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Put yourself into the teacher shoes and reflect on how having a student
with a learning disability will change your life as a teacher?

If I put myself into the teacher's shoes in the movie. As a teacher for
students with learning disability, it will change my life by having a
perspective in life. Perspective that all the children or students are different.
They have their own talents and intelligence. Student with learning
disability is quite firm but, when student with learning disability learned a
lot by me as a teacher it will gives me so much joy and overflowing love. It
changes not only on my way of teaching but it also changes me on how to
value more and respect more the children, a person and a student with

2. Put yourself in the school administrators’ shoes and reflect on how are
you going to give a fair opportunity to all students in your school?

As a School Administrator I will give a fair opportunity to all students

in school by giving all the failed students a chance. A chance to study and to
learn. School Administrator should need to get at least one Psychology
teacher. It was be fair if it has a psychologist teacher because it gives a
chance to those students who has a mental problem, a disorder or having a
brain problem to tackle the things that they are want to share. That they
cannot share with some teachers. Or maybe a SPED teacher. Because a with
teacher with this kind of professionalism can only understand a student
with disability.

3. Put yourself into a parent’s shoes and reflect on how having a child with
learning disabilities will change your everyday life.

If I put myself into a parent’s shoes in the movie with children with
learning disability it will change my everyday life by having a lot of patience
and time. Patience, because children with disability is not like the others
kids who can understand faster. But for children with disability, we need to
give them a patience with love. Because they are special. It's not easy at all
but they are a blessing that we need to treasure.
Also, a time. It changes my everyday life by giving a lot of time with
child with disability. Time is so important for them because they need you,
they need your help and most specially your presence. They need a parent’s
presence to get rid of their fear. As a parent I've been doing a lot of things.
Doing chores and works. We can say that we can move freely, we have so
much time and we can do a lot of things if our children are normal. But,
having a child with disability. I need to give extra time and extra patient.
It's not easy but if we gave them that extra. They will back it to you extra
love that a normal person cannot give.

4. Explain the methods on the approaches that we're used in the movie
which shows a positive result in helping a child with learning disability?
Some methods approaches that we're used in the movie that shows a
positive result by helping a child with learning disability is by observation,
patience, trust and love. Observation because there is a lot of students that
sometimes a teacher cannot handle. But a teacher is not just only about
teaching how to write and read. But a teachers should also be an
observant. You'll never know that there is a student who has a disability like
the dyslexia. Next one is patience, patience to teach a student with
disability that who really wants to learn. Next is trust. Trust, teacher should
have a trust in their student with disability. You should trust their ability,
intelligence and uniqueness. If you gave them trust, they make sure that
they will do their best to learn.
And lastly is love, Love is the most important one. You must love a
child with disabilities with all your heart. Because like a normal child they
are also special. Special that gives you happiness and relaxing love. They
are not just a child with disabilities most importantly they not pest, rot, or a
curse. But they are too special. Innocent mind and positive person.

5. What are the learning disability characteristics shown in the film?

The learning disability characteristics shown in the film has two
characteristics. These are negative and positive. In negative it shown of
being hyper, problem in spelling, can't understand well, losing place in text,
cannot read and write. But, despite of these negative characteristics.
Children with learning disability has a positive characteristic that are too
special and it was by having a good imagination and a very loving heart.
They have their own talents like painting. I know a normal person can do
that too. But a person with disability is too special because despite of their
disabilities they can make a world more colorful and joyful. The imagination
of a person or children with disabilities are beautiful. They not see the world
us hideous. Their imagination is full of love.

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