Listening 70

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Listening 111

In this part of the test, you’will hear two different extracts. In each extracts, a
health professional is talking to a patient.
For question 1 to 24 complete the notes with information you hear.
Now, look at the notes for extract one.

Extract 1: Question 1 to 12

For question 1 to 12, complete the following notes with a word short phrases. You have 30
seconds to look at the notes

Patient : David Wilson Age : 58

Description of symptons :

• Had a septic(1)………………… and when consulted locally

• The diagnosis revealed elevated cardiac(2)………..
• Had some workup done from cardiac(3)………… which has been negative

Past medical history:

• Had pulmonary fibrosis & is on prednisone

• Oxygen dependent cellulitis status (4)…………..
• Surgery with infection recuperating from the same


• (5)…………. Supplementation
• Cyclobenzaprine Losartan 50mg daily
• (6) ………………. Supplementation


• Pulse rate of 94, blood pressure 98/57

• (7) …………..bilaterally clear
• Echocardiogram is normal (8) …………rhythm with wide complex
• (9)…………. Of 20.000
• Bicarbonate is 11
• Cardiac enzyme profile
• (10)………………….. 0.05
• Total Creatine Kinase 312

• Elevated cardiac enzyme profile without prior cardiac history possibly
• Due to sepsis and also acute(11)………..

Further diagnosis:

• An echocardiogram to assess left ventricle function to rule out any cardiac valvular
• Patient requires aggressive medical management including (12)………

Extract 2: Question 13 to 24

For question 13 to 24, complete the following notes with a word or short phrases. You have 30
seconds to look at the notes

Patient : Richard Harpin Age : 72

Description symptoms :

• He fell down 20 steps and he has lost his (13)……………

• He was evaluated by a local clinic and was (14)………….. at the time of examina

Past medical history :

• Right hemisphere (15)………. Last year with associated left hemiparesis & amaurosis fugax
• This was followed by a right coronary (16) …………… for 98% stenosiss
• Degenerative Joint Disease total replacement of (17)…………two years ago

Medications :

• (18)…………..0.125 mg once daily

• Salsalate(19) ……….. thrice a day

Family history of illness :

• Father expired of an myocardial (20) …………….at 70

• His mother died of complications of a (21)……………………….

Diagnosis :

• Physical examination – blood pressure 157/86

• Heart Rate and Irregular respiratory rate (22)………………..minute reflexes are symmetric
• Plantar responses were flexor bilaterally
• Cardiovascular regular rate & rhythm without murmur
• HEENT shows abrasion over the (23)…………..
• Extremity : distal right (24)…………………. And erythema just above the ankle

• Previous HCT scan reveals a left parietal Epidural Hematoma right lower extremity
revealed a

Part B
In this part of the test, you’ ll hear six different extracts. In each extract, you’ ll hear
people talking in a different healthcare environment.
For questions 25 to 30 choose the answer A, B or C which fits best according to what you
hear. You’ ll have time to read each question before you listen to the audio. Complete
the answers as you listen the audio.
Now look at Question 25.

25. You here a discussion between a doctor and nurse about Spastic cerebral palsy and its
classifications. in which type of spastic cerebral palsy, the patients will have a scissors gait?

A. Spastic tetraplegia
B. Spastic diplegia
C. Spastic hemiplegia

26. You hear a discussion between a doctor and nurse about different dose-rates of
brachytherapy. which one of the following radiation therapies involve the use of remote after
loading machine?

A. Low – rate brachytherapy

B. Pulsed dose-rate brachytherapy
C. High dose-rate brachytherapy

27. You hear a discussion between a doctor and nurse about bariatric surgery. Which one of
the following surgeries ivolves rerouting of the small intestines to prevent food absorption?

A. Roux -en-Y gastric Bypass

B. Biliopancreatic Diversion with a Duodental Switch
C. Adjustable Gastric Banding

28. You hear a discussion between a doctor and nurse about oral lichen planus lesions.
Irregular painful ulcers covered by a yellowish pseudo membrance of fibrin is a characteristics

A. Bullous type
B. Erosive type
C. Reticular type

29. You hear a discussion between a doctor and nurse about the autoimmune diseases that
affect the blood and blood vessels. The autoimmune disease that damages the platelets is

A. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura

B. Polyarteritis nodosa
C. Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome

30. You hear a discussion between a doctor and nurse about different types of blosensing
elements. Which one of the following biosensing elements is sensitive to changes in potential

A. Antidoies
B. Enzyme
C. Microorgsnisms

Part C
In this part of the test, you’ll hear two different extracts. In each extract, you’ll hear
health professionals is taking about specific aspects of their work.
For questions 31 to 42, choose the answer A, B or C which fits best according to what
you hear. Complete you answers as you listen the audio.
Now look at extract one.

Extract 1 : Question 31 to 36

You have 90 seconds to read the question 31 to 36

31. Which of the following give rise to blood cells?

A. Peripheral blood stem cells

B. Hematopoietic stem cells
C. Bone marrow cells
32. Which of the following is not a source of stem cells for bone marrow transplant?

A. Hematopoietic stem
B. Peripheral blood
C. Bone marrow

33. Stem cells are harvested, from either bone marrow or blood and then frozen in

A. Cord blood transplant

B. Allogeneic bone marrow transplant
C. Autologous bone marrow transplant

34. Which of the following does not involve a donor?

A. Synergic bone marrow transplant
B. Allogeneic bone marrow transplant
C. Autologous bone marrow transplant

35. Which one of the following bone marrow procedures has the risk of graft rejection?

A. Autologousbone marrow transplant

B. Allogeneic bone marrow transplant
C. Syngeneic bone marrow transplant

36. The factor called human leukocyte antigen system is used in

A. Allogeneic bone marrow transplant

B. Autologous bone marrow transplant
C. Cord blood transplant

Extract 2 : Question 37 to 42

You have 90 seconds to read the question 37 to 42

37. Which of the following statements is correct?

A. Sarcoma may involve bone fractures

B. Li- Fraumeni syndrome is a type of sarcoma
C. Most of the patients with Paget’s disease may develop bone cancer

38. Which of the following statement is correct?

A. Osteoblasts dissolve the particles of bone and cause resorption

B. Osteoclasts form the bone by laying down bone material
C. Chondrocytes make the cartilage

39. Which of the cancer cells look like early forms of bone cells that make new bonetissue?

A. Spindle cell sarcoma

B. Ewing’s sarcoma
C. Osteosarcoma

40. The bone cancer that can grow in cartilage or the nerves is?

A. Ewing’s sarcoma
B. Osteogenic sarcoma
C. Spindle cell sarcoma

41. Which of the following is a connective tissue tumor?

A. Ewing’s sarcoma
B. Spindle cell sarcoma
C. Chondrosarcoma

42. The bone cancer that can form in scapula is

A. Chondrosarcoma
B. Spindle cell sarcoma
C. Ewing’s sarcoma

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