Term Letter

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Nadhiya Nazarudeen Rajeena Beevi

171 Parliament Road

United Kingdom

03 March 2023

To whom it may concern

19535971 Nadhiya Nazarudeen Rajeena Beevi (ELIGIBILITY TO WORK)

I confirm Nadhiya Nazarudeen Rajeena Beevi (date of birth 02/Dec/1998)enrolled at Teesside

University as a UKVI Sponsored Student on MSc Food Science and Biotechnology (with Advanced
Practice) with a start date
of 17/Jan/2022 studying full time and is expected to complete by 19/Jan/2024.
International UKVI Sponsored Students must adhere to the work permission stated on their visa, which
is restricted to 10 or 20 hours per week during term time, depending on the course for which UKVI leave
was granted, and permitted to work full time outside of term time.
The definition of a week specifically for the purposes of work is a 7-day period from Monday to
Sunday. UKVI Sponsored Students cannot be self-employed or engage in any business activity.

The vacation and term periods for their course (published so far) are:

Spring break: 3-21 April 2023

Summer break: 22 May - 22 September 2023
Winter break: 18 December 2023 - 5 January 2024
The term dates are also available to view on the University’s website –

I hope this information is useful, however please contact me if you require any further details.

Yours faithfully

Emily Cooney
Assistant Administrator (UKVI Student Sponsorship)

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