 the Silk Exchange

14 Students’ own answers

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Progress Test Extra Unit 4
1 1 coastline
2 reef
3 lighthouse
4 tomb
5 cave
6 rainforest
7 opera house
8 castle

2 1 My father drives carefully.

2 She sings beautifully.
3 He works hard.
4 She plays the guitar well.
5 He eats noisily.
6 She runs fast.

3 1 well (beautifully)
2 fast (quickly)
3 easily
4 good
5 quick (fast)
6 hard

4 1 bigger than
2 more popular than
3 older
4 better
5 hotter
6 easier

5 1 the highest
2 the biggest
3 the most beautiful (the nicest)
4 the best
5 the easiest
6 the most popular (the best)

6 1 the fastest
2 taller
3 the most interesting
4 better
5 the most talented
6 worse

7 1 Malaga is not as big as Madrid.

2 My sister is almost as tall as my mother.
3 London is not as far from Spain as New York.
4 Mont Blanc is not as high as Mount Everest.
6 The weather in winter is almost as warm as the weather in summer.

8 1 too
2 not … enough
3 not … enough
4 enough
5 too
6 not … enough

9 1 in the North Atlantic Ocean

2 850 hectares
3 less than 100
4 fish and eggs
5 1930

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6 None
7 a lot of interesting ruins

10 1 because there was no school on the island

2 because there was no doctor on the island
3 because the seas are stormy

11 Students’ own answers

12 1 more than one thousand years

2 on a hill above the river
3 very green
4 sailing and windsurfing
5 the mountains
6 just a few kilometres

13 1 Stockholm
2 because it has a fantastic transport system
3 Salzburg
4 Valencia

14 Students’ own answers

Progress Test Basic Unit 5

1 1 d
2 c
3 e
4 f
5 a
6 b

2 1 do
2 organized
3 had
4 sold

3 1 do
2 do
3 make
4 makes
5 makes
6 made
7 made
8 do
9 made
10 doing

4 1 hasn’t done
2 have not had
3 have
4 They’ve
5 haven’t
6 has not

5 1 has
2 Have
3 hasn’t
4 have your friends
5 been
6 organized

6 1 c
2 f

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3 d
4 e
5 a
6 b

7 1 for
2 for
3 since
4 since
5 for
6 since

8 1 have you
2 known
3 for
4 since
5 have
6 for

9 1 F
2 F
3 T
4 T
5 F
6 F

10 1 b
2 a
3 a
4 b

11 1 because
2 so
3 because
4 because
5 so

12 1 Last year we decided to raise some money for charity.

2 We all love swimming so we decided to organise a sponsored swim.
3 We also decided to sell some raffle tickets.
4 We raised over two hundred pounds.
5 This year we are planning to make a charity CD.

13 1 b
2 a
3 b
4 a
5 b

14 1 T
2 F
3 F
4 F
5 T

15 Students’ own answers

Progress Test Standard Unit 5

1 1 sponsored swim
2 money
3 cars
4 badges
5 barbecue

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2 1 organize
2 made
3 had
4 sell
5 sell

3 1 do
2 do
3 make
4 make
5 make
6 make
7 make
8 do
9 make
10 do

4 1 hasn’t done
2 haven’t had
3 have collected
4 have done
5 haven’t read
6 hasn’t been

5 1 Peter has written a lot of letters.

2 Have you seen Robin today?
3 My brother hasn’t done his homework.
4 Where have your friends gone?
5 We haven’t been to England.
6 They have organized a jumble sale.

6 1 has visited
2 has been
3 has worked
4 hasn’t been
5 have visited
6 have seen

7 1 since
2 for
3 since
4 since
5 for
6 since

8 1 have you lived

2 has she known
3 have your parents been
4 have you collected
5 have they had
6 has your father worked

9 1 b
2 b
3 a
4 b
5 b
6 b
7 a

10 1 to raise money for charity

2 it helps hungry people in Africa
3 six

11 Students’ own answers

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12 1 T
2 T
3 F
4 F
5 F
6 F
7 T

13 1 He made a charity CD
2 On the internet
3 £1,000

14 Students’ own answers

Progress Test Extra Unit 5

1 1 collected
2 had
3 sold
4 sold
5 organized
6 made
7 sold
8 have
9 do
10 wash

2 1 do
2 do
3 made
4 makes
5 makes
6 made
7 made
8 do
9 made
10 doing

3 1 has done
2 haven’t had
3 have collected
4 haven’t read
5 has been
6 have passed

4 1 written
2 haven’t had
3 hasn’t done
4 have your friends gone
5 bought
6 given

5 1 has visited
2 has been
3 has worked
4 hasn’t been
5 has seen
6 hasn’t finished

6 1 have been … since

2 have lived … since
3 haven’t eaten … for
4 has known … since
5 has worked … for

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6 have had … for

7 Students’ own answers

8 1 b
2 c
3 a
4 c
5 b
6 b
7 a

9 1 to raise money for charity

2 it helps hungry people in Africa
3 for his charity work

10 Students’ own answers

11 1 he’s a telephone engineer

2 poor children in Africa
3 five
4 October last year
5 one pound
6 almost £1,000

12 1 a lot of clothes he never wears

2 some Christmas songs
3 £600
4 a barbecue and a car wash

13 Students’ own answers

Progress Test Basic Unit 6

1 1 send
2 buy
3 pack
4 meeting
5 setting off
6 arrived
7 buy
8 has
9 come
10 get on

2 amazing, exhausted, delighted, freezing, terrifying



3 1 boiling
2 enormous
3 awful
4 freezing
5 tiny

4 1 d
2 b

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3 e
4 f
5 a
6 c

5 1 has lived
2 went
3 have not been
4 Did you buy
5 haven’t seen
6 haven’t packed

6 1 have spent
2 bought
3 has gone
4 went
5 have lived
6 lived

7 1 a lot of
2 a few
3 a little
4 much
5 some
6 any

8 1 many
2 much
3 much
4 any
5 some
6 any

9 1 F
2 T
3 F
4 T
5 T
6 F

10 1 a
2 a
3 a
4 b

11 1 First
2 Then
3 Next
4 After that
5 Finally

12 First we bought our plane tickets to London online.

Then we set off to the airport at 6am.
Next we flew to London.
After that we travelled to the centre of London by train
Finally we arrived at our hotel.

13 1 a
2 £250
3 b
4 a
5 a

14 1 T
2 F

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3 F
4 F
5 T

15 Students’ own answers

Progress Test Standard Unit 6

1 1 send
2 buy
3 buy
4 plan
5 set off
6 arrive
7 come
8 had
9 met
10 pack

2 1 freezing
2 exhausted
3 delighted
4 enormous
5 boiling

3 1 tiny
2 boiling
3 delighted
4 awful
5 terrifying

4 1 c
2 b
3 b
4 c
5 b
6 a

5 1 has lived
2 went
3 have not been
4 Did you buy
5 haven’t seen
6 we haven’t packed

6 1 have spent
2 bought
3 has gone
4 went
5 have lived
6 worked

7 1 a lot of
2 some
3 a little
4 much
5 any
6 any

8 1 some
2 many
3 much
4 some
5 some (many)

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6 many

9 1 b
2 a
3 a
4 a
5 b
6 b
7 a

10 1 Because there were so many amazing plants and flowers there

2 27
3 he made maps of the coastline

11 Students’ own answers

12 1 F
2 F
3 T
4 T
5 F
6 F
7 T

13 1 Because he didn’t have/forgot his passport

2 Because he didn’t have any money
3 He went to a museum and an art gallery and met some friends in the evening

14 Students’ own answers

Progress Test Extra Unit 6

1 1 send
2 buy
3 buy
4 plan
5 set off
6 arrive
7 come
8 had
9 met
10 pack

2 1 freezing
2 exhausted
3 delighted
4 enormous
5 boiling

3 1 tiny
2 boiling
3 delighted
4 awful
5 terrifying

4 1 Yes, I did
2 hasn’t passed
3 went
4 has never been
5 have you had
6 Yes, I have

5 1 has lived
2 went

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3 have not been
4 Did you buy
5 haven’t seen
6 we haven’t packed

6 1 have spent
2 bought
3 has gone
4 went
5 have lived
6 worked

7 1 a lot of
2 Some
3 a little
4 much
5 any
6 any

8 1 some
2 many
3 much
4 some (many, a lot of)
5 many
6 a few

9 1 c
2 b
3 b
4 c
5 c
6 c

10 1 Because he wanted to be a captain

2 He made maps of the coastline
3 Because there were so many amazing plants and flowers there
4 Because he was the captain of the first European ship to visit the east coast of Australia

11 Students’ own answers

12 1 Berlin
2 Because he forgot his passport.
3 About five hours
4 They (the airline) lost it
5 Because he couldn’t remember where it was
6 Because he didn’t have any money

13 1 A couple of hours
2 Because they didn’t speak English
3 He visited a museum and an art gallery and met some friends
4 The plane was four hours late

14 Students’ own answers

Progress Test Basic Unit 7

1 1 soundtrack
2 producer
3 plot
4 script
5 win
6 stunt
7 releasing
8 special effects

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2 1 argument
2 suggestion
3 enjoyment
4 development
5 possession
6 connection

3 1 education
2 information
3 equipment
4 advertisements
5 decorations
6 possession

4 1 will
2 will
3 Will you
4 won’t
5 will probably
6 definitely won’t

5 1 will win
2 won’t go
3 will make
4 will travel
5 won’t win
6 won’t be

6 1 is going to buy
2 are you going to do
3 are not going to stay
4 am going to travel
5 Are you going to see
6 is not going to make

7 1 rains
2 will go
3 go
4 finish
5 doesn’t hurry
6 will be

8 1 have
2 Will you come
3 is
4 won’t be
5 don’t do
6 won’t be

9 1 F
2 F
3 T
4 T
5 T
6 F

10 1 b
2 b
3 b
4 a

11 1 d
2 c
3 a
4 e

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5 b

12 1 I think Ghost is a very sad film.

2 In my opinion Spielberg is a very good director.
3 One of my favourite films is Gladiator.
4 I think Johnny Depp is an amazing actor.
5 For me the special effects were fantastic.

13 1 a
2 b
3 a
4 a
5 b

14 1 F
2 T
3 T
4 F
5 T

15 Students’ own answers

Progress Test Standard Unit 7

1 1 soundtrack
2 producer
3 plot
4 script
5 win
6 stunt
7 releasing
8 special effects

2 1 suggestions
2 argument
3 information
4 development
5 competition
6 connection

3 1 education
2 information
3 equipment
4 advertisements
5 possession
6 excitement

4 1 will
2 will
3 Will you
4 won’t
5 will probably
6 definitely won’t

5 1 will win
2 won’t go
3 will make
4 will travel
5 won’t win
6 won’t be

6 1 My father is going to buy a new car next month.

2 What are you going to do at the weekend?
3 The weather is bad but we are not going to stay at home all weekend.

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4 I am going to travel round the world during my gap year.
5 Are you going to see the film that won all the Oscars?
6 She is not going to make any more films with that director.

7 1 If I have enough money, I’ll buy the DVD of this film.

2 If I see her, I’ll tell her to call you.
3 What will you do at the weekend if the weather is bad?
4 If they don’t run, they will be late for school.
5 The teacher will be angry if we don’t do our homework.
6 If won’t be surprised if this film wins an Oscar.

8 1 b
2 b
3 b
4 b
5 a
6 a
7 b

9 1 It was black and white

2 None
3 No Country for Old Men

10 Students’ own answers

11 1 T
2 T
3 F
4 T
5 F
6 F
7 T

12 1 nine
2 five
3 Katie

13 Students’ own answers

Progress Test Extra Unit 7

1 1 producer
2 director
3 script
4 stunt
5 soundtrack
6 award
7 release
8 Special effects

2 1 suggestions
2 argument
3 information
4 education
5 competition
6 connection

3 1 possession
2 excitement
3 equipment
4 advertisement
5 competition
6 education

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4 1 will arrive
2 will see
3 Will you be
4 won’t see
5 will pass
6 will win

5 1 will win
2 won’t go
3 will make
4 will travel
5 definitely won’t win
6 probably won’t go

6 1 My father is going to buy a new car next month.

2 What are you going to do at the weekend?
3 She is going to stay at home all weekend.
4 I am going to travel round the world during my gap year.
5 Are you going to see the film that won all the Oscars?
6 She is not going to make any more films with that director.

7 1 What will you do if it rains on Saturday?

2 If the weather is good on Saturday, we will go to the beach.
3 If we go to the beach, we will see my friends.
4 I will watch TV later if I finish all my homework.
5 If she doesn’t hurry, she will be late for school again.
6 If she is late for school again, the teacher will be very angry.

8 1 Minnesota
2 film-making
3 1984
4 1996
5 Frances McDormand
6 Fargo

9 1 The Man Who Wasn’t There

2 It is black and white
3 four
4 The Big Lebowski

10 Students’ own answers

11 1 Heroes
2 She loved it
3 They were amazing
4 It was a real surprise
5 nine
6 It was quite boring

12 1 $3 million
2 three
3 the acting (the main actors) and the soundtrack
4 Katie

13 Students’ own answers

Progress Test Basic Unit 8

1 1 rude
2 shake hands
3 telling jokes
4 were late
5 bring a present

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2 1 d
2 e
3 b
4 a
5 c

3 1 give
2 received
3 spend
4 spends
5 had
6 had
7 received
8 tell / tell
9 give

4 1 mustn’t
2 don’t have to
3 have to
4 have to
5 must
6 mustn’t

5 1 don’t have to
2 have to
3 mustn’t
4 must (have to)
5 must (have to)
6 don’t have to

6 1 lived
2 would go
3 had
4 would pass
5 didn’t have to
6 went

7 1 would you say

2 would you do
3 would you go
4 would buy
5 wouldn’t have to
6 wouldn’t listen

8 1 went
2 had
3 was
4 didn’t live
5 was (were)
6 didn’t have

9 1 F
2 T
3 T
4 F
5 T
6 F

10 1 b
2 a
3 b
4 b

11 1 in addition (Furthermore)
2 however

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3 Although
4 furthermore (In addition)
5 although (however)

12 1 am writing
2 Although
3 In addition
4 Furthermore
5 Yours

13 1 b
2 b
3 a
4 b
5 a

14 1 F
2 T
3 T
4 F
5 F

15 Students' own answers

Progress Test Standard Unit 8

1 1 shook
2 to point
3 take off
4 be
5 jump
6 tells
7 interrupted
8 bring
9 click
10 kiss

2 1 d
2 c
3 b
4 e
5 a

3 1 had an argument
2 spend money
3 received a lot of presents
4 give presents
5 received some good advice

4 1 mustn’t
2 don’t have to
3 have to
4 must (have to)
5 must
6 mustn’t

5 1 don’t have to do
2 have to visit
3 mustn’t talk
4 must take off
5 must have
6 don’t have to bring

6 1 moved

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2 would go
3 had
4 would pass
5 didn’t learn
6 went

7 1 would buy / had

2 wouldn’t have to do / had
3 were / wouldn’t listen
4 didn’t live / would live
5 was / would go
6 went / would be

8 1 b
2 b
3 a
4 b
5 b
6 a
7 b

9 1 because they have seen them on television

2 130
3 Joseph Barbera

10 Students’ own answers

11 1 F
2 T
3 T
4 F
5 T
6 F
7 T

12 1 in the far north of Finland

2 minus 30 degrees
3 to see her new friends

13 Students’ own answers

Progress Test Extra Unit 8

1 1 shook
2 point
3 take off
4 be
5 jump
6 tells
7 interrupted
8 bring
9 click
10 kiss

2 1 argument
2 spend
3 presents
4 give
5 advice
6 time
7 truth / lies
8 fun
9 time

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3 1 mustn’t
2 must (have to)
3 mustn’t
4 must (have to)
5 mustn’t
6 don’t have to

4 1 don’t have to do
2 have to visit
3 mustn’t talk
4 must take off
5 must have
6 don’t have to bring

5 1 lived
2 would go
3 had
4 would pass
5 didn’t have
6 went

6 1 would buy / had

2 wouldn’t have to / had
3 were / wouldn’t listen
4 didn’t live / would live
5 was / would go
6 went / would be

7 1 New York
2 in Los Angeles
3 1940
4 1965
5 1992
6 seven

8 1 in a film studio
2 130
3 a dog (Spike)
4 Joseph Barbera

9 Students’ own answers

10 1 Finland
2 six months
3 near Helsinki (Espoo)
4 five
5 people will think you are very rude
6 take off your shoes

11 1 Because they are associated with death

2 Incredibly cold
3 Four or five words
4 In summer

12 Students’ own answers

Progress Test Basic Unit 9

1 1 went to
2 hit
3 play live
4 form
5 release

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2 1 playlist
2 music festival
3 recording studio
4 album cover
5 song lyrics

3 1 impossible
2 unfriendly
3 illegal
4 unreliable
5 unsupportive
6 unnecessary
7 unimaginative
8 imperfect
9 unhappy
10 unoriginal

4 1 are downloaded
2 are held
3 was invented
4 is played
5 was written
6 is spoken

5 1 c
2 f
3 b
4 e
5 a
6 d

6 1 was written
2 is spoken
3 was invented
4 were developed
5 is gown
6 are used

7 1 play
2 is watching
3 moved
4 was walking
5 will probably
6 has lived

8 1 was given
2 didn’t buy
3 were playing
4 are sitting
5 have been
6 go

9 1 F
2 T
3 F
4 T
5 F
6 T

10 1 b
2 b
3 a
4 a

11 1 Recently

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2 in
3 at the age of
4 just
5 ago

12 1 in
2 since
3 for
4 Later
5 at the moment

13 1 a
2 b
3 a
4 b
5 a

14 1 T
2 T
3 F
4 T
5 F

15 Students' own answers

Progress Test Standard Unit 9

1 1 form
2 record
3 release
4 go
5 play

2 1 band
2 single
3 lyrics
4 playlist
5 hit

3 1 impossible
2 impatient
3 unadventurous
4 unreliable
5 illegal
6 unimaginative
7 untrustworthy
8 unoriginal
9 illogical
10 unsupportive

4 1 are downloaded
2 are held
3 was invented
4 is played
5 was written
6 is spoken

5 1 A lot of cars are produced in Detroit.

2 Human was written by the Killers.
3 Rice is grown in China and Vietnam.
4 Kimonos are worn in Japan at weddings.
5 When are the doors locked?
6 When was this song recorded?

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6 1 Their first album was released last year.
2 Old records were made of vinyl.
3 The internet is used by millions of people every day.
4 How many songs are downloaded every day?
5 When was the band formed?
6 When was e-mail invented?

7 1 was given
2 learnt
3 formed
4 recorded
5 was downloaded
6 are writing

8 1 play
2 is watching
3 moved
4 was walking
5 will probably study
6 has lived

9 1 a
2 b
3 a
4 b
5 a
6 a
7 a

10 1 Because they all have the same family name

2 The brothers’ father
3 He couldn’t play the guitar.

11 Students’ own answers

12 1 T
2 T
3 F
4 F
5 T
6 T
7 F

13 1 more than 110 million copies

2 he has never heard of him
3 Eminem

14 Students’ own answers

Progress Test Extra Unit 9 Unit 9 Test Extra

1 1 form
2 music festival
3 go on tour
4 go
5 play

2 1 band
2 single
3 lyrics
4 playlist
5 hit

3 1 impossible

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2 impatient
3 unadventurous
4 unreliable
5 illegal
6 unimaginative
7 untrustworthy
8 unoriginal
9 illogical
10 unsupportive

4 1 are downloaded
2 was invented
3 is spoken
4 was released
5 is released
6 not allowed

5 1 A lot of cars are produced in Detroit.

2 Human was written by the Killers.
3 Rice is grown in China and Vietnam.
4 Kimonos are worn in Japan on special occasions.
5 The doors are locked at 10 o’clock.
6 This song was recorded two years ago.

6 1 Their first album was released last year.

2 Old records were made of vinyl.
3 The internet is used by millions of people every day.
4 How many songs are downloaded every day?
5 When was the band formed?
6 When was e-mail invented?

7 1 was given
2 learnt
3 formed
4 recorded
5 was downloaded
6 are writing

8 1 play (watch)
2 is watching
3 moved
4 was walking (was going)
5 will probably study
6 has lived

9 1 1999, Mt Juliet, Tennessee

2 They all have the same family name
3 The brothers’ father
4 He couldn’t play the guitar
5 In Europe
6 2003

10 1 Their concert was cancelled because of bad weather

2 Three
3 2008
4 Record of the year

11 Students’ own answers

12 1 Titanic
2 Celine Dion
3 Canada
4 Canada
5 Thriller
6 Candle in the Wind

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13 1 1982
2 more than 110 million copies
3 he has never heard of him
4 Claire

14 Students’ own answers

End-of-term Test Basic Units 1–3

1 1 go
2 play
3 play
4 go out
5 do
6 learn

2 1 researcher
2 technician
3 lawyer
4 journalist
5 postman
6 politician

3 1 bored
2 exciting / surprised
3 worried
4 tiring
5 frightened
6 annoyed
7 interesting

4 1 often go
2 is often
3 never goes
4 always do
5 are sometimes

5 1 go
2 are playing
3 is writing
4 writes
5 do

6 1 playing
2 learning
3 doing
4 drawing
5 going

7 1 were
2 were
3 did you have
4 wrote
5 was walking
6 arrived
7 When
8 was doing

8 1 am looking
2 wears
3 bought
4 was wearing
5 isn’t smiling
6 go

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7 didn’t go

9 1 F
2 F
3 T
4 T
5 F
6 T

10 1 b
2 b
3 b
4 a

11 1 so
2 Although
3 because
4 Although
5 so

12 Students’ own answers

13 1 a
2 a
3 b
4 b
5 b

14 1 F
2 F
3 T
4 T
5 F

15 Students’ own answers

End-of-term Test Standard Units 1–3

1 1 do
2 go
3 go out
4 play
5 chat
6 learn

2 1 bored
2 exciting
3 worried
4 tiring
5 frightening
6 annoyed
7 interesting
8 surprised

3 1 researcher
2 scientist
3 politician
4 postman
5 policewoman
6 fireman

4 1 often go
2 is often
3 never goes

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4 always do
5 are sometimes

5 1 go
2 are playing
3 is writing
4 writes
5 do

6 1 listening
2 learning
3 doing
4 visiting
5 watching

7 1 were
2 were playing
3 did you have
4 wrote
5 was walking
6 arrived
7 was talking
8 was doing

8 1 am looking
2 wears
3 bought
4 was wearing
5 isn’t smiling
6 go
7 went

9 1 b
2 a
3 b
4 b
5 b
6 b
7 b

10 1 Because it was Friday and the weekend was starting

2 Because he was tired
3 Near the river

11 Students’ own answers

12 1 F
2 F
3 T
4 T
5 F
6 T
7 F

13 1 Because the man waved at him to stop

2 Because the man didn’t thank him
3 Because the hotel was destroyed in a fire twenty years ago

14 Students’ own answers

End-of-term Test Extra Units 1–3

1 1 do
2 go

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3 go out
4 play
5 chat
6 learn

2 1 bored
2 exciting
3 worried
4 tiring
5 frightening
6 annoyed
7 interesting
8 surprised

3 1 researcher
2 scientist
3 politician
4 postman
5 policewoman
6 fireman

4 1 often go
2 is often
3 never buys
4 always do
5 are never

5 1 go
2 are playing
3 is writing
4 writes
5 do

6 1 listening
2 learning
3 doing
4 visiting
5 watching

7 1 were
2 played
3 did you have
4 read
5 was walking
6 arrived
7 was talking
8 wasn’t doing

8 1 works
2 travels
3 is working
4 went
5 was walking
6 saw
7 arrived

9 1 home
2 because it was Friday and the weekend was starting
3 because he was tired
4 a green nag
5 some papers, a mobile phone and a wallet
6 his father

10 1 to the police station

2 a policewoman

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3 near the river
4 because he was happy that Charlie found his bag

11 Students’ own answers

12 1 about 11 o’clock
2 home
3 it was raining
4 dark clothes and a black hat
5 by bus
6 because he was late and he missed the bus

13 1 because the man waved at him to stop

2 to the town
3 because there is no White Swan hotel
4 it was destroyed in a fore twenty years ago

14 Students’ own answers

End-of-term Test Basic Units 4–6

1 1 lighthouse
2 pyramid
3 castle
4 tomb
5 cave
6 cathedral

2 1 do
2 make
3 make
4 do
5 do
6 make
7 make

3 1 amazing
2 freezing
3 exhausted
4 delighted
5 terrifying
6 enormous
7 awful

4 1 bigger
2 the highest
3 easier
4 more difficult
5 most important
6 better
7 as
8 as cold as
9 too
10 didn’t have

5 1 has
2 Have
3 hasn’t
4 have your parents
5 been

6 1 for
2 for
3 since

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4 since
5 for

7 1 Have you been

2 went
3 has lived
4 have known
5 did you get up

8 1 a lot of
2 a few
3 much
4 some
5 any

9 1 F
2 F
3 T
4 T
5 T
6 F

10 1 b
2 b
3 b
4 a

11 1 First
2 Then
3 Next
4 After that
5 Finally

12 3, 5, 1, 4, 2
First I bought my train ticket to Cologne online.
Then I set off to the station at 6am.
Next I took a train to Paris.
After that I took another train from Paris to Cologne.
Finally I arrived at my hotel.

13 1 a
2 b
3 a
4 a
5 b

14 1 F
2 T
3 T
4 F
5 T

14 Students’ own answers

End-of-term Test Standard Units 4–6

1 1 coastline
2 lighthouse
3 pyramid
4 temple
5 ruins
6 cathedral

2 1 do

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2 do
3 do
4 make
5 make
6 do
7 do

3 1 amazing
2 freezing
3 exhausted
4 delighted
5 terrifying
6 enormous
7 awful

4 1 bigger
2 the highest
3 easier
4 more difficult
5 the most important

5 1 as big as
2 not as cold as
3 too
4 didn’t have
5 isn’t old enough

6 1 has finished
2 Have you read
3 hasn’t tidied
4 have … gone
5 hasn’t been

7 1 for
2 since
3 since
4 since
5 for

8 1 Have you been

2 went
3 has lived
4 have known
5 did you get up

9 1 a lot of
2 some
3 much
4 many
5 any

10 1 b
2 a
3 a
4 b
5 a
6 a
7 a

11 1 The Amazon
2 because the river is fill of snakes, fish and dangerous currents
3 completely exhausted

12 Students’ own answers

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13 1 T
2 F
3 T
4 F
5 T
6 T
7 F

14 1 Russia
2 three years ago
3 in winter (from November to April)

15 Students’ own answers

End-of-term Test Extra Units 4–6

1 1 coastline
2 lighthouse
3 pyramid
4 temple
5 ruins
6 cathedral

2 1 does
2 did
3 did
4 makes
5 makes
6 made
7 doing

3 1 tiny
2 freezing
3 delighted
4 awful
5 boiling
6 amazing
7 exhausted

4 1 bigger
2 the highest
3 the most important
4 better
5 more difficult

5 1 Manchester is not as big as London

2 In winter London is almost as cold as New York.
3 She didn’t buy that dress because it was too expensive.
4 I didn’t buy the computer because I didn’t have enough money.
5 She can’t drive because she isn’t old enough.

6 1 has finished
2 Have you read
3 hasn’t tidied
4 have … gone
5 hasn’t been

7 1 for
2 since
3 since
4 for
5 since

8 1 Have you been

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2 went
3 has lived
4 have known
5 did you have

9 1 many (a lot)
2 much
3 some (many. a lot of)
4 lot of
5 little

10 1 Slovenia
2 the Yangtze
3 5 hours
4 more than one year
5 half a year
6 the world record for non-stop swimming

11 1 because it is full of poisonous snakes, piranha fish and dangerous currents

2 because he thinks it is too easy
3 the Amazon
4 completely exhausted

12 Students’ own answers

13 1 Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Chile

2 for four years
3 December and January
4 South Africa
5 going on safari
6 last year

14 1 Louise
2 Russia
3 Spain, Italy and Turkey
4 Moscow and St Petersburg

15 Students’ own answers

End-of-term Test Basic Units 7–9

1 1 prediction
2 competition
3 excitement
4 equipment
5 suggestion
6 argument

2 1 gives
2 spend
3 had
4 tells
5 received
6 give
7 had
8 spend

3 1 illegal
2 untrustworthy
3 unadventurous
4 unimaginative
5 impractical
6 illogical

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4 1 will
2 Will you
3 won’t
4 will probably
5 are going
6 are you
7 am not going
8 have
9 is
10 will go

5 1 don’t have to
2 mustn’t
3 must (have to)
4 don’t have to
5 must (have to)

6 1 had
2 would
3 would win
4 didn’t have to
5 had

7 1 was made
2 is spoken
3 was invented
4 is grown
5 is used

8 1 play
2 found
3 was walking
4 have lived
5 am chatting

9 1 F
2 T
3 T
4 F
5 T
6 F

10 1 b
2 a
3 b
4 b

11 1 In addition (Furthermore)
2 However
3 Although
4 In addition (Furthermore)
5 Furthermore (In addition)

12 1 am writing
2 Although
3 In addition
4 Furthermore
5 faithfully

13 1 a
2 a
3 b
4 a
5 b

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14 1 F
2 T
3 F
4 T
5 F

15 Students’ own answers

End-of-term Test Standard Units 7–9

1 1 advertisements
2 predictions
3 enjoyment
4 decorations
5 competition
6 argument

2 1 tells lies
2 spend … money
3 had fun
4 time … spend
5 had an argument
6 received … presents
7 give … advice
8 give … presents

3 1 impatient
2 unreliable
3 illegal
4 untrustworthy
5 unoriginal
6 illogical

4 1 will arrive
2 won’t see
3 Will you be
4 probably won’t be
5 will definitely be

5 1 What are you going to do during the summer holidays?

2 It’s raining but I’m not going to stay at home all weekend.
3 If I have enough money, I’ll buy that new computer game/
4 What will you do at the weekend if the weather is bad?
5 If the weather is bad we will go to the cinema.

6 1 don’t have to go
2 mustn’t take
3 must (have to) buy
4 don’t have to do
5 must (have to) have

7 1 had
2 would go
3 would win
4 didn’t have to
5 had

8 1 Their new film was finished three months ago.

2 The internet is used by hundreds of millions of people every day.
3 How many films are downloaded every day?
4 When was television invented?
5 The band was formed in 1998.

9 1 received

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2 gave
3 have been
4 are writing
5 will probably

10 1 b
2 b
3 b
4 a
5 b
6 b
7 a

11 1 eight
2 charity work
3 Cleopatra

12 Students’ own answers

13 1 T
2 T
3 F
4 F
5 F
6 T
7 F

14 1 because she wanted to stay in the area where the people spoke French
2 because she’d like to see Montreal in the snow
3 so she can tell him more about her trip

15 Students’ own answers

End-of-term Test Extra Units 7–9

1 1 suggestion
2 argument
3 education
4 development
5 competition
6 decorations

2 1 had
2 received
3 spends
4 tell
5 had
6 give
7 received
8 telling

3 1 impractical
2 illegal
3 unhappy
4 imperfect
5 unnecessary
6 unfriendly

4 1 will arrive
2 won’t see
3 Will you be
4 won’t be
5 will do

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5 1 are you going to do
2 I’m not going to stay
3 If I have
4 the weather is bad
5 we will go

6 1 don’t have to go
2 mustn’t take
3 must buy (have to buy)
4 don’t have to do
5 must have (have to have)

7 1 had
2 would go
3 would win
4 didn’t have to go
5 wouldn’t be

8 1 Their new film was finished three months ago.

2 The internet is used by hundreds of millions of people every day.
3 How many films are downloaded from the internet every day?
4 When was television invented?
5 The band was formed in 1998.

9 1 was given
2 have played
3 (have) written
4 are working
5 will probably release

10 1 London
2 1939
3 He opened an art gallery
4 12
5 4 million dollars
6 Cleopatra

11 1 charity work
2 eight
3 three
4 2001

12 Students’ own answers

13 1 yesterday
2 three months
3 Montreal
4 Toronto and Ottawa
5 Ottawa
6 with a family

14 1 She went to French classes

2 because she wanted to stay in the area where the people spoke French
2 because she’d like to see Montreal in the snow
3 so she can tell him more about her trip

15 Students’ own answers

End-of-year Exam Basic Units 1–9

1 1 energetic
2 talkative
3 chat
4 store

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5 into
6 across
7 pack
8 send
9 organize
10 do

2 1 happily
2 well
3 carefully
4 fast
5 badly

3 1 soundtrack
2 win
3 release
4 point at
5 jump

4 1 plays
2 are your friends doing
3 watching
4 were
5 was having
6 when
7 the biggest
8 more beautiful
9 for
10 have you had

5 1 Have you been

2 went
3 have you known
4 met
5 have you lived

6 1 will do
2 will make
3 won’t buy
4 will write
5 won’t win

7 1 going to
2 many
3 a little
4 see
5 will go
6 would you
7 would travel
8 don’t have to
9 was written
10 was released

8 1 T
2 T
3 F
4 F
5 T
6 F

9 1 b
2 b
3 a
4 b

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10 1 because
2 so
3 because
4 because
5 so

11 1 Last summer my friends and I decided to raise some money for charity.
2 We all like cycling so we organised a sponsored cycle ride.
3 We also decided to make a charity CD.
4 We raised more than two hundred and fifty pounds.
5 Next Saturday we are going to wash cars.

12 1 b
2 b
3 a
4 a
5 a

13 1 T
2 T
3 F
4 F
5 F

14 Students’ own answers

End-of-year Exam Standard Units 1–9

1 1 energetic
2 talkative
3 chat
4 store
5 into
6 across
7 pack
8 send
9 organize
10 do

2 1 happily
2 well
3 carefully
4 fast
5 badly

3 1 soundtrack
2 win
3 release
4 point at
5 jump

4 1 plays
2 are your friends doing
3 watching
4 reading
5 were
6 was having
7 arrived
8 were walking
9 will probably travel
10 won’t win

5 1 Have you been

2 went

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3 have you known
4 met
5 have you lived

6 1 the biggest
2 more beautiful
3 interesting
4 longer
5 the most interesting

7 1 am going to buy
2 see
3 will go
4 would you do
5 would travel
6 don’t have to go
7 was written
8 was released
9 have lived
10 have you had

8 1 b
2 b
3 a
4 b
5 b
6 a
7 b

9 1 because of its geographical location

2 because of polar bears
3 because there is almost no crime

10 Students’ own answers

11 1 T
2 F
3 F
4 T
5 T
6 T
7 F

12 1 Mike and Beth

2 They are recording their second album
3 The USA

13 Students’ own answers

End-of-year Exam Extra Units 1–9

1 1 energetic
2 talkative
3 chat
4 store
5 into
6 across
7 pack
8 send
9 organize
10 do

2 1 happily
2 well

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3 carefully
4 fast
5 badly

3 1 click
2 win
3 release
4 take off
5 jump

4 1 plays
2 are you friends doing
3 watching
4 reading
5 were
6 was having
7 arrived
8 were walking
9 will probably travel
10 won’t win (hasn’t won)

5 1 Have you been

2 went
3 have you known
4 met
5 have you lived

6 1 the biggest
2 more beautiful
3 friendly
4 longer
5 the most interesting

7 1 am going to buy
2 see
3 will go
4 would you do
5 would travel
6 don’t have to go
7 was written
8 was released
9 have lived
10 have you had

8 1 in the Arctic Ocean half way between Norway and the North Pole
2 Spitsbergen
3 1586
4 minus 46 degrees Celsius
5 more than 2,500
6 coal mining, fishing and tourism

9 1 amazing green lights in the sky

2 skiing and travelling by snowmobile
3 because of polar bears
4 because there is almost no crime

10 Students’ own answers

11 1 14
2 They put an advertisement in the local newspaper
3 London
4 in a restaurant
5 in November
6 ten

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12 1 They are recording their second album
2 in June
3 the USA
4 Spain, Germany and Denmark

13 Students’ own answers

Key Competences Diagnostic Test

1 They like you for all your bad qualities and they accept your bad qualities.

2 1 Listen to you.
2 Sharing things and experiences.
3 Help you, no matter what.
4 Sara.
5 Mark and Misha.
6 Your lives are too different.

3 Students’ own answers

4 Michael swam 8km, for 10 hours, to the shoreline to get help for his friend John when their boat struck a
reef off the coast of Brisbane.

5 1 T
2 T
3 F
4 T
5 T
6 T

6 Students’ own answers

7 Students’ own answers

8 Students’ own answers

9 1 b
2 c
3 a
4 c
5 b
6 d

10 1 c
2 d
3 b
4 c
5 a
6 a

11 Students’ own answers

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